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    Well, since I haven't seen anybody else post one, here's my "shippy pic of the day," taken from In the Line of Duty:

    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      Originally posted by gatewatcher
      Just stopping in to say hello to all. I just got caught up and I think all of you are in bed.........
      Welcome to jennsat and secretart and anyone else that's new
      Congrats to TAme for so many posts.....WOW
      I've decided to start at the beginning again....started COTG tonight!!!!
      Maybe I'll get through by January and be ready for the second half of S8!!!
      I was thinking......the title "Endgame" is that indicating that Jack is coming to the end of this "game" and ready to move on to bigger and better things? He's ready for "life" elsewhere? just's 11:00 at night
      Goodnight and .......Sam and Jack Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Hopefully it means the end of his stint in the military and the beginning of his role as a civilian advisor (after all, didn't the other governments of the world prefer non-military command, but they liked Jack??). And then there wouldn't be any pesky regs........


        Originally posted by JSDT
        I know this has probably already been discussed, but I'm too lazy to go back and read the gazillion posts that I'm behind on....

        I don't know if I need this, but just in case....Moebius (sp?)
        Spoiler? (adding spoilers for s8's New Order)
        I was just thinking that maybe the season finale is about flashbacks and scenes that were "behind the scenes." Just think of ALL of those episodes where something happened between Sam and Jack and you just felt like something was missing. Just think of all of those OPPORTUNITIES TO TAKE SOMETHING IN HAND!

        Okay, 'nuff said.

        I love that idea! I'd like them to start with New Order, and the reactions we *didn't* see in Jack!




          Originally posted by Buc252
          Well, since I haven't seen anybody else post one, here's my "shippy pic of the day," taken from In the Line of Duty:

          Oh, I am enjoying! He is so concerned for her, and then so desolate when he finds out she's been taken as a host. *sigh*
          I must rewatch some of the DVD's while I wait for the rest of season 8!


            Originally posted by majorsal
            That word is mine, Michelle, so back off! I'm very proud of the fact that my brain wasn't on when I made it up... hmmm, did that come out right?

            Now that I'm done with this OTness...

            Spoilers for S8's Threads


            One way I'd like to see Sam dumping PS to play out --

            (pete comes to sit next to sam at the park)

            P - "Hi, Sam." *smiles and kisses her cheek*

            S - "Hi, Pete."

            P - *noticing her tense statement* "What's up?"

            S - *takes deep breath* "Pete... "

            P - "You want to postpone the wedding?"

            S - *stares at him*

            P - "... You want to cancel it, don't you?"

            S - *quietly* "Yes."

            P - "Why?"

            S - "It's complicated, Pete, but--"

            P - "You want to break up... don't you?"

            S - "Yes."

            P - "Why, Sam?"

            S - *sighs and sits back* "I adore you, Pete. You've been so good to me. So good for me, but... "

            P - "There's the magic word."

            S - "I'm in love with someone else. I've been in love with this person for years. Even though I'm not sure I'll ever be with him the way I want, I can't continue like this when so much of my... I can't get over him."

            P - "Do you want to get over him?"

            S - "... No."

            P - *sighs and closes eyes a moment* "Well then... nothing more to say I guess."

            S - "I'm sorry, Pete."

            P - "So am I, because.... I knew there was something holding you back... someone holding you back. I knew this, but I pushed ahead anyways." *he stands* "I've got to go now."

            S - "I... I'm sor-- "

            P - "Don't apologize, Sam. I pushed a lot of things in this relationship, so I'm just as at fault for... " *sighs* "Take care of yourself, Sam."

            (they share a smile as pete walks off and sam continues to sit)

            Anyone want to try another scenario?

            Nope!!! This works VERY WELL for me... Type it up put it in the envelope mail it off to the writer and tell them THE SCENE IS DONE!!!! THANK YOU PETE BUT BYE BYE NOW!!
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by Starfury
              The winds are changing. Our ship is about to sail.
              This would make a great sigline!

              Last edited by majorsal; 30 September 2004, 09:36 PM.



                Woohooo! 1000 posts!
                I had to post my 1000th post in the Ship Thread, the place I de-lurked *nostalgic sob*

                And for my pressie, all I want is my SHIPPY ENDING! (take note PTB!).

                ETA: it has been brought to my attention (THANK YOU NIKKI!) that the above is not entirely all I want...... *cough*
                so, here is my adjusted pressie list....

                All I want is my Shippy Ending..... and RDA..... and MS...... and.... (this could be a long list, I'll get back to you!).
                Last edited by kiwigater; 30 September 2004, 08:31 PM.


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar


                  ...It isn't the worst BUT when you compare Star Gate to itself AND you allow for the Growth a show does through it still is lacking.
                  The last great season to me was season 6. It had RDA still doing a lot, no multi ep filming, no multi show filming... it just really feels like the Stargate I know ended with that season. I still love the show, but with all the things going on now (besides an undesirable storyline)... I miss Stargate SG-1.




                    Originally posted by kiwigater
                    Woohooo! 1000 posts!
                    I had to post my 1000th post in the Ship Thread, the place I de-lurked *nostalgic sob*

                    And for my pressie, all I want is my SHIPPY ENDING! (take note PTB!).
                    YAY!!! for KG!!!!! now you OFFICIALLY have no life

                    And I think just for GIVING YOUR complete ALL for S&J you should get what you want !!!!!

                    So for ALL SHIPPERS that have more than 1 DESERVE a Shippy Ending RIGHT?????

                    yes I did say 1
                    Last edited by TameFarrar; 30 September 2004, 08:34 PM.
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar

                      SO I challenge all of us to be on the LOOK OUT FOR S/J discussion AND NEWBIES and make sure we are welcoming everyone and drawing them into ALL of our discussion be it silly or serious
                      *nods* Sounds good, Tame!




                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        The last great season to me was season 6. It had RDA still doing a lot, no multi ep filming, no multi show filming... it just really feels like the Stargate I know ended with that season. I still love the show, but with all the things going on now (besides an undesirable storyline)... I miss Stargate SG-1.

                        I have to agree with you in *a sense* I felt that Season 7 had a its moments as well but once they started doing this *multiple episode* filming you really can see that it has been taking its toll on the actors, the editors and maybe the directrs too. I don't know.

                        There just really seems to be a lot of disjointed scene jumping. Larger plot holes, and the actors just seem tired more often then not. Or maybe the directors or the editors oren't seeing this as they are watching the dailies. I wish I could put my finger on the ONE THING that has made things JUST SEEM OFF

                        I don't want to fall back on the same old excuse of RDA is missing but THAT REALLY just may be it. Because Zero Hour really was GOOD IMHO and he was the focus.

                        Sacrifices is an OFFWORLD adventure and it was GOOD

                        Avatar was EXCITING & TEAM and it was GOOD

                        So if you add that up just for Season 8 we have RDA, OFFWORLD, EXCITING and TEAM and it all equals GOOD...........

                        OMG Sally.....That was how SG-1 used to be before Season 7 EVERY SINGLE you are right
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          YAY!!! for KG!!!!! now you OFFICIALLY have no life

                          And I think just for GIVING YOUR complete ALL for S&J you should get what you want !!!!!

                          So for ALL SHIPPERS that have more than 1 DESERVE a Shippy Ending RIGHT?????

                          yes I did say 1 :0
                          *looks at Tame's post count..... looks at own* uh huh, and er, what does that mean happens when I hit 3000? I think we already knew I had no life anyway! Except you guys! *hugs GW family*

                          I agree Tame, I think everyone deserves what they want on their first post!


                            Okay, so yes, this is just a blatant, pointless post. But I couldn't think of a better way to come out of lurkdom than to congratulate you on your 1000th post.

                            *mumbles* Some people are SO much more productive than I am when it comes to posting....


                              Originally posted by abydosorphan
                              Okay, so yes, this is just a blatant, pointless post. But I couldn't think of a better way to come out of lurkdom than to congratulate you on your 1000th post.

                              *mumbles* Some people are SO much more productive than I am when it comes to posting....
                              *swoops Tricia into giant hug*
                              Thanks! Welcome to the craziness! It's about time you delurked from the chat room! Just you wait, one second you'll be lurking, thinking "gosh, they look like fun!", and the next you're posting your 1000th post....

                              A slightly unhinged smiley from a slightly unhinged shipper, to a perfectly sane one.......


                                Originally posted by abydosorphan
                                Okay, so yes, this is just a blatant, pointless post. But I couldn't think of a better way to come out of lurkdom than to congratulate you on your 1000th post.

                                *mumbles* Some people are SO much more productive than I am when it comes to posting....
                                WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABYDOSORPHAN!!!!!!
                                we don't care why you come out of Lurdom just that you do

                                so welcome and post away tell us your thoughts about Sam & Jack ...anything you want to share at all and we aill be there!!!

                                I just love all of the little moments and the smiles that they share. How she just seems to *Just get him* and his quirky self ...and he really doesn't care that she is smarter then him fact I think Jack is EXTREMELY PROUD of how smart Sam is and when she is telling SOMEONE else something you can just see him preen over her
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

