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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by melpomene
    I noticed when you get a grey it's usually unsigned because newbies(including me when i was new) don't know to sign. Then i started signing and when I forget I usually send a PM to let them know it was me.(so they can return it ) But seriously I don't think mis-signing was ever considered an issue as Gater's are supposed to be above reproach. I've only ever received one ding and i don't think I've ever given one. I know I haven't on the shipper thread. I mean, it's all about love! I don't think anyone should get dinged for anything on the shipper thread. This whole coversation is ridiculous. I mean, it's crazy this should even happen here!!! I say we all give Bev green jello. And drop the whole thing. It's about Sam and Jack sharing the love. So lets share it. Jello for everyone!!!!
    I agree. I been posting on this thread since August and did not have a ding until last week. Now I been dinged 5 times in the past 7 days. I have decided to ignore it. Bev, I am sorry you got dinged. It was a very cowardly act.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Hey, let me add my two cents to Bev and to SueKay and all the others that had been dinged by the "Mad Dinger"-I hope that our moderator will be able to communicate that it is not acceptable and then we can go back to doing what we do best-and that is dish about sam and jack.
      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        hey there peoples

        sorry to hear things arent all happy at the moment!
        so no one is signing their name when they ding someone?
        well that just seems like they are weak to me....
        and should prbly confront those they disagree with in a PM or something!
        it would be far more respectful!

        well...i ll prbly get "dinged" for this..but anywho!

        lurve and BIG SHIPPER HUGS ALL ROUND!

        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje




          ((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

          I wish I could say I'm surprised that someone has turned malicious with the dinging - but it has been getting out of hand lately. I know some of it has been genuine shippers unhappy because of off topic stuff and other things, and to be fair, some of those dings have been deserved. I've had my fair share over the last few days, I know 2 have been warranted and well within the guidelines for bad repping because they have given me a reason, and those I accept.

          However, the other dings with no comments, I'm just going to ignore. So I'm not going to post when I've been dinged, and I'm gonna try not to comment on anyone else getting dinged either (that's gonna be hard cos I've got a huge sense of loyalty and a huge problem with injustice - not to mention the big mouth ). And if I want to take exception to someone's post, I'll rant and rave off post, or send em a green with a stern message. I'm just gonna send out lots of

          (((((((((((((((((((((hugs to my shipper family)))))))))))))))))))))

          and lots of green jello.

          Oh, and Bev? Just to reiterate...


          *bows and grovels in a snivelling heap on the floor*


            Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
            Im going to take 50 of my best jaffa warriors and hunt down the person who dinged Bev ill get them my god *bows*

            My Lord has such loyal warriors


              Hello Shipper Family,

              Hope everything is gonna be okay with this whole rep points thing.
              Bev, please come back!!!

              Here is a shippy pic for you:

              (Sam and Jack* would be terribly sad if you don't come back.
              You can't do that to them!!! )

              *Sam and Jack = galaxy


                The Jelly wars are going well although ive run out of ammo i shall return tomorrow to rep you all again
                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                  nooooo bev come back!!!!!!
                  we don't want you to go!!!!!


                    glowy green jelly block!!!!
                    thanks you guys!!!
                    (red dinger can't have hit me too hard!)


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      <snip sueKay's completely rational irritation regarding dipsofjazz>

                      If the person doesn't own up and say sorry, then I'm sorry to say I'm through with this place.



                      I PM'd Bev with essentially this same message but after giving more thought to your post, I feel that all shippers need to keep the following in mind... I'm going to put my rant into spoiler tags in case someone inadvertently reads and becomes offended.

                      I was discouraged the other day because I got my very first red ding for leaving the image tags in a quote... I thought, how petty! They could have PM'd me and I would have appreciated it more.

                      After giving it some consideration, though, my sense is that someone (or a group of someones) is trying to create dissent and disharmony amongst the chipper shipper clan.

                      I for one refuse to let the actions of a few red dingalings change what I do on this thread or how I feel about the shipper family. I really feel like I found a home with people who appreciate not only one of the greatest tv shows of all time, but also one of the greatest tv couples of all times....that being Sam and Thor. (oh, wait, wrong thread. )

                      Some don't want to see a group of people congregate to enjoy the Sam/Jack ship and maybe their solution is to systematically disband the brother/sisterhood of shippers. (And no, I don't mean ALL anti-shippers. There are rational antis just like there are rational shippers. But just like any group - shippers included - there are some who takes things much more seriously and rabidly than others and are more active in their support or dissent.)

                      My point is, and I do have actually have one here, don't leave us behind please - the dingers win when we give in to their machinations... DON'T LET THEM WIN!

                      On a happier note, I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY AND THREADS!!!!

                      Woo HOOO!!!

                      Shippy Shippy Shippy

                      "Of all the briefing rooms in all the military bases in all the world, she walks into mine."

                      Thanks to Tok'Ra Hostess for the tag line to my Casablanca manip...

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        What is going on!??! I don't want the shipper family to fall apart! Please! We've stuck together for so long, sticking together through everything and now after we've had a lovely shippy ending to Season 8 and an ALMOST confirmation that Sam and Jack are together......WE FALL APART!!

                        I haven't been here a lot for the past few weeks so I don't know what other things have been going on but please lets not let this dinger get to us! It was terrible that anyone could think it was Bev! I can't believe that anyone from this family would be dinging. Personally I think it is someone outside of the thread who just LOVES causing trouble and he is trying to turn us against each other!
                        It just like Alliegiance from Season 6...its a person(maybe a few people) who are trying to make us turn on each other and fall out but we have got to stick together and fight whoever it is!!

                        So please nobody leave, the shipper family is too special to just walk out of like that! Bev i'm sure that it wasn't anyone in the shipper family who sent you that ding, just an idiot trying to cause trouble.

                        ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^




                          I PM'd Bev with essentially this same message but after giving more thought to your post, I feel that all shippers need to keep the following in mind... I'm going to put my rant into spoiler tags in case someone inadvertently reads and becomes offended.

                          I was discouraged the other day because I got my very first red ding for leaving the image tags in a quote... I thought, how petty! They could have PM'd me and I would have appreciated it more.

                          After giving it some consideration, though, my sense is that someone (or a group of someones) is trying to create dissent and disharmony amongst the chipper shipper clan.

                          I for one refuse to let the actions of a few red dingalings change what I do on this thread or how I feel about the shipper family. I really feel like I found a home with people who appreciate not only one of the greatest tv shows of all time, but also one of the greatest tv couples of all times....that being Sam and Thor. (oh, wait, wrong thread. )

                          Some don't want to see a group of people congregate to enjoy the Sam/Jack ship and maybe their solution is to systematically disband the brother/sisterhood of shippers. (And no, I don't mean ALL anti-shippers. There are rational antis just like there are rational shippers. But just like any group - shippers included - there are some who takes things much more seriously and rabidly than others and are more active in their support or dissent.)

                          My point is, and I do have actually have one here, don't leave us behind please - the dingers win when we give in to their machinations... DON'T LET THEM WIN!

                          On a happier note, I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY AND THREADS!!!!

                          Woo HOOO!!!

                          Shippy Shippy Shippy


                          Do you have a nickname? because that takes a long time to say....
                          Sorry, what i meant to say is you are soooo right. i totally agree. an That Casablanca thing is so great!! that quote is unbelievable!


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan


                            I PM'd Bev with essentially this same message but after giving more thought to your post, I feel that all shippers need to keep the following in mind... I'm going to put my rant into spoiler tags in case someone inadvertently reads and becomes offended.

                            I was discouraged the other day because I got my very first red ding for leaving the image tags in a quote... I thought, how petty! They could have PM'd me and I would have appreciated it more.

                            After giving it some consideration, though, my sense is that someone (or a group of someones) is trying to create dissent and disharmony amongst the chipper shipper clan.

                            I for one refuse to let the actions of a few red dingalings change what I do on this thread or how I feel about the shipper family. I really feel like I found a home with people who appreciate not only one of the greatest tv shows of all time, but also one of the greatest tv couples of all times....that being Sam and Thor. (oh, wait, wrong thread. )

                            Some don't want to see a group of people congregate to enjoy the Sam/Jack ship and maybe their solution is to systematically disband the brother/sisterhood of shippers. (And no, I don't mean ALL anti-shippers. There are rational antis just like there are rational shippers. But just like any group - shippers included - there are some who takes things much more seriously and rabidly than others and are more active in their support or dissent.)

                            My point is, and I do have actually have one here, don't leave us behind please - the dingers win when we give in to their machinations... DON'T LET THEM WIN!

                            On a happier note, I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY AND THREADS!!!!

                            Woo HOOO!!!

                            Shippy Shippy Shippy

                            "Of all the briefing rooms in all the military bases in all the world, she walks into mine."

                            Thanks to Tok'Ra Hostess for the tag line to my Casablanca manip...
                            Here here Uber (((((((Uber))))))) We need to form some sort of coalition of shippers
                            And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              After giving it some consideration, though, my sense is that someone (or a group of someones) is trying to create dissent and disharmony amongst the chipper shipper clan.


                              Some don't want to see a group of people congregate to enjoy the Sam/Jack ship and maybe their solution is to systematically disband the brother/sisterhood of shippers. (And no, I don't mean ALL anti-shippers. There are rational antis just like there are rational shippers. But just like any group - shippers included - there are some who takes things much more seriously and rabidly than others and are more active in their support or dissent.)
                              Would you mind not saying stuff that makes it sound like you believe that the dinger is an anti-shipper? You have no reason to suppose that. I'm not about to let on - either way it would be harmful to this thread and to GW. I'll explain my reasons in private if anyone feels a need to know. But for the same reasons, I think it would be harmful to this thread and to GW to have the finger pointed at a member of *any* fan group; even with a rider saying that most members of said group are okay it only takes one percieved sin from one percieved member of a fan group to cause friction sooner or later. I know you don't mean harm, but if I let you speculate that it might be an anti-shipper it'd be hard to stop someone from speculating that it might be a shipper, and then all sorts of unpleasantness would be about.


                              Where's SueKay? She's the reigning queen of Getting This Thread Back On Topic And Fun at the moment....

                              SUE!! GET IN HERE!!!!



                                Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
                                Here here Uber (((((((Uber))))))) We need to form some sort of coalition of shippers
                                Well I understand there is some sort of militant penguin shipper group...

                                Not sure I understand the shipper/penguin connection (okay, I don't get it at all) ... but it sounds cool so let's see what we need to do to register!

                                Shippy Penguins UNITE!!!

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

