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    Originally posted by Oma-1
    Having just read some lovely shippy ff it's time to call it a night. Shippy dreams...
    Night Oma what are we talking about in here?
    And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


      Originally posted by trupi
      I have a feeling they made her character in S8 like they think the shipper family sees her! Because in the S7 audio comm. AT keeps saying how a relationship with Jack with blacken her military record (like she made colonel only because Jack has the hots for her). That's is not what we want! She has own two feet to stand on and would have made it through the ranks without Jack's help. In s9 they her making horrible mistakes and then going to Jack and batting her eyes and saying "I'm sorry" and Jack saying we all make mistakes. That's crap and we don't want that! (just my opinion) I want Sam to be a strong character but understand when she makes a mistake she going to get punished like everyone else!
      It's actually interesting. When Sam
      was promoted to Colonel, a lot of people said it looked suspicious because it was the first thing Jack did after he became a General. But in rewatching the episode, an interesting thing came to light. You'll note, when he made the announcement, he didn't say that he was able to promote her. He says that he's able to *announce the promotion* of her. Which leads me to believe that it was already set before he took over, and he was just announcing the promotion.

      I like this idea much better because, even if she legitimately deserved the promotion, you *know* that people would talk if it had been Jack who did it.

      This also protected her professional reputation.
      Last edited by Buc252; 26 February 2005, 05:20 PM.
      - Mary
      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


        Originally posted by Blaise
        in the beginnings, wasn't daniel insistent he be called daniel?
        Actually, Jack hasn't called Daniel "Danny" except for the once or twice he used "Danny-Boy" (and once, while he was *in* Daniel's skin when they switched bodies). I'm not sure where the fanfic writers come up with him calling him Danny all the time.

        Does anybody know of any other specific eps where Jack called Daniel "Danny"? I sure don't.

        On the other hand, Jacob called Daniel "Danny" several times when they were on the under-cover mission together. I found that interesting, but odd.
        Last edited by Buc252; 26 February 2005, 05:21 PM.
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Originally posted by Oma-1
          Having just read some lovely shippy ff it's time to call it a night. Shippy dreams...
          Night night Oma!



            Originally posted by Buc252
            Actually, Jack hasn't called Daniel "Danny" except for the once or twice he used "Danny-Boy" (and once, while he was *in* Daniel's skin when they switched bodies). I'm not sure where the fanfic writers come up with him calling him Daniel all the time.

            Does anybody know of any other specific eps where Jack called Daniel "Danny"? I sure don't.

            On the other hand, Jacob called Daniel "Danny" several times when they were on the under-cover mission together. I found that interesting, but odd.
            well, by that, I just meant he wanted to be called by his first name...i didn't mean 'danny' specifically, i hadn't even thought of that lol. But Jack calls him Daniel all the time, and not Jackson, and um...yea...i forget what that was about now, i was tired when i posted that.

            ~~Close To Crazy~~
            Psychotic Kitten
            'we can all read between the lines'


              I need help with a quote from Reckoning Part 1. You know that part where Ba'al is asking Jack to help him and Jack says that something must be wrong with the connection? Could anyone tell me what that exact quote is?

              Thanks much!!!
              ((((shipper family)))

              Sam and Jack...Meant to be!!


                Originally posted by nalex1013
                There's so much going on in this thread in the last few days and I have a limited time to post but just want to say something broadly, not aimed at anyone.

                For those that are full of animosity recently just remember the hours of joy that stargate has brought to us and all the great fluffy things that make us smile years after first seeing them.

                Remember that we don't write the show and that just because things are exactly the way you want them to be.
                Spoilers mobeous: Although I was disappointed, TPTB were aiming at us, don't forget that, but in many people's minds they got it wrong. Well we have another season to make it up. And yest I am aware of people's absence next year. But what is Life without Hope!?

                Anyway we're not five years old so we should grow up a little and be happy and remember as much as I'm obsessed with it, it's still tv.
                And as people have been mentioning X-Files on this thread recently, I could have easily abandoned it after season seven but would have missed out on so much and am a happier person to this day because of the X-Files. Really am.

                Take care all. Sorry for not posting much. I usually am so happy reading your posts and feeling some togetherness(I know how corny that is) so please everyone, be happy!

                I will say this for myself, but it only goes for me.

                The best thing I ever did for my XF-fandom was to get out of the show after S7. If I had watched it through S8 and S9 with the same interest I had prior to that, I would have ended up hating the entire thing. Getting out while it was good kept me interested, and kept me writing and reading fanfic.

                The same will be true for me with SG1. If I watch next year, I know I'll end up hating it. I'm not even sure that won't happen if I watch Mobius. But I'd rather get out now and be able to enjoy the previous years.

                For me, XF was drawn to a close at the end of S7, and SG1 will draw to a close at the end of S8. Both will end with my shipper couples living the rest of their lives together, as happy couples who happen to work together. Isn't this better than watching and having the show ruined for you?
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  spoilers for s7, 8, and speculation for s9

                  Originally posted by BrenRen

                  Sam & Jack were the frontrunner of it all. Well, maybe not completely, but a lot more than I ever expected on this show. The last five episodes are a virtual ship-fest to me. And above and through it all, the PTB have been doing their best to give us what they think we want, within their self-proscribed limits. They have adamantly and consistently stated that they would not get our couple together romantically as long as they were both in the air force. And good bad or indifferent, they've stuck to it, but at the same time, they've done all they can to skirt around the issue so as to give us more of what keeps us coming back. The perpetual tease of UST.
                  responding to the highlighted part; didn't the ptb say that they couldn't bring sam and jack together as long as they were on 'the same team' together, not just just in the military together? did i hear it wrong?




                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    spoilers for s7, 8, and speculation for s9

                    responding to the highlighted part; didn't the ptb say that they couldn't bring sam and jack together as long as they were on 'the same team' together, not just just in the military together? did i hear it wrong?

                    I can't speak for what TPTB said or didn't say, but
                    I find it odd that they think that just becuase they're in the airforce together, they therefore can't have a relationship....can I just say, HUH?!? My dad and stepmom are both in the army and worked on the same base together, but served in different regiments...and that was perfectly ok. They both went over to East Timor together, again, not working within the same chain of command(my stepmom is ranked higher than my dad funnily enough) and that was perfectly ok. They're military people and they understand the calculated risks they both take each day in their job, but their relationship never effects their ability to do their job. They have a baby, and it doesn't effect their career. My dad actually attempted to retire again, and my stepmom was sent off somewhere for six months only a couple months after she gave birth. That's not to say it wasn't hard, but it can be done, and done well. I'm so proud of my parents, they are truly inspirational to me.

                    Anyway, about the comment, I just find that odd, and I really hope that's not what they meant.

                    ~~Close To Crazy~~
                    Psychotic Kitten
                    'we can all read between the lines'


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      spoilers for s7, 8, and speculation for s9

                      responding to the highlighted part; didn't the ptb say that they couldn't bring sam and jack together as long as they were on 'the same team' together, not just just in the military together? did i hear it wrong?

                      You may be right Sal, I'm quoting from a shaky flaky memory!

                      I had always understood it to be the chain-of-command issue, though, first and foremost. So even though during season eight they weren't on the same team, technicaly speaking, she was inexorably under Jack's chain of command. To make matters worse, they could no longer skirt around it with the "transfer Sam to another team" option, as Jack was the Base Commander. Only options left, one or the other resigns their commission, or one or the other
                      or both, as the season 9 spoilers indicate!
                      transfers out of the SGC altogether.

                      Or... they take creative license and invent a Presidential Permission Slip to get married. Sam *can* still serve under Jack's command as his wife, according to my retired-Air-Force hubby!

                      Like I said, any number of respectful ways to get around the AirForce NannyBot if they really want to. They wanted to play out the Tease of the UST as much as they possibly could first. And boy did they!!!

                      Love and hot fudge,
                      Bren Ren
                      My stories!



                        Lets do the Time Warp Again!!!

                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          Hello is anyone on! My stupid wireless went down and I had to switch computers to go on phone modem! The conversation was jusst getting good!



                            The forum seems pretty dead, so i'm on msn chatting, but i'm still here in spirit as you can tell.......



                              If anyone is on go to the Ask JM,he's on tonight answering questions!


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                If anyone is on go to the Ask JM,he's on tonight answering questions!
                                hey trupi (((((((((((((trupi)))))))))))))))))) nowt interesting answered by JM so far then
                                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.

