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    Originally posted by sugarshaker
    Spoilers Threads








    Quite a development. I never thought I'd say this (shows how much the Pit storyline has changed things) but the way things are going, I'm really glad to see Jack get a girlfriend.

    < snip>

    Obviously, Sam accepts 's proposal I'm terribly dissapointed about that as TPTB should never have let it get that far. Someone quoted an interview with PDL a while back that said that quits his job to be near Sam, and if she lets him do that and then backs out, it makes her look even worse.
    Okay, I've read the sides. Stop now if you don't want to be even more spoiled for this episode.

    Quite honestly, the whole thing left a really bad taste in my mouth. Not as a shipper, it's very ship positive. It's that it's every awful romance novel cliche stuffed into an episode of Stargate. Seriously, WTF?

    That said, Kerry (the girlfriend) looks to be a one episode wonder. Jack doesn't successfully move on and she notices it, calls him on it, identifies the problem by name, and gracefully bows out while encouraging him to go for what he really wants. She even suggests a way around the regs. She's also beautiful, classy, intelligent, down to earth, and involved with the stargate program. I will henceforth be calling her MarySue. And, again, WTF?

    Pete put a downpayment down on a house locally and it's freaking Sam out. Sounds like he may not have moved yet, but he's in the process. The closer the wedding gets, the more she's thinking she's made a mistake. It's well past usual jitters and doubts. She tries to talk to Jack about it. goes to his house, lays out the second thoughts and just as she's about to talk about her feelings for him, MarySue the heretofore unknown girlfriend shows up. Apparently she'd wanted the relationship kept secret from the SGC for reasons never stated (presumably professional credibility).

    She invites Sam to stay to dinner. Much awkwardness. Sam's paged away with the Jacob emergency.

    Next we see MarySue, she's in Jack's office asking after Sam's father. This is where she eventually winds up breaking up with him and calling him on his feelings for Sam. She thinks he should retire. She acknowledges the Pentagon considers Jack invaluable to to program, but points out that civilians have been appointed to run teh SGC before (Weir). Then she smiles as she leaves him contemplating that option. Do people like that actually exist?

    As much as I like the option and the direction they're moving the ship here, can I have that barf bag now? It's all so ... so ... cliche'd and bad romance novel. I'd hoped for better. I really, really hope somebody somewhere revises the heck out of this to make it less cringe worthy. At least take the MarySue out of Kerry. She's very attractive, smart, intuitive, classy, down to earth, involved with Jack, and she gracefully bows out to push the ship forward. I don't object to the girlfriend idea, but could she not have a halo floating over her head?

    Never thought I'd see the day I saw something this shippy that moves things forward this much make me this nauseous. Bleah.
    *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


      Originally posted by majorsal
      Next sigline batch.


      "Why what?"

      Funny! Thanks for the smile.

      s u g a r s h a k e r


        if this works out well for s/j ship. i'll tolerate it. yes, i am that shallow.
        HOWEVER! i do have one question.

        has RCC been reading fanfic and taking notes or something? don't get me wrong here, i loves me fanfic, but i'd like it to stay on the net please.


          Originally posted by getcarter
          Spoilers (sort of)

          Ok, i broke down and read it, BUT I'm not as freaked as I would have thought because it sounds like all is not well in paradise. YIPEE!!! So I'm not gonna panic....yet.....
          Ok, I'm providing the panic button for anyone who feels the need to push it!!!

          Ship Nana


            Originally posted by auralan
            Okay, I've read the sides. Stop now if you don't want to be even more spoiled for this episode.

            Quite honestly, the whole thing left a really bad taste in my mouth. Not as a shipper, it's very ship positive. It's that it's every awful romance novel cliche stuffed into an episode of Stargate. Seriously, WTF?

            That said, Kerry (the girlfriend) looks to be a one episode wonder. Jack doesn't successfully move on and she notices it, calls him on it, identifies the problem by name, and gracefully bows out while encouraging him to go for what he really wants. She even suggests a way around the regs. She's also beautiful, classy, intelligent, down to earth, and involved with the stargate program. I will henceforth be calling her MarySue. And, again, WTF?

            Pete put a downpayment down on a house locally and it's freaking Sam out. Sounds like he may not have moved yet, but he's in the process. The closer the wedding gets, the more she's thinking she's made a mistake. It's well past usual jitters and doubts. She tries to talk to Jack about it. goes to his house, lays out the second thoughts and just as she's about to talk about her feelings for him, MarySue the heretofore unknown girlfriend shows up. Apparently she'd wanted the relationship kept secret from the SGC for reasons never stated (presumably professional credibility).

            She invites Sam to stay to dinner. Much awkwardness. Sam's paged away with the Jacob emergency.

            Next we see MarySue, she's in Jack's office asking after Sam's father. This is where she eventually winds up breaking up with him and calling him on his feelings for Sam. She thinks he should retire. She acknowledges the Pentagon considers Jack invaluable to to program, but points out that civilians have been appointed to run teh SGC before (Weir). Then she smiles as she leaves him contemplating that option. Do people like that actually exist?

            As much as I like the option and the direction they're moving the ship here, can I have that barf bag now? It's all so ... so ... cliche'd and bad romance novel. I'd hoped for better. I really, really hope somebody somewhere revises the heck out of this to make it less cringe worthy. At least take the MarySue out of Kerry. She's very attractive, smart, intuitive, classy, down to earth, involved with Jack, and she gracefully bows out to push the ship forward. I don't object to the girlfriend idea, but could she not have a halo floating over her head?

            Never thought I'd see the day I saw something this shippy that moves things forward this much make me this nauseous. Bleah.

            Did you actually read somewhere that this is what's going to happen or is this just speculation on how it might go down?

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              I read it(Threads) and---spoilers
              )Oops, by the time I got this written, there was a definitive post about Threads, but anyway....
              )Judging by the spoiler to the ep,it sounds as if they are trying to have these soap opera-ish barriers to S/J before they are to be brought together at the end. And that's not all bad except this ep will air in 2005 and that means more and more roller coaster rides. You said it JM. BUT--and a big one, what if the eps that CJ said they are rewriting have to do with prolonging this roller coaster into a 9th season? That's what scares me more than this spoiler for Threads.


                Spoilers? I suppose if you consider mood a spoiler.






                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                Ok, I'm providing the panic button for anyone who feels the need to push it!!!

                Not sure I'm to the panic button, yet. Anybody got a barf bag?
                *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*



                  Just when he thought he'd lost all hope, all reason to live, he saw a shadow pass over him. Looking up, he saw the face of his 2IC smiling gently. His breath caught -like being punched in the stomach- his reaction to her. Smiling more firmly, she reached out a hand to help him up.

                  "Shall we go home, sir?"

                  He released the breath he'd been holding and smiled softly.

                  "Yes... Sam, that would be wonderful."




                    Originally posted by sugarshaker
                    Did you actually read somewhere that this is what's going to happen or is this just speculation on how it might go down?
                    As I stated at the beginning, I read the sides. Those are script pages released for casting purposes. It's not speculation, but it could change if they rewrite some episodes because they're getting a season 9. Chris Judge did say in Tampa they were doing some rewrites because ratings are up and season 9 looks like a strong possibility. This could be one of them.
                    *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      I know. The ONLY thing PS adds to this show is showing us what we're missing with S/J.

                      Aunty Sally, congratulations on the big 1,000.

                      Ship Nana



                        J - "I can't write poetry about her, Daniel! ... How's this: Roses are red, violets are blue. So are your eyes, and I love you?"

                        D - *blinks*




                          Originally posted by auralan
                          As I stated at the beginning, I read the sides. Those are script pages released for casting purposes. It's not speculation, but it could change if they rewrite some episodes because they're getting a season 9. Chris Judge did say in Tampa they were doing some rewrites because ratings are up and season 9 looks like a strong possibility. This could be one of them.

                          Sorry, I never heard of "sides." As many times as we're being subjected to I hope that Kerry isn't a 1 episode wonder. My shipper life has been too out of balance lately, and I feel this need to even things up.

                          Thanks for the info.

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            Hey "sis." Kel'dor's shocked that you do actually have a RL since he says that Kel'sha's RL involves a lot of viewing of RDA pics.
                            But I prefer MS so I guess Kel'sha would have to suffer (esh, did I just quote Anise?!?)

                            "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                            describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                            <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                            Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                              Spoilers, Threads





                              Originally posted by sugarshaker
                              Sorry, I never heard of "sides." As many times as we're being subjected to I hope that Kerry isn't a 1 episode wonder. My shipper life has been too out of balance lately, and I feel this need to even things up.

                              Thanks for the info.
                              My personal feeling is that it needs to be a fairly serious matter to counteract the effects of

                              s u g a r s h a k e r


                                Originally posted by auralan
                                As I stated at the beginning, I read the sides. Those are script pages released for casting purposes. It's not speculation, but it could change if they rewrite some episodes because they're getting a season 9. Chris Judge did say in Tampa they were doing some rewrites because ratings are up and season 9 looks like a strong possibility. This could be one of them.
                                auralan has successfully put me back in my happy place.


