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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    LOL!! The first thing that reminded me of was from Sleepless in Seatle where the little boy says, "Help! My dad is kissing a whore!" LOL!
    *giggles madly* Oh, I love it.

    Hi, folks! This is my first post in this thread, but I've been 'shipping Jack/Sam almost since I discovered how wonderful this series is. I hope to have lots of fun around here, and maybe even get an idea or ten for fics, as I do a lot of writing.

    By the way, I LOVE Shipper Town. That's just so adorable. Can I move in?

    As for the "Threads" spoilers, I'm not overly concerned about the pulse of J/S. Mostly I'm concerned that it's being crushed into an episode with what seems to be a pretty major Daniel story arc too. The author in me is cringing at the sheer amount of condensing that's going to happen to get both arcs into forty-three minutes.

    Mel, off to bask in the glory of Shipper Town
    Last edited by Melyanna; 02 August 2004, 06:59 PM.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      Spoiler Space Threads

      As I have been reading all across the forum I have to laugh at the total opposites. The Anti Shippers are up in arms because they feel this is THE SAM & JACK hour coming up and here we are shaking in our shoes that this episode might be our ship dooom......

      You know what I am gonna do.....FUGITABOUIT!!!!!
      and just watch the show and see what happens and if I don't like it...well You all know what I won't be buying

      Tame, had to laugh out loud at your post -- I was lurking over in the Anti thread yesterday and was really bemused over one post stating there was no chemistry btw Jack and Sam.. I was yelling at the monitor "I hope you don't drive a car anywhere near my house, because apparently you are legally blind !!" Ship really is in the eyes of the beholder and they (adorees of the Anti thread) seem to feel that all TPTB write is ship, ship, ship, night and, well, ok, what show are you watching? asks I



        Originally posted by mad_gater
        Here's what I saw (highlight to see):

        I liked the smile Sam gave Jack when he said that she would be pleased when they were talking about her review.

        And it looked like she was a little sad (she told Daniel that she wasn't sulking) when she thought Jack was being distant.

        I think Jack was a little distant in this episode cuz he's trying to find that balance between being CO of the base and being close to his friends. I think he might be worried that he might be seen as a bad CO if he's too close to his subordinates.
        I thought just the opposite - he was reaching out for his friends, and they were keeping a distance from him. Heck, the rest of the SGC was more supportive in the gateroom scene than Daniel and Sam were in the briefing room. They just seemed to be shutting him out entirely. (We saw a bit of this last week, too, when Teal'c was telling them about his new apartment, but stopped talking when Jack came in.)
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Originally posted by Starfury
          I was thinking, we all know that Teal'c is a Sam&Jack shipper, right? And apparently, the President also is (though I haven't seen season 7 personally, so I don't know the specifics of WHY, just that some people say he obviously is)... What about other Stargate characters? Do we have any onscreen evidence that, for example, Hammond, Janet, Daniel, or Sgt. Siler are shippers?
          Anyway, I'm just looking for people's opinions.
          MHO concerning the characters (not to be confused w/the actors):
          Hammond - Yes. So long as their ship didn't compromise the team's integrity & put anyone else at risk. He turned his head the other way quite a number of times.
          Janet - Of course. Sam's best buddy. But same as Hammond - as long as it didn't affect the team. She gave Sam a number of sidelong carefully-considered looks over the years & still said nothing official & probably engaged in quite a bit of girl talk...
          Siler - He probably couldn't care less if they shipped or not (let alone knows it's happening). Likely admires Sam from afar.
          Daniel - Yes. and No. Yes, because these are his two best buddies. No, precisely because these are his two best buddies. (And for gettting socked in the face by Jack in Broca Divide! )
          Cassie - Dunno. Anything that would make Sam happy (but that wouldn't eat into her time w/Sam).
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            Guess who is checking out the "Threads" spoilers? Starts with J and ends with M. Maybe he's looking to see how bad/good people are responding?

            Joe, if you read this, PLEASE stop the madness before it begins. Give ONE LITTLE morsel of hope!! PLEASE!!! I will beg if needed!!

            Token ~


              Spoilers S8 ep Threads
              Originally posted by JSDT
              Okay, I know everyone is probably talking about this as I type (I'm about 4 pages behind) and I'm sure someone is already trying to be logical and has put a positive slant on this, but...I'm first reaction to this ep was to start crying. (Is that sad or what?) So right now I'm going to catch up on the posts and hopefully by the time I catch up with you, I'll be a more positive mood.
              I have to say, my initial reaction was not so good, but I've come to terms with it. Yea, it's soapy and overly-dramatic. At least they're dealing with the ship, tossing out a solution to the regs problem, and heading the right direction. Before I saw the regs issue addressed, I wasn't thrilled with the whole maybe a season 9 thing. Now ... if they can solve the regs issue and stay at the SGC, we could get a good resolution this year and actually see the relationship in season 9 instead of a simple fade to black. Do I like the soapy aspect of how we're moving that direction? No. Do I like where it's going? You bet! This could be a very good thing in the end. I might even be getting excited about the prospect of a season 9.
              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                *starts to cry* OMG this has been one hell of a day!!! First work was bad (nicer word than what I was gonna use). Then I havent been able to get on gateworld for almost 2 days (Gateworld and IE need to settle their differences and get over it!!!!) Then I had to go and read the spoilers for 'Threads'! I know we are suppose to be positive about this, but I cant!! But before I go (I know I just got on but I have to go to bed for work in the morning) I want to welcome our new members...

                WELCOME gatewatcher, astrogeologist, and anyone else I missed (I had to skim the last 20 pages to catch up so if I missed ur post I apologize)!!


                McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                  Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                  Thank you Nana!
                  <Though that big blue arrow was kinda like getting hit w/an ice cube! >

                  <am ususally the quiet peacemaker stay-out-of-the-fray shiplet... didn't want to be the spoil-the-moment shiplet>
                  Nope, you weren't! You were absolutely right!

                  We should be thanking you for reminding us! We all get so excited sometimes that we forget!

                  We don't mean any harm but it is definitely discourteous (is that a word?)to our fellow shippers and lurkers not to put in the spoiler space.

                  Thanks for helping us mind our "p's" and "q's".
                  Ship Nana


                    A good article with AT and RDA. There are spoilers in the article, so beware:



                      Originally posted by Starfury
                      I was thinking, we all know that Teal'c is a Sam&Jack shipper, right? And apparently, the President also is (though I haven't seen season 7 personally, so I don't know the specifics of WHY, just that some people say he obviously is)... What about other Stargate characters? Do we have any onscreen evidence that, for example, Hammond, Janet, Daniel, or Sgt. Siler are shippers?

                      Personally I think Siler's more likely to have a thing for Sam himself than to be rooting for Jack, 'cause really, what guy wouldn't have a thing for Sam if he worked with her every day, unless he was married or gay or something...but I digress...

                      IMHO, Hammond is a shipper, Janet might be, and I'd like to think that Cassandra is (not that there's evidence that Cassie's a shipper. It just makes sense from a psychological point of view).

                      Anyway, I'm just looking for people's opinions. If you give examples/evidence from the show, remember spoiler warnings, if applicable. Personally I don't mind minor spoilers that much (I sit next to a guy at work who is a spoiler FIEND. I've TRIED to get him to stop spoiling me, but it's all for naught...) but some people are way more touchy about these things.

                      I'd also be very interested to know which ACTORS are Sam'n'Jack shippers.
                      Janet is . . . or was . . . definitely a shipper. She was the one who told Sam that Jack was offering his life having the test so it might help her. On the other side, Daniel did everything in is power so she *wouldn't* know that fact, which makes me think maybe he's not a shipper. (Nobody's good enough for my sister! he's thinking.) After all, didn't Daniel *say* that in Holiday?

                      As for the others, I don't know. <g>
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by majorsal

                        Jonas - "Sam, why don't you ever call Colonel O'Neill by his first name?"

                        Sam - "Uh... it's complicated."

                        Jonas - "Complicated like you're in love with him?"

                        Sam - *spits coffee across table and into his face*

                        Jonas - "... I take that as a yes, then?"

                        Good one Sal!
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Glad you like the town! There are a number of places to have fun! Don't forget to stop by the R.C. Information Center. There's alot of free stuff to get. We are starting to pack for our move so don't get lost.
                          Please remember to put Spoiler Space as needed!

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by JSDT
                            Spoilers S8 ep Threads
                            Okay, I know everyone is probably talking about this as I type (I'm about 4 pages behind) and I'm sure someone is already trying to be logical and has put a positive slant on this, but...I'm first reaction to this ep was to start crying. (Is that sad or what?) So right now I'm going to catch up on the posts and hopefully by the time I catch up with you, I'll be a more positive mood.
                            more spoiler space
                            don't cry hon, keep reading posts if you can handle more spoilers.. auralan does an excellent job of putting it in perspective with additional info.

                            take a deep breath, have a drink, a cookie, another drink (you know me ) and stay calm... the ship is being made sea worthy.



                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              *giggles madly* Oh, I love it.

                              Hi, folks! This is my first post in this thread, but I've been 'shipping Jack/Sam almost since I discovered how wonderful this series is. I hope to have lots of fun around here, and maybe even get an idea or ten for fics, as I do a lot of writing.

                              By the way, I LOVE Shipper Town. That's just so adorable. Can I move in?

                              As for the "Threads" spoilers, I'm not overly concerned about the pulse of J/S. Mostly I'm concerned that it's being crushed into an episode with what seems to be a pretty major Daniel story arc too. The author in me is cringing at the sheer amount of condensing that's going to happen to get both arcs into forty-three minutes.

                              Mel, off to bask in the glory of Shipper Town
                              Welcome Melyanna! Glad you decided to join the family!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by auralan
                                You're welcome. Wish it had me in a happy place. Maybe upon further contemplation this will look better.
                                I really think it is a positive step. She sees what she is about to lose, kicks back to Denver and S/J live happily ever after.

