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    Okay, I was going to post a nice long review of why I think shippers got more than they think they got from THREADS... But for now I'll just say that THREADS is in my top 5 SG episodes. In no particular order:

    Window of Opportunity
    In the Line of Duty
    Chain Reaction
    Smoke and Mirrors

    Wait, that's more than five. Hmm...

    Let me also just add that I have finished the follow-up to "Resolutions" that some of you asked me about ... but I feel I must give significant warning here:

    Whereas "Resolutions" was primarily a nice long scene between Sam and Jack - more like a rant put to script of what I'd like to see happen between them (and it was written prior to my seeing THREADS), "The Darker Side of Night" is more of an episode, switching back and forth amongst the team members (and was written after I saw THREADS). Both contain spoilers for late season eight and season nine. It would be best to read them in order, or some of the punchlines at the beginning of "The Darker Side of Night" won't make any sense...

    Here's a quick teaser: It's got major shippy moments (including a honkin' kiss) - although the story itself is not necessarily primarily shippy - There's some funny scenes (including one with Daniel and his lousy timing) - although it is not a comedy - It has an obscure McGyver reference - It's got angst - Sam faces an angry Goa'uld with a hara'kash and a pain stick - It's a cliffhanger - Jack dies (Whoops, did I say too much?)

    So for whoever suggested that Daniel should have interrupted them in "Resolutions," I'd kinda like to either thank you or punch you in the jaw because "The Darker Side of Night" began with that simple premise, and I haven't been able to shut off the creative writing spasm yet (much to my chagrin)...

    Okay now for the links:

    For "Resolutions":

    For "The Darker Side of Night":

    I would TRULY APPRECIATE any and all feedback. Knowing that people respond when you design something or write something is the only thing that warms a creative nut's heart.

    So, I implore you all, if you hold any regard for my standing as a "well-known threat to the System Lords" on this board - FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY (of which I still retain a small portion) - please read them and let me know what you think, okay?

    Last edited by Uber; 12 March 2005, 11:44 PM.

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

      [spoil]I was happy TPTB actually let Sam decide it was time *FINALLY* to go have that adult conversation with Jack. (Though I do have to question that she’d been sitting in his driveway for 10 minutes without Jack hearing a car pull up or Kerry not looking out a window & noticing that Colonel Carter was sitting out in the drive making odd glances at Jack’s house! )
      Nice lines delivered by Jacob… “I just want you to be happy.” “Don’t let the rules stand in your way.” “You joined the Air Force because of me.” “You can still have everything you want.” One way it can be interpreted is that Jacob was giving her his blessing to move on, that she didn’t have to stay in the Air Force to please him; he was already very proud of her and loved her for who he had rediscovered she was during the past 4 years. Even if he didn’t come straight out and say it, she knew he was telling her to go be with Jack no matter what. (Though I agree with earlier posters… to have heard him say Jack’s name would have been nice…)
      Also liked that they focused on Jack’s expression too after Jacob died. He was devastated. It was final - he knew there’d be no more comebacks for Jacob they way there always seemed to have been for Daniel every time D. had died. And Jack was devastated for Sam – he knew what loss felt like and what she was going through. And he would be there for her. “Always.”

      *giggles* Well… my version of War and Peace got parceled out as reponses to everyone’s wonderful posts! *eyes the time* I have no chocolate to give out at this late hour (2:30 a.m.) (Dang I shouldn’t have spent so much time on the Thunk Thread earlier!!! ), but perhaps I could interest everyone in breakfast foods?
      Well, I guess the only way to get started is to jump right in, so here goes nothing. Please be kind (not that there is any doubt you would be!)
      Yeah, I noticed that, too. For someone trained as special ops, he wasn't very observant... Maybe the beer sizzling on the barbecue was too noisy, or maybe (and in my mind, more likely) his mind was wandering.

      Yeah, it seemed like Jacob was all but spelling it out for her. More or less, "Pete will not make you happy. Wake up! Don't settle for what you think is 'safe' 'cause you'll regret it! Take a chance on real happiness." Of course you (and the others) are right, it would've been nice to actually hear him come right out and say it, but the look on her face made me think that she got it.

      And then there's Jack...For being a "tough guy", he can sure be a sweetie, can't he? *sigh* I know a lot of people have been giving TPTB a tough time, and granted, the imagination reels at the places they could have gone, but his "Always" *double sigh* was just so appropriate, especially for a guy who doesn't seem to be very comfortable verbalizing his emotions - well, the soft & sappy ones anyways...I think he has the annoyance and frustration ones down just fine! :-D And I agree, that picture of him watching Sam & Jacob was worth more than a thousand words!

      Now that I've joined the rank of novelists (or so it feels like), I guess that means the next round of chocolate is on me. Good thing it was on sale last week, so I stocked up! It's only 11:30 p.m. here, so the dessert bar is still open, and I think I may even have some ice cream. It's only vanilla, but isn't that what choc. syrup is for?! I do have some cereal lying around, though, too, if anyone is interested in breakfast.

      Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
      still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


        Originally posted by Madeleine_W
        Can I state that NO ONE is 'pretending to be one of [you]'.


        And please don't imply that anti-S/Jers are dinging in this thread. I've seen no evidence, and i've looked hard.
        I'm sorry, Madeleine. I 'thought' someones were trying to stir things up, but I was obviously wrong. No disrespect intended towards the anti shippers. Please accept my apology.




          hey hey fine shippers!

          whats been hapening!?
          i worked this morning..what fun!
          just been for a late night walk coz its soo hot!
          Citizen Joe is on here next week....i thought that was a great ep!

          have fun...and welcome to the mad house!

 vids..spectacular as usual!

          have a good one ya'll

          Lurve and omlettes
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

          sig by RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by sueKay
            Maybe when she returns, she'll be wearing a wedding ring!

            That would be REALLY cool suekay. Though, I doubt it would ever happen .. knowing those PTB.



              Originally posted by sueKay
              Y'know....I'd be FAR happier with a two hour TV movie and a feature than the show going on for another season.

              RDA might even be persuaded to come back if there is a film...and we all know that when TLC was the movie, there was meant to be REAL ship...

              One glimmer of hope though is AT...I was listening to some season 7 commentarys from AT.

              In Avenger 2.0, she said that 'you just need to look at their eyes to see the love'

              I'd prefer movies too .. but I still think the fact is they wouldn't go any further than hints, they just hate doing that. I just wish that for ONCE we can get one DECENT ship in at least ONE episode. Is that too much to ask?



                just went into the
                Ba'al/Sam shipper thread
                had a nice ol' giggle
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                sig by RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                  hey hey fine shippers!

                  whats been hapening!?
                  i worked this morning..what fun!
                  just been for a late night walk coz its soo hot!
                  Citizen Joe is on here next week....i thought that was a great ep!

                  WELCOME TO ALL NEWBIES!
                  have fun...and welcome to the mad house!

         vids..spectacular as usual!

                  have a good one ya'll

                  Lurve and omlettes
                  Oh, good! Someone else is up! I've been trying to do schoolwork, but failing miserably. After all, there are message boards to catch up on!

                  LOL, well, if this is the mad house, I guess I'm in the right place...Birds of a feather and all.

                  Nice to meet you and see you around!


                  Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                  still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                    Originally posted by Alaskhah
                    Oh, good! Someone else is up! I've been trying to do schoolwork, but failing miserably. After all, there are message boards to catch up on!

                    LOL, well, if this is the mad house, I guess I'm in the right place...Birds of a feather and all.

                    Nice to meet you and see you around!

                    Hey everyone, how are you guys doing?
                    WELCOME Alaskhah, I hope you 'll enjoy this thread as much as we do!!!


                      Originally posted by samandjack32
                      Hey everyone, how are you guys doing?
                      WELCOME Alaskhah, I hope you 'll enjoy this thread as much as we do!!!
                      So far, so good. I seem to have come during "off hours," though. Oh, well, it's about quality, not quantity, right?

                      Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                      still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                        Originally posted by Alaskhah
                        So far, so good. I seem to have come during "off hours," though. Oh, well, it's about quality, not quantity, right?

                        You could say that. Welcome to the thread. To celebrate it ...

                        Welcome to the family.



                          Originally posted by Anubis
                          You could say that. Welcome to the thread. To celebrate it ...

                          Welcome to the family.

                          *sigh* Thanks! They really are just too cute, aren't they? Man, with all these warm fuzzies, it must be time for an ice cream break!

                          Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                          still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                            Originally posted by major_flaming_toaster
                            Every time I try to get to Caty's page, a web blocker comes up. Where is the Paradise video?

                            Clear you PM box



                              Welcome to all the newbies

                              ....and here is

                              Day 14 : HoneyMoon ..... Paradise Island

                              We are just strolling on the beach the morning after

                              lots of love and shipper wedding white cookies

                              Sam and Jack


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                Welcome to all the newbies

                                ....and here is

                                Day 14 : HoneyMoon ..... Paradise Island

                                We are just strolling on the beach the morning after


                                lots of love and shipper wedding white cookies

                                Sam and Jack

                                They just look SO great together. And I wouldn't mind strolling on that beach myself.


