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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Well said. Go Girl!!!!


      Originally posted by LtLisa
      As for Farscape.. they offed the two right after she told him she was pregnant and he proposed (and she said yes). It was this really great sounding shippy scene...and then they killed them! I WILL revolt if TPTB do a Farscape!
      Originally posted by sacme
      OMG, that is horrible! I'm sure if the show comes back they'll undo it, but man... that was mean!
      I know I'm one who'll be watching in October to see how they write themselves out of it; when you've literally shattered your 2 leads into tiny red glass shard crumblie thingies you'd better have a darn creative way of bringing them back. None of that 'It was all but a dream...' baloney.

      But on topic... no, I still have some (wee little bit) of faith that TPTB won't pull something like that on any segment of SG fandom, including the S/J shipper segment.
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Ok I know we have beat the RCC comment to death

        So I am goning to go at a different angle. The show has reached a point where they want to draw in more fans The Season 8 opener was the highest rated show they have ever had and why do you think that is?

        It is because Season 7 went out on such an emotional note! IMHO they built up the emotion so MUCH!

        Season 7 spoilers - Season 8 Spoilers
        .The Sci Fi commercials were *The Heart Of the SGC May Be Lost* now just who could that have been...mmmmm Jack thats right and who was standing there with her hands on the ice with tears in her eyes staring at him ...Yup Sam and THAT was after she had grabbed the mans face "Jack, don't you leave us!" and ONCE AGAIN Jack pulls himself from the brink FOR HER and tells them how to save him.

        Everyone tuned into the Season 8 opener to see what was going to happen and what happened.........NOTHING and what is going to continue to happen with Sam & Jack that we KNOW FOR SURE - that means the episode has been filmed and is in the can- NOTHING

        Then we get spoilers that show us that the WORSE THING we Shippers can imagine may be coming true and we start saying WHOA!!!! and then Joe Mallozzi pops in with a crypic post...ok we all put on a *Shipper Rose Tinted Glasses* and try to have faith in TPTB heck we have waited 7 years we can wait a bit longer, we can trust Joe right???
        Then we get the *Threads* info and it is even WORSE then we imagined...WHY IS IT WORSE...well they are leading us to believe that Sam has said yes to so now Sam has to look evven more indecisive by backing out of this engagment in order to be with Jack. Now we hear Jack has to be *pushed* into voicing his feelings for Sam yet again. AND on top of it all Sam's Dad may be dying. Well isn't all this just what you would think IMMEDIATELY when you read a SCI FI SHOW is coming on.

        TPTB brought in a last minute character and now the *Ship* revolves around him. Any romance that has to do with Sam has to do with him. The fans (not just shippers BUT ALLTYPES) have made it VERY CLEAR that they do notlike this charater, they felt he was poorly written, that he was poorly portrayed and that he really had no place in the whole Star Gate story. But did that matter. Nope, in fact it got alot of attention in quite the opposite way. The fans were made to feel somewhat *stupid* for their dislaike of this character. Their letters expressing this were termed *Hate Mail* on National TV. regardless of the fact that I am sure NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE WAS. So where am I supposed to go to say all this?? I guess I can sit in my living room and complain to my husband. I guess I can sit and talk with my friends who watch Star Gate and we can discuss the merits of being treated badly by TPTB once a show goes up in ratings. Well I have. And one of the reasons I joined fandom was to find a place that I could share the JOY AND THE PAIN of Ship, The joy and Pain of TPTB and make friends.

        I discuss the merits of the episodes in the episodes threads. I discuss the waythe writers treat women in the thread designed for that. But when I want to talk about what TPTB are doing to the one thing I have invested myself emotionally in SHIP I come here.

        I will keep saying over and over I WILL NOT GIVE UP BUT

        Joe if you ever come on and read through these READ THIS - I am tired of being yanked around for 7 going on 8 years. I am angry that Pete was brought in and given all the things we feel should have been given to Sam & Jack. I am frustrated that a large fanbase has to be this tired and fed up to get one post from anyone. And while I appreciate it, if TPTB are NOT going to ECLIPSE the PS/SAM story when Sam/Jack get together then you may as well not bother because you have damaged MY trust in your team and it will cause me to shy away from any other projects I see any of your names on.

        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by nickatell
          Spoilers Season 7 & 8 "Threads", "Affinity", "LC"
          Could you please tell me what it would have hurt if Sam and Jack had kissed in the LC in the engine room or in BTS? All these big rewrites when it really wouldn't have changed the story, Sam could have still been sooooooooo confused and Jack could have still been as tight lipped as usual, the only difference would have been they would have thrown the shippers a bone. But no they have to really torment us by telling us that there was going to be a kiss but not any more. Oh but when they do finally give us a kiss, it is a dream within a dream and it is almost like a goodbye kiss when we never even got our hello.
          Spoilerspace for New Order

          I wished S/J had kissed in the engine room...IMHO the scene needed a bit of touch. I would have been thrilled with Jack kissing Sam's fingertips. Even a single finger stroke down her cheek would have given me the shivers. and the *I know* the power punch it needed to have.

          NOW, to continue the story in NO...conveniently have Jack forget everything that happened since he stuck his head in that Ancient device. Then Jack would have had the secret memory of a kiss from WoO, and Sam would have had a secret kiss from LCII. WE would have had both and been HAPPY!

          Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


            Originally posted by getcarter
            Don't worry, I said the same thing. That episode was just screaming Scully!!

            If she can't be with Jack right now then at least put her with someone we can relate to. NOT PETE. Are you getting a pattern here???
            I'm a big X-Phile, and I absolutely agree. They even had her dressed Scully-ish. Black suit, white shirt, etc. I didn't mind her with Barrett as much, but I didn't feel a lot of chemistry.

            As for Narim and Martouf, I didn't like either of them, but it had nothing to do with Sam. Narim was just too . . . sterile (no, not that way!). I always got the feeling that if she touched him and got dirt on his shirt, he'd freak on her. LOL. Martouf was just too much like all the other Tok'ra for my tastes - duty first, and to heck with everything else. Like in The Devil you Know (or the ep before that, I can't remember the title) and he had the memory thing on her. When she was hurting and Jack demanded it be removed, he was going to object! It seems the Tok'ra have lost a lot of their humanity, and Marty is no exception.

            I hated Joe, but only because he was so controlling. He was a pre- in that way, telling her what she should and shouldn't do. I don't know what's worse, the men who disrespect Sam, or Sam disrespecting herself by putting up with them!
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              I know I'm one who'll be watching in October to see how they write themselves out of it; when you've literally shattered your 2 leads into tiny red glass shard crumblie thingies you'd better have a darn creative way of bringing them back. None of that 'It was all but a dream...' baloney.

              But on topic... no, I still have some (wee little bit) of faith that TPTB won't pull something like that on any segment of SG fandom, including the S/J shipper segment.
              I am a big Farscape fan too, but I think this ending was the production team giving the tv company the finger for cancelling them!This was a very extreme circumstance, and as much as we dislike what the Stargate PTB are doing to Jack and Sam, I don't think they would ever dare to do anything as bad as this!


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                Ok I know we have beat the RCC comment to death

                So I am going to go at a different angle. The show has reached a point where they want to draw in more fans The Season 8 opener was the highest rated show they have ever had and why do you think that is?

                It is because Season 7 went out on such an emotional note! IMHO they built up the emotion so MUCH!

                Season 7 spoilers - Season 8 Spoilers
                .The Sci Fi commercials were *The Heart Of the SGC May Be Lost* now just who could that have been...mmmmm Jack thats right and who was standing there with her hands on the ice with tears in her eyes staring at him ...Yup Sam and THAT was after she had grabbed the mans face "Jack, don't you leave us!" and ONCE AGAIN Jack pulls himself from the brink FOR HER and tells them how to save him.

                Everyone tuned into the Season 8 opener to see what was going to happen and what happened.........NOTHING and what is going to continue to happen with Sam & Jack that we KNOW FOR SURE - that means the episode has been filmed and is in the can- NOTHING

                Then we get spoilers that show us that the WORSE THING we Shippers can imagine may be coming true and we start saying WHOA!!!! and then Joe Mallozzi pops in with a crypic post...ok we all put on a *Shipper Rose Tinted Glasses* and try to have faith in TPTB heck we have waited 7 years we can wait a bit longer, we can trust Joe right???
                Then we get the *Threads* info and it is even WORSE then we imagined...WHY IS IT WORSE...well they are leading us to believe that Sam has said yes to so now Sam has to look evven more indecisive by backing out of this engagment in order to be with Jack. Now we hear Jack has to be *pushed* into voicing his feelings for Sam yet again. AND on top of it all Sam's Dad may be dying. Well isn't all this just what you would think IMMEDIATELY when you read a SCI FI SHOW is coming on.

                TPTB brought in a last minute character and now the *Ship* revolves around him. Any romance that has to do with Sam has to do with him. The fans (not just shippers BUT ALLTYPES) have made it VERY CLEAR that they do notlike this charater, they felt he was poorly written, that he was poorly portrayed and that he really had no place in the whole Star Gate story. But did that matter. Nope, in fact it got alot of attention in quite the opposite way. The fans were made to feel somewhat *stupid* for their dislaike of this character. Their letters expressing this were termed *Hate Mail* on National TV. regardless of the fact that I am sure NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE WAS. So where am I supposed to go to say all this?? I guess I can sit in my living room and complain to my husband. I guess I can sit and talk with my friends who watch Star Gate and we can discuss the merits of being treated badly by TPTB once a show goes up in ratings. Well I have. And one of the reasons I joined fandom was to find a place that I could share the JOY AND THE PAIN of Ship, The joy and Pain of TPTB and make friends.

                I discuss the merits of the episodes in the episodes threads. I discuss the waythe writers treat women in the thread designed for that. But when I want to talk about what TPTB are doing to the one thing I have invested myself emotionally in SHIP I come here.

                I will keep saying over and over I WILL NOT GIVE UP BUT

                Joe if you ever come on and read through these READ THIS - I am tired of being yanked around for 7 going on 8 years. I am angry that Pete was brought in and given all the things we feel should have been given to Sam & Jack. I am frustrated that a large fanbase has to be this tired and fed up to get one post from anyone. And while I appreciate it, if TPTB are NOT going to ECLIPSE the PS/SAM story when Sam/Jack get together then you may as well not bother because you have damaged MY trust in your team and it will cause me to shy away from any other projects I see any of your names on.
                All I can say here is that I am speechless. You said everything I wanted to say in a very eloquent way. Well Said!

                If any PTB are reading this, consider me in agreement wholeheartedly!
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  Ok I know we have beat the RCC comment to death

                  So I am goning to go at a different angle. The show has reached a point where they want to draw in more fans The Season 8 opener was the highest rated show they have ever had and why do you think that is?

                  It is because Season 7 went out on such an emotional note! IMHO they built up the emotion so MUCH!

                  Season 7 spoilers - Season 8 Spoilers
                  .The Sci Fi commercials were *The Heart Of the SGC May Be Lost* now just who could that have been...mmmmm Jack thats right and who was standing there with her hands on the ice with tears in her eyes staring at him ...Yup Sam and THAT was after she had grabbed the mans face "Jack, don't you leave us!" and ONCE AGAIN Jack pulls himself from the brink FOR HER and tells them how to save him.

                  Everyone tuned into the Season 8 opener to see what was going to happen and what happened.........NOTHING and what is going to continue to happen with Sam & Jack that we KNOW FOR SURE - that means the episode has been filmed and is in the can- NOTHING

                  Then we get spoilers that show us that the WORSE THING we Shippers can imagine may be coming true and we start saying WHOA!!!! and then Joe Mallozzi pops in with a crypic post...ok we all put on a *Shipper Rose Tinted Glasses* and try to have faith in TPTB heck we have waited 7 years we can wait a bit longer, we can trust Joe right???
                  Then we get the *Threads* info and it is even WORSE then we imagined...WHY IS IT WORSE...well they are leading us to believe that Sam has said yes to so now Sam has to look evven more indecisive by backing out of this engagment in order to be with Jack. Now we hear Jack has to be *pushed* into voicing his feelings for Sam yet again. AND on top of it all Sam's Dad may be dying. Well isn't all this just what you would think IMMEDIATELY when you read a SCI FI SHOW is coming on.

                  TPTB brought in a last minute character and now the *Ship* revolves around him. Any romance that has to do with Sam has to do with him. The fans (not just shippers BUT ALLTYPES) have made it VERY CLEAR that they do notlike this charater, they felt he was poorly written, that he was poorly portrayed and that he really had no place in the whole Star Gate story. But did that matter. Nope, in fact it got alot of attention in quite the opposite way. The fans were made to feel somewhat *stupid* for their dislaike of this character. Their letters expressing this were termed *Hate Mail* on National TV. regardless of the fact that I am sure NOT EVERY SINGLE ONE WAS. So where am I supposed to go to say all this?? I guess I can sit in my living room and complain to my husband. I guess I can sit and talk with my friends who watch Star Gate and we can discuss the merits of being treated badly by TPTB once a show goes up in ratings. Well I have. And one of the reasons I joined fandom was to find a place that I could share the JOY AND THE PAIN of Ship, The joy and Pain of TPTB and make friends.

                  I discuss the merits of the episodes in the episodes threads. I discuss the waythe writers treat women in the thread designed for that. But when I want to talk about what TPTB are doing to the one thing I have invested myself emotionally in SHIP I come here.

                  I will keep saying over and over I WILL NOT GIVE UP BUT

                  Joe if you ever come on and read through these READ THIS - I am tired of being yanked around for 7 going on 8 years. I am angry that Pete was brought in and given all the things we feel should have been given to Sam & Jack. I am frustrated that a large fanbase has to be this tired and fed up to get one post from anyone. And while I appreciate it, if TPTB are NOT going to ECLIPSE the PS/SAM story when Sam/Jack get together then you may as well not bother because you have damaged MY trust in your team and it will cause me to shy away from any other projects I see any of your names on.
                  TAME! TAME! TAME! TAME! TAME!

                  (Chant continues as shippers everywhere carry Tame through the streets of Shipper Town!)

                  Ooops. Watch out for the gutter folks! Almost lost her there!


                    Originally posted by Brandie
                    99% of us are pretty darn tame. I wish that was clear to them though.
                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    Although I am kind of jazzed that 99% of you are all ME All you Darn Tames
                    See my button ** angles button so light will catch it** ‘Tame… and Dang proud of it!”
                    OOOHHH don't let this bunch fool you that much.. think about it we live in a make believe city drinking make believe drinks, eating make believe cookies. We have to people that think that are ....<whispers> Tok'ra and we are constantly grabbing drinks that aren't really there...... Also we all mumble and grumble and sometimes sing to ourselves ON THREAD and we ride in a Roller Coaster that is in all of our imaginations and SOME OF US REALLY GET SICK
                    That’s why the hospital and commune apparently are the biggest buildings in town! What? They’re a figment of my delusional imagination?! No way! I was just there last night! …Or was I?
                    No No...I was misquoted REALLY...they are REAL ...HONEST THE SHIPPER COOKIES ARE REAL EVERYONE :d
                    Dang right! ***wipes shipper cookies crumbs off mouth & upper chest… good thing am not wearing that v-neck hospital gown this evening… these crumbs go everywhere***
                    Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 09 August 2004, 06:07 PM. Reason: two of those "the's" in there
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by meimei
                      TAME! TAME! TAME! TAME! TAME!

                      (Chant continues as shippers everywhere carry Tame through the streets of Shipper Town!)

                      Ooops. Watch out for the gutter folks! Almost lost her there!
                      Hey, hey, hey; a little respect for us gutter gals, especially since one-half to two-thirds are shippers too.


                        Originally posted by Kliggins
                        Hey, hey, hey; a little respect for us gutter gals, especially since one-half to two-thirds are shippers too.
                        Only one-half to two-thirds??? Surely not!!


                          Tame, I totally agree with you. Could you have imagined if TPTB ended Season 7 with Sam grabbing Petes face and looking deep into his eyes? How many people do you think would have turned up for Season 8? Just like when they were introducing Season 7 I believe and they showed us the Sam and Jack kiss, only to find out ... yadda yadda yadda, I think you get the point. My point being TPTB know just when to let us have just a little ship and then they ignore it like it never happened.

                          As far as Season 9 is concerned, if RDA is not returning than alas nor will I. He is the reason I started watching and he continues to be half of the reason I am still watching today,(okay so we know who the other half is). Even though I have come to love and enjoy the rest of the team, they just don't do if for me; but, with that said I would still want Stargate to continue for the others who would enjoy it.

                          I am not sure that RDA would really be interested to just come back for a couple of episodes just to be Sams love interest, but I could be wrong.


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            Joe if you ever come on and read through these READ THIS - I am tired of being yanked around for 7 going on 8 years. I am angry that Pete was brought in and given all the things we feel should have been given to Sam & Jack. I am frustrated that a large fanbase has to be this tired and fed up to get one post from anyone. And while I appreciate it, if TPTB are NOT going to ECLIPSE the PS/SAM story when Sam/Jack get together then you may as well not bother because you have damaged MY trust in your team and it will cause me to shy away from any other projects I see any of your names on.

                            ta-aim, Ta-Aim, TA-AIM! TAME! TAME! TAME!

                            **the Family dissolves into cheers & whistles**
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              Only one-half to two-thirds??? Surely not!!
                              Okay, how about 95%. Darn cat wants to be petted. Can't type and pet at the same time. Shades of Gray is on now. Remember the beer bottle. Oops, wrong thread.


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                TAME! TAME! TAME! TAME! TAME!

                                (Chant continues as shippers everywhere carry Tame through the streets of Shipper Town!)

                                Ooops. Watch out for the gutter folks! Almost lost her there!
                                LOL...ok now was that you or Marimba that keeps pinching me..
                                I can't say enough how much I love this
                                (((((((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))))))))))))))))))
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

