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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by blueiris

    That is what we are going to see, right????? You've got it all settled and written into the show?

    Yes we will IN SEASON 8



      .I think they gonna make Sam ...
      ascend at the end of Mobius intead of Daniel ....a temporary death for her that.. She can pop round and visit Jack as a cameo and ascended Sam before AT can go back full time..and Jack will have hope she'll come back like Daniel did .

      it will be a good opportunity to have some interaction between Jack and Daniel about the matter : Ascencion..

      This storyline could create great drama too ..the Daniel
      storyline was fab why not for



        Originally posted by Catysg1
        .I think they gonna make Sam ...
        ascend at the end of Mobius intead of Daniel ....a temporary death for her that.. She can pop round and visit Jack as a cameo and ascended Sam before AT can go back full time..and Jack will have hope she'll come back like Daniel did .

        it will be a good opportunity to have some interaction between Jack and Daniel about the matter : Ascencion..

        This storyline could create great drama too ..the Daniel
        storyline was fab why not for

        I have thought about that too.I think that is going to happen.It would be so cool he
        Lord Zedd


          Hi just popping in to say that I am a FULL fledged member of the *WAIT AND SEE* Gang..

          I am not making any major pronouncements about to much until I see the second half of Season 8 ...first... That will at least tell us what way TPTB will be taking Season 9 and then I can make some decisions about what I want to do.

          I keep reading that *This is NOT the Sam & Jack Show*...or No one wants the *Sam & Jack Hour* and I am getting a bit confused........... Well D'uh... I never personally thought ANY OF US WANTED THAT BUT this IS the SAM & JACK SHIPPER THREAD so that IS what we talk about in here. so we are all HAPPY when they touch, kiss, Breathe the same air So when we are reading that RDA may have limited time, AT may be limited the first few episodes and no one is real sure just WHAT TPTB are going to do with the S&J Ship I think it is FAIR to all that we are going to see some venting and alot of frustrated shippers........ So can I just take a minute to tell ALL of the Shippers who are REALLY frustrated ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I understand.... THAT is from me to you.....

          I never thought we always HAD to be the most upbeat on the block here and so I just wanted to let those of you who are avoiding posting because you are worried that you will be *flamed for not being upbeat or *optimistic* it is ok...... We Shippers are people ...we come in ALL shapes, ALL sizes AND ALL FEELINGS SHOULD BE WELCOME...and then we can HOPEFULLY help you through it

          Most of us ALL LOVE Star Gate for the OVERALL show BUT we have the added pleasure of loving the aspect of Sam & Jack and here is where you should be happy & SAD about what might be happening. So come one come all

          We are here for you (((((((((((((SHIPPERS)))))))))))
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by _Anubis
            I have thought about that too.I think that is going to happen.It would be so cool he

            Yes ..I think this would be a really good arc for season 9 plus we know about
            already so it will be exiting to see Sam coming
            back as ascended Sam to support Jack in his work...She may even tell him "I love you , Jack "each time she disappears



              Originally posted by Melyanna

              I know this is something of an unpopular opinion here, but this show isn't about Jack/Sam. I wish people would stop talking about it like it's the end of the world if "we", a small subset of the entire audience, don't get what we want.

              This is a sci-fi show, not a cheesy soap opera, and I for one am going to put my trust with TPTB that once they've resolved this personal life arc, we'll get back to science fiction.

              I would have been in complete agreement with you pre season 8. And even now, I'm still pretty much in accordance. I know everyone here has heard me argue the case for ambiguity to appease a larger proportion of the fanbase...
              after (s7/8 spoilers and spec)
              the introduction of Pete ... after making "the engagement" part of the canon and devoting show time to it... It's now become more of a big deal to me to SEE the resolution. I really really dislike the Sam/Pete arc, its the only part of Stargate I've ever truly, actively disliked.
              I'm not a great fan of "RST series," I would have been quite happy for the little UST moments to crop up every now and again (and for the opportunity to exist for me to fabricate my own! ) And at the end of the show have a little resolution hinted at (or the possibility for resolution to have been clearly shown).
              Now, I need to see something more because there's more stacked against the odds of a sucessful relationship between Sam and Jack...
              It's harder for me to believe in it than it was, so it's a bigger deal for me, the idea of SEEING some RST... and the idea of seeing the ship blown out the water is more painful. And I'm not by nature an optimistic or trusting person. I find faith difficult to come by and after being burned once it's harder to trust again. So as much as I'd like to, I find it darn difficult to have faith in tptb.
              Just MO anyways...
              Oh and Caty? LOVIN' the shippy scenes!


                hey everyone im in a really good mood today so i thought id share this piccy with you for hope of all things to come

                heres to sam and jack and a hopefully very shippy second half of season 8

                (((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  My 1000th Post!

                  Woo Hoo! I'm Royal Guard now (I think)!

                  Some greatist hits of the thread to celebrate.

                  And I've made great new friends:

                  Thanks everyone. To 1000 more!

                  ship sistah
                  Woohoo!!!! Many congratulations.


                    Tame look at your blocks it says that you reigns as a systemlord Kneel before your god ! and I'm your second prime how cool is that !
                    Last edited by Lord Zedd; 16 November 2004, 09:00 AM.
                    Lord Zedd


                      Originally posted by _Anubis
                      Tame look at your blocks it says that you reigns as a systemlord
                      Does she get to pick her own system lord name? Who will she be?

                      Does this mean we all have to get tattoos on our foreheads now?
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Oh my! I have a 4th square! Thanks to all and most of all the unnamed, very powerful system lord.

                        (I hope its a pretty tattoo)
                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          Hi just popping in to say that I am a FULL fledged member of the *WAIT AND SEE* Gang..

                          I am not making any major pronouncements about to much until I see the second half of Season 8 ...first... That will at least tell us what way TPTB will be taking Season 9 and then I can make some decisions about what I want to do.

                          I keep reading that *This is NOT the Sam & Jack Show*...or No one wants the *Sam & Jack Hour* and I am getting a bit confused........... Well D'uh... I never personally thought ANY OF US WANTED THAT BUT this IS the SAM & JACK SHIPPER THREAD so that IS what we talk about in here. so we are all HAPPY when they touch, kiss, Breathe the same air So when we are reading that RDA may have limited time, AT may be limited the first few episodes and no one is real sure just WHAT TPTB are going to do with the S&J Ship I think it is FAIR to all that we are going to see some venting and alot of frustrated shippers........ So can I just take a minute to tell ALL of the Shippers who are REALLY frustrated ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I understand.... THAT is from me to you.....

                          I never thought we always HAD to be the most upbeat on the block here and so I just wanted to let those of you who are avoiding posting because you are worried that you will be *flamed for not being upbeat or *optimistic* it is ok...... We Shippers are people ...we come in ALL shapes, ALL sizes AND ALL FEELINGS SHOULD BE WELCOME...and then we can HOPEFULLY help you through it

                          Most of us ALL LOVE Star Gate for the OVERALL show BUT we have the added pleasure of loving the aspect of Sam & Jack and here is where you should be happy & SAD about what might be happening. So come one come all

                          We are here for you (((((((((((((SHIPPERS)))))))))))

                          I agree with everything you said!


                            Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...



                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...

                              Thanks....I needed that!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                Hi just popping in to say that I am a FULL fledged member of the *WAIT AND SEE* Gang..

                                I am not making any major pronouncements about to much until I see the second half of Season 8 ...first... That will at least tell us what way TPTB will be taking Season 9 and then I can make some decisions about what I want to do.

                                I keep reading that *This is NOT the Sam & Jack Show*...or No one wants the *Sam & Jack Hour* and I am getting a bit confused........... Well D'uh... I never personally thought ANY OF US WANTED THAT BUT this IS the SAM & JACK SHIPPER THREAD so that IS what we talk about in here. so we are all HAPPY when they touch, kiss, Breathe the same air So when we are reading that RDA may have limited time, AT may be limited the first few episodes and no one is real sure just WHAT TPTB are going to do with the S&J Ship I think it is FAIR to all that we are going to see some venting and alot of frustrated shippers........ So can I just take a minute to tell ALL of the Shippers who are REALLY frustrated ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) I understand.... THAT is from me to you.....

                                I never thought we always HAD to be the most upbeat on the block here and so I just wanted to let those of you who are avoiding posting because you are worried that you will be *flamed for not being upbeat or *optimistic* it is ok...... We Shippers are people ...we come in ALL shapes, ALL sizes AND ALL FEELINGS SHOULD BE WELCOME...and then we can HOPEFULLY help you through it

                                Most of us ALL LOVE Star Gate for the OVERALL show BUT we have the added pleasure of loving the aspect of Sam & Jack and here is where you should be happy & SAD about what might be happening. So come one come all

                                We are here for you (((((((((((((SHIPPERS)))))))))))
                                Awwww Tame....

                                I don't think any of us want 100% S/J RST all the time. I think some of us are just 'skeered' of what TPTB may have in store for us in S9 & that any S/J ship (if continued in S9) would be implied versus seen and we're just trying to share our concerns with some of the few in fandom who might understand where we might be coming from in our concerns. And Family does stick together... through the highs when we celebrate joyously and the lows when we let our sisters-in-ship ('n brothers too) vent all they need to & show we understand & support them as they deal with coming to terms with what may/may not be ahead. I think we've all lurked through other Forums where Shippers are made to feel darned uncomfortable for any view they have on ship, some may have or still belong to them... it's my hope that this Forum's S/J Thread stays as open, friendly, and welcoming as it has always been.

                                If I weren't at work I'd pop in the clapping hand gif for your post... but you'll just have to imagine it....
                                **Clap Clap**
                                ***CLAP CLAP CLAP***
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

