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    Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
    Just wanted to say WELCOME to all the newbies. I'm actually a newbie, a few months out of lurkdom and I'm having a blast in here.

    Jennsat...(hope I spelled that right) Glad to see another poster who has a girl-crush on Amanda T. Although the male of the species (Ricky D!!!! Ricky D) has my total attention, Amanda is so gorgeous that you can't help but crush on her. I've met her three times now at the Cons and when she talks to you, she gets really close to you and all you can think is......Oh my God, Amanda Tapping is talking to me!!!! LOL. She's the sweetest person. If you've met her you know what I mean and if you haven't do anything you have to so that you get the chance.
    PHEW! Glad it's not just me - was beginning to feel a bit silly...
    So thanks LtColSamONeill!
    And of course I'm totally jealous that you've met AT so many times. I've never heard a bad word about her!

    ALSO - absolutely LOVE your S/P scene - it's perfect!!


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      I don't think they'll stretch the ship any longer ..RDA said that it was only because of the regs ..if something happens and he is not military ..he would go for it ...the Sam and Jack relationship I mean.

      Don't worry michelle ..why do you think TPTB put all those extra behind the scenes for the UK in the lowdown.............because when it aired in the US ..they didn't know how the fans were going to react ...they changed it all for the Sam and Jack shippers so that all fans and casual fans will forget about the affinity episode which is coming up in the UK too ...words spread very quickly and they knew that by adding the RDA and AT scenes ...the UK fans would tell everybody about it .........and may be go and watch my last video "caught in a moment" to feel better ...I sure was when I made it ..It's good to be a video maker can only concentrate on the Sam and Jack chemistry if you want to......well so far anyway and TPTB an never deny that they did it on purpose ..Shame that not everyone sees it but I'm 100% confident that Sam and Jack wherever they go in Mobius will be together in real at the end of season 8..and they (the team) would have defeated the Go'aoulds.

      i will watch caught in a moment, it's one of my fave songs, i just need to be at home so i can d/l it. as for the know, you're right. i switched on 'lowdown' expecting the spudfest the US guys..and was totally blown out of my seat. huggage, and kissage and ship...and even if that kiss shot was for a publicity photo, what are they doing kissing in a publicity photo, and where is it? i loved it when he closed his eyes for a second when he was cuddling her..they looked so cute and right together (as sam and jack i mean, not as AT and RDA). yeah, they were pushing the ship....can't wait to see where they go with it.
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by Rogue
        I like your videos, you have real talent.

        Thank you Rogue

        I believe 100 % in the Sam and Jack story ..It's beautiful and makes me realized a lot...... that TPTB is gonna end up with them together ..but it will be in a sci-fi plot ..with Mobius perhaps the post I wrote just before ..Sci-fi and romance intertwinned together soap opera ...just romance with Sci fi ...I still hope for the fish invite , SMILES (very important) and the together fun aspect of their relationship after the kiss while they go through the puddle

        Thank you Rogue



          How come this thread only has 4 stars now? I thought we had 5 before.

          A huge welcome to all of you newbies and de-lurkers. Don't be afraid to post. Everyone is friendly here and receptive. Never ever, ever feel left out, even if you don't always get a response to your posts. I don't post too frequently, but I've never felt like I was not a member of the Shipper Family! ((((((((To All))))))))


            Originally posted by michelleb
            i will watch caught in a moment, it's one of my fave songs, i just need to be at home so i can d/l it. as for the know, you're right. i switched on 'lowdown' expecting the spudfest the US guys..and was totally blown out of my seat. huggage, and kissage and ship...and even if that kiss shot was for a publicity photo, what are they doing kissing in a publicity photo, and where is it? i loved it when he closed his eyes for a second when he was cuddling her..they looked so cute and right together (as sam and jack i mean, not as AT and RDA). yeah, they were pushing the ship....can't wait to see where they go with it.

            Way to go Michelleb can't be any other way



              Originally posted by Catysg1
              I WOULD LIKE to see a bit more than a lip lock ..I mean I want to see them smile and laugh together that we can feel the comfort .

              I don't want to see awkwardness between them for the finale ..I had enough of that .

              .....and I want to see Jack smiles ...cuz I really do think that they need to do a script for a happy Jack ....he's too grumpy most of the time and he looks old when he does not smile ..but in the UK lowdown was so refreshing to see RDA smiling so much like that at the end of the show Jack should be happy and should show his teeth and his lovely dimple to sam and us

              I f they do that I bet all the fans in the fandom and I mean all may be very surprised with jack and his relationship to sam ..I do hope this is where TPTB is going ..after all we never really saw a 100% happy Jack ...and seeing that will end up the show with a big bang for the Sam and Jack ship.

              Then obviously the team need to be together too..and I'll see them going down the ramp or going up the ramp ..and a big party to celebrate something special ...perhaps Jack's retirement ..and I want Jack and Sam to dance together ..cuz I have a song involving dancing and I want to make that video I want them to dance for real too.They could have their adult conversation while dancing and kiss there if they want to in front of Daniel Teal'c and Hammond as long as D ,T , and H are not in the shot ..I'll be happy

              Exactly what I want to see!!

              A kiss would be great but to see Sam and Jack together and happy would (for me) be even better
              As i've said quite a few times beofre I would LOVE to see Sam and Jack together like RDA and AT were in the Lowdown...comfortable and happy and huggy

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by michelleb
                good grief, you're scary when you're possessive

                i like that. very calm and understanding and sweet (you forgot the part where a crowd of angry shippers descend on pete with potato mashers, and leave him with some very odd wounds only Gil Grissom can figure out). I think..i would have jack walking in the park..say with cassie, see the above conversation, and get closer...just in time to hear sam says she loves someone else. unable to believe what he hears, he stands there as pete walks away, the he says;

                <snipped just a bit>

                'it's you jack. always been you, always will be you.'

                jack realises there need be no more talking, and finally, at long last, kisses her

                sorry that was so long, i got carried away.
                Oh Michelle....deep sigh. Perfect. Just perfect. Perfect in its simplicity.
                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by Elfinwood
                  How come this thread only has 4 stars now? I thought we had 5 before.

                  A huge welcome to all of you newbies and de-lurkers. Don't be afraid to post. Everyone is friendly here and receptive. Never ever, ever feel left out, even if you don't always get a response to your posts. I don't post too frequently, but I've never felt like I was not a member of the Shipper Family! ((((((((To All))))))))
                  only four stars? what do the stars depend upon? cos this is a five star list, no doubt about it. freindly, courteous, polite, and rammed chock full of ship.

                  in moebius maybe
                  it's gonna be hammond, kawalsky and janet coming back to tell sam and jack to get it together already like an SG version of christmas carol

                  just had another thought (two in one day? when you're hot you're hot!) re prometheus unbound
                  now i know this is a mostly daniel episode and all the pictures i have are of daniel (and i have no objection at all to watching claudia black beat up and then snog daniel, in fact i await it eagerly)...hammond is also in it. he's not on the prometheus, so he must be back at base. wonder what's going on there? maybe hammond will have a quiet word with jack about saying something to sam (what do you expect, son? you don't tell her, how's she's going to know?) seeing as how hammond has always been a shipper. or maybe he'll have a quiet word with sam about her choice (he's always been a father figure to her, and with jacob not around, someone has to offer her fatherly advice). and with daniel missing, bet sam and jack have to work together a lot to get him back. so yeah, i think prometheus unbound could be a source of unexpected ship

                  <sigh> unexpected ship, i love that. like that song unexpected song, about unexpected love. well, end of my ramble.
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    long lost twin? would fit the path Stargate is almost taking these days
                    yikes! surely not - I can't see that being anything but silly!
                    but I wouldn't put it past them...


                      Originally posted by jennsatt
                      KG - I agree that AU would be preferable. As several others have mentioned, going back in time could change things in this reality and I guess I just don't see TPTB going there...
                      Just out of curiosity, can anyone think of any other way for
                      Kawalsky to be in the finale
                      besides time travel or AU?
                      he could be a ghost?

                      or like that film starman where an alien entity creates his image but has all his thoughts and memories etc...hey this is sci fi anything can happen


                        Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                        Just wanted to say WELCOME to all the newbies. I'm actually a newbie, a few months out of lurkdom and I'm having a blast in here.

                        <snipped a bit>

                        Now that I've babbled on and on, I'll quietly head off to my little corner and stare at my picture of Sam and Jack. Goodnight and sweet shippy dreams.
                        Welcome LtColSamONeill....nice post to add to the thread. Possible Spoilers:
                        I don't think is part of the Trust...I don't think he exists at all!!!!! One way or the other is GONE!!!
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          That word is mine, Michelle, so back off! I'm very proud of the fact that my brain wasn't on when I made it up... hmmm, did that come out right?

                          Now that I'm done with this OTness...

                          Spoilers for S8's Threads


                          One way I'd like to see Sam dumping PS to play out --

                          (pete comes to sit next to sam at the park)

                          P - "Hi, Sam." *smiles and kisses her cheek*

                          S - "Hi, Pete."

                          P - *noticing her tense statement* "What's up?"

                          S - *takes deep breath* "Pete... "

                          P - "You want to postpone the wedding?"

                          S - *stares at him*

                          P - "... You want to cancel it, don't you?"

                          S - *quietly* "Yes."

                          P - "Why?"

                          S - "It's complicated, Pete, but--"

                          P - "You want to break up... don't you?"

                          S - "Yes."

                          P - "Why, Sam?"

                          S - *sighs and sits back* "I adore you, Pete. You've been so good to me. So good for me, but... "

                          P - "There's the magic word."

                          S - "I'm in love with someone else. I've been in love with this person for years. Even though I'm not sure I'll ever be with him the way I want, I can't continue like this when so much of my... I can't get over him."

                          P - "Do you want to get over him?"

                          S - "... No."

                          P - *sighs and closes eyes a moment* "Well then... nothing more to say I guess."

                          S - "I'm sorry, Pete."

                          P - "So am I, because.... I knew there was something holding you back... someone holding you back. I knew this, but I pushed ahead anyways." *he stands* "I've got to go now."

                          S - "I... I'm sor-- "

                          P - "Don't apologize, Sam. I pushed a lot of things in this relationship, so I'm just as at fault for... " *sighs* "Take care of yourself, Sam."

                          (they share a smile as pete walks off and sam continues to sit)

                          Anyone want to try another scenario?

                          Sally, that is wonderfful
                          I love how you did that, and Pete didn't seem so bad at all.....If it turns out this way I would be happy
                          Especially if Sam does say its because she LOVES someone else

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                            he could be a ghost?

                            or like that film starman where an alien entity creates his image but has all his thoughts and memories etc...hey this is sci fi anything can happen

                            Hey Sami

                            Yes I thought about that but the ghost story looks a bit cheesy for Stargate when you think they have a Stargate and a quantum mirror ..this is where he should come from ..if he was a ghost ..he could have come before but with the Sargate need to dial up and for the quantum mirror same ..I think you need to remote control it I don't know why a ghost would wait 7 years to appear out of nowhwere would be really cheesy Don't you think !!!!!!!

                            Anyway Sam and Jack will be together at the end of season 8 ..No doubt



                              Originally posted by kiwigater
                              I would love to dl the UK version of the Lowdown. I NEED to see the ship! (yes, that's right, it's a medical necessity!).
                              PM me if you know of a source...... *eyes dart furtively around room avoiding TPTB*
                              Congrats on your 1000+ posts kiwigater....keep on postin', thunkin' and shippin'!

                              I haven't been feeling well lately myself and I think you have diagnosed my affliction...I NEED TO SEE THE SHIP! How very simple and silly of me for not figuring it out sooner... I feel better already. Except...where is the ship? Can you write me out a prescription?
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by Catysg1

                                Anyway Sam and Jack will be together at the end of season 8 ..No doubt

                                i love how you're so positive and certain and hopeful..makes me feel ever so much better. (and so does watching your amazing music videos). yeah, if caty's certain they'll get together they will! (would put little smiley waving a peridot shippers flag, but don't have one. just imagine it)
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

