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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    The lullaby of Shipper Town

    C'mon along and listen to
    The lullaby of Shipper Town
    TPTB can go get lost
    Because this town is just for us

    The rumble of the Shipper Bus
    The rattle of Nana's baking trays
    The gurgling from MG's bar
    And the grill and harbour

    When the shipper bus hits BC
    It's early in the season
    Shipper town people don't give up till RST!!!!!
    Goodbye Pete, Penguins are on their way
    Goodbye Kerry, so sad that you can't stay away

    C'mon along and listen to
    The lullaby of Shipper town
    Where penguins can come and play
    All through the Holiday

    The rumble of the Shipper Bus
    The cheers from the Cineplex
    The party at the bar and grill
    The Shippers are here to stay!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      It's snowing!

      Yesterday I had the windows open and flip flops on. Kept the windows open all night. And now its cold and snowing!!!

      2 things I can't wait for. Threads and summer!
      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


        We didn't really get much snow.

        I think the southeas of England got our weather for a change. What was freak weather conditions for the south is the norm in the north.

        I've thought of a cute S/J scenario now!

        Sam and Jack have a snowball fight and make snow angels, then go in get dried off and then just sit all wrapped up and cuddle each other!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by sueKay
          We didn't really get much snow.

          I think the southeas of England got our weather for a change. What was freak weather conditions for the south is the norm in the north.

          I've thought of a cute S/J scenario now!

          Sam and Jack have a snowball fight and make snow angels, then go in get dried off and then just sit all wrapped up and cuddle each other!
          I'm having a hard time embracing any scenario with snow. How about running down a beach, up the steps of their beach house, with a nice sea breeze blowing through the windows.

          whaaaaaaaaaaaaa, its snowing.
          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


            Shipper family round-up

            Di (goneshippin') says hi and she'll be back soon
            MadGater's still jobhunting, but will take a look in
            Col Aga's really busy with RL and college, but she's planning on posting again soon!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Okay gang...

              I want to know...

              A. What you think the most angsty S/J moment is?
              B. What the most serene or calm moment is?
              C. What the sexiest moment is?

              Well gang????
              Well, I'm a little late chiming in... got lost working.. and working and working and working....

              But I get to stay home All Day today! Yay!

              So as a was reading backwards thru the thread, i saw all the replies to this, and finally got back to the original... First, I want to say, Bravo SueKay, for inspiring some brilliant shippy posts!

              Now for my fave's...

              A) Angstiest Shippy moment... That is now a dead-locked tie. My first favorite is Season Four's Entity. Jack sitting at Sam's bedside after he killed her. My heart breaks for him every time I see it. And that was the cumination of the giant ship-arc which ran through Seasons Three and Four. It was a rather dramatic turning point in Sam & Jack's relationship. After the events of that episode, the two of them took a major step back into their proper military roles.

              After this last year, another scene has ranked right up next to Entity for most dramatic, angst ridden turning point in Sam & Jack's relationship:
              The lab scene in A$$inity. I have replayed that one scene more than any other in all of my shippy clips collection. Usually preceeded by the confession scene in Divide & Conquer. I've been trying to get into Sam's head and figure out what possible rationale could have led her to say "Yes" after everything... Everything she has shared with Jack. Most people seem to focus on the aspect of her taking two weeks to decide to accept. I think it took Sam the two weeks to summon the courage to talk to Jack about it. And then it was only when he sought her out that she finally tried to open up with him. We hear Sam bring up these weak arguments that she's probably been having with herself the whole time, and hearing Jack echoing her own rebuttles. Until she runs out of excuses, bites the bullet and tries to ask the question she's really needing the answer to: "What about you?" Jack, determined not to stand in the way of her happiness, answers in typically vague fashion, leaving Sam to figure it out herself. This one is off the charts in angst factor!

              Whew! That ran longer than I expected!

              B) Serene and Calm... More Spoilers!
              Threads. Observation room. Hands down. It was *the* moment when the guards were let down, completely and freely. It was the moment of acceptance. It was the moment when Sam & Jack realized, almost as one, they truly belong together. It was a moment of light in an hour of darkness. It was the moment when hope blossomed into a full-bloom dream come true.

              C) Sexiest moment... I agree with all of the many of the posts I read highlighting the steamy hot kiss from Grace. That is defintely their hottest kiss... However, I think my favorite, sexiest scene as a whole is the locker room scene in Broca Divide. Sam just pounces on him, like I soooo wish I could! We have an incredibly passionate embrace, we have a confused Jack who is liking this way more than he should... They are just so incredibly hot in that scene! MMmmmmmmm..... think I need a cold shower, just thinking about it! Yummy!!

              Well there it is... my highly over-inflated two cents worth... Hope ya enjoyed!
              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                *sneaks in, covering eyes*

                Hiya guys, not going to take the time to read posts, still mortified by what I've accidently found out in here already.

                But I do have a website I just tossed together in regards to the newest shipper (my daughter); she actually loves watching stargate!

                So, here is something of an up and coming shipper!

                . . . also it is for a fundraiser as well for the local hospital . . . just forwarning you.

                Take care all!



                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  We didn't really get much snow.

                  I think the southeas of England got our weather for a change. What was freak weather conditions for the south is the norm in the north.

                  I've thought of a cute S/J scenario now!

                  Sam and Jack have a snowball fight and make snow angels, then go in get dried off and then just sit all wrapped up and cuddle each other!
                  Awwww! That IS a cute scenario!
                  *sigh* i remember the good old days when i was teenie tiny, making snow angels......haven't been able to do that in a long time........anyway, back on topic....

                  I can imagine them, throwing snowballs at each other, giggling, jack putting snow down Sam's back ............then lots of cuddles and kisses....



                    Originally posted by BrenRen

                    Joe's theme song...
                    "I could have danced all night...
                    I could have danced all night...
                    And tortured the shippers some more...
                    I could have blurred the lines,
                    Been vague a thousand times,
                    Just like I've done before...
                    I could have danced, danced, danced all night!"

                    Bren you are BRILLIANT!!!!!

                    WARNING: Too much coffee not good thing.(Considers)Wait a minute, I don't even drink coffee!


                      Originally posted by Just the Zat's Ma'am
                      *sneaks in, covering eyes*

                      Hiya guys, not going to take the time to read posts, still mortified by what I've accidently found out in here already.

                      But I do have a website I just tossed together in regards to the newest shipper (my daughter); she actually loves watching stargate!

                      So, here is something of an up and coming shipper!

                      . . . also it is for a fundraiser as well for the local hospital . . . just forwarning you.

                      Take care all!

                      AWWWWWW!! She is gorgeous!

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        I have to say...

                        I am BITTERLY dissappointed in this thread.

                        Someone on this thread dinged Bev (dipsofjazz) with the message 'we know it's you'

                        I've just had a PM from Bev...She's leaving the thread because she's so upset that someone would think it was her that was doing the dinging.

                        How DARE someone ding without a shred of evidence as to who was dinging.

                        Bev has been here longer than me, and she has been nothing but kinf and generous, even helping me with some of my music homework.

                        The fact is...this thread's been going downhill for a good few weeks now.

                        This family was always happy, rose-tinted, glass half full...always had something postive to say.

                        Now what do we have?

                        Slagging off other fan groups
                        Slagging off actors (yes I am partly to blame for that)
                        Slagging off Mods

                        and a general bad attitude.

                        The person who red repped Bev should be ashamed of themself...That ding was downright malicious. If you though Bev was the dinger, you should have PMed or emailed her and asked.

                        I had my suspicions about someone on this thread once and I was proven wrong, as the person I though was dinging me green repped me the next day.

                        It's also become clear that more than one person is doing the dinging, and I had one ding deduct 20 points...That means this thread is REALLY pissing off the wrong people, as my post was not malicious or anything.

                        If the person doesn't own up and say sorry, then I'm sorry to say I'm through with this place.

                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          I have to say...

                          I am BITTERLY dissappointed in this thread.

                          Someone on this thread dinged Bev (dipsofjazz) with the message 'we know it's you'

                          I've just had a PM from Bev...She's leaving the thread because she's so upset that someone would think it was her that was doing the dinging.

                          How DARE someone ding without a shred of evidence as to who was dinging.

                          Bev has been here longer than me, and she has been nothing but kinf and generous, even helping me with some of my music homework.

                          The fact is...this thread's been going downhill for a good few weeks now.

                          This family was always happy, rose-tinted, glass half full...always had something postive to say.

                          Now what do we have?

                          Slagging off other fan groups
                          Slagging off actors (yes I am partly to blame for that)
                          Slagging off Mods

                          and a general bad attitude.

                          The person who red repped Bev should be ashamed of themself...That ding was downright malicious. If you though Bev was the dinger, you should have PMed or emailed her and asked.

                          I had my suspicions about someone on this thread once and I was proven wrong, as the person I though was dinging me green repped me the next day.

                          It's also become clear that more than one person is doing the dinging, and I had one ding deduct 20 points...That means this thread is REALLY pissing off the wrong people, as my post was not malicious or anything.

                          If the person doesn't own up and say sorry, then I'm sorry to say I'm through with this place.


                          How incredibly cowardly Not to mention rude, thoughtless, and just plain ignorant. Blindly pointing fingers (and red repping) better not become the new fad.

                          And what bothers me the most is the assumption the red repper made: "we know its you"

                          We? WTF?? Who is jumping to conclusions now? As well as representing us as a whole. BS.

                          Bev, you rock, don't let it deter you from posting.


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            I have to say...

                            I am BITTERLY dissappointed in this thread.

                            Someone on this thread dinged Bev (dipsofjazz) with the message 'we know it's you'

                            I've just had a PM from Bev...She's leaving the thread because she's so upset that someone would think it was her that was doing the dinging.

                            How DARE someone ding without a shred of evidence as to who was dinging.

                            Bev has been here longer than me, and she has been nothing but kinf and generous, even helping me with some of my music homework.

                            The fact is...this thread's been going downhill for a good few weeks now.

                            This family was always happy, rose-tinted, glass half full...always had something postive to say.

                            Now what do we have?

                            Slagging off other fan groups
                            Slagging off actors (yes I am partly to blame for that)
                            Slagging off Mods

                            and a general bad attitude.

                            The person who red repped Bev should be ashamed of themself...That ding was downright malicious. If you though Bev was the dinger, you should have PMed or emailed her and asked.

                            I had my suspicions about someone on this thread once and I was proven wrong, as the person I though was dinging me green repped me the next day.

                            It's also become clear that more than one person is doing the dinging, and I had one ding deduct 20 points...That means this thread is REALLY pissing off the wrong people, as my post was not malicious or anything.

                            If the person doesn't own up and say sorry, then I'm sorry to say I'm through with this place.


                            Hey don't go leaving us for crying out loud. we have reputation to keep up after all. This thread is the light of ship in a dark and gloomy world and source of happiness for many people. We owe it to ourselves and each other to not give up. Sure there are people around you can do bad things and make mistakes. but the shipper family cannot split up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            What the hell would Jack and Sam think?
                            I for one am staying on and asking everyone to give Bev as much green jello as is allowed. But I refuse to leave because of one cruel act. (Especially when I'm on the verge of getting a new sig)
                            SHIPPER TOWN WILL NOT DIE AS LONG AS I LIVE!!!!!!


                              Is it for certain that it is a shipper that is dinging? Could it be someone not of this thread just trying to cause problems? I am not impling in any way that it is an anti-shipper. Just someone who doesn't post in the shipper thread.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Originally posted by melpomene
                                Hey don't go leaving us for crying out loud. we have reputation to keep up after all. This thread is the light of ship in a dark and gloomy world and source of happiness for many people. We owe it to ourselves and each other to not give up. Sure there are people around you can do bad things and make mistakes. but the shipper family cannot split up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                What the hell would Jack and Sam think?
                                I for one am staying on and asking everyone to give Bev as much green jello as is allowed. But I refuse to leave because of one cruel act. (Especially when I'm on the verge of getting a new sig)
                                SHIPPER TOWN WILL NOT DIE AS LONG AS I LIVE!!!!!!
                                I completely agree! Bev, you wouldn't just be missed by shippers, EVERYONE! I mean, you're absolutely fantastic!
                                for that person to assume, and generalise with "we"?????? i haven't even pointed any fingers anywhere, not to other fan bases, groups, whatever, nowhere, as there's no evidence anywhere, at all!

                                Bev, there is no "we" that think it was you! We all (ok, so i'll say most, so i'm not being a hipocrite by generalising) respect you, and want you to stay here!

                                You're awesome, you welcomed me with open arms to this thread, kept me good company on that intergalactic cruise
                                Please don't leave!


