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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Welcome abydosorphan!! Oh, we only have extra-absorbancy bibs here! They work pretty well. But grab a bucket if you'd like!

    The choice is yours:

    If you don't like those buckets, Mac will bring you another one.

    Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


    sig by Mala50. You rock.


      Originally posted by Mala50
      Rural! You LOVE whumped?? Did I miss a memo?

      Well, I've got a Whumped Jack for you.... he's rather helpless looking.... bordering on breathless.... and as Oz would say, he seems, O....stunned...
      I mean, I think it's a good pic - that is, if you're into that "comfort" sort of thing.....

      From Prodigy:

      I was looking at this picture and thinking, “of course he looks stunned, he just got zatted”.
      Then it struck me, once again, how GOOD an actor the man is. While we say, “Jack got zatted,” and think nothing of his reaction, RDA did not get hit with a charge from a fictitious weapon. He got to lay on the floor, surrounded by crew and with a camera in his face, and be told “OK, you got zatted. Now, ACTION.”
      Every reaction we attribute to things happening to Jack are really the products of the man’s consummate skill as an actor.

      (of course, even knowing this (especially knowing this), Mac / Jack / RDA in any incarnation is SOOOO droolworthy and thunkable.)

      The SIG says it all.
      You're never too old to do something goofy.
      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


        Originally posted by Anakin
        Dang! And I thought I was soooo subtle!

        ... NOT...
        oh, this reminds me of a series of pix some of us did a while ago where we were "just admiring his pants"!

        Lots of subtlety then, too!

        I think "NICE PANTS!" was the comment. This was one:

        I've got some more somewhere... I'm sure that you and others here can find some more to share.


          Originally posted by Mala50
          I agree! Well you know she hasn't been quite right since she
          hit her head in GRACE! I mean who could turn down this vision for that Spud??

          Hey, since we're putting up Affinity pix, why not another? (if this is a spoiler for anyone, I'll take it down!)

          Wishing someone like this would show up at my place and interrupt my work!
          Well I am a stay at home parent. Do you think he does windows? Do you think I care?


            Originally posted by Mala50
            Rural! You LOVE whumped?? Did I miss a memo?

            Well, I've got a Whumped Jack for you.... he's rather helpless looking.... bordering on breathless.... and as Oz would say, he seems, O....stunned...
            I mean, I think it's a good pic - that is, if you're into that "comfort" sort of thing.....

            From Prodigy:

            Oh the man so needs some love and tender care. No cuts on the line ladies!

            Originally posted by Jynjyr
            I was looking at this picture and thinking, “of course he looks stunned, he just got zatted”.
            Then it struck me, once again, how GOOD an actor the man is. While we say, “Jack got zatted,” and think nothing of his reaction, RDA did not get hit with a charge from a fictitious weapon. He got to lay on the floor, surrounded by crew and with a camera in his face, and be told “OK, you got zatted. Now, ACTION.”
            Every reaction we attribute to things happening to Jack are really the products of the man’s consummate skill as an actor.

            (of course, even knowing this (especially knowing this), Mac / Jack / RDA in any incarnation is SOOOO droolworthy and thunkable.)
            Well said Jynjyr. As much as we all lust and drool I know for me part of the attraction has always been the man behind the characters. RDA is a much better actor than he seems to understand and that self effacing quality as much as his obvious sex appeal keeps me coming back for more.


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Thanks, Rural for sharing those! Now Michelle, he's already been swept up - I'm already offering him shelter and 'comfort' at my place....

              But you know, he'll always have eyes for Sam! (the sap! )

              From Evol.2 - he's so happy to see her...

              From Death Knell - offering her comfort...
              Mala I am always happy to promote your work. THUNKS muchly for the above offerings.


                Okay Gals

                here's another piccy from the same ep as mishy's!

                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  Okay Gals

                  here's another piccy from the same ep as mishy's!


                  Yummy i think we'd all agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    This is from the first season episode 1.06 - trumbo's world which I saw a few weeks ago.

                    It is THE most thunkable RDA has ever looked. For the first five minutes of the show, as he's wearing is that towel!

                    Not for an old bag like myself! LOL I think the way RDA has looked during
                    these past 6 seasons has been his most thunkable. I think he looks fantastic
                    nicely matured, in all areas. Yum yummmmmmmmmmmmm.

                    (Well, I have a thing -- yes, *that* thing -- for older men. Maybe it's
                    because their eyesight is a bit poorer, so I can stand a chance with them.

                    If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                    appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                    full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                    in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                      Originally posted by OzGirl
                      Not for an old bag like myself! LOL I think the way RDA has looked during
                      these past 6 seasons has been his most thunkable. I think he looks fantastic
                      nicely matured, in all areas. Yum yummmmmmmmmmmmm.

                      (Well, I have a thing -- yes, *that* thing -- for older men. Maybe it's
                      because their eyesight is a bit poorer, so I can stand a chance with them.
                      I agree! (from one old bag to another!)

                      For me, RDA/JACK is hotter today than in any of his Mac years......

                      Bad eyesight and bad knees?! What better way to catch them!!

                      Mac or this guy today? I'll take this one!



                        Originally posted by Jynjyr
                        I was looking at this picture and thinking, “of course he looks stunned, he just got zatted”.
                        Then it struck me, once again, how GOOD an actor the man is. While we say, “Jack got zatted,” and think nothing of his reaction, RDA did not get hit with a charge from a fictitious weapon. He got to lay on the floor, surrounded by crew and with a camera in his face, and be told “OK, you got zatted. Now, ACTION.”
                        Every reaction we attribute to things happening to Jack are really the products of the man’s consummate skill as an actor.

                        (of course, even knowing this (especially knowing this), Mac / Jack / RDA in any incarnation is SOOOO droolworthy and thunkable.)

                        The SIG says it all.
                        Yes, you and Susan Ewokmonster say it all with that phrase. It's the acting.

                        But seriously, I think RDA has greatly improved since his Mac days. Yes,
                        I do think he needed some improvement. His ability to say so much more
                        with his facial expressions, or the tone of his voice (even when he says
                        a simple line such as "No", which the DVD narrators pointed out on the
                        "Paradise Lost" clip), or his body language -- brings a whole new interest
                        in linguistics for me -- has really matured. He brings a lot of esperience
                        into the O'Neill role. And I think none of the others can play pain as
                        well as RDA/Jack, really. I think RDA's eyes show a lot more as Jack
                        than they did as Mac. To me, Mac was a more physical role with not
                        as much real emotion. (LOVED the way he kissed his women, though!!!)
                        This RDA shows admiration, distrust, disdain, anger, trust, a real tenderness
                        at times, command mode, steely determination, sadness, pain, pride
                        -- you name it.

                        When O'Neill shows emotion, even subtely, it has an underlying fire.
                        Well, RuralStar wrote it before, I think -- RDA brings a real passion to
                        the character. That was my favorite part of the O'Neill person.
                        I mean, besides his caustic wit!!

                        But that's not the part for which I LUST! LOL

                        Sure, I mess around in the shallow world of hussydom -- all in fun and
                        fancy, of course. But I truly do admire RDA the actor in this role. It
                        hooked me on the show, RDA's acting did, and he was the glue that
                        made me stick with it.

                        **shudders ** Ooooooooo, it's like I've seen my own clone, being all
                        serious and such. Spooky! I MUST get back to shallowness, before
                        I shrivel up into the intellectual hell that is my real life. hee hee

                        Where's that feather boa when I need it?

                        If by "fond" you mean droolworthy, hummable, coma-causing, breath-stealing, lustful, libidinous
                        appreciation of the First Hussy Magnitude for Jack & his splendid, dirty, sweaty, sun-kissed, lithe-fingered,
                        full-bottom-lipped, lickable-eared, agile-tongued, long-necked, silver-haired, gracefully moving body
                        in all its fantasmagorical glory, then--- yes. I am also "fond." -- OzGirl


                          I think Bev stole it
                          *watches as Bev twirls Oz's boa around*

                          in all seriousness, I think you're right about RDA's "maturation" as an actor. We get so much from him, even in the stills (which we can coincidentally thunk over) there is so much emotion and body language.
                          Luckily it's Friday, so I can watch and admire lots of that body language tonight on TV


                            What I wouldn't give to see a front view of this smile... <sigh>

                            Obviously the photographer was a man who didn't realize we need to see his face when he's smiling like that.
                            Furlings, they sound cute. Like Ewoks. --- SG-1


                            sig by Mala50. You rock.


                              Originally posted by OzGirl
                              Yes, you and Susan Ewokmonster say it all with that phrase. It's the acting.

                              But seriously, I think RDA has greatly improved since his Mac days. Yes,
                              I do think he needed some improvement. His ability to say so much more
                              with his facial expressions, or the tone of his voice (even when he says
                              a simple line such as "No", which the DVD narrators pointed out on the
                              "Paradise Lost" clip), or his body language -- brings a whole new interest
                              in linguistics for me -- has really matured. He brings a lot of esperience
                              into the O'Neill role. And I think none of the others can play pain as
                              well as RDA/Jack, really. I think RDA's eyes show a lot more as Jack
                              than they did as Mac. To me, Mac was a more physical role with not
                              as much real emotion. (LOVED the way he kissed his women, though!!!)
                              This RDA shows admiration, distrust, disdain, anger, trust, a real tenderness
                              at times, command mode, steely determination, sadness, pain, pride
                              -- you name it.

                              When O'Neill shows emotion, even subtely, it has an underlying fire.
                              Well, RuralStar wrote it before, I think -- RDA brings a real passion to
                              the character. That was my favorite part of the O'Neill person.
                              I mean, besides his caustic wit!!

                              But that's not the part for which I LUST! LOL

                              Sure, I mess around in the shallow world of hussydom -- all in fun and
                              fancy, of course. But I truly do admire RDA the actor in this role. It
                              hooked me on the show, RDA's acting did, and he was the glue that
                              made me stick with it.

                              **shudders ** Ooooooooo, it's like I've seen my own clone, being all
                              serious and such. Spooky! I MUST get back to shallowness, before
                              I shrivel up into the intellectual hell that is my real life. hee hee

                              Where's that feather boa when I need it?
                              Oz I always said you could turn a phrase. Very well put.

                              I would like to add by way of clarification that my personal interest in the Mac years has alot to do with how old I was and what was going on in my life at that time. I did and I still do find him exceedingly hot as Angus MacGyver. I do agree however, that RDA's acting has improved markedly since he assumed the role of Jack O'Neill. With the exception of a few gems MacGyver was not a great acting challenge.

                              Now back to our regularly scheduled lust!


                                Okay keeping my fingers crossed that the mods don't slap me for the size of this puppy...

                                Bev...don't say it....

