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    JM is on. Not viewing our thread, though.

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


      Originally posted by nickatell
      What can I say to a bunch of people who listen to what I have to say even though they may not agree with it, help pick me up when I am down with their ideas, make me laugh every single day even when I don't feel like laughing. This is the best family to belong to. I have shipped for other couples but never on-line and to think for my first shippy family I got the best, well what can I say. I so look forward to all of the pictures, videos, and your ideas everyday. There is so much comfort after watching a Stargate episode and then coming on-line and reading how someone felt exactly like you did when Sam said that or Jack did that, it gives one a sense of belonging and for that all of you should be proud. You overwhelm me with how talented you all are but what I think strikes me the most about this family is our compassion, both for Sam and Jack and for each other. I know Stargate is just a television show but the relationship between Jack and Sam is more than just that. I think their love for one another is a love that most of us, if not all of us are searching for or some of us may have and want others to have. We are sad when they are sad, we are lost when they are lost (Grace...), but we also feel the depth of their love for one another and that is why it has become so important to us, they complete each other.
      So from the bottom of my heart I wish all of you a very Happy Ship Day and tighten those strps we are in for a bumpy ride that I know will end the only way it was meant to be SAM AND JACK TOGETHER
      That was beautiful, Nickatell... and I couldn't agree more.





        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Yes it's good "Die another day" ...I used to like it .. love it actually .

        ...but.... I may have overdone it with the transitions or special effects if you like .. On the other hand ..may be the transitions make the video what it is. not sure!!!!Anyway I's a nice one.

        It's a fast track and you have to be quick to change scenes wich is very difficult to do..specially when the background music is important to follow as well .. But it was a real challenge ..let me tell you

        Thank you S'Claire .

        Actually, one of the best transitions in that one is the explosions that circle...right on beat I believe and really nicely.....Of course you love them as the idea develops...but by the end of the editing process your sick of the song, sick of the to watch the first time through...and then want to move on quickly....that's the danger of being creative and putting wonderful videos together! My favorite part when I have put videos together is when people notice the tiny force shields hitting right as one of the sounds in the song resonates perfectly!

        You do that very well!!! And also....did you see Die Another Day....full of cliches and overdone a way you did quite a nod to the Bond film itself!


          Originally posted by majorsal
          I loved that kiss too! My two fave things about it are the neck stroking and AUSam tugging on Jack's bottom lip with her own... *sighs* Whether it was AUSam/Jack or not, it was AT and RDA doing the kissing... *sighs*

          Happy Ship Day!


          Token ~


            Hey, I just noticed I've been promoted, too! Promotions all around! Mature Symbiote, yea! I'm just not too thrilled at the prospect of becoming Jaffa Fodder soon. Hmm...well, you've gotta go through basic training before you set foot in the Academy, so I guess it's worth it.

            So we're in the 910's now! Inching closer...


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              My boss is a geriatric neurologist, and works with patients like your Grandma a lot. At least you can take comfort in their long lives, and the memories you have of them.
              Have MG pour you a drink (watch out for the alcohol level tho!), and Ship Sistah has generously provided us with lots of yummy food options
              Thanks kiwigater. I wasn't planning on getting all sentimental tonight, but it is all rainy and yucky here, and my mood went south with that post. Where is MG? A good STIFF drink sounds like a great idea!

              yes, I did say stiff


                Originally posted by sacme
                JM is on. Not viewing our thread, though.
                Too bad....what a day to visit us!!!


                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  Good thing I was there to break your fall!!!! Been down here in the gutter for awhile now.
                  OOPS! Sorry, hope I didn't hurt anyone on my fall back down!


                    Originally posted by sacme
                    Time for dessert/late night feeding!! Cake? Chocolate? YES!

                    and for you health-nuts

                    ship sistah
                    In just a minute or two, I'm going to the kitchen & make home-made chocolate ice cream. And it's all mine ('cause my husband's diabetic)! MINE MINE MINE!!! :::wild giggles:::

                    I made the custard base yesterday so it would be ready for my dessert on Ship Day. All I need now are some RDA sprinkles on top...Oh, uh, sorry, wrong thread....

                    Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever received. - Lorien


                      Originally posted by meimei
                      Having only four legged children, I don't trust myself on ratings.
                      What kind of 4 legged children.....Me and the Hubbie have 4-4 legged children...all golden retrievers......A,B, C and D



                        ;p[dleklse'G . m ldr;kAZL'?sz

                        Uh oh! Skittle (my pup) wanted in on the action. She saw Jack on the screen and had to jump up on my lap to post


                          Originally posted by Mala50

                          Sorry if I distracted you all with my whipped cream pic....I've been looking through my folders for S/J pix and for some reason I just get sidetracked gazing at Jack...

                          I'll try to behave... I promise...

                          sheesh! he doesn't believe me either!

                          ok,ok, back to SAM and Jack....
                          MAAAALLLLLLAAAA!!!!! What are you doing to us??!!

                          Oh well, Jack needs a bath, and I've got the bubbles!

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer

                            Shipanzee: attraction at the Shipper Zoo
                            Shipmunk: common mammal in The Happy Place Park
                            Shipping sparrow: common bird in same place
                            Ship: farm animal used to keep grass short in the park
                            German Shipherd, Australian Shipherd, Old English Ship Dog: popular
                            pets in Shipper Town (Jack likes the second one)
                            Shipel: where Sam and Jack will get married
                            Shiplain: who will marry them
                            Shipeau: what best man Teal'c will wear to cover his gold tattoo
                            Shipish: how best man Daniel will feel when sneezes during the vows
                            Shipped beef on toast: popular lowcost lunch at the Shipper Sipper
                            Grill (Jack calls it S on S and refuses to order it)
                            Shiptalk: common conversation over the above lunch
                            Shippatty: favorite Indian item on the menu
                            Shipin: Sam's favorite composer
                            Shippendale: Sam's favorite furniture style
                            Shippendales: will perform at the bachelorette party (Teal'c and
                            Daniel will infiltrate the group and be the hits of the party. Sam
                            will be glad Jack didn't do that--she wants all of him for her eyes
                            Shipskin: what all Shippers will receive after this day--they've earned

                            HAPPY SHIPPING!!
                            Awesome contribution to the Shipper Town RC Information Center! Thanks for putting in the time and imagination for that. (((((gatetrixer))))) (((((shippers)))))

                            ship sistah
                            so happy to be a part of this family!

                            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                              Originally posted by Token
                              MAAAALLLLLLAAAA!!!!! What are you doing to us??!!

                              Oh well, Jack needs a bath, and I've got the bubbles!
                              Oh no...we'll be back to talking about his loofah!!!!


                                Originally posted by getcarter
                                Too bad....what a day to visit us!!!
                                How can you tell who is online and what threads they are looking at?

