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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Elfinwood
    I just received my latest issue of Sci-Fi magazine yesterday and in the article that gives the reader a brief synopsis of what to expect for season 8 Stargate SG-1...
    Spoilers: Season 8-Affinity:


    ...they discuss Affinity, but only Teal'c's storyline is mentioned and there is absolutely no mention of or that storyline at all. That was a shocker. I believe most of the info comes from RCC and he says that the second half is going to be really epic and that everyone who watches Stargate should not miss the last six or seven episodes.

    Of course, if there is a season 9, some things will probably change.
    This made me laugh so hard! I can't see the spoiler, but I know you are talking about Pete cuz I can see the smilies! HAHAHAHA!


      Originally posted by Kri
      This new tag ROCKS! Now I can actually LOOK at the posts without having to go really fast to not see every single spoiler! YEA!!

      I really like it also. We need to be sure to indoctrinate all newbies.

      That way no one gets spoiled and we can read twice as fast. Not to mention not having to insert all those extra lines.

      Kudos to Gateworld!!!!!!
      Ship Nana


        New Order Spoiler

        Originally posted by Kri
        Hehehe, I watched it with a guy friend the other night, and he said the same thing. Actually, he said "well THAT's a new way to say hello!!"
        LMAO! I actually thought much the same thing at the time. There wasn't really any reason for him to put his hand, um, there. They've certainly gotten more comfortable recently.
        Last edited by auralan; 10 August 2004, 03:58 PM. Reason: spoiler tag fixes
        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


          Originally posted by Kri
          Someone help me!!!! I am so confused! I could have sworn we moved this morning and now I can't figure out where we are! Why are there 60 pages in this thread? What happened? I don't know where to start reading to catch up, but apparently I am miles behind!!! AAARG! Did the Wraith or the Goauld come in and grab our posts???
          Ship Mum merged threads 15 and 16 into this thread and she's gonna let this thread go on with a potentially infinite amount of posts.


            I have these little books that are hilarious, they are called The Portable Curmudgeon and Return of The Portable Curmudgeon, basically full of quotes from various folks. One quote that I found that sort of reminds me of how TPTB are treating the whole ship situation is from Nietzsche:
            " Hope in reality is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the
            torments of man."
            Except that recent spoilers have not provided too much hope
            I just thought I might share this, I should be writing a paper but this is way more fun!


              Originally posted by marimba26
              Well, overall I really liked the experience and the tix are more than $100 cheaper than Creation cons. Yes, it is sadly true though--we had to queue for everything. I hope that will change next year because there were literally HUNDREDS of complaints about the queueing policy and there were only 700 people there! So I think they're going to have to change something or risk losing a lot of ticket buyers. Wow--the third row, huh? How far out did you have to buy you ticket for that? That's really cool!
              Hahaha! With all the posting, and the merging of threads, it took me forever to find your response! Thanks for answering! Okay, another question.... Gatecon has been doing this for what, 5 years now? Do you know if this has been a consistent problem with people having to wait in lines and miss some of the forums? I'm like you, if they have had that many complaints, you'd think the ticket sales would drop off. But if that is the only con people have tried, they wouldn't know any differently. But if it was a one time/one year problem, hopefully for their sakes, and for the fans, they can eradicate it quickly.

              I didn't mind spending the money for Creation, because the flight to Vancouver would have been a lot more for me than it was to Burbank, and we got a lot of time with the actors (and that added bonus of a guaranteed seat for the weekend). I could have already purchased a ticket for my same seat for next year (same price but 3 days instead of 2), but we have no idea who will be there. If it is all Atlantis people, I might not be interested. Also, since it was my first con, I just went into it with the knowledge that it was an expensive event.

              We had 50 minutes each with AT, MS, and CJ, and I believe it was about 40 minutes with PW, DD, TA, and CA, and our autographs for all were included in the price of the ticket. Also, with the priority seating came priority lines for the autographs. They went by rows, so it didn't take long at all for us to get our autographs.

              Like I said, I realized it was expensive, but we got a lot for the price of the ticket (also included was a big wooden plaque with an 8x10 of Jack O'Neill, and I got a free 8x10 photo in addition for staying at the convention hotel). If all pans out, I will definitely go back next year.

              Thanks again Marimba! OH, and I can't tell you how "early" we bought our tickets because I am not sure when they officially went on sale. I believe we purchased our main tickets in mid May for a July event.


                K, I'm back from Six Flags Magic Mountain... and I expected a new thread.... what happened? I do see it's quite past 1000, so I'm assuming we've stopped the new threads stuff? But, I won't know until I keep reading. I missed you guys!!!!!!!!!




                  Originally posted by Muldy_SG1

                  Actually I think you guys are too harsh on them. Look at it this way. They have to please everyone. If Sam & JAck get together now - half the audience (no not us lol the other half) would leave...they have to drag it out till the end or they'll loose viewers.

                  OK....correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys seem to have it in for Robert C Cooper...I don't see why?
                  He started the fishing Nemises...then in Small Victories he continued it, AND had thor say "I'm sure Colonel O'Neill is well." to Sam when she told him she was 'thinking'

                  Then Redemption pt II...I saw lots of (subtle) ship!

                  And who wrote Paradise Lost? (OK not best episode on the world) But full of ship!!
                  Ok gonna admit levels of ship in Full Circle were...well...basically zero...but it wasnt exactly zero!
                  Heroes pt II?
                  Lost City (co wrote anywayz)

                  OK well those episodes obvious don't count...RCC never writes any form of ship in his episodes...I'm sorry...*sarcasm*

                  Maybe he's not Peter DeLuise, doesn't write blatant ship! But he writes ship! And I think its only fair you guys back off on him a bit...
                  Sure not ALL his eps have ship
                  But neither does anyone elses...

                  I just think if we want a shippy ending
                  We should at least be nice to TPTB...

                  Or do we want them go JAG on us!?
                  Keep Pete around even longer...
                  Make Kerry more than a one-ep person...

                  I don't...and I'm guessing you guys don't either.

                  I know if I was one of TPTB I would be offended by some of the comments made on this forum. And if you guys wanna stop me posting or wateva do so...I'm just saying that you should lay off TPTB slightly. It's not the way to get ur happy ending...

                  The one we all want

                  Instead of putting them down for wat they haven't bout thanking them for what they HAVE done?
                  Wow... the first post I read from my one day break -which suffered me so- and it's.... I don't know what word to use, but enjoyable isn't it.




                    Originally posted by sacme
                    Shipper Shrieker

                    Shrieking Shipper

                    Toss Yer Cookies

                    Cookie Toss

                    Malevolant Powers

                    Cabin Pressure

                    Cabin Fever



                    Lost in Space

                    Gate Goop-de-Loop

                    Gate Bait

                    Gate Grate

                    Steam Ship

                    Emotion Express

                    Reg Rammer

                    Rantaway Train


           name a few.

                    ship sistah
                    All great rollercoaster names, ship sistah!


                    ps - THE last ride I went on at Magic Mountain got me sick... ................. ...... and then the ride home didn't help....... ...........



                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      K, I'm back from Six Flags Magic Mountain... and I expected a new thread.... what happened? I do see it's quite past 1000, so I'm assuming we've stopped the new threads stuff? But, I won't know until I keep reading. I missed you guys!!!!!!!!!

                      Hey, is Magic Mountain one of the Six Flags parks that is getting the new Stargate SG-1 ride??


                        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill


                        I had a quick scroll through this last page and saw someone had posted saying whatever happens whether RDA stays or not Sam and JAck ship should end at season 8 and I think it should!!
                        But I also read that AT was having doubts about it too, so if they loose the main character and then AT decides she doesn't want to carry on either then I don't think it will happen but if AT stays there is a high possiblity.

                        Just my personal opinion, but I think with losing RDA, it would make it difficult to continue. Without AT too... I truly believe the show wouldn't make it. Like I said, this is just my opinion, but with losing both leads... I think the show would sink.




                          Originally posted by Kri
                          This made me laugh so hard! I can't see the spoiler, but I know you are talking about Pete cuz I can see the smilies! HAHAHAHA!
                          Maybe we can play guess the spoiler by the arrangement of the smilies?! Shipper Cookies delivered hot fresh daily to the winner!
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            I agree with, I think it was Tame, that the large number on our thread was a bit threatening to certain people so now there is only ONE thread instead. That is just MHO.

                            I wonder how high the numbers on the posts go. Guess we'll find out once we shippers get started posting after the "2nd episode that shall not be named" airs.
                            And what's going to be hilarious (at least to me ) is that there's going to be pages upon pages of blank posts as we use the new spoiler feature!
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                              Maybe we can play guess the spoiler by the arrangement of the smilies?! Shipper Cookies delivered hot fresh daily to the winner!

                              I'll play. Guess who I'm talking about in this spoiler!

                              One day this guy appeared, out of no where I might add. stalked Sam! double Then takes Sam on a date and crashes a 50th wedding anniversary takes her to the playground where proposes! Tripple .

                              Ok, I win! Pass over those shipper cookies!!!!!!!!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                                And what's going to be hilarious (at least to me ) is that there's going to be pages upon pages of blank posts as we use the new spoiler feature!

                                You said it! Especially week after next!!!!!!!!!!
                                Ship Nana

