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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Ship Nana
    I agree with wanting to see Jack kiss Sam dumb but with one slight change. You know how when she starts talking technobable and he shhh's her well instead of the shhh he gives her a big fat, shipper fainting kiss. Then while Jack is smirking afterwards Sam just mumbles. Heheheheh

    Are you getting all this PTB Caty?

    ship sistah

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


      Originally posted by Kri
      (IF RDA only does 4 episodes) I'd like to see it explained as Jack retired and he and Sam get married. He decides to be a stay at home father The rest of the team continues OFF WORLD missions. Let's see who the Furlings are, let's see more of the replicators, let's see the Tok'ra again.

      I think that if RDA is only in 4 episodes, the show will tank. I think they will gloss over any chance of Sam and Jack being together, and we won't get any further ship with him gone.

      *grabs bottle of tequila*




        well we still dont know how many eps RDA will exactly be doing..
        so maybe if we all think the same thing and think happy thoughts he will be around for more
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje


          I'll give season 9 a shot. I'm waiting to see the rest of season 8 before I can get a more definitve handle of what season 9 could be. If they resolve S/J this season I'll be a lot more postive. If they leave it open and RDA is only coming back for 4 episodes than my hopes will plummet somewhat. But I'll still give it a shot even then because for all I know if could turn out alright. What can I say? I have this Pollyanna complex.

          It was, is, and always will be GREEN


            Originally posted by Kri
            Well I am not at all sure how I feel about this. If the entire cast does not return for the majority of the shows, I will probably be very disappointed. Season 8 just has not been the same since Jack is no longer a part of SG-1, and the team hardly ever goes off world anymore. I miss seasons 1-5

            Someone throw me a BOX of shipper cookies!
            your wish...
            is my command!

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by blueiris
              Ok, I have a question:

              Some people are worried that season 9 is not a good idea because they don't feel the writing is as good as it once was. But I disagree. I am still enjoying SG, although I do miss some of the off world adventures, but I still enjoy it. And it makes me really sad to think that it will end, sooner or later. The one episode that really got under my skin (in a bad way) was One Hundred Days. Even more so than the *seasons7&8
              Pete and Sam episodes
              because I still truly believe that Sam and Jack will be together. My question is: when all is said and done, if Sam and jack are together, will the *seasons 7&8 episodes* that were un-setting to S/J shippers be forgiven? Will you be able to watch *those* episodes and not feel angry? Will you watch them and just see them as another stepping stone to the ending? Or will they always be episodes that you avoid, fast forward through, and dislike?

              While I will always dislike 100 Days, I think I will be happy to watch all of *those* episodes if (I mean when) I know that the out-come is appropriately resolved to the ship that was created.
              That is a *very* good question. Only speaking for myself, I'll never be able to watch Chimera and Affinity again (Chimera!). All that ep did for me was show me what I wanted to see between Sam and Jack. Well, not all, but that was the first, middle, and lasting impression I got from it. As to how disappointed I was that Sam accepted Pete's behavior... that's a whole other situation. But even if they ever *really* dealt with PS's behavior in Chimera, it still wouldn't make up for the overwhelming heartbreak I'd felt (and continue to feel) when I saw them together in that ep. I actually handled Affinity (even though Sam got engaged) because I also saw an unhappy and doubting Sam... I just want to SEE Sam and Jack romance, like they did in Chimera. So to answer your question (can I ever answer without writing War and Peace?); I'll never be able to watch those eps without pain. Ever. It's not anger, it's pain.

              Btw, I handled 100 Days because we finally saw Sam's true feelings shining through! (still will always hide my eyes when Jack kisses Laira ).




                Originally posted by Kri
                (IF RDA only does 4 episodes) I'd like to see it explained as Jack retired and he and Sam get married. He decides to be a stay at home father The rest of the team continues OFF WORLD missions. Let's see who the Furlings are, let's see more of the replicators, let's see the Tok'ra again.

                I think that if RDA is only in 4 episodes, the show will tank. I think they will gloss over any chance of Sam and Jack being together, and we won't get any further ship with him gone.
                Now I need a box of Shipper Cookies!

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  I took this phrase of yours out of the spoiler space because I really liked how you phrased this. Oh and out of context it is not a spoiler.

                  You said that
                  "Pete didn't fill in the holes, just emphasized what was missing to begin with."

                  That is why Sam is going to end up with Jack when all is said and done. Jack is like the missing piece to Sam's puzzle.
                  Oh, poo... I was going to give you green, but that spreading the lurv thing came up again.

                  Anyhoo, I just wanted to say...

                  ((((((((((((ship nana))))))))))))))





                    Originally posted by sacme
                    So what was the proverbial straw that broke your neutral-shipper back?
                    Hmmm ... it's hard to pinpoint that proverbial straw. So I'll give the long-winded answer.

                    I've always thought Jack and Sam complement each other. He is ultimately the "big picture" man, his innate sense of morality often leads him straight to the heart of the matter. On the other hand, Sam has a scientifically-train mind; she thinks things through and makes sure details are never overlooked. This makes them perfect partners professionally.

                    On the personal front, I've also thought they'd make ideal friends. By that I don't mean they'd regularly get together guzzling down beers (which they may still do); I mean friends who could satisfy each other's particular emotional needs. I see Jack as an intensely emotional man with burdens few could share, but Sam's military background, as well as their shared experience, give her insight to him unsurpassed by many. This friendship is quite different from that between Jack and Daniel, because fundamentally those are two ideologically different men.

                    Since Grace, I have come to think of emotional insecurity as Sam's most vulnerable spot. I also think Jack, above all others, helps her overcome that. "Carter can do anything" not only speaks of his steadfast faith in her, it also challenges her to give her personal best. While one could argue that he had this effect on her because of his position as CO, I'd beg to differ. The fact that, in Sam's vision in Grace, Jack appeared in civilian garb -- while all others showed up in their usual attires -- was very telling IMHO. Among other things, it meant she thought the "pep talk" (the one that finally got through to her, if I may add) came from a friend.

                    Then, with so much character traits going for them, what would make them unsuitable romantically? This is a discussion I once had with other people. The usual reasons, such as bad chemistry or The Regs, were dismissed (in my mind) because they were not intrinsic to the characters. Some mentioned (what I loosely termed as) the Pygmalion complex inherent in J/S, in the sense that the two had a mentor/protege professional relationship. This did give me pause, because it implied a power imbalance in the dynamic. But this ceased to be a problem for me, because I've since come to the conclusion that two mature adults would not carry their professional relationship into the personal.

                    So, here I am now, thinking Jack and Sam are quite well suited for each other. But I have to say what made me even think so much of this pairing is this thread and its denizens. Even when my support for the 'ship was less than enthusiastic (and quite openly so ), I was never made to feel my views were unwelcome. This inclusive atmosphere was very conducive to sharing of perspectives and greatly enriched my viewing experience. I hope the family will always nourish it.

                    One thing I still agree with non-shippers and anti-shippers, though: TPTB hasn't done a particular great job of developing the 'ship. With effectively 10 eps left -- I say "effectively" because I'm not too optimistic about S9 -- I sincerely hope the story will end on a high note.
                    Last edited by Liebestraume; 15 November 2004, 08:37 PM. Reason: Spelling
                    In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane. ~ Oscar Wilde


                      Originally posted by sacme
                      Now I need a box of Shipper Cookies!

                      ship sistah
                      *tosses ship sistah a plateful of fresh, warm shipper cookies straight out of the oven*

                      These are nice, warm, fresh, ooey-gooey chocolate chip shipper cookies straight from ship nana's oven!! Enjoy!!


                        Originally posted by Liebestraume

                        Hmmm ... it's hard to pinpoint that proverbial straw. So I'll give the long-winded answer.

                        I've always thought Jack and Sam complement each other. He is ultimately the "big picture" man, his innate sense of morality often leads him straight to the heart of the matter. On the other hand, Sam has a scientifically-train mind; she thinks things through and makes sure details are never overlooked. This makes them perfect partners professionally.

                        On the personal front, I've also thought they'd make ideal friends. By that I don't mean they'd regularly get together guzzling down beers (which they may still do); I mean friends who could satisfy each other's particular emotional needs. I see Jack as an intensely emotional man with burdens few could share, but Sam's military background, as well as their shared experience, give her insight to him unsurpassed by many. This friendship is quite different from that between Jack and Daniel, because fundamentally those are two ideologically different men.

                        Since Grace, I have come to think of emotional insecurity as Sam's most vulnerable spot. I also think Jack, above all others, helps her overcome that. "Carter can do anything" not only speaks of his steadfast faith in her, it also challenges her to give her personal best. While one could argue that he had this effect on her because of his position as CO, I'd beg to differ. The fact that, in Sam's vision in Grace, Jack appeared in civilian garb -- while all others showed up in their usual attires -- was very telling IMHO. Among other things, it meant she thought the "pep talk" (the one that finally got through to her, if I may add) came from a friend.

                        Then, with so much character traits going for them, what would make them unsuitable romantically? This is a discussion I once had with other people. The usual reasons, such as bad chemistry or The Regs, were dismissed (in my mind) because they were not intrinsic to the characters. Some mentioned (what I loosely termed as) the Pygmalion complex inherent in J/S, in the sense that the two had a mentor/protege professional relationship. This did give me pause, because it implied a power imbalance in the dynamic. But this ceased to be a problem for me, because I've since come to the conclusion that two mature adults would not carry their professional relationship into the personal.

                        So, here I am now, thinking Jack and Sam are quite well suited for each other. But I have to say what made me even think so much of this pairing is this thread and its denizens. Even when my support for the 'ship was less than enthusiastic (and quite openly so ), I was never made to feel my views were unwelcome. This inclusive atmosphere was very conducive to sharing of perspectives and greatly enriched my viewing experience. I hope the family will always nourish it.

                        One thing I still agree with non-shippers and anti-shippers, though: TPTB hasn't done a particular great job of developing the 'ship. With effectively 10 eps left -- I say "effectively" because I'm not too optimistic about S9 -- I sincerely hope the story will end on a high note.

                        Phew!!!! That was some post!!!!

                        But I do agree with you!!!!


                          Originally posted by melpomene
                          I think they should elope.Not that they don't deserve the big wedding with the flowers and all that poit of view photo stuff but I think it would be cool if they just ran away together.You know,like daniel calls jack at three in the morning and a groggy Sam answers the phone.... there are about ten people in the room with Danny (including Hammond) when daniel (the clumsy lad) says "Sam?" eyebrows are raised,mouths drop open,young lieutenants are blushing,Daniel of course knows that there's likely to be any number of reasons for her presence there most completely innocent.But hearing the sound of someone rolling over in bed and the voice of a groggy Jack asking whose on the phone,sam saying it's daniel he can't make out jack's reply but Sam's giggle says it all....and.....well even daniel is starting to wonder....
                          I don't see Jack as a big wedding man, so eloping sounds right. Or maybe having a small ceremony with SG1 and Jacob-- and Hammond officiating the wedding (I don't know if he can do that, but it sounds good).

                          As for a honeymoon spot? I thought off-world would be exotic, but I don't want them stumbling into something that becomes a mission. No interplanetary mess for our couple after all they've been through! Nothin' but lovin'. So Jack's cabin or Hawaii.

                          ship sistah

                          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                            Originally posted by gatewatcher
                            I just got home and read on GW it's official today! I'm glad there will be more SG-1 I just really hope SG-1 is in it. THe article said something like RDA may ask for more a reduced schedule..................I hope he doesn'task for too much a reduction.
                            I had a thought...............what if at the beginning of S9, S/J are both missing and it's discovered they have eloped at the end of S8. That would help to explain AT's absense?????????????? just a thought. I'm going to cross my fingers that our ship is coming and TPTB know what they are doing.

                            Oh, I LOVE that idea! If they did that, my head would explode and paper hearts would come floating down from it.... *who needs a head when your heart is full?*




                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              Let's hope he'll be making love to Sam if he doesn't have to say much.

                              Well, except for a few grunts and moans.

                              *I know, I know, I should be ashamed of myself... but I ain't *




                                Originally posted by Liebestraume

                                Hmmm ... it's hard to pinpoint that proverbial straw. So I'll give the long-winded answer.

                                I've always thought Jack and Sam complement each other. He is ultimately the "big picture" man, his innate sense of morality often leads him straight to the heart of the matter. On the other hand, Sam has a scientifically-train mind; she thinks things through and makes sure details are never overlooked. This makes them perfect partners professionally.

                                On the personal front, I've also thought they'd make ideal friends. By that I don't mean they'd regularly get together guzzling down beers (which they may still do); I mean friends who could satisfy each other's particular emotional needs. I see Jack as an intensely emotional man with burdens few could share, but Sam's military background, as well as their shared experience, give her insight to him unsurpassed by many. This friendship is quite different from that between Jack and Daniel, because fundamentally those are two ideologically different men.

                                Since Grace, I have come to think of emotional insecurity as Sam's most vulnerable spot. I also think Jack, above all others, helps her overcome that. "Carter can do anything" not only speaks of his steadfast faith in her, it also challenges her to give her personal best. While one could argue that he had this effect on her because of his position as CO, I'd beg to differ. The fact that, in Sam's vision in Grace, Jack appeared in civilian garb -- while all others showed up in their usual attires -- was very telling IMHO. Among other things, it meant she thought the "pep talk" (the one that finally got through to her, if I may add) came from a friend.

                                Then, with so much character traits going for them, what would make them unsuitable romantically? This is a discussion I once had with other people. The usual reasons, such as bad chemistry or The Regs, were dismissed (in my mind) because they were not intrinsic to the characters. Some mentioned (what I loosely termed as) the Pygmalion complex inherent in J/S, in the sense that the two had a mentor/protege professional relationship. This did give me pause, because it implied a power imbalance in the dynamic. But this ceased to be a problem for me, because I've since come to the conclusion that two mature adults would not carry their professional relationship into the personal.

                                So, here I am now, thinking Jack and Sam are quite well suited for each other. But I have to say what made me even think so much of this pairing is this thread and its denizens. Even when my support for the 'ship was less than enthusiastic (and quite openly so ), I was never made to feel my views were unwelcome. This inclusive atmosphere was very conducive to sharing of perspectives and greatly enriched my viewing experience. I hope the family will always nourish it.

                                One thing I still agree with non-shippers and anti-shippers, though: TPTB hasn't done a particular great job of developing the 'ship. With effectively 10 eps left -- I say "effectively" because I'm not too optimistic about S9 -- I sincerely hope the story will end on a high note.
                                I'm gonna leave the whole quote in here, cos I think it's worth repeating. You have quite nicely verbalised things I was thinking sub-consiously I had never picked up on the "Jack in civs" thing in Grace, but it bears considering. I had noticed he wasn't wearing a uniform, but hadn't connected that to anything.
                                I am most impressed! You should analyse more often

