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    Originally posted by _Anubis
    yeah she is allright Don't worry.I have a wonderfull dog (((benji)))
    (((((((((((((((((Anubis's little grey kitten))))))))))))))))))

    I hope you raise her as a good little shipper kitten!!

    Maybe you can raise the kitten to spit and hiss and paw at the TV when shows his face in the stargate eps.


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      spoilers and speculation for s8 and beyond (pete character discussed)


      ((((((((Sally))))))))) you know I love you.......BUT BUT BUT I watch Atlantis and I am ok with it so far....tryin hard not to let TPTB suck me into any ship whatsoever and just trying to enjoy the show...........

      Now why would you want to do me .....your friend wrong this way..... ..... why would you want to send Spud the Dud over to ruin YET another show for your friend..............

      Do you not like me??........... What can I do to get you thinking in a totally new direction?? please he is NOT to be trusted....The Spud will just make a *mash* of SGA...... please I beg you ........... for me.......... nnnnnnnooooooooooo.........

      Sam WILL be with and I KNOW this to be true........ can't we just let the Spud boy grow eyes and attract gnats somewhere dark and cold?? Send him over to ............ Red Dwarf........ they need something new to make into a robot or smash
      For you, Tame, *anything*!

      Pete goes to Kelowna, to work with Jonas. He can still be a cop.

      I was making out a detailed and long explanation of another scenario for Pete (not so nice one), but I changed my mind. I don't want him to die or suffer. He really loves Sam. So, he gets to live and be happy, even if he's no longer on Earth to bother *us*.




        Originally posted by majorsal
        Welcome, Lauren!

        I hope you enjoy your stay here, and please accept a complimentary shipper cookie on us. Oh, and please sample our new Teal'c Shipper Donut!

        Sally, cruise director on The Sam and Jack Ship
        WELCOME LAUREN!!!!



          Originally posted by majorsal
          For you, Tame, *anything*!

          Pete goes to Kelowna, to work with Jonas. He can still be a cop.

          I was making out a detailed and long explanation of another scenario for Pete (not so nice one), but I changed my mind. I don't want him to die or suffer. He really loves Sam. So, he gets to live and be happy, even if he's no longer on Earth to bother *us*.

          I don't know about that! I like Jonas and wouldn't wanna see him commit suicide cuz of working with !


            Originally posted by mad_gater
            I don't know about that! I like Jonas and wouldn't wanna see him commit suicide cuz of working with !
            Okay, scratch the Kelona idea.

            Pete goes back to Denver and becomes a private detective. One of his clients stalks him and he falls in love with her (like minds and all). The character is played by Michelle Green (Laira, from 100 Days), so we can get rid of two birds with one bird feeder.

            How's that?




              hey peoples
              can someone tell me if this looks like an upcoming ep picture...the scene doesnt look familar to me
              possible spoilers..

              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

              sig by RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                I hope this is what you were talking about..


                The first pic is one of Mala's creations.
                YEP those are the ones. THANK YOU Mala and dipsofjazz...I woke up from my looooooong "sick with a cold" nap and found these lovely pictures, just what the doctor ordered! You are both my heros *HUGS*

                Originally posted by shipperhannah
                aren't not like and dislike the same thing there fury?
                Nope not the same thing at all. "Not Like" could mean dislike but it could also mean "have no opinion of" or "could take or leave" but dislike is an active negative feeling. I don't care about Teyla enough to dislike her. Let me give you an example: McKay. I hated him at first. We were supposed to dislike him, and it worked. The actor and the character touched me just happened to be in a negative way. Since I had an emotional reaction to him, he was a "successful" character, even one I enjoyed seeing (perverse as that sounds) because it was fun to hate him. Mayborne was the same way...and over time I grew to kinda like both guys.

                But I'm just bored by Teyla. I don't actually dislike her. I just feel, when I see her, like going "meh, whatever." I really could care less whether or not she's in an episode. And since she gets no emotional response from me, either positive or negative, I say I do not like her, but I don't dislike her. I just don't care about her one way or the other. Which means she's failed for me as a character, at least so far.

                Oh yeah...and when Sam held Jack's hand in Message in a Bottle it made my little shipper heart go all aflutter. I just wanted to point out a different shippy moment than the one most people think of first. Hence, the "hand on knee" moment, which is really cute and shippy (see the picture from dipsofjazz above!).
                Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  For you, Tame, *anything*!

                  Pete goes to Kelowna, to work with Jonas. He can still be a cop.

                  I was making out a detailed and long explanation of another scenario for Pete (not so nice one), but I changed my mind. I don't want him to die or suffer. He really loves Sam. So, he gets to live and be happy, even if he's no longer on Earth to bother *us*.

                  ((((((Sally))))) Thank you my Friend!!!!!!

                  And since we KNOW Jonas is a Shipper (of course he is) he will send Pete to the furthest reaches of the planet to solve.........what else .......the mysterious Potato disappearences
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    Okay, scratch the Kelona idea.

                    Pete goes back to Denver and becomes a private detective. One of his clients stalks him and he falls in love with her (like minds and all). The character is played by Michelle Green (Laira, from 100 Days), so we can get rid of two birds with one bird feeder.

                    How's that?

                    Ooo this works for me too
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      Okay, scratch the Kelona idea.

                      Pete goes back to Denver and becomes a private detective. One of his clients stalks him and he falls in love with her (like minds and all). The character is played by Michelle Green (Laira, from 100 Days), so we can get rid of two birds with one bird feeder.

                      How's that?

                      Good idea. As I've said before, I don't like Laira!!!!!! But could you have Jack breath a sigh of relief and impart to Sam that she meant nothing to him? I'm sure that when Jack and Sam get together Jack will know that Pete has no place in Sam's heart. I want Sam to know the same thing about Laira, the hussy!
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Goodmorning campers how is everybody?
                        Lord Zedd


                          Originally posted by _Anubis
                          Goodmorning campers how is everybody?
                          SHHHHHHHHHHHH! We're sleeping.
                          Well some of us anyway-hows by you?
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                            hey peoples
                            can someone tell me if this looks like an upcoming ep picture...the scene doesnt look familar to me
                            possible spoilers..


                            Looks like that pic is new....I have never seen that scene in an episode so far ....and Jack is a general must be in one coming episode ..Looks good ...Sam looks like she is anxious to say something to Jack ..her position of her hands on the desk is quite telling ...She also looks a bit sad. Could be Threads!!!

                            I think this is a shippy moment ..may be a bit of a confession!!! They start showing that they can't handle their situation they are in. and



                              yeah thats what i was thinkin
                              he has a desk..hehehe

                              i m not sure what ep..could be Gemini...could be anything...
                              but yes he kinda looks deep in thought..or seriously listening to what she has to say..looks like it could a tense scene..or a "talk scene" in Threads

                              luv and hugs
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                              sig by RepliCartertje


                                hehe.. and i just read the caption down the bottom of the pic
                                "carter asks for a new lightbulb in the ladies toilets"

                                what the? hahahaha is that meant to be a joke?

                                "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                                sig by RepliCartertje

