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    Answers to questions about Jacob/Selmac Threads
    I believe Jacob said that if Selmac were still able to help, they could have removed him without a problem, but since Jacob wouldn't let him go, he had slipped into a coma and if they had tried to remove him, he would release toxins that Jacob himself wouldn't be able to fight off. Something to that affect anyway.

    I could be wrong, so maybe we should all go watch it again!!! LOL.
    Jack and Sam=Grace




      Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
      Answers to questions about Jacob/Selmac Threads
      I believe Jacob said that if Selmac were still able to help, they could have removed him without a problem, but since Jacob wouldn't let him go, he had slipped into a coma and if they had tried to remove him, he would release toxins that Jacob himself wouldn't be able to fight off. Something to that affect anyway.

      I could be wrong, so maybe we should all go watch it again!!! LOL.
      I suppose even if they could take the symbiote from him, eventually his body would deteriorate to his previous condition. Which would mean he'd have to get another one and we know of the shortage the Tok'ra have got it was a lose/lose situation really. But it *did* act as a catalyst for our S/J interaction. Even if that does seem superficial.

      "doooo doooo do di do do dooooo , do di doooo doooo do di doooo doooo do doooo do di doooo"
      -Stargate Theme


        Originally posted by soleil510
        Hey Everyone,
        I had the privilege of finally seeing Threads last night. All I can say is that it was shipperlicious. So happy inside I can't wait til the finales.
        I like the conversation Kerry had with was a nudge towards the right direction. Have a shipper day everyone.
        i couldn't agree more, and welcome!




          Originally posted by marimba26
          I've stopped coming here on a regular basis because I'm tired of OT and I'm tired of being told that I'm wrong bc I don't like something that happened in the show. I still come by occasionally bc I am still a shipper (albeit a reluctant one) but not very often and I used to visit multiple times a day to make sure I hadn't missed anything. Now I dread coming over here for the OT-ness. A sad state of affairs for a chronic shipper like myself.
          And I can vouch for the chronic shipper part!!!
          That said, on with my comments about the ep...

          After watching Threads last night (stayed up and watched it both times to be sure), I realized that there wasn't much there that I really loved. It had some moments but that was it. It was nothing like the ship in years past (read S4 here). We didn't get as much ship per ep then I think but it felt right. This was shippy but it didn't give me the same rush that it used to bc it just didn't feel as good. I'm not sure how else to explain that feeling. Even the big admission in D & C didn't come until the end but it was a good episode as a whole and I felt good about it. I'm not sure I feel that way about this ep. There were parts that I enjoyed but not necessarily the ep as a whole. Sad, really.
          It reminded me of Chimera. Once again a shared storyline with Daniel, (AND with the extra Jaffa arc), and a *heck* of a lot of ground covered (even with 90 minutes), so much so that certain parts of the story were glossed over… (not quite plot holes, but plot dips that needed patched…)
          As for my previous posts, I *think* I've finally come to terms with my feelings about Sam and Jack, the show in general and the way things have gone this season and I've come to a few conclusions--
          2. I am still a shipper. A reluctant one. I'm confining my shipping to fanfic and S1-7 bc I don't feel like it was very well done this year and there are some pretty incredible fanfic writers out there who do it so much better. In this episode, I wasn't expecting
          a big sex scene or even a kiss for that matter but what's wrong with just letting Sam finally tell him FCOL. But it never happened. She never got to finish her sentence. Everything still remains unspoken. Nevermind that Jack got to say it in D & C and it would have been nice to hear it from her and just wrap the whole thing up. Instead of a solid conclusion (which is all I really wanted), we get more open-ended scenes with vague dialogue. Even the X-Files did a better job of finishing things (and that's not saying much).
          So that's why I'll stick with fanfic.
          Two convos. One with Jacob.
          The Sam/Jacob mess hall scene: I think Sam really wanted to have an adult convo with her father to share with him her doubts about Pete. Not having Janet around to talk to anymore, Jacob would have been the only other person who really “knew” her who she could bounce her concerns off of. Someone who loved her, had her best interests at heart, and would be “straight” with her with his advice and opinions. I think Sam wanted him to tell her that her concerns were valid (whatever TPTB thought they were---*we* all know what we thought they were!!!) and to say that she didn’t have to go through the motions just to go through the motions. Something along the lines of ‘If you doubt it that much, then don’t commit to it Sam; stop wasting your life and go be with Jack!” I think he would have stayed to talk to her about it, but think he really was feeling *that* bad by the time they reached this scene. I have to respectfully disagree with those that say he intentionally left her in this scene as Jacob had never refused an opportunity to make his opinion known and get the last word on things.

          And the one with Jack that I’ll comment on soon.
          K, I've now said my piece and I'm sorry if I've rained on anyone's parade but that's how I feel and I'm not going to sanitize it.
          Don’t apologize… the thread is the only place for those of us who like S/J ship to talk about what we like about the ship and the things we are concerned about regarding the ship. You didn’t bash fellow posters, didn’t lapse into anything unPG and stayed on topic, so I think most everyone, even if they didn’t agree with your opinion would respect your opinion and defend your right to voice it.

          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            Originally posted by blueiris
            Loved Threads! One thought:
            At the end when Jack and Sam are fishing and then Teal'c and Daniel come around the corner. I got the impression that Jack and Sam had been there and Teal'c and Daniel had just arrived at the cabin. I really think that Sam and Jack were alone there and Teal'c and Daniel came after a "respectable amout of time". Meaning time for Sam and Jack to have had much WHMS! I also liked Kerry. Very sensible. I even felt a little sorry for Pete. However I don't think Sam was insensitive with the "is that all" comment. I think she was just expecting to be made to feel guiltier and Pete was too hurt to see that.

            Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.
            I would hope that what I bolded of your post would be true!
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              BUT TPTB are the ones that I too will remain the most leery of. I too agree that they have gotten arrogant and are no longer looking to those of us that PAY THEM in the end. If they continue to disregard the fans ALL FANS negative reactions to select storylines then they will soon find themselves with NO shows and then hindsight MIGHT show then that even though they are the creators of the product....we are the consumers...and if you aren't fulfilling the consumer demand....the product no longer has merit
              Yep. Even as nice as Threads was, I can’t justify buying S8 based on just this and Reckoning 1&2… so I’ll enjoy my S1-S7…
              And thanks for noticing me Some days I feel like a *very old* forum member ....
              You’re all of 19, right? And fresh new off of the latest cruiseliner of Shiplets, yes?
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Ses - I am FAR from happy with TPTB... but I'm focussing on the good.

                A little self-delusion never did anyone any harm...

                *note to self: don't listen to the voices*

                *wanders off babbling*
                Sue, I'm trying to focus on the good too. Isn't always easy when your mind conjures up images of what you wish would have happened, but... as the overweight opera chick said, it ain't over till I sing it's over!

                Btw, Sue, sometimes the voices say nice and perdy things.




                  Hey, did anyone notice, much to my disgust Threads
                  that when Sam went to see Jack at his house, she was wearing the horrible engagement ring? It literally almost made me toss my shipper cookies!!! You can see it when she closes her cell phone and runs off. I know she was only wearing it because she had just been with "him", but it still made me feel all ooogy LOL. It so pales in comparison with the lovely huge honkin ring that AU Jack bought for AU Sam in Point of View. Now that was a ring worthy of flashing to the masses!!

                  Speaking of AU Sam and our Jack from POV, I think that is as close as they ever came to giving us a version of Sam and Jack that we could have lived with. AU Sam actually had experience living and being married to her version of Jack, so the way she acted with our Jack is how our Sam would act around him without the regs , when they become a couple. Is anyone confused yet? LOL. Look at it like this, if our Sam had gotten AU Sams memories of her Jack and our Jack got memories from the AU Jack, but they each respectiviely, also kept their own memories, I think our Sam and Jack would have found the nearest supply closet and been on each other in a heartbeat LOL. I was always disappointed that our Sam never got to see the wedding picture.........I think that would have had an impact on her, because she heard they were engaged in one AU and married in this one, but she never got to see actual proof of it.

                  Well, I guess, as Jack said in Threads
                  Best not to dwell
                  Jack and Sam=Grace

                  JOHN AND AERYN 4 EVER



                    Every time I try to get to Caty's page, a web blocker comes up. Where is the Paradise video?

                    I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.
                    -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers


                      Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                      RE: S8 Threads
                      I don't think that Jacob took to Pete at all. He never looked pleased with Pete. I think he was being a good parent: if this was what Sam wanted, then he would be happy with it. Heck, according to him, Selmac liked Pete--we find out 1/2 hour later that Selmac was in a coma! (And how likely would it be that Selmac would like someone who called him "one of those things"?)

                      When he finally realized he would not get to see the wedding, I think he decided to go for broke. Deep down, he didn't think Pete was right for her and he knew that she really wanted someone else--gee, who could that be?<<g>>--and he didn't want her making a mistake.

                      Oh yeah! re: S8 Threads
                      The ‘Meet my Dad’ scene: To me it seemed as though Pete hadn’t been on base except for his trip to the infirmary back in Chimera. My impression was that Sam hadn’t mentioned a heck of a lot about her work to him and what little she had shared was only in the vaguest of generalities. I still feel Pete didn’t, and never would, have a clue about the wonderousness of, the special stresses of, and the importance of what Sam did and *just* how critical she was to the program and well-being of the world.

                      The best analogy I can come up with regarding that scene was that Pete seemed like a fish out of water. A Little Leaguer out trying to play with the Major Leaguers… IMOHO Jacob seemed none-to-impressed with Pete. It seemed like it was all Jacob could do to keep from reaching out and giving Pete a Three Stooges-like thwap upside the head. (And that would be *after* he thwapped Sam first for picking another dud to marry!) (He’d have to have known and met her first fiancé, Jonas Hanson.)

                      I can imagine Jacob internally cringing and thinking “Oh Sam, not again!” And with Jacob knowing that he likely wasn’t going to make it past Sam’s wedding, he didn’t want to think about her marrying Pete, finding out it wasn't something she wanted/could live with, and then having to deal with disentangling herself from him all alone as he’d (Jacob) be dead.

                      Sam was so apologetic to her father about Pete it wasn’t funny. Like ‘I’m sorry Dad, this is the best I could do…’

                      (side note: anyone else notice Pete had put on a few? Looked like being engaged to Sam had given him a case of the munchies…. )
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        That episode drove me absolutly insane (sorry about any spoilers, I don't know how to do that button ... I'm warning you now though SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

                        Okay ... well, I didn't particularly notice him putting on any weight. My brother was getting so annoyed with the hospital scene, Sam just can't see it about Jack - IT'S SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I never liked Pete ... he nearly ruined everything. Grrrrr! And so did that other girl, I was having the biggest fit when she walked out at that moment ... AHHHH!

                        Anyway, it's not over yet, there's still time. Sorry if I spoiled it for everyone, but I did warn you.
                        Oh, for cryin out loud! Not another StarGate fan.

                        Now recruiting:

                        "And you felt it absolutly necessary - to REALLY slap me?"


                          Originally posted by major_flaming_toaster
                          Every time I try to get to Caty's page, a web blocker comes up. Where is the Paradise video?
                          Yay! You used my pic! lol.

                          Sorry, I can't help you with your problem

                          "doooo doooo do di do do dooooo , do di doooo doooo do di doooo doooo do doooo do di doooo"
                          -Stargate Theme


                            Hey all!

                            I'm new to the message boards, and relatively new to SG-1, but as I was poking around, this seemed like a pretty safe place to land. I bought seasons 1-7 for my parents for Christmas, and then somehow I got seriously hooked. Oh, well. My dad rolls his eyes a bit and says that Jack and Sam have about as much of a chance of getting together as Mac & Harm on JAG. So do I - I'm just slightly more optimistic!

                            I look forward to seeing you all around as I figure this thing out!

                            Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                            still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                              Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                              Hey, did anyone notice, much to my disgust Threads
                              that when Sam went to see Jack at his house, she was wearing the horrible engagement ring? It literally almost made me toss my shipper cookies!!! You can see it when she closes her cell phone and runs off. I know she was only wearing it because she had just been with "him", but it still made me feel all ooogy LOL. It so pales in comparison with the lovely huge honkin ring that AU Jack bought for AU Sam in Point of View. Now that was a ring worthy of flashing to the masses!!

                              I figure that may have been the only way she was going to remember anything these days.... re: S8 Threads
                              Sam was forgetting so many things (turning off the phone, her appointments with Pete, amongst other things) that it seemed like she was consciously trying to forget things that had to do with Pete. In contradiction to what she told Pete later in the car about "I really do want to be a part of this."

                              She'd apparently been missing things to the point that Pete was desparate enough to call her at work outside of her office/lab number. (Though I wonder at the plot 'dip' that allows him to get a number that gets him put through to Walter...)

                              And since she'd never worn that ring on-base, if she kept it on, maybe she figured she'd likely not forget. And she didn't... it had the effect of making her think harder about whether the Pete ship was right for her & instead was making her come to the conclusion that they really were two mismatched people.
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by Alaskhah
                                Hey all!

                                I'm new to the message boards, and relatively new to SG-1, but as I was poking around, this seemed like a pretty safe place to land. I bought seasons 1-7 for my parents for Christmas, and then somehow I got seriously hooked. Oh, well. My dad rolls his eyes a bit and says that Jack and Sam have about as much of a chance of getting together as Mac & Harm on JAG. So do I - I'm just slightly more optimistic!

                                I look forward to seeing you all around as I figure this thing out!

                                Welcome to our humble home!

                                Here's a pic to get you acquainted!

                                "doooo doooo do di do do dooooo , do di doooo doooo do di doooo doooo do doooo do di doooo"
                                -Stargate Theme

