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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Thread eight...

    Well for one thing...It was the thread I joined in!

    Okay shiplets...gather round...

    twas a cold day in may...

    no wait...warm day in July

    Season eight had just started...the bar and grill had just opened and our ever absent MG was tending his bar quietly...

    then...dun dun DUN!

    A$$inity spoiler pics came out

    Chaos and bad language consumed the thread...

    and ship daddy left (((((((((bcmilco))))))))))

    But that incident left us in good stead...for just one month later...we clelebrated the madness that was...

    The Second Official Ship Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All well that ends well!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by Terrah
      Story! what story? do tell.
      I would also like to know what that's about!!?

      But now I'll go to sleep (finally got finished - got myself together and just worked!!) - I don't know about you, but here it's 23:30 (or 11:30 pm)! And I'm getting up at 6:30 tomorrow, so Goodnight!

      Zika (close to sleep!!)

      Belief in Sam and Jack ship in season 10?

      P.S. sorry about my english - from Denmark()


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        Yes - I can see the auction now:

        A BIG HONKIN' KISS BETWEEN JACK AND SAM! Item number: 1505393582

        Email to a friend | Watch this item in My eBay

        Yes, PTB, we are not afraid to beg. This Dutch auction is dedicated to raising enough money to bribe YOU, the powers that be, for one BIG HONKIN' KISS. Is that too much to ask???

        I don't know about anyone else, but I would give money to charity if they wrote in a real Jack and Sam kiss in Season 9.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by blueiris
          Thats really nice. I love it.
          Thank you! I'm going to have to add it to all of my posts until I hear from melpomene - but I think I'm going to add something to it too...

          So, melpomene, here's the first draft:

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by Zika
            WOW! GOD! You are posting a LOT!! I just have a lot of homework and though that I needed to get finished with it, so I had to wait, to check, for any new posts! And thought "Well it'll just wait till tomorrow to read the nwe posts and I'm sure there won't be more than a few new"!!! But now I got a little borred, and check it, and WOW!! You have already made more about 6 pages of posts!!!! I have never been in such a active grupe (or whatever it is called!) before!! So I'll try to be active, but next week I'm having test so I have to read before that and the week after I'm going to Berlin (is it also called that on English!?) with my class! But then I have a holiday and hopefuly I have a lot of time to just do nothing!! So I can come in here!!

            And thank you very mush for all the welkomme's! I haver never been welkomme't like that to a grupe (or whatever!) before eighter!

            Zika (still from DK (just if there is some mistakes in my riding (wich I'm sure there is a lot of!!)))

            Yep, we're a prolific lot - but very friendly (except to Anonymous Red Dingers of course ). Hope you post lots and we can make it even more so.


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              Daniel: Did you hear about the auction up on Ebay?
              Sam : What auction?
              Jack : Ebay?
              Daniel: The auction is called...
              'How much would you pay to see Sam & Jack kiss'
              Sam : The Colonel and me?
              Jack : ...KISS?

              Daniel nods with a sly grin on his face.

              Sam : high is the bid right now?
              Daniel: Hmm, not sure...last I looked it was at $5000.00 but
              it still had 8 days left.
              Sam : Wow, someone would really pay that kind of money
              to see us kiss?
              Jack : Now why would anyone pay that kind of money to see
              us do that.
              Daniel: Seems TPTB are in need of some fast cash for some
              cool new CGI's for an upcoming Atlantis episode.
              Sam : Figures...they get all the cool stuff anymore.
              Jack : Don't we...(pointing at Sam and himself)...have a say
              in the matter?
              Daniel: Doesn't look like it. It's already a done deal.
              Sam : So do we have to kiss in front of someone else?
              Daniel: I'm assuming you would since they paid for it.
              Jack : Oh that's just wrong...on so many levels.
              Sam : (looking hurt at Jack)
              The idea of kissing me offends you that much, sir?
              Jack : That's not what I meant...I mean(frustrated)...
              It's not that I don't want to kiss you...
              (looking embarrassed)
              NOT that I DO want to kiss you...
              (looking really embarrassed and pissed off now)
              (Sam raises an eyebrow at him)
              Damn it Carter!! You know what I mean. I just never
              thought about the first time being in front of someone
              else... oh for crying out loud!

              Jack stomps off from the group.
              You're on a roll today! Wish I could give out some jello - but looking at the glowy blocks already it seems you don't really need it!


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Thread eight...

                Well for one thing...It was the thread I joined in!

                Okay shiplets...gather round...

                twas a cold day in may...

                no wait...warm day in July

                Season eight had just started...the bar and grill had just opened and our ever absent MG was tending his bar quietly...

                then...dun dun DUN!

                A$$inity spoiler pics came out

                Chaos and bad language consumed the thread...

                and ship daddy left (((((((((bcmilco))))))))))

                But that incident left us in good stead...for just one month later...we clelebrated the madness that was...

                The Second Official Ship Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                All well that ends well!
                Ah yes I remember now (was a bit confused with the thread numbers there Yes, that was a time when ship threads had numbers and were growing so fast you could miss one if you were away during a few days )

                I was still lurking (I think it was at that time that I've found this forum) but I remember the screams of despair and hurt everywhere in the ship thread... But then JM came and all went back to happy thread suddenly (that's it, I'm right ?)
                And some days later Shipper Town was born
                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                  Originally posted by AmberMoon
                  Gatebee....for you

                  Wow, thats so


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    Hey fellow *Middle aged shippers* - people who've been here for months, but weren't around at Delphi.

                    Think we should tell the tale of the incredible thread VIII?????????
                    Please spill! I think I still class as a newbie kinda (it hasn't been a month yet ) and I for one am dying to know ....

                    ... I bet by the time I catch up to this you've already posted it, but I just wanted to beg too cos it sounds like a great story


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                      Thank you! I'm going to have to add it to all of my posts until I hear from melpomene - but I think I'm going to add something to it too...

                      So, melpomene, here's the first draft:

                      I'm sure mel will love it. It's one of the most touching/heart breaking Sam/Jack moments ever. I still remember when it first aired. I melted onto the floor.
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Originally posted by Zika

                        Year, you are right about the 'can't leave'-thing! I have been trying to make my homework but in the lase hour I have made abour tree sentence!! (lines, what is it called!!? - sorry!) I don't think I'll get finished!

                        Don't worry - just print off the thread and show your teacher how much practice you're getting at english!


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Thread eight...

                          Well for one thing...It was the thread I joined in!

                          Okay shiplets...gather round...

                          twas a cold day in may...

                          no wait...warm day in July

                          Season eight had just started...the bar and grill had just opened and our ever absent MG was tending his bar quietly...

                          then...dun dun DUN!

                          A$$inity spoiler pics came out

                          Chaos and bad language consumed the thread...

                          and ship daddy left (((((((((bcmilco))))))))))

                          But that incident left us in good stead...for just one month later...we clelebrated the madness that was...

                          The Second Official Ship Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          All well that ends well!
                          SueKay, remember the bad spelling red dinger?
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by Rogue
                            SueKay, remember the bad spelling red dinger?
                            Bad speelign dingre? Boy, glad I wans't aruond for taht one


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              Bad speelign dingre? Boy, glad I wans't aruond for taht one
                              Are you sure?
                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                Unfortunately RL is intruding again. Here's to playing catch up again tomorrow

                                *wanders off to bed to dream of S&J on honeymoon .... venice .... gondolas ..... kisses...*

