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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    You know I have to say I can kind of see the writing on the wall already. We have all been discussing how we have not been that impressed with Season 8 so far, and by that I don't only mean the relationship between Jack and Sam, but the fact that we have all these earth episodes and no off word travels. My point here is if infact they do get Jack and Sam together at the end of Season 8 and if it does turn out to be a series finally rather than just a season finally, I can already hear everyone yelling that once again the ship ruined a good sci-fi show. The ship will once again be blamed for the weak writing that we have received, when in fact we are already complaining about the episodes and we haven't even received the ship yet, does this make any sense? Although I have to admit, I am becoming desperate enough to accept anything and anyway of getting Sam and Jack together but I am really holding out hope for a romantic, passionate ending for Jack and Sam especially but for the rest as well. What can I say once a shipper always a shipper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      and yes i do!!!! not as much as jack but he does have his moments
      Random Thought of the day:

      -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
      -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

      heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


        Originally posted by yoojoo
        marty you might wanna fix that!! i dont know how to do spoilers!!
        There! I fix. And I tell you how. ^^^

        Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
        Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


          Originally posted by yoojoo
          and yes i do!!!! not as much as jack but he does have his moments
          As much as a LOVE Jack, Daniel is a little hottie. If I were going to be a character on the show, I'd want to be his love interest. That way I could watch Sam and Jack be together, and still get a hot man!


            Thank you!! and Go to bed before i drag you back to the chat room!!
            Random Thought of the day:

            -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
            -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

            heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


              Originally posted by Rogue
              Yikes: Moebius/Speculation

              Pete is in this ep, yuck. Maybe they look into the future, maybe 2010, and Sam sees how miserable she is married to Pete, and Jack sees how miserable he is without Sam.
              moebius spoilers/speculation
              Or maybe Sam will get to see a sort of 'slide show' of her life, and when it comes to her meeting PS, she says 'not going down this road again', even though she's already broken up with him. 'This' will let Jack 'see' Sam's intent for himself. I'm playing with this scenario, but I need it to hold on. *sickofthischaractersickofthischaractersickofthischaractersickofthischaracter*




                Originally posted by nickatell
                You know I have to say I can kind of see the writing on the wall already. We have all been discussing how we have not been that impressed with Season 8 so far, and by that I don't only mean the relationship between Jack and Sam, but the fact that we have all these earth episodes and no off word travels. My point here is if infact they do get Jack and Sam together at the end of Season 8 and if it does turn out to be a series finally rather than just a season finally, I can already hear everyone yelling that once again the ship ruined a good sci-fi show. The ship will once again be blamed for the weak writing that we have received, when in fact we are already complaining about the episodes and we haven't even received the ship yet, does this make any sense? Although I have to admit, I am becoming desperate enough to accept anything and anyway of getting Sam and Jack together but I am really holding out hope for a romantic, passionate ending for Jack and Sam especially but for the rest as well. What can I say once a shipper always a shipper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                LOL..Nickatell I have to laugh because for a show with ACTUALLY VERY LITTLE ship between Sam & sure does get blamed for A LOT!!!!

                The ship that has ruined things IF any ship this boyfriend arc TPTB have been intent on. BUT we won't hear will be ALL ABOUT Sam & Jack in the end...<sigh>...BUT before I get on a soap box..I will wait and see IF that is what really happens......

                I really do hope that teh second half of season 8 we FINALLY get to see more of Sam in command of SG1 and MORE of the team *being* the team...even though Jack is away in a sense he is still a HUGE part of the overall scheme of things and here is NO reason that things need to go so far left of center.

                But if it does all get blamed on Sam & Jack ship....well shine up that Soap box cause this shipper will be making some speeches
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by Kri
                  As much as a LOVE Jack, Daniel is a little hottie. If I were going to be a character on the show, I'd want to be his love interest. That way I could watch Sam and Jack be together, and still get a hot man!
                  LOL!!! DITTO!! i wouldnt mind being teal'cs daniels or major davis's!! then i could take sam and jack lock em in a room and tell them their not coming outta there till they work everything out!!
                  Random Thought of the day:

                  -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                  -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                  heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                    Spoilers Season 8 Gemini.
                    .I will be very interested in the reactions of everyone, especially Jack when replicarter comes and asks for their help. I realize that Replicarter will have Sams memories as far as how to contact them but they just let her come through the gate even though Sam is right there with them, or I assume she will be, maybe not........


                      Originally posted by yoojoo
                      LOL!!! DITTO!! i wouldnt mind being teal'cs daniels or major davis's!! then i could take sam and jack lock em in a room and tell them their not coming outta there till they work everything out!!
                      oooooooooooh, forgot about Major Davis! Damn, that boy is H-O-T hot!

                      Did you see Ocean's 11? Remember the elevator scene, with all the hot men in one elevator? I'd be a happy camper to be locked in an elevator with Davis, O'Neill, and Jackson! I'd die a happy girl


                        Ladies...the way to your respective THUNK Threads is this way ...................and we're walking
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by nickatell
                          Spoilers Season 8 Gemini.
                          .I will be very interested in the reactions of everyone, especially Jack when replicarter comes and asks for their help. I realize that Replicarter will have Sams memories as far as how to contact them but they just let her come through the gate even though Sam is right there with them, or I assume she will be, maybe not........
                          Gemini spoilers:
                          ditto..... i really wanna see how he reacts to that too....... i dunno much about it but i have seen the pics and in most of the scenes teal'c is right there beside her at all times with the little replicator killer gun. And she looks quite pissed in one picture I really want to see the fight scene between carter and replicarter too. I am really curious as to how she is defeated.

                          thats what i am wondering!!
                          Random Thought of the day:

                          -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                          -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                          heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                            Coming out of lurkmode for only a moment....
                            To help everyone get through the D&C/Affinity SciFi scheduling boo-boo this evening & to respond to an earlier question about shippiest scenes/dialogue shows, I’ll offer 2 scenes…. (My disclaimer being: I still haven’t watched every show so there could be some secret shippy moment that I still don’t know about… but given the shows I have watched…)

                            Favorite Ship scene:

                            Jeez, a story *with* pictures!

                            Thanks for sharing, shimmeringstar.





                              Originally posted by yoojoo
                              DICLAIMER: I DO NOT HATE PETE.........i came up with this death scene before i knew of spoilers and did it to make fun of the black widow curse b/c of course i figured he would die b/c......well b/c everyone who looks at sam with lust in thier eyes usually dies... he he he well except for jack

                              ok so while watching chimera i was like.......carter has a boyfriend.....hmmm.....i wonder how tptb will kill this one off so i started coming up with funny, crazy, whacked out ideas. and these are just a few.....

                              senerio one:
                              Pete proceedes to make fun of teal'c about is tatoo....Teal'c having had an amazingly crappy day then proceedes to dismember pete.

                              Senerio two: this one had me ROTFL when i came up with it!!
                              At the retirement party they crashed....... Pete gets incredibly thirsty and then drinks the last ensure in the whole building. All the senior citizens find this out and are incredibly pissed that soem young wipper snapper would crash their party and take their last drink. they then proceede to spike his drink with their medications.......and as he starts to show the affects the drugging they dog pile him!!! The official report read "Lacerations to the coratid artery" Unofficially he had three pair of dentures hanging from his neck. Consequently, other injuries in the skirmish included broken hips and mild bruisings.

                              he he he........ they just came to me while watching that ep.......

                              Again i DO NOT HATE PETE! I was just being incrediblly silly that day!! I dont actually want to see him die!!

                              Bahhhaaaaa!!!! I think I just busted a lung!!! I love the part where you said "they dog pile him!!" I got this picture in my head of a bunch of senior citizens diving onto and Sam standing back there saying "Man, I wish Jack were here to see this." LOLOL. Oh now my ribs hurt!!!!! LOL
                              Jack and Sam=Grace

                              JOHN AND AERYN 4 EVER

                              HENRY AND HELEN=MORE THAN ABNORMAL


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                but 4 years later ..they need to confess again ..I wonder in which episode that will be .....Probably
                                Threads or the one after..and if Pete is in Mobius ..then he 's not the boyfriend anymore ...he's probably just there to set up his way to Atlantis ..and gonna offer them a hand that he looks a good little boy cop after all the trouble he has caused

                                Caty, I LOVE that scenario!

                                spoilers for s8's moebius
                                Send him to Atlantis! Heck, send him to Atlanta Georgia, I don't care.

                                I could just see Sam with him in the gate room, sending him on his merry way.

                                Sam - "K, Pete, off you go." *pushes him*

                                PS - "Sam! I was told I'd be on the next set to go. The gate's close to shutting down."

                                Sam - *grins* "Yes, I know. Now hurry, Pete, before you lose your chance to go!" *pushes again*

                                Pete screams.



