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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    [QUOTE=TameFarrar] BUT the one thing I feel in *love* with was the sub-story of Sam & Jack and watching these two people slowly but steadily work through the *baggage* both seemed to carry and find a way to love & trust again.

    Watching THAT has touched a great many people where they live. I mean how many of us have been hurt by someone in our lives and the *next* person has paid for it? So I was just ingrossed at watching this unfold slowly over the years
    There are so many ways the TPTB really did do an excellent job in those first 6 seasons of showing us how a strong yet emotionally insecure woman and a flawed forget-about-love man could build a bond that is truely *Soul-deep*.

    So with that knowledge in mind, I had hope for S7 & S8, unfortunately I wasn't as impressed with *how* TPTB had our beloved characters deal with their emotional issues and I felt they copped out by going the route they did.

    I had to snip just this part, becos I want to say that I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE 1000 PERCENT!!!

    But... The Ship has set sail, regardless... I'm a happy shipper!
    Love and hot fudge,
    Bren Ren
    My stories!



      Oh Bren Ren...THAT is just a funny scene AND so endearing ... Jack is so cute trying to process ALL of the information and YUP Sam throws in that line about *Welcome to her life* and you can just see he is thinking *I can take THAT so many ways* LOL
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by auralan
        I'd like to take a moment to publicly answer a question I've gotten a number of times since my last two posts.

        Why don't I post here much anymore?

        Well, the quick and easy answer is that my work has gotten insanely busy in the last month and I just don't have much time to play here. It happens a few times a year when we hit crunch times.

        The more complicated answer is that I do try to play here, but only have time to read such a high volume thread every few days. Worse, I usually get frustrated and give up after a few pages -- well before I get to the point of responding to anything. When I had time to check in a few times a day, it wasn't so bad sifting through all the chatter posts. When you're trying to catch up on 20 pages, it gets really frustrating to wade through a thread where a big chunk of it goes like this for each day's worth of posts (and I'm not pointing fingers at anybody specific, plenty of posters have done it at various times):
        • Shipper #1 says "Good morning, everybody!"
        • Shipper #2 says "Good morning" back and complains about the weather.
        • Shipper #3 says "Good Morning" to shippers #1 & #2 and sympathizes about the weather.
        • Shipper #1 says "I'm off to school, happy shipping!"
        • Shipper #4 wonders where everybody went
        • Shipper #1 I'm back home; school was lousy.
        • Shippers #2 & #3 say hi back and sympathize about school
        • Shipper #6 comes in to ask why nobody's posting.
        • Shipper #7 shows up to boggle at how fast the thread moved in the last day
        • Shipper #1, #2 & #8 post to say goodnight
        • Next morning, go back to the top of the list and iterate.

        Mixed in there have been some nifty images, newbies delurking, and some episode discussion, but a good chunk has often been the above sort of posts. It's really hard to dig through days worth of chatter posts when you come in to catch up on discussion of Sam/Jack ship. Yes, everybody got up in the morning, had days where stuff happened, and went to bed at night. Does that really belong in a discussion thread about Sam/Jack ship?

        This thread isn't real-time chat. You don't have to greet everybody when you arrive or say goodbye before you leave. It may not seem bad when you're reading the thread in relative real time, but it's a little silly to see several iterations of hello/goodbye posts from several posters when catching up on a few days of posts. There is a S/J ship chat room on AIM if you're looking for a real-time discussion.

        This thread also isn't your blog. You don't have to post updates about every area of your life here. It's not that I (and others here) don't care about you, it's that this isn't really the right place for that sort of post and the topic gets hard to follow in it all. There's a chatter thread in off topic for updates on your cat's health, your boyfriends/girlfriends, the weather and everything else not Sam/Jack. Also, if you don't already have a blog, you might want to consider getting one. They're great places to update your friends about your life and rant about non-S/J stuff. Creating a Livejournal is free. I'd be glad to add you to my friends list if you're worried about not knowing anybody over there (although I suspect a good bit of the ship family is already there).

        I'd also like to add that catching up on the last couple days of the thread has been delightful. The episode discussion has been fantastic. It really makes me miss the days when I could come in here and find this sort of discussion every time.

        So, fully understanding that I'm not a mod, I'd like to request that everybody (myself included) to ask themselves something before hitting the "Submit Reply" button: Does this post contribute anything to the discussion of Sam/Jack ship? Shipper cookies, penguin attacks, welcoming new members, and other fun aspects of this thread most certainly count as contributing to this thread. I'm not complaining about those at all. However, if your post doesn't seem a good fit for the topic of this thread, the world has not ended. You can still post it in the chatter thread, take it to PM, use the chat room, post it in your blog, or find another thread were it does contribute to the topic at hand.

        And, if you've managed to read this far, thank you.
        Great post Auralan, and welcome back to the thread.
        I must join you by saying how much I've enjoyed reading the discussions over the last couple of days. The only reason I've not added my tuppence worth is because everyone else says what I think, only they do it so much better than me!


          Originally posted by hidden_envy
          hey hey shippy shippers!! goodness...havent been on here in a while...ah welll,back now! watched grace for the first time yesterday got lots of lovely stargate dvds for my birthday yesterday i'm so happy!!!!
          Seems like everyone is coming out of the woodwork bc of Threads--how cool is that?
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Hi Auralan!

            *raises hand guiltily*

            I am responsible for some of the OT chat here, but I've been trying to get discussions going too.

            Anywho...since I can't watch music vids (dang dial up) I made my own one last night...

            ...sort of

            I picked out shippy DVDs one after another and just watched the ship scenes!

            CotG - briefing room scene
            Emancipation - dress and fight
            The Broca Divide - need you ask?
            Solitudes - in it's entirity but zooming through any non-ship scene
            TBFTGOG - Hug
            The fifth race - holding hands scene
            Hundred Days - angst
            Point of View - need you ask?
            Nemesis - home of the Loon (ie. Jack)
            Upgrades - abbreviated forcefield scene, and you gotta love O'Malleys!
            Dvide and Conquer - duh!
            WoO - ditto
            Beneath the Surface - feeling feelings
            48 hours - can I get you some coffee?
            Frozen - Infirmary
            Abyss - Infirmary (I see a pattern)
            The one with the mimic devices - Jack chained up (hee hee)
            Paradise Lost - locker room
            Grace - duh!
            Chimera - the great sniff debate
            TLC - Jack's house, Cargo Ship, Antarctic outpost
            Threads -
            Babecue, Infirmary, Fishing

            Moebius -
            the 'hot' conversation', the kisses

            So just remember kids...the ending of season eight
            may not have been all we hoped for
            but there's a lot of ship out there...with funny commentaries to boot!

            Anywho...I re-read my fic The General's Hell, and I have an idea now where the continuation 'The Doctors' Hell's' going!

            I'm also going to be starting a 'five minute SG1' series soon...for those of you who don't know what a 'Fiver''s an episode condensed into five minutes reading...I got the idea from a Voyager site! I'll be posting them at one of my old sites temporarily, and there'll be ship added in even where there's none, in-jokes and jibes at people we're none too happy with at the mo'!

            Woo hoo! I'm getting my writing groove back too! Yay!
            Last edited by sueKay; 13 March 2005, 10:42 AM.
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by auralan
              I'd like to take a moment to publicly answer a question I've gotten a number of times since my last two posts.

              Why don't I post here much anymore?

              Well, the quick and easy answer is that my work has gotten insanely busy in the last month and I just don't have much time to play here. It happens a few times a year when we hit crunch times.

              The more complicated answer is that I do try to play here, but only have time to read such a high volume thread every few days. Worse, I usually get frustrated and give up after a few pages -- well before I get to the point of responding to anything. When I had time to check in a few times a day, it wasn't so bad sifting through all the chatter posts. When you're trying to catch up on 20 pages, it gets really frustrating to wade through a thread where a big chunk of it goes like this for each day's worth of posts (and I'm not pointing fingers at anybody specific, plenty of posters have done it at various times):
              • Shipper #1 says "Good morning, everybody!"
              • Shipper #2 says "Good morning" back and complains about the weather.
              • Shipper #3 says "Good Morning" to shippers #1 & #2 and sympathizes about the weather.
              • Shipper #1 says "I'm off to school, happy shipping!"
              • Shipper #4 wonders where everybody went
              • Shipper #1 I'm back home; school was lousy.
              • Shippers #2 & #3 say hi back and sympathize about school
              • Shipper #6 comes in to ask why nobody's posting.
              • Shipper #7 shows up to boggle at how fast the thread moved in the last day
              • Shipper #1, #2 & #8 post to say goodnight
              • Next morning, go back to the top of the list and iterate.

              Mixed in there have been some nifty images, newbies delurking, and some episode discussion, but a good chunk has often been the above sort of posts. It's really hard to dig through days worth of chatter posts when you come in to catch up on discussion of Sam/Jack ship. Yes, everybody got up in the morning, had days where stuff happened, and went to bed at night. Does that really belong in a discussion thread about Sam/Jack ship?

              This thread isn't real-time chat. You don't have to greet everybody when you arrive or say goodbye before you leave. It may not seem bad when you're reading the thread in relative real time, but it's a little silly to see several iterations of hello/goodbye posts from several posters when catching up on a few days of posts. There is a S/J ship chat room on AIM if you're looking for a real-time discussion.

              This thread also isn't your blog. You don't have to post updates about every area of your life here. It's not that I (and others here) don't care about you, it's that this isn't really the right place for that sort of post and the topic gets hard to follow in it all. There's a chatter thread in off topic for updates on your cat's health, your boyfriends/girlfriends, the weather and everything else not Sam/Jack. Also, if you don't already have a blog, you might want to consider getting one. They're great places to update your friends about your life and rant about non-S/J stuff. Creating a Livejournal is free. I'd be glad to add you to my friends list if you're worried about not knowing anybody over there (although I suspect a good bit of the ship family is already there).

              I'd also like to add that catching up on the last couple days of the thread has been delightful. The episode discussion has been fantastic. It really makes me miss the days when I could come in here and find this sort of discussion every time.

              So, fully understanding that I'm not a mod, I'd like to request that everybody (myself included) to ask themselves something before hitting the "Submit Reply" button: Does this post contribute anything to the discussion of Sam/Jack ship? Shipper cookies, penguin attacks, welcoming new members, and other fun aspects of this thread most certainly count as contributing to this thread. I'm not complaining about those at all. However, if your post doesn't seem a good fit for the topic of this thread, the world has not ended. You can still post it in the chatter thread, take it to PM, use the chat room, post it in your blog, or find another thread were it does contribute to the topic at hand.

              And, if you've managed to read this far, thank you.
              Thank you. This is extremely well said and I agree with every word. Much better than I ever could have put it. Glad to see you back--I've missed your insight.
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                Y'know something...

                ...looking back at the last four or five pages of posts, I think it's great that so many shippers with different point of views can come here and air their opinions and get along (most of the time)!

                We've got Marimba and Auralan who love to discuss episodes and raise a lot of questions.

                We've got Shimmering Star, Rogue and Bren - masters of captions

                and Caty - video maker extraodinaire

                and everything in between! That's why I love coming here!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Just wanted to say a last goodbye before I go to Berlin and can't get in here in a hole *week*!! I'm realy going to miss all of you!

                  Just post a lot of fun for me to get home to, right?


                  Belief in Sam and Jack ship in season 10?

                  P.S. sorry about my english - from Denmark()


                    Originally posted by girlgater
                    Very nice!
                    I love it, thanks!


                      Bye Bye Zika!!!!!!!!

                      WELCOME BETH!!!!!!!!

                      Now people...I know Caty gave us a great shippy ending, and a globe-trotting honeymoon, but wherelse would you like to see S and J go on their hols?

                      Note: Antarctica is NOT an option!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by auralan

                        So, fully understanding that I'm not a mod, I'd like to request that everybody (myself included) to ask themselves something before hitting the "Submit Reply" button: Does this post contribute anything to the discussion of Sam/Jack ship? Shipper cookies, penguin attacks, welcoming new members, and other fun aspects of this thread most certainly count as contributing to this thread. I'm not complaining about those at all. However, if your post doesn't seem a good fit for the topic of this thread, the world has not ended. You can still post it in the chatter thread, take it to PM, use the chat room, post it in your blog, or find another thread were it does contribute to the topic at hand.

                        And, if you've managed to read this far, thank you.
                        Thanks for the reminder, Auralan - it seems especially timely with all of us "newbies delurking." I will do my best to keep my corner of the world an "OT Free" zone!

                        And with that, on with the shipper show!


                        Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                        still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

                          <my yammering as to how great THREADS was>

                          Let me also just add that I have finished the follow-up to "Resolutions" that some of you asked me about ... but I feel I must give significant warning here:

                          Whereas "Resolutions" was primarily a nice long scene between Sam and Jack - more like a rant put to script of what I'd like to see happen between them (and it was written prior to my seeing THREADS), "The Darker Side of Night" is more of an episode, switching back and forth amongst the team members (and was written after I saw THREADS). Both contain spoilers for late season eight and season nine. It would be best to read them in order, or some of the punchlines at the beginning of "The Darker Side of Night" won't make any sense...

                          Here's a quick teaser: It's got major shippy moments (including a honkin' kiss) - although the story itself is not necessarily primarily shippy - There's some funny scenes (including one with Daniel and his lousy timing) - although it is not a comedy - It has an obscure McGyver reference - It's got angst - Sam faces an angry Goa'uld with a hara'kash and a pain stick - It's a cliffhanger - Jack dies (Whoops, did I say too much?)

                          So for whoever suggested that Daniel should have interrupted them in "Resolutions," I'd kinda like to either thank you or punch you in the jaw because "The Darker Side of Night" began with that simple premise, and I haven't been able to shut off the creative writing spasm yet (much to my chagrin)...

                          Okay now for the links:

                          For "Resolutions":

                          For "The Darker Side of Night":

                          I would TRULY APPRECIATE any and all feedback. Knowing that people respond when you design something or write something is the only thing that warms a creative nut's heart.

                          So, I implore you all, if you hold any regard for my standing as a "well-known threat to the System Lords" on this board - FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY (of which I still retain a small portion) - please read them and let me know what you think, okay?

                          I forgot to give you the premise (duh).

                          O'Neill and the rest of SG-1 are in a race against time to rescue Carter from a fate worse than death.

                          "The Darker Side of Night":

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Dear GW shippers

                            Day 15 : HoneyMoon Paradise Island

                            It's scorching hot over here and we have to bathe a lot


                            Lots of love and shipper wedding white cookies

                            Sam and Jack
                            Last edited by Catysg1; 23 March 2005, 12:58 AM.


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar

                              There are so many ways the TPTB really did do an excellent job in those first 6 seasons of showing us how a strong yet emotionally insecure woman and a flawed forget-about-love man could build a bond that is truely *Soul-deep*.
                              What a beautiful way to describe them. Very poetic and romantic.

                              However, I AM A SHIPPER and I am a Sam & Jack Shipper to be more percise so I have some faith and ALOT of hope that since RDA is not committed to anything yet and AT has just had her life COMPLETELY changed by becoming a mother that TPTB will see now is the time to REALLY wrap up the storyline for these two and IF and I stress IF RDA guest stars it will be to show that these two characters truly are together and the show can then focus on the new team and kickin' butt is the name of the game ...
                              From your lips to TPTB's ears.
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by Anubis
                                You could say that. Welcome to the thread. To celebrate it ...

                                Welcome to the family.
                                Great picture Anubis!!!

