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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    Oh, yes!!! Those two are THE most attractive couple I've ever seen!!!

    With all those moments Rick and Amanda share behind the scenes I'm starting to wonder if they're really married.


      Originally posted by Muldy_SG1

      Actually I think you guys are too harsh on them. Look at it this way. They have to please everyone. If Sam & JAck get together now - half the audience (no not us lol the other half) would leave...they have to drag it out till the end or they'll loose viewers.
      I think trying to please everyone is what's getting them in trouble. You never can please everyone! They should go with their vision for the show and let the chips fall where they may. Viewers know when they are being placated, and it usually doesn't work. Even antis and shippers are saying, "Make a CHOICE either way and let's get on with Stargate!!"

      OK....correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys seem to have it in for Robert C Cooper...I don't see why?
      He started the fishing Nemises...then in Small Victories he continued it, AND had thor say "I'm sure Colonel O'Neill is well." to Sam when she told him she was 'thinking'

      Then Redemption pt II...I saw lots of (subtle) ship!

      And who wrote Paradise Lost? (OK not best episode on the world) But full of ship!!
      Ok gonna admit levels of ship in Full Circle were...well...basically zero...but it wasnt exactly zero!
      Heroes pt II?
      Lost City (co wrote anywayz)

      OK well those episodes obvious don't count...RCC never writes any form of ship in his episodes...I'm sorry...*sarcasm*

      Maybe he's not Peter DeLuise, doesn't write blatant ship! But he writes ship! And I think its only fair you guys back off on him a bit...
      Sure not ALL his eps have ship
      But neither does anyone elses...

      I just think if we want a shippy ending
      We should at least be nice to TPTB...

      Or do we want them go JAG on us!?
      Keep Pete around even longer...
      Make Kerry more than a one-ep person...

      I don't...and I'm guessing you guys don't either.

      I know if I was one of TPTB I would be offended by some of the comments made on this forum. And if you guys wanna stop me posting or wateva do so...I'm just saying that you should lay off TPTB slightly. It's not the way to get ur happy ending...

      The one we all want

      Instead of putting them down for wat they haven't bout thanking them for what they HAVE done?
      Your points about RCC's writing of ship in episodes is well taken and agreed upon; however, I don't think the way you phrased your post is diplomatic. RCC's comments in the Lost City commentary were quite hopeful for ship and even funny! I'm not sure you are addressing just this Thread or the whole forum.

      Edited to say: RCC was the one who said fans are the ones with "issues".

      Everyone in the Shipper Family has a right to their opinion even if it differs from others' opinion. That is what makes this Thread a Family. If from time to time we vent our fustrations toward TPTB, it is just that "venting". No real harm is done! The fustration level of Shippers is understandable, and this Thread is an outlet if needed.

      I am not going to "lay of TPTB slightly" because TPTB "might" give me what I want. If I feel they are doing something wrong I have the right to say so as long as I keep it within GateWorld's rules. If I play "nice" will that mean I will absolutely, positively get my Shippy Ending?? I think not! But if it did, I would be shining their shoes with my shirt!

      I will send positive, encouraging letters to TPTB, but this Thread is home. Since it is home, I should feel safe and welcome to express my opinions. That is how I see this Thread. As you read posts, you will know that we are the most resilent, optimistic, FANTASTIC group of Stargate fans anywhere (little biased)!!

      Token ~


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Getcarter... I wanna be you today.... I know you are missing your little one ....But I would kill for a Quiet house some days

        ACK ...forgot to let everyone know...

        Momma Kitty was trapped last night...took her to the vet this morning .. so when I pick her tonight she will no longer be able to have babies in my shed WOO HOO!!!!!

        Part of the Feral program is I do all the transportation and such and I promise to make sure she has food and water to have a nice life in her *neighborhood* and I will gladly do this in exchange for NO MORE BABIES!!!!
        well done TAME esp for getting mommy cat done as there are too many unwanted cats already in the world i hope she is ok and the little ones ok.

        KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1




          Bah. Just realized that my parents (also fans of the show — Mom's a big S/J shipper too, I think it's genetic) are going to be out of town for their thirtieth anniversary when "Affinity" airs. Means I'm going to have to tape it so they can see it when they get back.

          Well, I'm remaining hopeful. This honestly can't be any worse than what the Faramir/Éowyn shippers in LotR got with the film adaptation of RotK — F/É is IN THE FREAKING BOOK. It's the resolution of two character arcs, and it's possibly the most beautiful romance I've ever read. What did we get of it in the movie? Two seconds of them standing next to each other and smiling. I know, it's supposed to end up in the Extended Edition, but given how drastically they accelerated Éowyn's crush on Aragorn, I don't know how they're going to deal with her actually falling in love with Faramir without making some equally drastic changes. And that makes me sad.

          Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who actually likes Narim and Martouf? I think it's because they're nothing like Jack, and because they were actually important to other aspects of the plot. Narim ended up being important later, and even Martouf's relationship with Jolinar served to really explore the relationship between symbiote and host. Pete bothers me most because he was written as "Sam's boyfriend," which is really something you should NEVER do in a story that involves major UST between two characters. It's just cheesy. And cliché. And boring.

          Alas, if I were only supervising.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            Well Bucky... I have to say that was a wonderful and well thought out post

            I don't post often, but when I do...

            But I hope you are wrong.... Because if you are right I might as well turn off Star Gate right now if that is all I have to look forward too. A whole lot of earth bound episodes that are RDA lite, AT smooching it up with a character that I really don't like and virtually no Team episodes. And NOTHING really in the way of my favorite couple besides a bit at the end of hey you wanna get together - yeah and off they go...... No Thanks Just not worth the ride TPTB want to put me through to get there.
            I hope I'm wrong, too.



              Originally posted by Sergeant Phil
              Totally agree with you !! Playing with our nerves is in a way part of the deal, ok we like to be teased a bit, but the game has gone on for quite long now, and season 7 developments, not to mention this year's, are a little too much, I've discussed this at length on a German forum with friends, 80% of us thinks this way, too many more PS would provoke a real quiting wave !!

              Sam (ok she's my fave but...) has changed a lot these last months, and not aways for the better, TPTB should really consider getting her marks a little higher, cos' some of the things she's done, including these back and forth trips between Jack and Prrruit and Jack and Prrruit, are really annoying me now !!! she wanna get married to the Cow faced guy, to hell with it, let her do !! she wanna destroy her life and Jack's ?? let her do ! the series won't have any interest at all and we'll go to sleep earlier !!!

              Phil's 1st rant on the thread !!
              My very first post when I delurked was a rant about that loser !


                Originally posted by Jamieson
                Lol, she, definitely she. She's an 18-year old, soon to be 2nd year Archaeology student at Trent University in Ontario, Canada, and she's also new to this forum! Been to GateWorld many, many times, but rarely found myself wandering over here to the forums - and never posted here before, lol.

                Thanks once again for posting the link here, Estelle! And thanks to you and Marimba many times for your praise - helps get me psyched to start another! (I love making the video once I've started - it's just that preparation mentality I have to get a handle on, lol, happens everytime).

                And if it's music videos you want, I've got a link to help anyone get a head start - it's been my main site for great vids for a long time (sorry if this has already been posted, didn't have time to go and look through the whole thread):

                Here you'll find boatloads of videos in several fandoms, but the majority are Stargate. There's some great Team and Character ones, and some awesome SJ ones - and I've never been able to watch them all, there's that many!!! So enjoy if you haven't already - or even if you have!

                Oh yes...she is also very long-winded, I forgot to mention that, lol. And sarcastic - it's so natural that I don't realize that I'm doing it, so sometimes it comes out the wrong way...don't kill me!

                Okay, that's certainly long enough, I'll stop now.


                You did such fantastic job on your first shipper vid I'd be a crime if you didn't continue *puts on her most threatening look*.

                Thx for the link. I also have d/l some of her vids (and read a lot of her fics, which are really good and funny BTW ... my fav is 'Looking for Nish'ta in all the wrong places') , but I'm still far behind on everything. Don't have that much time besides work

                Oh and sorry about the gender mix *looks embarrassed*

                Estelle xxx
                Abu: This is a woman?
                O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                Carter: Err. Colonel?
                O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                Jack: No I *like* it.


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Bah. Just realized that my parents (also fans of the show — Mom's a big S/J shipper too, I think it's genetic) are going to be out of town for their thirtieth anniversary when "Affinity" airs. Means I'm going to have to tape it so they can see it when they get back.

                  <LoTR snip >

                  Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who actually likes Narim and Martouf? I think it's because they're nothing like Jack, and because they were actually important to other aspects of the plot. Narim ended up being important later, and even Martouf's relationship with Jolinar served to really explore the relationship between symbiote and host. Pete bothers me most because he was written as "Sam's boyfriend," which is really something you should NEVER do in a story that involves major UST between two characters. It's just cheesy. And cliché. And boring.

                  Alas, if I were only supervising.
                  Nope, I quite liked both of them too! I was quite put out when they off-ed Martouf (I'm figuring this can't possibly qualify as a spoiler ).

                  Totally agree with the rest of your comments


                    Originally posted by Token
                    I think trying to please everyone is what's getting them in trouble. You never can please everyone! They should go with their vision for the show and let the chips fall where they may. Viewers know when they are being placated, and it usually doesn't work. Even antis and shippers are saying, "Make a CHOICE either way and let's get on with Stargate!!"

                    Your points about RCC's writing of ship in episodes is well taken and agreed upon; however, I don't think the way you phrased your post is diplomatic. RCC's comments in the Lost City commentary were quite hopeful for ship and even funny! I'm not sure you are addressing just this Thread or the whole forum.

                    Edited to say: RCC was the one who said fans are the ones with "issues".

                    Everyone in the Shipper Family has a right to their opinion even if it differs from others' opinion. That is what makes this Thread a Family. If from time to time we vent our fustrations toward TPTB, it is just that "venting". No real harm is done! The fustration level of Shippers is understandable, and this Thread is an outlet if needed.

                    I am not going to "lay of TPTB slightly" because TPTB "might" give me what I want. If I feel they are doing something wrong I have the right to say so as long as I keep it within GateWorld's rules. If I play "nice" will that mean I will absolutely, positively get my Shippy Ending?? I think not! But if it did, I would be shining their shoes with my shirt!

                    I will send positive, encouraging letters to TPTB, but this Thread is home. Since it is home, I should feel safe and welcome to express my opinions. That is how I see this Thread. As you read posts, you will know that we are the most resilent, optimistic, FANTASTIC group of Stargate fans anywhere (little biased)!!
                    VERY well said Token!!!!!


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who actually likes Narim and Martouf?
                      Narim never did anything for me at all. I'm not sure I can work up enough enthusiasm to even have an opinion on him either way. Meh.

                      Martouf was pretty good in my book. He had a lot of creatively built-in conflict. I liked seeing Sam struggle to separate her feelings from Jolinar's. I liked Martouf's inability to make that distinction for a long time because he was so desperate to have something of Jolinar left. That portrayal of grief was well done and the kind of emotional element I like in my sci-fi. He fit into plots seamlessly and the whole relationship had a strong sci-fi twist to it. I also liked that Sam had enough sense of self not to act on feelings she knew weren't entirely her own. Instead of having Martouf die, I really wish they'd taken it a step farther to have him realize Sam wasn't really Jolinar and finish grieving for her so he could move on in his life. While the death was dramatic, I would have preferred a quieter closure there. It was too interesting a character arc to end with sudden death.
                      *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                        Originally posted by Mala50

                        oh yeah, I'm a flake, too!

                        The Potatohead Collection
                        ROTFLMAO OMG ... *gasps for breath* oh my sides, got *laughs* damn ... got stitches in the side because of you ...

                        Estelle xxx

                        Abu: This is a woman?
                        O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                        Carter: Err. Colonel?
                        O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                        Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                        Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                        Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                        Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                        Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                        Jack: No I *like* it.


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Bah. Just realized that my parents (also fans of the show — Mom's a big S/J shipper too, I think it's genetic) are going to be out of town for their thirtieth anniversary when "Affinity" airs. Means I'm going to have to tape it so they can see it when they get back.

                          Well, I'm remaining hopeful. This honestly can't be any worse than what the Faramir/Éowyn shippers in LotR got with the film adaptation of RotK — F/É is IN THE FREAKING BOOK. It's the resolution of two character arcs, and it's possibly the most beautiful romance I've ever read. What did we get of it in the movie? Two seconds of them standing next to each other and smiling. I know, it's supposed to end up in the Extended Edition, but given how drastically they accelerated Éowyn's crush on Aragorn, I don't know how they're going to deal with her actually falling in love with Faramir without making some equally drastic changes. And that makes me sad.

                          Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who actually likes Narim and Martouf? I think it's because they're nothing like Jack, and because they were actually important to other aspects of the plot. Narim ended up being important later, and even Martouf's relationship with Jolinar served to really explore the relationship between symbiote and host. Pete bothers me most because he was written as "Sam's boyfriend," which is really something you should NEVER do in a story that involves major UST between two characters. It's just cheesy. And cliché. And boring.

                          Alas, if I were only supervising.
                          Maybe your mom should join this family! We'd love to have her around.

                          Although I hope your mom doesn't have heart problems, otherwise "Affinity" will most likely give her a heart attack!


                            Originally posted by Melyanna

                            Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who actually likes Narim and Martouf? I think it's because they're nothing like Jack, and because they were actually important to other aspects of the plot. Narim ended up being important later, and even Martouf's relationship with Jolinar served to really explore the relationship between symbiote and host. Pete bothers me most because he was written as "Sam's boyfriend," which is really something you should NEVER do in a story that involves major UST between two characters. It's just cheesy. And cliché. And boring.
                            No, you're not the only one. I liked Narim as well. I liked his character and I like how Sam responded to him. And it was before all of the feelings were brought up between Sam and Jack so I never felt like he was a threat.

                            I did like Martouf and felt he got a raw deal with his demise but he would have worried me more if he hadn't been offed when he was. He had the potential to become something deeper I think. I know it was his feelings that ran deeper than hers but there was still a connection there. He was very touchy feely with her in Jolinar's Memories. I like to watch Jack's expressions whenever he touches her. He DOES NOT like it.

                            Heck, I even liked Joe - I just DO NOT like Pete. Poor DDL.


                              Originally posted by auralan
                              Narim never did anything for me at all. I'm not sure I can work up enough enthusiasm to even have an opinion on him either way. Meh.
                              I thought Narim was a sweetie. What can I say.

                              Martouf was pretty good in my book. He had a lot of creatively built-in conflict. I liked seeing Sam struggle to separate her feelings from Jolinar's. I liked Martouf's inability to make that distinction for a long time because he was so desperate to have something of Jolinar left. That portrayal of grief was well done and the kind of emotional element I like in my sci-fi. He fit into plots seamlessly and the whole relationship had a strong sci-fi twist to it. I also liked that Sam had enough sense of self not to act on feelings she knew weren't entirely her own. Instead of having Martouf die, I really wish they'd taken it a step farther to have him realize Sam wasn't really Jolinar and finish grieving for her so he could move on in his life. While the death was dramatic, I would have preferred a quieter closure there. It was too interesting a character arc to end with sudden death.
                              Yeah, and it was (yet again) crammed into an episode with a much larger conflict going on. Oddly, I really, really liked the episode where Lantash returned, and Lieutenant Elliot told Sam about how much Martouf/Lantash cared for Sam. (*sniff* Poor Elliot...)

                              (At the risk of being thrown out, I don't mind Carter/Barrett either. Reminds me of Mulder/Scully before they stopped writing Scully in character. )

                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                (At the risk of being thrown out, I don't mind Carter/Barrett either. Reminds me of Mulder/Scully before they stopped writing Scully in character. )

                                Don't worry, I said the same thing. That episode was just screaming Scully!!

                                If she can't be with Jack right now then at least put her with someone we can relate to. NOT PETE. Are you getting a pattern here???

