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    ses110 once again I totally agree with you, I too am having a difficult time thinking positive thoughts about the rest of season 8. I have so enjoyed the relationship between Jack and Sam and I think I really bought in to the fact that we were finally going to get our resolution. I am not trying to bring anyone down, in fact I would love to be able to go on like you guys have but... In case, Season 8 spoilers Threads and Moebius 1 and 2
    Since the beginning all we have heard as shippers is that Sam and Jack can't get together because of the regulations; well now at the beginning of Season 9, without us seeing it, they are going to do away with the regulations and we won't be able to enjoy the out-come. Jack is gone, Sam will be gone for a while and the whole show will take on a different approach and new people. I kind of feel like I walked into a brick wall when I wasn't expecting it. I know other people have said that we should be happy because Sam and Jack are together and yes I agree they did hint at that yet again but I thought we moved passed hinting by now. If TPTB were going to remove the regulations right at the beginning of Season 9 anyway why couldn't they have done it at the end of Season 8. Yes I did enjoy the kissing scene between Jack and Sam that we did get in Moebius 2 if I didn't I wouldn't be posting in this thread like I have, but the two people who were resolving their relationship were not the same two that I have watched for the last eight years (and I don't mean because of the timeline and all, I mean because of their actions). Yes a lot was left up to the imagination and maybe that is my point, why did I have to watch Sam and Pete (nightmare city) and Jack and Kerry (thank goodness it was quick) with their obvious consummating of the relationship but when it comes to Sam and Jack I have to imagine it when in fact the regs would be casually tossed aside in the first episode of season 9 and then on with the new people. Don't get me wrong I liked Moebius 2 it was funny, no tension, Sam and Jack kissing (I could have watched that all day) but for a season finale and an eight year closure to a passionate relationship (with one of the two leaving and not possibly coming back), I was disappointed. Of course add to that that I adore RDA and I guess you can see my dilema. Lets face it I have imagined the possibility of Sam and Jack together, I have imagined how they would get together, I have imagined their future together, that is what has aided in keeping me here, but just for this once I wanted TPTB to show us that the two people we have watched passionately for the last eight years, acting like themselves openly, finally finding comfort, peace and love with each other, and giving my imagination the night off.

    Edited to say Caty I am so looking forward to your video, they always put a smile on my face and a beat in my heart.
    Last edited by nickatell; 08 March 2005, 08:44 PM.


      Originally posted by Lynn
      Wow - that picture really is good. I feel better now though as I thought that I obviously was not as true a shipper as I thought I was :-)

      BTW - Very late one night (US time) I posted asking if anyone thought that Jack and Sam were annoyed with each other at the end of Reckoning 2 and what was going on? Any thoughts? (I know to those of you who have seen Threads it may not matter but to me... I still care).
      When I saw Reckoning 2, I was wondering the same thing, but I think it had to do with
      Sam wanting to talk about Daniel probably being dead, and Jack didn't want to talk about it.
      The beginning of Threads helps to clarify the ending of Reckoning 2 between Sam and Jack.
      Hope that helps.

      Token ~


        Originally posted by Brandie
        LoL I kinda made fun of that in my sig (the link contains spoilers just like it says so watch out un-spoiled people). I tried to catch the double meaning..
        Brandie, your spoiler sig pic is FANTASTIC!! It goes well with what the PTB think and what nickatell said. I think you should post the picture in the "Ask Joe Mallozzi" Thread with the question "Is this what the writers were thinking when they wrote this scene?"

        I think "close enough" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. At least, that's what I've always been told.

        Token ~


          Originally posted by Andy867

          New Music Video Release

          Well, I have some good news and some bad news.
          The good news is that I have my newest music video ready for your viewing pleasure. And I must say that despite its lack of overall visual effects on my part, it is probably one of my best videos yet.

          Jack/Sam - Music Of the Night (Broadband) (19.4Mb)

          Gotta love broadband!!! Now to the video....
          Fantastic! Superb! Awesome!
          Loved the music and the clips!

          The bad news is that this will be my last video (as least for awhile) as I am leaving on the 23rd for Fort Sill, Oklahoma for Basic Combat Training and I have wont access to stargate or a computer for over 9 weeks. I probably wont be having personal computer access until August or September.

          What???? No more new videos??? Oh, the cruelty of it all!!! Well, you are leaving on an extremely high note! So, I thank you for not leaving us empty handed!

          Be careful during training, and come back safe! Be sure to pack some of Ship Nana's cookies for the withdrawals you will be having! ((((((((Andy)))))))) Thank you for your sacrifice and service!!!

          Token ~


            Originally posted by Token
            Brandie, your spoiler sig pic is FANTASTIC!! It goes well with what the PTB think and what nickatell said. I think you should post the picture in the "Ask Joe Mallozzi" Thread with the question "Is this what the writers were thinking when they wrote this scene?"

            I think "close enough" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. At least, that's what I've always been told.
            LOL I should!! Thanks for the compliment


              OMG TOKEN gave me Nuclear Jello!

              Last edited by Brandie; 08 March 2005, 09:33 PM. Reason: because i r dumb and tired


                Originally posted by Brandie
                OMG TOKEN gave me Nuclear Jello!

                Okayyyyy - Starting to feel dumb here - but how do you give someone a higher level of jello? I thought you just give jello and that's that. But now I notice I have two of these beauties and I don't know who to thank (doggone it!!)

                Let me know so I don't offend someone...

                BTW thanks to all who've greened me recently... muchas gracias!

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Finally caught up, after a few pages of chatter whilst I watched Atlantis and went to sleep yesterday.

                  To everyone who has been dinged, for no apparent reason -- Ignore it. Don't take it to heart. If the person really hated your posts THAT much, then simply they shouldn't bother coming in here. It's a shame a lot of people got it (including myself, twice) but others more. Eventually, all us shippers will be gods ... THEN who will be laughing!



                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    Regarding the Matrix, is it just me or does the kiss scene in the original Matrix (when Trinity is hovering over Neo) remind anyone of the
                    Lost City 2 scene when Carter was hovering over O'Neill after he used the Ancient device on Anubis?

                    Have to agree UF.

                    The final scenes in the original, first Matrix when Neo was fighting Smith etc ... the only difference is, that here, we didn't get a kiss. Typical.



                      hey shippers what up i have not been here in a while i just could not think of any thing to shippy to talk about.

                      but i was thinking when are we gonig to see sam and jack kiss. i know we seen them kiss before but those times don't count beacsue it usely was a altent cater or jack or some times both. or the forgot they kiss or they were under the infulince of a alien device or some time to do with time travel.


                        Originally posted by MajorSam
                        Anubis my Lord... I'm afraid you're going to have to find a new First Prime in the near future, for you've trained me so well i've become as powerful as thee and must move onto my own domain

                        Well, I supoose you can go, when the time comes - BUT be sure to run and flee, if it comes too quickly, you WILL be captured and have to watch some S/J shippy videos all day. Wait-a-minute, that's perfect torture. I don't think any would give in to that.

                        You're a great first prime! *applause*



                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          Okayyyyy - Starting to feel dumb here - but how do you give someone a higher level of jello? I thought you just give jello and that's that. But now I notice I have two of these beauties and I don't know who to thank (doggone it!!)

                          Let me know so I don't offend someone...

                          BTW thanks to all who've greened me recently... muchas gracias!
                          The more Jello you have the bigger push you can have on someone else's jello when you give them rep the more jello you get the more blocks you get when you get to a certain number (can't remember which) you start to get glowing jello and from that moment on it takes more rep to get another block 200 to be precise
                          And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                            hey there fine shippers
                            whats hapening?
                            just dropping in
                            i m totally buggered
                            just did a 10 hr day at work and i m stuffed
                            have a good one ya'll!!

                            Lurve and hugs
                            "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                            sig by RepliCartertje


                              thankyou to all u great guys that repped me today for my post on this crazy..bad rep ding thing thats going around!
                              i love all u guys to bits!!!

                              lurve Bee
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                              sig by RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by AmberMoon
                                For Caty (congrats on 4500 posts) and all loyal shippers...

                                (click on image for larger version)

                                Thank you AmberMoon ..I didn't notice I had so many posts
                                All those kisses are just lovely


