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    Originally posted by Ship Nana
    I'll never tell!!! Hehehehe
    *Opens footlocker*

    AT: hey, hansome!

    *blushes* heh heh! guess it's my footlocker!


      Everyone! We need to have your name on this letter by the end of the week. So if you are interested please speak up now!!!

      Dear Amanda,

      The Shipper Family of Gateworld has collectively contributed to this letter in the hope that you will read it and see how much we all love both Stargate and the character of Sam. Some of us have been watching since the very beginning and some of us only started watching more recently. All of us post on Gateworld Forum, and more specifically in the "Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread" (please come by and visit some time, we'd love to have you!).

      Our family is made up of fans from all over the globe, including The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Scotland, France, Portugal, New Zealand, Germany, and Australia. We are definitely a family. Whether we're discussing the many "ups and downs" of Sam and Jack's relationship or the dramas of real life; we support, encourage, and sustain each other. As a family, we laugh and occasionally disagree, we rave then we rant, but most importantly love and respect one another. Thank you so much for being part of the reason we have developed this wonderful family!

      A common theme we have in this thread is that we all think that you are an extremely talented actress and the show is better off for having you on it. You bring a depth and warmth to Sam Carter's character that enriches each episode. It is also wonderful to see such a strong and smart female character on television. Through Sam, we've explored other worlds, fought off Jaffa, created naquada reactors, and saved Earth from friend and foe alike. Through you, Amanda, we've seen a talented actress bring this very fascinating and charming character to life. Thank you for your tireless dedication to your craft and the selfless giving of yourself to your fans.

      We have all enjoyed watching both Sam and Jack grow and change over time and we think that their relationship has added an extra dimension to the show. It is wonderful to see two characters who love and respect each other so much (not to mention two amazing actors who have so much chemistry!). Their relationship is a breath of fresh air when most television romantic relationships are so badly done. In our humble opinion, we feel that Jack is the best man for Sam - and he is made better by Sam. They've seen each other at their best and at their worst. They have been through so much together. To us that definitely lays the foundation for something special.

      We are thoroughly excited by your desire to stretch your acting legs and explore Sam's development, but we sincerely hope that at some point this exploration will take place at Jack's cabin. With Jack!

      While we do love the romantic relationship between Sam and Jack, we also love the friendships and interaction between the entire team. We enjoy the team dynamic very much amongst all of the characters. We are not asking that the show be turned into the Sam and Jack show. We want the same brilliant "Stargate SG-1" that we've always had just with the additional natural, positive progression of the romantic feelings between our favorite couple.

      Having said all that, we have enclosed a gift that is sure to bring out the shipper in you! We are sending you some of the best music videos from two of our "family" members, Caty and Marimba. We hope you enjoy their labor of love as much as we have! "Frozen," "I Surrender," and "Breathless" from Caty (aka ShipDiva); and "Tell Him," "To Make You Feel My Love," and "Still Holding Out for You" from Marimba will demonstrate why we feel Sam and Jack should be together. Of course, the collection would not be complete without "Miss Independent", "Wonder Woman", and "Through the Rain" which capture the essence of Sam. Caty and Marimba?s work is sure to melt your heart and make you laugh as you look back over the years at the evolving relationship of Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill.

      With warmest regards (and lots of Shipper hugs!),

      ~The Gateworld Sam/Jack Shipper Family~

      Ship Nana
      ~bcmilco =)
      Twisted Angel
      stargate barbie
      Col aga
      Capt. Rivet
      Chevron 1
      Send Pete to Edora
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        Ya'll didn't know that Chocolate is one of the primary Food Groups?

        Here is the Chocolate Shipper Cookies - They are rich and Luscious Shipping (especially when served warm - good for when nothing else will do) They are also good for stocking up while on extended absenses from S/J Thread.
        Extended absence!! Nooooo!!!! Guess this give me double the reasons to stay and play
        Oh dear, I can see I've been entirely mistaken about trying to add ANY food groups outside of chocolate to my diet..... thank you Shipper Family for helping me see the error of my ways
        Perhaps I should take that heavy trunk of RDA off your hands as my way of "thanking" you for your help.....


          Originally posted by kiwigater
          Extended absence!! Nooooo!!!! Guess this give me double the reasons to stay and play
          Oh dear, I can see I've been entirely mistaken about trying to add ANY food groups outside of chocolate to my diet..... thank you Shipper Family for helping me see the error of my ways
          Perhaps I should take that heavy trunk of RDA off your hands as my way of "thanking" you for your help.....
          We're only human! We all make mistakes once in awhile! But now you know better, right? Chocolate is part of every shipper's life blood!


            Can I just say....2 more days!!!!!!

            Ok, I'm calm now. I thought this week would drag but it has actually gone by fairly quickly. I will definitely have to remember to get online RIGHT after the premiere because I came back the next day after the Lowdown and had about 12 pages to catch up on. Whew! Watching "Exodus" right now. Love the part where he pulls her out from under the mine. So cute.


              Originally posted by mad_gater
              We're only human! We all make mistakes once in awhile! But now you know better, right? Chocolate is part of every shipper's life blood!
              Well, after..ummm.... *discussing* it with Jack (I've let him out of the trunk, sorry, hey look, you can paint things with melted chocolate.... oops wrong thread, and PG forum, PG forum..), I won't be making THAT mistake again (see even my text is chocolaty now ).

              Does this make me a lapsed recovering chocoholic??

              *forgets chocolate momentarily to go visit the gutter......*

              What was I saying??? Oh yes, on with the shippiness


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                Well, after..ummm.... *discussing* it with Jack (I've let him out of the trunk, sorry, hey look, you can paint things with melted chocolate.... oops wrong thread, and PG forum, PG forum..), I won't be making THAT mistake again (see even my text is chocolaty now ).

                Does this make me a lapsed recovering chocoholic??

                *forgets chocolate momentarily to go visit the gutter......*

                What was I saying??? Oh yes, on with the shippiness
                Guess I'd better let Sam out of my trunk then so that Jack can have some time with her!


                  Marimba, I've only seen the segments you've posted and imed me. I know that the Grace kiss was shown twice, I was refering to the other time

                  Just let me know when you have more

                  oh and snark on:
                  //Who cares if the Goa'uld System Lords are about to attack Earth, or if the Asgard are going to show up in time to save the day, or if the giant Ancient Weapon is of any more use to Earth than a pea-shooter?
                  The real question looming as Sci-Fi Channel's "Stargate SG-1" starts its eighth season Friday, July 9, is: Will cryogenically frozen Col. Jack O'Neill be thawed and survive so that he and Maj. Samantha Carter can hook up ... or not?//

                  so, we know that Earth and Sg1 will prevail, we know Jack's gonna get thawed...we don't know if/when him and Sam are going to hook up...why the netu/tuat/h%# do they think thats our big concern/focus?!?

                  "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                  describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                  <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                  Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    Glad you made it over but I have to reply to something you said at the old thread--what do you mean you're a recovering chocoholic? You're supposed to recover from that? If you are, then I'm in trouble...
                    me too....I LOVE chocholate!

                    and to break in the new thread...
                    <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs> Screw the regs! DOWN with Pit! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!

                    "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                    describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                    <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                    Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                      Originally posted by kiwigater
                      Extended absence!! Nooooo!!!! Guess this give me double the reasons to stay and play
                      Oh dear, I can see I've been entirely mistaken about trying to add ANY food groups outside of chocolate to my diet..... thank you Shipper Family for helping me see the error of my ways
                      Perhaps I should take that heavy trunk of RDA off your hands as my way of "thanking" you for your help.....
                      That's what family is for, isn't it?
                      Ship Nana


                        Oh look!! With the new thread came a promotion for me. I didn't even notice!!

                        Wow, I sure do talk alot!!
                        Ship Nana


                          I repost in the new thread New Video 49 "soul deep" Laura Turner.......very intense song

                          Tomorrow I will upload "Everything" Alanis morissette.

                          Click on my sig to access website

                          and congrats on the new thread VII


                          caty aka ShipDiva


                            Yeah! I finally figured out my sig! ::doing cartwheels::
                            Hey, how about sharing some of that chocolate? Now I know why I decided to join the shipper family, for all the sweets...not to mention the great company!
                            Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


                              Hey, I started a new page. Yippee!
                              Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


                                CkiCki, congratulations for getting your sig to work! That is one of my favourite pics of Jack and Sam.

