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    It's great to have Kawalsky back for Moebius But I really hope that Moebius is a real time episode.I really hope TPTB do not use the reset button.The Jack and Sam Romance must be resolved in real time and not AU.I do not expect to have every lose end tied up in Moebius but the Sam and Jack ship cannot be carried over to a New Season or Movie.I also hope Moebius is Sam and Jack Heavy because it is long overdue.I just hope TPTB do not try to get to fancy by jumping from AU time to Real Time in Mobebius.


      Originally posted by michelleb
      me too, even though i've seen it, you can't really capture the magic of the ship until it's frozen on screen to stare at for hours.

      btw..the bloke bending down to put his head on AT's chest? i've checked around, and though the angle's funny, we all agree

      It's RDA.

      With his head on AT's chest.

      In a sweet kind of way, mind you

      But still..more physical contact

      *takes deep breath*

      That would be lovely, yes.




        Originally posted by sacme
        Just a drive-by post to say how much I love and miss my shipper family!!! RL keeping me sooo busy.

        Also, I just got an email from CafePress. They're having a $2 off sale for mousepads, white tees and mugs until October 11th. You'll be proud to know that we shippers have spent over $500 celebrating our shipdom.

        Sam and Jack Forever!

        ship sistah

        Sally, I love your new sig! Hilarious, as always.
        I just saved $4.00 on my two new mugs!! LOL! And another shirt!


          Originally posted by majorsal

          *takes deep breath*

          That would be lovely, yes.

          Me too! Me too! Me too! Me too! Please PM me where I can d/l too!!!


            I would love to dl the UK version of the Lowdown. I NEED to see the ship! (yes, that's right, it's a medical necessity!).
            PM me if you know of a source...... *eyes dart furtively around room avoiding TPTB*


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              Tame, I've read your post (in-between looking at Jack!) and I totally agree. This is making Sam out to be selfish (and a bit of a hussy!) by stringing Pete along whilst still giving Jack those loving looks etc. Get rid of then we can have all the really good mind-blowing ship!
              Sam should have have been dumped Pete along time ago. Sam's character has really taken a hit since Grace.
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Originally posted by michelleb


                as for the pugglenugget..i have no idea. lets ask someone. mala? mei-mei? tame? critter? wait, that's me...umm, no idea. but it's a funny word, and one i like to say, now i've discovered it

                (and it takes one post before michelle goes spiralling off topic again...)
                That word is mine, Michelle, so back off! I'm very proud of the fact that my brain wasn't on when I made it up... hmmm, did that come out right?

                Now that I'm done with this OTness...

                Spoilers for S8's Threads


                One way I'd like to see Sam dumping PS to play out --

                (pete comes to sit next to sam at the park)

                P - "Hi, Sam." *smiles and kisses her cheek*

                S - "Hi, Pete."

                P - *noticing her tense statement* "What's up?"

                S - *takes deep breath* "Pete... "

                P - "You want to postpone the wedding?"

                S - *stares at him*

                P - "... You want to cancel it, don't you?"

                S - *quietly* "Yes."

                P - "Why?"

                S - "It's complicated, Pete, but--"

                P - "You want to break up... don't you?"

                S - "Yes."

                P - "Why, Sam?"

                S - *sighs and sits back* "I adore you, Pete. You've been so good to me. So good for me, but... "

                P - "There's the magic word."

                S - "I'm in love with someone else. I've been in love with this person for years. Even though I'm not sure I'll ever be with him the way I want, I can't continue like this when so much of my... I can't get over him."

                P - "Do you want to get over him?"

                S - "... No."

                P - *sighs and closes eyes a moment* "Well then... nothing more to say I guess."

                S - "I'm sorry, Pete."

                P - "So am I, because.... I knew there was something holding you back... someone holding you back. I knew this, but I pushed ahead anyways." *he stands* "I've got to go now."

                S - "I... I'm sor-- "

                P - "Don't apologize, Sam. I pushed a lot of things in this relationship, so I'm just as at fault for... " *sighs* "Take care of yourself, Sam."

                (they share a smile as pete walks off and sam continues to sit)

                Anyone want to try another scenario?




                  Originally Posted by majorsal
                  spoilers for s7 and s8


                  The darkened/bolded line is the part that got me... not on Earth??? Is that a hint thrown to us? *tweaks brows*


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  Good thought except that it better not be an alternate universe ending!
                  I was thinking more along the lines of an off-world base.




                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    That word is mine, Michelle, so back off! I'm very proud of the fact that my brain wasn't on when I made it up... hmmm, did that come out right?

                    Now that I'm done with this OTness...

                    Spoilers for S8's Threads

                    P - "You want to break up... don't you?"
                    S - "Yes."
                    P - "Why, Sam?"
                    S - *sighs and sits back* "I adore you, Pete. You've been so good to me. So good for me, but... "
                    P - "There's the magic word."
                    S - "I'm in love with someone else. I've been in love with this person for years. Even though I'm not sure I'll ever be with him the way I want, I can't continue like this when so much of my... I can't get over him."
                    P - "Do you want to get over him?"
                    S - "... No."
                    P - *sighs and closes eyes a moment* "Well then... nothing more to say I guess."
                    S - "I'm sorry, Pete."
                    P - "So am I, because.... I knew there was something holding you back... someone holding you back. I knew this, but I pushed ahead anyways." *he stands* "I've got to go now."
                    S - "I... I'm sor-- "
                    P - "Don't apologize, Sam. I pushed a lot of things in this relationship, so I'm just as at fault for... " *sighs* "Take care of yourself, Sam."
                    (they share a smile as pete walks off and sam continues to sit)

                    Anyone want to try another scenario?

                    Why would I want to? You've done a fantastic job yourself! Now, can you write the rest of the finale for us too?


                      Originally posted by jennsatt
                      Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
                      Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
                      That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
                      Anywho - back on topic...
                      I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
                      I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
                      And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)
                      OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!
                      WELCOME, Jennsatt!




                        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                        Well, you have to try and be as positive as possible.....
                        I know all the things you have listed are there and are bad but there are still some good points to look forward to. I'm not sure whether you have been reading spoilers or not but i'm looking forward to Gemini and Threads and a few other eps..they sound like they have good opportunities for ship, i'm just hoping that TPTB used those opportunities...

                        I'm not really worried by DDL saying he would be in 'many' episodes, he's been in 2 so far this season and he will most likely be in threads but I don't see any other episodes that he could be in

                        I'm sorry you had a bad week, but try to be positive! Believe in Ship and Trust TPTB!! (I know that last one is hard...)
                        I hope you have a beeter week!!

                        Thank you, sam 0 neill. *smiles fondly* I was talking about the week that New Order aired in the US, which was months ago. I'm completely up-to-date on the spoilers for everything too. I'm up and happy, but I was just referring to the horrible week when all that bad news came out at once. Thank you for caring, though.




                          Okay, everyone, it's time for the Shipper Town report. This was terribly fun to write. For those who've missed the excitement, here's a summary.

                          Here for a Raisin: The Red-Point Lurker

                          compiled by Melyanna


                          “The three you wrote me . . . are so beautiful, and so badly spelled, that even now I can hardly read them without crying a little.”

                          ~ The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde


                          It had been less than two weeks since the midseason break of Stargate: SG-1 had begun when the red point incident occurred. While Jack/Sam shippers were wondering what they were going to do with their freed-up Friday nights and pining away for new spoilers on the second half of the season which was likely to be the last of the series, a lurker began his work in Shipper Town.

                          He’s been dubbed many things, some of which probably shouldn’t be repeated in polite company. His mission appears to have been simple: track down Jack/Sam shippers and give them negative (red) reputation points whenever possible.

                          The denizens of Shipper Town became aware of the problem at large when the intrepid mod Madeleine_W posted a notice to all lurkers informing them that such use of the reputation point system would not be tolerated. Unfortunately, the cease-and-desist order did little to abate the onslaught. samisjacksgal soon reported that she had been hit by the Red-Point Lurker, and mishy_mo suggested that a banner be hung in the hallowed halls of Shipper Town warning away all those who take offense at the beloved Jack/Sam ship. As of this report, talks are still underway concerning its color — red, white, and blue, or peridot.

                          michelleb immediately felt left out, as her wildly pro-ship posts were being ignored by the Red-Point Lurker and she felt she was failing in her duty as a shipper because her efforts were not being recognized. Lunar was soon “EXTREMELY TICKED OFF” for getting dinged for expressing opinions in a protected thread. Then came the following:
                          And please, at least spell check malicious comments if you're going to leave them anonymously.

                          After this post from Lunar, shippers everywhere began to realize that everyone’s red point comments were horribly, horribly misspelled. Thus began the fun and games.

                          Video maker extraordinaire Catysg1 commented that she had been given four red points for being mean to Pete. Meanwhile, LtLisa learned that “screw is a derogatory word” and that her shipper dance is offensive to some. meimei reported that “Hamind is moore honourable than that.”

                          When the Red-Point Lurker continued, kiwigater posted a notice which she sent to the mods asking them to do something about the problem. The ever-vigilant Madeleine_W responded by informing Shipper Town that the mods were taking action. While perfectly willing to smack this guy for the denizens of Shipper Town, she also expressed a wish for Shipperahoy to return to watch over the valiant company.

                          Over the course of the next day, more and more shippers began to come forward with their hilariously misspelled comments. auralan wrote the following:
                          The little Dinger got me minutes after I posted for the first time after moving. Such a nice little surprise after unpacking for several days striaght. And it was for a post I made over a month ago. Now I kinda wish I hadn't posted the tame version of my thoughts in the Affinity thread. If I'm going to get dinged for it, I should at least give the unvarnished opinion.

                          Here's the linguistically challenged comment:

                          Affinity (807) September 29th, 2004 08:39 PM Peet not a stocker; good husban/fiawnsay 4 Sam

                          On first read, I interpreted the misspelling of "peet" as intending "peat" not "Pete" due to the lack of capitalization. However, I couldn't figure out why a partially-decomposed spongy moss would be husband material -- although I will believe peat moss never stalked anybody.

                          Also, if you pop "fiawnsay" into word and ask the spell checker what it thinks, one of the options given is "faunas." So Pete's an animal and a vegetable. Can we get a mineral to complete the set?

                          amra suggested that the poor spelling is fake, but others are skeptical. Still others just like to laugh at it.

                          Ultimatums were issued. LtLisa was told that regs are there for a “raisen”, causing great speculation as to what dried fruit had to do with anything. Not even Ship Nana was immune to it, and Sam O’Neill was told “dont call grate characters potatoehed, PLEZ!” Eventually, non-shipper Major Fischer posted in support of Shipper Town. Mala50 posted “the Red Badge of Courage”, to be worn proudly by those who had been hit with red points.

                          Shippers began posting pro-Jack/Sam and anti-Pete remarks in hopes of provoking the Red-Point Lurker further. Ironically, while he was busy taking points away from shippers far and wide (in more threads than just the shipper thread), shippers redoubled their efforts, and many ended up with reputations much, much higher than that with which they started.

                          In the end, Mala50 summed it up best:
                          Mi opin letr to the Lirker who likes givin those read points:

                          Pleas keep up teh gud wirk! I luv reeding yur messages. U have given mee many many ours of laffs!

                          I meen this in all sinsirity! I am not being dreagatory at all. I wudn't make fun of a bad speeler because than I wud be making fun of lots and lots of peeple on GW and then I wudn't have so many green points... and no frends.

                          Do u want to be my frend? how about my spud bud?? PM me, pleez!

                          oh, and btw, Potatoehed Peet is no threat to O'Neill!

                          So what did he accomplish? We here in Shipper Town aren’t sure, but for all that work the Red-Point Lurker did, shippers’ reputations went up, and we certainly got a good laugh out of it.

                          For more stories of the Red-Point Lurker, or to share your own experiences, click here.
                          Last edited by Melyanna; 30 September 2004, 07:20 PM. Reason: Forgot something.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Okay, everyone, it's time for the Shipper Town report. This was terribly fun to write. For those who've missed the excitement, here's a summary.

                            Here for a Raisin: The Red-Point Lurker

                            compiled by Melyanna


                            “The three you wrote me . . . are so beautiful, and so badly spelled, that even now I can hardly read them without crying a little.”

                            ~ The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde
                            LMAO! Thanks Mel! A perfect summary! *finds way to add to Shipper Town map and history*


                              WeLcOmE, SecretArt!




                                Just stopping in to say hello to all. I just got caught up and I think all of you are in bed.........
                                Welcome to jennsat and secretart and anyone else that's new
                                Congrats to TAme for so many posts.....WOW
                                I've decided to start at the beginning again....started COTG tonight!!!!
                                Maybe I'll get through by January and be ready for the second half of S8!!!
                                I was thinking......the title "Endgame" is that indicating that Jack is coming to the end of this "game" and ready to move on to bigger and better things? He's ready for "life" elsewhere? just's 11:00 at night
                                Goodnight and .......Sam and Jack Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

