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    OMG ..You' ve been busy lasy night 9 already

    Anyway.....VIDEO 50 " Everything" Alanis Morissette is now up.(Edited radio version).

    Jack sees everything in Sam...her light, her dark..and he's still here.

    Click on my sig to access my site .


    caty aka ShipDiva


      Originally posted by CkiCki
      This is cool! How many new shippers get to say they helped finish an old thread and start a new one in the same day? I'm sure we'll feel at home in, well, now. Just one more question before I *think* I'll be able to go solo. How exactly do I make my sig pic smaller? (now that I actually get a picture - thanks again for the help!)

      Give me your e-mail addy and I'll send you 2 reduced pics of you RDA sig

      Edited to say ..that I now have finished reading the 9 pagesand I realized you now have a pic in your sig

      Last edited by Catysg1; 08 July 2004, 01:05 AM.


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Okay, I'm going to print it Sunday night or Monday morning because I can't guarantee that I'll have time to after that! So if you guys will make sure your name is there or add it before then, I would much appreciate it!

        Wait until Monday for my CD get a chance to get to you ...but I'm nearly 100% sure you 'll get it on Monday doesn't take more than a week to get something to the USA.

        Thank you Lisa.



          Thread VI, Marimba:
          ROFL!!!! Nothing quite like a smiley to say it all!

          This smiley is affected by Ptui-induced seasonal affective disorder!
          When you are SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) because of , keep cookies NEAR (Naquedah Enhanced Anti-Ranting).

          ship sistah

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            Added names as requested.

            Everyone! We need to have your name on this letter by the end of the week. So if you are interested please speak up now!!! This means all you Shipper Lurkers Too!!

            Dear Amanda,

            The Shipper Family of Gateworld has collectively contributed to this letter in the hope that you will read it and see how much we all love both Stargate and the character of Sam. Some of us have been watching since the very beginning and some of us only started watching more recently. All of us post on Gateworld Forum, and more specifically in the "Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread" (please come by and visit some time, we'd love to have you!).

            Our family is made up of fans from all over the globe, including The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Scotland, France, Portugal, New Zealand, Germany, and Australia. We are definitely a family. Whether we're discussing the many "ups and downs" of Sam and Jack's relationship or the dramas of real life; we support, encourage, and sustain each other. As a family, we laugh and occasionally disagree, we rave then we rant, but most importantly love and respect one another. Thank you so much for being part of the reason we have developed this wonderful family!

            A common theme we have in this thread is that we all think that you are an extremely talented actress and the show is better off for having you on it. You bring a depth and warmth to Sam Carter's character that enriches each episode. It is also wonderful to see such a strong and smart female character on television. Through Sam, we've explored other worlds, fought off Jaffa, created naquada reactors, and saved Earth from friend and foe alike. Through you, Amanda, we've seen a talented actress bring this very fascinating and charming character to life. Thank you for your tireless dedication to your craft and the selfless giving of yourself to your fans.

            We have all enjoyed watching both Sam and Jack grow and change over time and we think that their relationship has added an extra dimension to the show. It is wonderful to see two characters who love and respect each other so much (not to mention two amazing actors who have so much chemistry!). Their relationship is a breath of fresh air when most television romantic relationships are so badly done. In our humble opinion, we feel that Jack is the best man for Sam - and he is made better by Sam. They've seen each other at their best and at their worst. They have been through so much together. To us that definitely lays the foundation for something special.

            We are thoroughly excited by your desire to stretch your acting legs and explore Sam's development, but we sincerely hope that at some point this exploration will take place at Jack's cabin. With Jack!

            While we do love the romantic relationship between Sam and Jack, we also love the friendships and interaction between the entire team. We enjoy the team dynamic very much amongst all of the characters. We are not asking that the show be turned into the Sam and Jack show. We want the same brilliant "Stargate SG-1" that we've always had just with the additional natural, positive progression of the romantic feelings between our favorite couple.

            Having said all that, we have enclosed a gift that is sure to bring out the shipper in you! We are sending you some of the best music videos from two of our "family" members, Caty and Marimba. We hope you enjoy their labor of love as much as we have! "Frozen," "I Surrender," and "Breathless" from Caty (aka ShipDiva); and "Tell Him," "To Make You Feel My Love," and "Still Holding Out for You" from Marimba will demonstrate why we feel Sam and Jack should be together. Of course, the collection would not be complete without "Miss Independent", "Wonder Woman", and "Through the Rain" which capture the essence of Sam. Caty and Marimba?s work is sure to melt your heart and make you laugh as you look back over the years at the evolving relationship of Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill.

            With warmest regards (and lots of Shipper hugs!),

            ~The Gateworld Sam/Jack Shipper Family~

            Ship Nana
            ~bcmilco =)
            Twisted Angel
            stargate barbie
            Col aga
            Capt. Rivet
            Chevron 1
            Send Pete to Edora
            Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
            Ship Nana


              Thanks GoneShippin´ and ShimmeringStar ! Glad you think I should keep my name!

              Sally, thanks! And if I had been offended by something like your quite understandable post I would´ve allowed you to sent me to Edora right after Pete...which means I´m not easily offended. Although ...maybe Edora would´ve been a little too extrem...let´s say the Aschen would´ve been okay.

              Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*


                Originally posted by majorsal
                Oh who are you telling! You have no idea how often I´ve been to the doc since Stargate started let him look over my head in case I hit it a little harder than usual. But hey, I always tell myself it´s for a good cause!

                Steffi ~ A shipper on mission *weg*

                Oh, Steff, you better have that head wound taken care of!... or you might start dating a guy that decides to spy on you... AND YOU'LL FORGIVE HIM FOR IT AND TELL HIM EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING!..... *clears throat*.... freak out brought to you by Purina Dog Chow.

                Oh gosh, please spare me! It would take *much* more to get me a guy like that, believe me!

                Uhh just the thought! *shudder*

                Btw, you aren´t the Sally that writes those amazing Fanfics, are you? Just thought I would ask...hehe

                Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*


                  Wow! Don't you guys sleep? I go to bed and when I wake up, there's twice as many pages to read! But hey, don't stop; I love you guys way to much for that to happen.
                  Originally posted by sacme
                  Thread IV, CkiCki: Welcome newbie posting shipper! Congrats on taking the plunge and eating the red cookie. Question-- how do you pronounce your name (I don't mean Amanda)?

                  ship sistah

                  p.s. love your sig. you got a handle on things, quick!
                  Thanks sacme! I figured someone would ask eventually, so here goes:
                  My last name is Lisiecki (pronounced la-shes-key). It's polish. So my name is the last three letters typed twice, so it is said key-key. Hope that cleared things up!
                  Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    ... It was Sam and Jack's oath to one another.....

                    Jack - "I, Jack O'Neill', promise to stand by you, support you, not stalk you, and love you."

                    Sam - "I, Sam O'Ne.. I mean Sam Carter, promise to stand by you, support you, drop the loser boyfriend, and love you."

                    Hammond - "I now pronounce you normal, healthy people!"

                    Sam and Jack passionately kiss. And kiss. And kiss. Crowd leaves, shutting doors and shutting down the Gate.

                    Ok when that scene comes on I'm just gonna turn off the sound (I'm tapping it anyway) and insert those lines thereby creating my very own Shipper Moment.

                    Who needs those blasted writers anyway!!
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Give me your e-mail addy and I'll send you 2 reduced pics of you RDA sig

                      Edited to say ..that I now have finished reading the 9 pagesand I realized you now have a pic in your sig

                      Hey, I'll still take it if you'll give it to me! RDA pics never get old. Can't you just e-mail me at this place like you did when you wanted me to vote?
                      Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        Thanks, hon! I forgot what the gray shipper cookies are for, but copious amounts snacks makes the going good.


                        Gray Shipper CookieIs the Snarkiness Shipper Cookie

                        Don't want you to forget the colors as you might need to call on a various Shipper Cookie at anytime for instant relief.
                        Ship Nana


                          OMG you guys are insane!! You post so much!! I came back this morning and there was a whole new 8 pages!! Just finished reading it now!! *grins*

                          Don't worry that's a good thing!!

                          I can't wait for Friday (saturday for me)

                          *Eats all the shipper cookies*

                          Now I'm experiencing a strange range of

                          *EAts more shipper cookies!!*

                          I hope there's lots of ship in season 8 - but i'm almost spoiler free!! I'll have to go back and look for that thing in the lowdown though! With Teal'c holding Sam back...didn't see it b4!!

                          ~ Muldy!

                          PS. If you guys want G - PG-13 ship fan fics I write...
                          Angel of Fire SG1's fics
                          that's the link to all my fics!! I would love if you guys read some of them!!

                          RDA: "I dunno that much about Pete to be honest with you. Apprently he's no threat to O'Neill!"

                          SAM AND JACK FOREVER

                          My Sam & Jack Fan Fics


                            Originally posted by Jimlad The Pirate Maiden

                            which kind/color of shipper cookies equals which type of shipper feeling?

                            must know which ones to eat
                            Since the New Season is only

                            1 day; 15 hours; 6 minutes and 37 seconds


                            I will go ahead and repost all the Shipper Cookies for everyone. No grabbing please.

                            Pink Shipper Cookies - Increases Creativity and Brain Power for Shipping

                            Green Shipper Cookies - Stops Pit-ranting and rant withdrawal and redirects focus to Ship

                            Red Shipper Cookies - Makes ship lurkers into ship posters
                            (take the red pill, Neo-shippers)

                            Blue Shipper Cookies - Dreamy Shipper Bliss

                            Purple Shipper Cookies - Warm and Fuzzy Shipping

                            Orange Shipper Cookies - Disoriented Shipping

                            Chocolate Shipper Cookies - Rich and Luscious Shipping (especially when served warm - good for when nothing else will do) Also, for stocking up while on extended absenses from S/J Thread.

                            Gray Shipper Cookie - Snarkiness Shipper Cookie

                            Lime Shipper Cookies - gives the illusion of Shipper Greatness. They allow the Shipper to dream really BIG!!!!!!

                            Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies – If you have to eat these Shipper Cookies you are so desperate that you probably won't care what they are for.
                            P.S. - Disclaimer - Since these Shipper Cookies are probably radioactive please take the appropriate precautions when handling.

                            Rosy Shipper Cookie - wipes out the memories of bad spoilers and desolves the desire to read spoilers

                            SUBLIMINAL Shipper Cookie – Makes TPTB believe that Ship was their idea

                            The New Turquoise Shipper Cookies
                            - which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies

                            and the all time favorite and Hopefully one that Sam and Jack have eaten alot of for the new season:

                            Yellow Shipper Cookies – (HWMS)
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              Oh god, no!

                              *tosses neck brace to Steff*

                              Please, Steff, save the head!... bad things seem to happen when one gets a concussion. Really bad life changing decisions are made that'll make your life a living hell that... yeah, anyways, protect the head.

                              Soooo that's what happened to Sam!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by Nikkirose
                                Ok I'll deny it if anyone asks.. I promise I wont tell.. but thanks for clearing the letters up it makes a lot more sense now! Its also quite funny!

                                For your entertainment here is the Yellow Shipper Cookie Monkey whom I might add we haven't seen in a while.
                                Ship Nana

