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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    Glad you liked it (((((((((Sam O Neill )))))))))

    but we really do not have lots of kisses we !!!

    But I'm sure they are coming full speed for 2nd part season 8 starting with Gemini.

    Lets hope the Second part of Season 8 will be packed full of Sam/Jack kisses and hugs and all kinds of ship!!
    The first episode i'm hoping to be majorly shippy is Gemini so we'll just have to wait and see what that brings..i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will turn out how we all expect it!

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by shipper hannah
      i thought jack was a nickname for jonathan too.... wouldn't that make him... jack jack....?
      or maybe it was jonathan 'jack' o'neill?

      For John, and (according the baby name books) Jacob (which I thought was too hysterical ), a common diminutive/nickname is Jack. And I came across that by reading the entry for "Jack". Neither of the books I looked at mentioned Jonathan as a formal for Jack, but both had John and Jacob as the formal. And the nickname for Jonathan as "Jon".

      Nicknames/diminutives do not appear on birth certificates (unless the parents actually put them there. If so, it then becomes a legal name, not a nickname.), and are therefore NOT legal names. Which would be why Jack wouldn't show up on his AF ID (or driver's liscence etc.). Not even as a middle name. And my understanding for Military ID is they always use Middle Initial ONLY for the middle name. Never the full name, just the initial.

      The middle J. probably stands for something 'other' than Jack. (jacob anyone??? )

      Someone on another site once did a search on the origins of "jack" as a nickname for John. I kept it as this is my daughter's era of linguistic delight.

      Kel Richards writes:

      The question is: how did “Jack” become a nickname for someone called “John”? Well, it’s a very old usage, appearing in Langland (in Piers Ploughman) in 1362. The Oxford English Dictionary says that the actual origin is disputed. It has been generally assumed to be the same word as the French name Jacques, which (in turn) can be traced back to the Latin name Jacobus or “Jacob” (and Jacques is today the French equivalent of James). But Jack has been used in English from its earliest appearance as a by-name (or nickname) of Johan, or Jan, or John. In fact a whole book has been written on this subject by the man who was the librarian of the legendary Bodley Library at Oxford, a Mr E. W. B. Nicholson, M.A. His book, called The Pedigree of Jack and of various allied names, was published in 1892. In it he makes out a strong case for the actual origination of Jack as a pet-form of “John” and especially of the recognized diminutive forms of “John” (which were, in the Middle Ages, Jankin and Jackin and Jackins). It all sounds very confusing, but it seems to me that the OED thinks it’s more likely that Jack arose out of the way speakers of Middle English formed diminutives, rather than from the French name Jacques. In other words, just as Aussies form diminutives by taking the first syllable of a word and adding “—e” or “—o” (as in “brekkie” or “arvo”) so speakers of Middle English had certain habits when they formed diminutives – and those speech habits are what turned “John” into Jack.

      I'm sure that's more than you could possibly want to know. But Eytimology is fascinating.



        Originally posted by gatewatcher
        I just got home and read on GW it's official today! I'm glad there will be more SG-1 I just really hope SG-1 is in it. THe article said something like RDA may ask for more a reduced schedule..................I hope he doesn'task for too much a reduction.
        I had a thought...............what if at the beginning of S9, S/J are both missing and it's discovered they have eloped at the end of S8. That would help to explain AT's absense?????????????? just a thought. I'm going to cross my fingers that our ship is coming and TPTB know what they are doing.
        I had an idea about hope they could explain AT and RDA's absence.
        At the start of Season 9 they could both be on vacation in a cosy little cabin overlooking a fish-free lake, maybe somewhere in Minnesota...
        I'm sure we could put up with one or 2 episodes at the start with Daniel and Teal'c looking after the SGC

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by gatewatcher
          I just got home and read on GW it's official today! I'm glad there will be more SG-1 I just really hope SG-1 is in it. THe article said something like RDA may ask for more a reduced schedule..................I hope he doesn'task for too much a reduction.
          I had a thought...............what if at the beginning of S9, S/J are both missing and it's discovered they have eloped at the end of S8. That would help to explain AT's absense?????????????? just a thought. I'm going to cross my fingers that our ship is coming and TPTB know what they are doing.
          I am liking yor thinking!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Night night Sam O Neill!!!
            Sweet shipper dreams!!


              Originally posted by _Anubis
              you aren't the only one but I read somewhere but don't get excited !!!! BUT I read somewhere that he'll probably will appear in more episodes but won't have to say that much.Perhaps some shipy scenes we don't know he

              Let's hope he'll be making love to Sam if he doesn't have to say much.



                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                I had an idea about hope they could explain AT and RDA's absence.
                At the start of Season 9 they could both be on vacation in a cosy little cabin overlooking a fish-free lake, maybe somewhere in Minnesota...
                I'm sure we could put up with one or 2 episodes at the start with Daniel and Teal'c looking after the SGC
                that would be quite good lol....and everything could start to go into a catastrophe with daniel struggling to maintain control hee hee

                *still very very hyper*

                JACK AND SAM FOREVER


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Let's hope he'll be making love to Sam if he doesn't have to say much.

                  i was thinking if he doesnt have to say much he would probably be kissing her
                  Last edited by samisjacksgal; 15 November 2004, 01:44 PM. Reason: cant type for my life;)


                    Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                    i was thinking if he doesnt have to say much he would probably be kissing her

                    kissing and the rest ..they just go together ..specially after waiting for 8 years.



                      [QUOTE=Sam_o_NeillI have mixed feeling about Season 9 just like everyone else but i'm quite confident that if we get a good ending to Season 8 then Season 9 shouldn't be too bad. There are loads of ways for TPTB to explain Jack's absence and i'm also hoping that the 4/5 episodes he is in are Jack packed!
                      I'm going to wait until I see the finale of Season 8 to really make my mind up about Season 9.

                      You're positive attitude is appreciated. Thank you.

                      I'm also Okay (I think) with Jack as a recurring character, IF (that's a VERY BIG IF!) they will resolve the ship on a POSITIVE note FIRST! It would make the anti-shippers okay (maybe ) by keeping it out of their faces and it's RDA who wants out, not the TPTB getting rid of Jack. RDA can continue with in put as producer as there's this nifty little invention called "conference calling". He can do that from LA.

                      Maybe then they can get back to that rst. (now that they've fixed it! I wonder if that was on the table as something that had to happen before a S9 could be confirmed? )

                      <sigh> I will try to stay up. I'm hoping the second half of the season will be better as the second half of S7 was better than the first.



                        Originally posted by CatySG1
                        kissing and the rest ..they just go together ..specially after waiting for 8 years.
                        Giggling under covers would be good!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          kissing and the rest ..they just go together ..specially after waiting for 8 years.

                          oooo yes a perfect match


                            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                            I had an idea about hope they could explain AT and RDA's absence.
                            At the start of Season 9 they could both be on vacation in a cosy little cabin overlooking a fish-free lake, maybe somewhere in Minnesota...
                            I'm sure we could put up with one or 2 episodes at the start with Daniel and Teal'c looking after the SGC

                            I could live with that



                              Originally posted by antares
                              I could live with that

                              me too but a little lake isn't enough.Now the time has arrived to pull out the very big guns for TPTB.A 9th season is probably the last one Let's go out with a blast I would say.Make one big huge very great awsome season 1 last time and than they can focus their complete concentration to Stargate Atlantis.Are you with me?
                              Lord Zedd


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                I hope they won't be running out of ideas for stories ..because somehow ..I have that feeling ..I mean actually think of producing an episode like "Icon" you must be pretty desesperate for ideas there !!!Huuuuu
                                I can think of someother eps they had to be pretty desperate for. What was the one from S6 with the
                                invisible critters?
                                There was one from S4 (i think) too. those 'white plant/people' who were supposed to 'harmonic'? So hopefully Icon was just an abberation, as they aren't unprecedented in the past.

                                I'm a bit scared for season 9 and they may be making a big mistake ..but I'm very confident for season 8 ..2nd part..We'll get lots of ship
                                We can all cheer each other up.


