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    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
    I've just been on a 'spread the shipper lurve' spree. I've been through the last few pages and give everyone a green jello block!

    Shipper Town is supposed to be a happy place so please can we all try and be happy?!?

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Lol, me too!

    let's think happy happy shipper thoughts! back on topic!

    Sam and Jack, Sam and Jack...............................Sam and Jack



      Originally posted by shipper hannah
      spoiler tags!!
      spoilers: don't think that they were annoyed with each other i didn't see that....they seemed worried about daniel

      Still new to this and typing while supposed to be working. Please don't punish me too badly :-(

      My SG-1 fic


        Originally posted by Lynn
        Wow - that picture really is good. I feel better now though as I thought that I obviously was not as true a shipper as I thought I was :-)

        BTW - Very late one night (US time) I posted asking if anyone thought that Jack and Sam were annoyed with each other at the end of Reckoning 2 and what was going on? Any thoughts? (I know to those of you who have seen Threads it may not matter but to me... I still care).
        I don't think they were angry with each other....IMO it was the opposite. Personally I saw it as
        they were both worried about Daniel, and as usual Sam wanted to talk to Jack about it, get her feelings out in the open but in true Jack style, he didn't and to stop her from trying to talk about it he just kinda ignored her. They were both worried and we all know that when Jack is sad or worried about 1 of his team mates he cuts himself off from everyone else.
        Thats how I saw it. They definately werent angry.

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
          I hope this is the last we'll discuss the dinging issue on this thread...

          I'm glad to know the mods are on top of the situation and will judiciously handle anything inappropriate.

          Thank you mods!

          ...We now return to our regularly scheduled shipping...
          yes, lets put all this behind us and talk about ship ...sooo...rst s9? ok silly question!...


            Originally posted by hobbitsrul
            Same here...I have been posting here for a while and I got red dinged last week for something that was supposedly off topic. And they didn't even sign their name.....but whatever.
            We can't let this person or these people get to us. We have to rally together and show them just how strong the Shipper Family is. We can't let some thing as little as getting red dinged separate us and cause this thread to disintegrate. We have to stand strong and show these evil doers that we mean business and nothing they do is going to tear this ship asunder. We are ONE we are STRONG and we are UNSTOPPABLE!!!!

            Shippers Unite Against the Red Dingers!!!

            We can do it...we can over come this problem!!!


            Okay I've got the winning analogy.

            Unsigned Red dings=Pete

            Stupid, irritating, immature,

            But just as some of the hot S/J moments occured during Pete time(admit it you liked the elevator scene) Red dings do not take the zip out of ship.
            Sure all evil things(like ) cause unhappiness and must be overcome. but the trials make us stronger and when they are then things Really heat up!!!


              So I went on a spreading spree!

              At first I got: "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sam_o_Neill again."

              SO .. I went and spread!

              shipper hannah!
              Maddy the mod

              And then it told me I spread too much :O

              You're next on my list girl!


                Originally posted by Brandie
                So I went on a spreading spree!

                At first I got: "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sam_o_Neill again."

                SO .. I went and spread!

                shipper hannah!
                Maddy the mod

                And then it told me I spread too much :O

                You're next on my list girl!
                thanks brandie!!!


                  Originally posted by scaryperson
                  Lol, me too!

                  let's think happy happy shipper thoughts! back on topic!

                  Sam and Jack, Sam and Jack...............................Sam and Jack

                  Yeah! We have to be happy! I can't stand it when this thread gets depressed, its makes me sad...

                  Now who is up for a Stargate Ship Marathon?? I hear the Shipper Town cinema is open all night tonight, free of charge!
                  *Runs to get best seat right at the front*

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    Originally posted by Brandie
                    So I went on a spreading spree!

                    At first I got: "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sam_o_Neill again."

                    SO .. I went and spread!

                    shipper hannah!
                    Maddy the mod

                    And then it told me I spread too much :O

                    You're next on my list girl!

                    lol, thanks Brandie.
                    That happened to me too, I give everyone who posted on the last few pages some green jello except Oma-1 cause I ran out of Jello!!!

                    So i'm sorry OMa! But i'll rep you as soon as I can tomorrow!

                    ((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))

                    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                      Originally posted by melpomene(((((((((((((((((((UBERSG1FAN)))))))))))))))))))))))

                      Do you have a nickname? because that takes a long time to say....
                      Sorry, what i meant to say is you are soooo right. i totally agree. an That Casablanca thing is so [I
                      great[/I]!! that quote is unbelievable!
                      Thank you

                      As for a nickname, UF I guess. But then, my name is Mary Beth so MB works too.

                      I also respond to "Hey you..."

                      Okay - I've spread out a bunch of jello here! By order of the System Lords...okay, actually by my own little silly imagination, I've passed around some green shipper love.

                      Keep the SHIP sailing!

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        Thank you

                        As for a nickname, UF I guess. But then, my name is Mary Beth so MB works too.

                        I also respond to "Hey you..."

                        Okay - I've spread out a bunch of jello here! By order of the System Lords...okay, actually by my own little silly imagination, I've passed around some green shipper love.

                        Keep the SHIP sailing!
                        Uber...I just got to say that I love how your sig pic changes everytime the page gets refreshed!!! It's so good!

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Okay...ANOTHER task for our shippers!

                          I want all of you to do the following

                          1. Write a short shippy scene for season nine that would fit with spoilers and speculation...but that deals with RDA NOT being there.

                          2. Then write another short shippy scene (allteration... dontcha love it!) that features RDA!

                          Well folks...get writing!
                          right, seen as sueKay has gone AWOL here's a good way to get back on topic



                            Originally posted by Lynn
                            SORRY - SORRY - SORRY.

                            Still new to this and typing while supposed to be working. Please don't punish me too badly :-(
                            No problem Lynn. We won't use the pain stick on you just yet. However, the ribbon device is still an option...

                            Regarding the end of Reckoning 2,
                            I don't think they were mad at each other. Look at how they interacted during the entire scene and take it as a whole.

                            The problem as I saw it was that she wanted to stick around just to be there but he slammed that door right away by his cool demeanor...which hurt her feelings. But she knew that nothing could come of it so she reluctantly accepted that she should leave his office.

                            But then Jack was sitting there, recognizing the situation for what it was and for what it couldn't be. He knew he hurt her feelings by being so dismissive, but what else was there for him to do? He's her CO and that's the way it is right now.

                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              Okay I've got the winning analogy.

                              Unsigned Red dings=Pete

                              Stupid, irritating, immature,

                              But just as some of the hot S/J moments occured during Pete time (admit it you liked the elevator scene) Red dings do not take the zip out of ship.
                              Sure all evil things (like ) cause unhappiness and must be overcome. but the trials make us stronger and when they are then things Really heat up!!!
                              So instead of saying "someone red dinged me" you can say " someone just gave me a PETE!"

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Hey there!

                                I'm back!

                                I got so riled up because I was horrified at how malicious the ding was.

                                I'm not bothered about my own...I don't kick up a fuss about them too often. But I've had two in the past two days.

                                I don't care...I'm 000s clear of the hallo-ed 6th glowy square, so they can deduct whatever they want...might be nice to be 'small' again!

                                I'm glad to see the shippers sticking's something we've really not seen enough of lately.

                                lol - Caty's gonna come back and say

                                what the FRELL have you done to my thread????????
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

