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RDA/Jack O'Neill Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by dmovies
    A little off the subject, but....did anyone notice Michael Shanks comment during the ScFi previews of season 9-that the new characters are going to breathe new life into the show. Am I the only one that thought the show was just fine with RDA?
    You're not the only one dmovies. I feel very sad when they all say how wonderful things now are, and how it's better than ever, the show will go from strength to strength...blah...blah...blah!


      Originally posted by ivy714
      There is not one thing in this pic that I don't like! Black Shirt, intense eyes, wonderful arms.....neck...if you are learning from Mei Mei....



        Ancient Knowledge!!!!

        Jack is pondering what to give you!



          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          Ivy, us hussies must stick together and get our daily dose of sticky-up hair!
          I love these pics!
          Thats right! I love the sticky-up hair

          Here's a little more


          My LJ


            Originally posted by Jynjyr
            I am, I am. *jumps up and down, waving her arms*

            Can't get any closer than this!!!! Love the Paradise Lost can just get lost and .....THUNK! You're's addictive!



              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              Welcome to the gutter dblduchess!
              I'd like to wish you and AncientKnowledge

              That is a great pic to have as your favourite!
              I'm going to steal these good wishes from Bev....because....well, just because! I like the way she says it!!!!!!

              Welcome dblduchess and happy birthday from the gutter to you and AncientKnowledge---who's already real comfy in the gutter!!!!!
              Desperate Thunker


                Originally posted by Rune
                I'm in the dark ages, sorry, the UK so I haven't seen the preview but hearing that and seeing CJ's comments on the GW frontpage about S9 being like a 'brand new show' ... well enough said. Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against the rest of the cast at all, I've loved all the main chars from seasons 1 thru to 8 but for me SG-1 is, was and always shall be RDA / Jack O'Neill and without him it's more SGC than anything else. [/]

                Okay so things change, I can accept that as that's the way of the world, but I already miss Jack and being the stubborn whatnot I am I'm having a struggle not to built up a S9 prejudice before it even airs here.

                *sniffs* I miss Jack already.
                *double sniffs* between you and dmovies now I'm all sad. Guess I'll just have to thunk a little harder! I will miss our Jack so very much! I know I'll just keep waiting for his cute little self to come around a corner with some smart remark! Darn it! I am really depressing myself now!

                off critter runs to dig through Tame's piccies for some good thunkin'
                Desperate Thunker


        's our honey coming around the corner!

                  Thanks for the piccie Tame!
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by Kliggins
                    Hmmmm, maybe something else for breakfast might work better while thunking.
                    Mel, maybe you could fit in a little nap so you can stay up and play later/earlier.


                    Rune, didn't we have "the talk" about thunking while eating or drinking?
                    HEH! I just realised that Jack LIFT his eyebrow here, must have pick-up from Teal'c... cool !
           : lilferret


                      LOOK!!!! Here he is coming round the corner again.....

                      Thanks go to Tame for the picture
                      Desperate Thunker


                        Here is our beloved yet again, coming to save the day!

                        Picture from Tame's collection, in case you forgot!
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by Critter
                          I'm going to steal these good wishes from Bev....because....well, just because! I like the way she says it!!!!!!

                          Welcome dblduchess and happy birthday from the gutter to you and AncientKnowledge---who's already real comfy in the gutter!!!!!
                          *shakes head* Tsk, tsk Critter. You just like the "tooter" the wee smilie has!


                            I just love the way Jack protects the gutter!!!!

                            Thanks Tame for letting me slobber all over your pictures!
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              *shakes head* Tsk, tsk Critter. You just like the "tooter" the wee smilie has!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by Critter
                                *double sniffs* between you and dmovies now I'm all sad. Guess I'll just have to thunk a little harder! I will miss our Jack so very much! I know I'll just keep waiting for his cute little self to come around a corner with some smart remark! Darn it! I am really depressing myself now!

                                off critter runs to dig through Tame's piccies for some good thunkin'
                                ((((((((Critter)))))))) c'mere...

