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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Oh, the lip! The lip!

    *pressure of inevitable SQUEE building*


      This stuff is good for you, y'know




          Originally posted by L-JADE
          RURAL, I just gotta ask, who' s the guys at your sig ?
          I squint and squint only to recognize : Kiefer, RDA & Mark, who's the guy on the left (Scott Bacula ??) and on the right ??

          By the way :
          [OT] Kiefer totally rock on 24 !!, the finale was awesome *sigh* January is sooo long.... [/OT]

          Back to regular thunking :

          The hand that hold the zat is the hand that gonna hurt ya !

          thanks to whoever I snurched it from
          LOL, the hand that's gonna hurt ya! Love it.

          The guy on the far left is Chris Bruno and the guy on the far right is Anthony Michael Hall. Both are from The Dead Zone. I've become a huge fan of that series. Yes 24 was awesome last night!

          And now back to THE MAN in charge here


            And of course some coffee to finish

            Okay, breakfast's over and not a single Wheatie, Frostie or blob of oatmeal was spilled, hope you enjoyed it ('specially you Kliggins) ^_^



              My LJ


                Originally posted by L-JADE
                Thanks Klig, sadly I don't have cable... though I saw a few episode of Dead Zone...
                am thinking of getting cable now, season 9 seems interesting... but cable always turn me into couch potato... *sigh* really don't want to go back to that addiction...
                I don't have cable either L-JADE. Bless my mother for being a scifi fan from way back and sharing her addiction with me. I'm catching up with DZ via dvds. Buying season three this week I hope.

                As for being a couch potato, oh yes I can understand that. Until hubs last raise we couldn't afford cable either. Can now but I won't be for quite a while yet. Those reruns will belt you to the chair in two seconds flat!

                I love Show and Tell


                  Originally posted by Rune
                  And of course some coffee to finish

                  Okay, breakfast's over and not a single Wheatie, Frostie or blob of oatmeal was spilled, hope you enjoyed it ('specially you Kliggins) ^_^

                  I'm sitting here all alone with my coffee and my computer.... DAMN I wish he were staring at me across the kitchen table! THUNKs Rune


                    *slides down and hits the wall-HARD*

                    RMC: Okay, I'm not cleaning this up.
                    RJC: Yeah, yeah whatever. Come along sweets.

                    *Wonders if anyone will notice I used the word HARD in this post*


                      MAC ATTACK!


                        RuralStar: I'm sitting here all alone with my coffee and my computer.... DAMN I wish he were staring at me across the kitchen table! THUNKs Rune
                        *grins* and breakfast would roll on into lunch and lunch would roll on into supper and before you knew it, it'd be time for bed again. Sounds like a good day to me

                        Last edited by Rune; 24 May 2005, 03:54 AM.


                          Those call for a triple- THUNK!!!
                          Thanks Rural....


                          My LJ


                            Originally posted by Ruralstar


                            *Wonders if anyone will notice I used the word HARD in this post*
                            I would like to say no I didn't notice but that would be lying. To be honest with you, I haven't been the same since Jynjyr posted THIS yesterday *goes back to besotted staring & drooling*


                              The Man in blue light..


                              My LJ


                                Originally posted by ivy714
                                Thunks Ivy

                                What is it about blue light that makes those caps so thunkable?

