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    Here is the most up to date voting poll:

    All Shipper Family members please add your name below and vote whether or not we should replace TPTB with Caty:

    Ship Nana - aye
    Anubis – aye
    galaxy – aye
    florence - another YES !
    MichelleB - a very definite yes!!!!!
    samisjacksgal-aye aye captain!
    Lunar – aye
    hobbitsrul-aye!!! Avast, thar the ship be!! It's coastin' into 'arbor with Caty at the wheel!!
    Rogue – aye
    yoojoo just adds a big fat AYE to her post. Go get'm caty!!
    dipsofjazz –Aye
    SueKay and Dense Duncealso Known as Dee Dee and Dr Dailey, SueKay’s alter ego - och aye the noo!
    Kri – aye
    .:Lemon:. - Aye
    Brandie - AYE with a side of "hell yah" please, hold the onions
    gatewatcher-Caty, you've got me vote
    ses110 – aye
    AmberMoon - aye, yeahsureyeahbetchya
    Jaffacakes – aye, aye
    Majorsal – aye – Caty for President
    Getcarter - AYE!!!!! Caty would do us proud!
    Mad_gator – aye and Kel'dor: I too will vote for Caty to replace TPTB!!
    Sam O'Neill - AYE!! Caty will make all shippers dreams come true!
    Wynter – aye
    zoser-aye aye!
    shipper hannah - aye,aye
    Blueiris – aye
    Waterfall – AYE!!!!!
    Martoufmarty – Is that an Aye?
    Bucky –aye
    Twisted Angel - aye!
    Spiderman – aye
    Sugarshaker - Absolutely, positively, yeah sure you betcha, yo, you got it, yes!!
    ChevronSeven: YaSureYaBetchaSnookums!
    ship sistah says, ayeyaiyai would that be good!
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by _Anubis
      I have seen the episode 'Brief Candle' a couple of days ago.It was the episode where they go to the planet Argos and where they find that the people only live 100 days/Jack had sex with Kynthia and he began to grow older And when he was walking with Kynthia on the beach he said against Kynthia that he was only 40 years old. So with season 8 it would make him 48 but I don't know what the avarege age is to become a general.Some think 48 is too young to become a general and that you become a general if you are 53,54,55,... What do you guys think about this?
      I suppose most generals are usually older, but I don't think age really matters. You just need to know what you're doing


        Someone was discussing that DDL was brought in because he is family and this brought this Mala creation into mind!!

        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          Someone was discussing that DDL was brought in because he is family and this brought this Mala creation into mind!!

          Haha!! Thats great


            Originally posted by .:Lemon:.
            Haha!! Thats great

            Did you read all of the listings under the picture?!!

            Mala is toooo funny! I really miss her presence here!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by Ship Nana
              Did you read all of the listings under the picture?!!

              Mala is toooo funny! I really miss her presence here!
              Yes! I love the 'America's most Wanted: Colorado's notorious stalker Pete' Hillarious


                Here is the most up to date voting poll:

                All Shipper Family members please add your name below and vote whether or not we should replace TPTB with Caty:

                Ship Nana - aye
                Anubis – aye
                galaxy – aye
                florence - another YES !
                MichelleB - a very definite yes!!!!!
                samisjacksgal-aye aye captain!
                Lunar – aye
                hobbitsrul-aye!!! Avast, thar the ship be!! It's coastin' into 'arbor with Caty at the wheel!!
                Rogue – aye
                yoojoo just adds a big fat AYE to her post. Go get'm caty!!
                dipsofjazz –Aye
                SueKay and Dense Duncealso Known as Dee Dee and Dr Dailey, SueKay’s alter ego - och aye the noo!
                Kri – aye
                .:Lemon:. - Aye
                Brandie - AYE with a side of "hell yah" please, hold the onions
                gatewatcher-Caty, you've got me vote
                ses110 – aye
                AmberMoon - aye, yeahsureyeahbetchya
                Jaffacakes – aye, aye
                Majorsal – aye – Caty for President
                Getcarter - AYE!!!!! Caty would do us proud!
                Mad_gator – aye and Kel'dor: I too will vote for Caty to replace TPTB!!
                Sam O'Neill - AYE!! Caty will make all shippers dreams come true!
                Wynter – aye
                zoser-aye aye!
                shipper hannah - aye,aye
                Blueiris – aye
                Waterfall – AYE!!!!!
                Martoufmarty – Is that an Aye?
                Bucky –aye
                Twisted Angel - aye!
                Spiderman – aye
                Sugarshaker - Absolutely, positively, yeah sure you betcha, yo, you got it, yes!!
                ChevronSeven: YaSureYaBetchaSnookums!
                ship sistah says, ayeyaiyai would that be good!
                mistweedledee- AYE !!!!!

                Hey just me adding my humble opinion


                United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                  Originally posted by shipper hannah
                  i don't see why you should have to be a certain age to become a general, just have the experience.
                  I read it a little while ago in a thread (don't know anymore witch one) where they were talking that it wasn't real to become a general at the age of 48. It doesn't botter me.I think it is a sad thing that O'Neill isn't anymore in SG.1 team. I think he misses tha action.
                  Lord Zedd


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    Someone was discussing that DDL was brought in because he is family and this brought this Mala creation into mind!!

                    lol! that's so cool!


                      Well, iv now taked 526 for the shipper family, even if most are from the shipper family lol, so can everyone give me a few dings please
                      If you have mercy for me Give me please red!!!

                      I mean it for real

                      XXX NEVER GREEN!!! XXXX Never approve me!! XXX


                        Originally posted by shipper hannah
                        i don't see why you should have to be a certain age to become a general, just have the experience.
                        I don't believe that there is a particular age restriction on being a General, however, it requires time in service and time in grade (rank) as Colonel. Forty eight is probably young but not too young.

                        From what we can glean from O'Neill's service record, he probably has both. He would have to have had twenty years in the military to have retired when Charlie died. They always say retired, not resigned, and twenty is the minimum time for retirement. He was already a Colonel when he retired in the movie, 1994, so he would have a number of years in grade already.

                        I can't find a military chart on the time in grade required for General because most of the military sites were classified after 9/11.


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          Ahhhhhhhhh! I just read about 30 pages of Shipperdom-- and I am again whole! I've missed you guys so much!!! It was great reading your thoughts, rants, seeing your pretty pictures and joining in shipper lists again. I was a little worried coming back. I heard there had been some drama in Shippertown. I'm glad to see the is back and everything is like it was before I left. YAY!!!

                          (((((((((lovely, beautiful Shippers))))))))

                          It's good to be home.

                          ship sistah
                          It is SO GOOD to see you Ship Sistah!!!!! Ahhh all the family together...With all of the NEW Shiplets and all of this new energy just makes me smile

                          Ship Sistah.....touring play????? how AWESOME is THAT!!!!! I hope you have a GREAT part

                          And now to get this post *on topic* ...I just read through the *Threads 90 minute* thread......have we gotten any confirmation yet if Sci-Fi is actually going to air THAT version??

                          Too often TPTB try to tell to many stories in one episode and so much gets lost in the editting...I SO HOPE Sci-Fi recognizes this and sees the value in airing the 90 minute version. I also realize that syndication may be a problem BUT they are business people, when you have a show that is making you money in syndication....wouldn't you figure something out????
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            Oh by the way, can I please be a standin for AT when you need to practice the kissing scenes with RDA in order to get those pesky camera angles knocked out?

                            It will be tough having to kiss him 12 times but I'm not one to be selfish!
                            Sorry Nana, but there's already an extremely long line of Gutter Gals waiting to jump him.....I mean jump in!!!!


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              I just read through the *Threads 90 minute* thread......have we gotten any confirmation yet if Sci-Fi is actually going to air THAT version??
                              Too often TPTB try to tell to many stories in one episode and so much gets lost in the editting...I SO HOPE Sci-Fi recognizes this and sees the value in airing the 90 minute version. I also realize that syndication may be a problem BUT they are business people, when you have a show that is making you money in syndication....wouldn't you figure something out????
                              I don't think it has been confirmed yet Tame. But I agree that TPTB try to tell many stories at the same time and indeed a lot gets lost.I remember in an episode but I don't remember the title.I'll edit it when I know it.Great you are back at the family Tame (((hugs)))
                              Lord Zedd


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                It is SO GOOD to see you Ship Sistah!!!!! Ahhh all the family together...With all of the NEW Shiplets and all of this new energy just makes me smile

                                Ship Sistah.....touring play????? how AWESOME is THAT!!!!! I hope you have a GREAT part

                                And now to get this post *on topic* ...I just read through the *Threads 90 minute* thread......have we gotten any confirmation yet if Sci-Fi is actually going to air THAT version??

                                Too often TPTB try to tell to many stories in one episode and so much gets lost in the editting...I SO HOPE Sci-Fi recognizes this and sees the value in airing the 90 minute version. I also realize that syndication may be a problem BUT they are business people, when you have a show that is making you money in syndication....wouldn't you figure something out????
                                Ship Sistah!! Where!!!

                                How did I miss her post!?!?!

                                The crazy time stamping has me totally messed up on where I left off! Welcome back, Sacme! And congrats on the play!! Touring where? PM a list if it will be in Arkansas!!

                                And to be on topic, I would think that the sydicated version of the 90 minute one could be either run as is or in two parts. There are only 20 eps this season so that would give them 21. You would think they would like that!

