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    Originally posted by _Anubis
    Goodmorning campers or should I say shippers lovelt weather to talk about Sam and Jack isn't it? Haloween is over but I wanted to know.What do you think SG.1 would do on Haloween?Perhaps Jack has invited Sam to go trick or treating

    Teal'c - ate half the candy while waiting for the tirick-or-treaters.

    Daniel - forgot to buy candy, too preoccupied.

    Sam - bought candy and likes to chat with each T-or-Ter.

    Jack - waited as long as he could to go to Sam's and get his treat. He has a costume and everything. (Welll, just a mask he found on his way there.)
    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


      Originally posted by nickatell
      Speculation and Spoilers Season 8
      The part that angers me about all of this is we are only talking about a kiss between Jack and Sam and that is all. Now I don't know about the rest of you but this won't be enough to really satisfy me. I probably would have been satisfied with a kiss or an accepted fishing invitation around season 6, but after watching Chimera my expectations went completely higher. I never in my wildest dreams thought that TPTB would have ever given us dating, dancing, love scenes, and to top it all off a marriage proposal; but since they have now shown us what they can do I would like it done the right way between Jack and Sam. I don't want it all in one episode either, I never have, it should be done where we are there for the positive progression between them. I want it where when I am watching Season 7 again (years from now) I will automatically remember that Pete was simply a way for Sam to come to terms with herself and her true feelings for Jack and know in my heart that enough was shown to me in later episodes between Sam and Jack, that I am at peace with it all. I know, too much to hope for; but I will really feel cheated if all we get is a kiss when I know now they can do better. You know just like the comment between Sam and Pete about the "stalker" was a slap, I felt to us shippers I kind of think that just a kiss would almost be the same especially after Chimera, like TPTB are just throwing that at us. I'm not sure that I am making sense but I just feel that they have done a fabulous job with the ust and the angst I just hope that they don't let us down with not giving the resolved sexual tension the same quality and time. I want Sam and Jack together but not thrown at us or by expecting all of us to be satisfied with a kiss. Don't get me wrong that would be in the right direction, but simply not enough......
      The only thing that gives me some hope is (speculation Season 8 finale)
      that TPTB might now want to use AT's pregnancy as an excuse to be Jack and Sam lite if they go to a Season 9.

      It could provide a plausable reason why Sam is not around except occassionally, maternity leave. And Jack could be a stay at home dad, that is unless the fate of the world depends on him coming out of retirement.

      The point of all this is to say that if they do use AT's pregnancy and Jack is the dad, then they have to get them together for more than one kiss, even if that kiss is a duzy! Just hope we get to see a little of that passion on screen and not just implied either.

      As an aside, I really want to see Jack get another opportunity to be a dad!!! He deserves a second chance and a chance to be happy again. It could allow RDA to explore a whole different part of Jack's personality as well, ie: husband and father. Could be interesting.

      It's just a thought!
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by meimei
        ROTFLMAO! I loved it! It brought back lots of crazy memories from high school! We used that song in a talent show way back then! And it cheered me up since the real Mei Mei is sick and I am worried about her! We're off to the vet first thing in the morning!

        I loved all the pics and the way you had Jack saying "mash" at the same time as the soundtrack!! LOL!

        Thanks much!!

        Hope the REAL meimei feels better soon!!!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by majorsal
          Perfectly stated. It's not just the destination, but enjoying the 'ride' to get there. Throwing in this heartbreaking bf storyline feels like they've taken us on a detour through a grave yard (metaphorically speaking)... Basically, I want to revisit this show and be able to handle the PS storyline because I'd know that the Sam/Jack resolution made it worth the sometimes agonizing romantic journey. If Pete can have any purpose, it's that it makes Sam know she wants Jack for real. And forever.


          Well JM said it would be a wild rollercoaster ride for us this Season!!!

          I only hope the ride is worth the price of the admission. My sanity!!!
          Ship Nana


            Originally posted by _Anubis
            Goodmorning campers or should I say shippers lovelt weather to talk about Sam and Jack isn't it? Haloween is over but I wanted to know.What do you think SG.1 would do on Haloween?Perhaps Jack has invited Sam to go trick or treating

            I didn't get a chance last night to welcome you Anubis as I was desparately trying to play catch up again with this thread.

            So a warm welcome and I'm glad your here!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by Liebestraume

              ....The best, IMHO, is to see how Sam learns from her mistakes and then takes steps in the right direction. When it pertains to 'ship, Jack is her ultimate destiny, which has been made abundantly clear whenever TPTB get a chance. Since I also have my own theory on why they are well-suited for each other, I want the destination made meaningful by the journey.

              (I could go on, but you guys get my drift ... )
              Well said Liebestraume, you are so on target but then I wonder about TPTB and why they wrote Lost City Part 2 the way they did. Season 8
              If TPTB are leaning to making Jack and Sam a romantic couple (which would make this shipper die very, very happy) then why did they have Fifth use PS as her husband on the farm. Fifth made the comment about pulling that dream/reality from Sam's subconscious where IMHO they should have used Jack because I'm all for those two to get it on.

              Do you think TPTB are just stringing us along to keep the ratings up?


                Originally posted by AmberMoon
                Well said Liebestraume, you are so on target but then I wonder about TPTB and why they wrote Lost City Part 2 the way they did. Season 8
                If TPTB are leaning to making Jack and Sam a romantic couple (which would make this shipper die very, very happy) then why did they have Fifth use PS as her husband on the farm. Fifth made the comment about pulling that dream/reality from Sam's subconscious where IMHO they should have used Jack because I'm all for those two to get it on.

                Do you think TPTB are just stringing us along to keep the ratings up?
                Every subconscious throught is not exactly what we want. Maybe Fifth pulled the thought thinking it was what she wanted, when really she was trying to justify the relationship. Going over what it could be like in her head. That must be on her mind. Doesn't mean its want she truly wants, just what's on her mind.
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by AmberMoon

                  Do you think TPTB are just stringing us along to keep the ratings up?
                  I guess I'm so used to Sam and Jack being UST that I daren't hope they might get RST.
                  They do scream UST though, my mother (who's slept through every stargate episode I ever made her watch, sci-fi is *not* her thing ) was sitting with me and my cousins watching Zero Hour last night and (Zero Hour spoilers)
                  watched the last scene between Jack and Sam. She then turned to me and gave me a quizzical look. 'Was that a ship scene?' I replied 'Kinda.' She considered the two characters for a moment and said: 'She looks really pretty in this scene. They are well suited...'

                  So that's both parents now that have agreed with me Sam and Jack are good together! Now to work on my ship-hating brother...


                    Originally posted by AmberMoon
                    Well said Liebestraume, you are so on target but then I wonder about TPTB and why they wrote Lost City Part 2 the way they did. Season 8
                    If TPTB are leaning to making Jack and Sam a romantic couple (which would make this shipper die very, very happy) then why did they have Fifth use PS as her husband on the farm. Fifth made the comment about pulling that dream/reality from Sam's subconscious where IMHO they should have used Jack because I'm all for those two to get it on.

                    Do you think TPTB are just stringing us along to keep the ratings up?

                    Who knows AmberMoon! Gosh if anyone could figure out TPTB, they would be immensly wealthy, cause everyone would pay to undestand why they have done what they did over the years. And to learn what they are gonna do for the end of this season.

                    I think a lot of what was done at the end of last season and the beginning of this season was because they were in a rush because they found out late about the renewal. Don't forget that there was supposed to be a Sam/Jack kiss at the end of last season but that was cut due to the renewal also. A lot of changes were made due to the renewal. There was supposed to be a movie which turned into the finale for last season. Albeit a much edited version of the movie.
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by Lunar
                      I guess I'm so used to Sam and Jack being UST that I daren't hope they might get RST.
                      They do scream UST though, my mother (who's slept through every stargate episode I ever made her watch, sci-fi is *not* her thing ) was sitting with me and my cousins watching Zero Hour last night and (Zero Hour spoilers)
                      watched the last scene between Jack and Sam. She then turned to me and gave me a quizzical look. 'Was that a ship scene?' I replied 'Kinda.' She considered the two characters for a moment and said: 'She looks really pretty in this scene. They are well suited...'

                      So that's both parents now that have agreed with me Sam and Jack are good together! Now to work on my ship-hating brother...
                      Your mother is right...they are well suited.

                      The UST is driving me crazy! I just hope TPTB don't screw it up and lump into a 5 minute blip on the screen! That would totally chap my you know what!


                        Originally posted by blueiris
                        Every subconscious throught is not exactly what we want. Maybe Fifth pulled the thought thinking it was what she wanted, when really she was trying to justify the relationship. Going over what it could be like in her head. That must be on her mind. Doesn't mean its want she truly wants, just what's on her mind.
                        I've just parcelled up what you said in white space so my post is a little shorter...
                        I thought that this scene spoke volumes about Sam's true feelings for Pete. (New Order Affinity, Lowdown and Chimera spoilers and spec.)
                        Firstly, they way she reacted when Pete threw a tantrum: 'That's not Pete!'
                        To be honest, I thought the hallucinatory Pete reacted normally in the context of the hallucination. I mean, he said she constantly has these flashbacks and has to see a shrink... (his word, I think, not mine. I hate that word...) She keeps disbeliving him and he gets angry... not *right* perhaps but an understandable human reaction. The fact that Sam found frustration abnormal suggests that something's up... I mean, in Chimera he got so annoyed about her refusal to tell him what she did he left her after spending the night with her, didn't he? So she's lying to herself. She has a false image of their relationship as being pink clouds and happiness...
                        Which is, conversely, the exact opposite of her relationship with Jack. They butt heads and there's been plenty of times where their ranks have left her having to bite down anger she would have been able to express in a normal relationship. Her subconscious self sees her relationship with Pete as being the opposite as this. There's never the frustration that always bubbles at the surface of her relationship (or rather, lack of relationship) with Jack.
                        The other telling thing was when she yelled: 'I could never be happy like this!' My immediate thought was: Great! Now we're going to see the same scenario with *Jack* in it, and her reaction to that... I was disappointed when Pete turned into Fifth... I think it would have been a lot more upsetting for her to be with Jack in that scenario for a variety of reasons. She could actually chose to live that life with Pete but she could never have it with Jack. So rather than make her angry that Pete is not listening to her, it would bring all those buried feelings and longings to the surface... she's be dealing with a *lot* more than just her actual situation. I think that tptb could never have done that without a) upsetting the anti-shippers to much the same level as we were upset with Affinity and b) having an episode three hours long. It would have raised too many issues to be dealt with; it was simpler to have Pete and the disbelief than Jack and all the angst. Also at that point Pete was still the *big thing.* He got a lot of fan reaction and the American lowdown showed him in a favourable light at that point. They were trying to quiet the S/J ship a little and big up Pete. So that's why it was Pete in her mind. And I actually was quite glad in the end, because it made me realise that their relationship probably wasn't as solid as I feared, that tptb were writing in a little escape clause from the S/P wedding scenario I'd been dreading since Affinity. They had a get out of jail card, a back story to doubts that could end the relationship as well as a really good reason for a wedding. It was clever writing.
                        But I think it would have been far more torturous to have Jack replace Pete.... <insert crazed evil smiley>


                          hmm lunar i think your right about the whole swapping Jack for Pete thing that would have been evil and would have lead to a VERY interesting and Three hour long ep!!

                          pink and fluffy is deffinately how she sees things so that does make things more promising for us cos if she gets the reall picture any time soon (which i hope she does) it might get the engines fired on our ship then maybe it would finally get here

                          yeah sam and jack


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            ......there's no reason why we can't have it too, other than them not wanting to write it. ..... So I wait...

                            If you think about it, the writers *have* written some juicy stuff over the years. Well, if you read their side notes and have listened to their interviews and commentaries. It's those people on the cutting-room floor that are to blame. *This* is what you get when you give a man a knife....


                              Okay, if anyone is interested:


                              I think about 8 supporters already!

                              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                                Originally posted by AmberMoon
                                Well said Liebestraume, you are so on target but then I wonder about TPTB and why they wrote Lost City Part 2 the way they did. Season 8
                                If TPTB are leaning to making Jack and Sam a romantic couple (which would make this shipper die very, very happy) then why did they have Fifth use PS as her husband on the farm. Fifth made the comment about pulling that dream/reality from Sam's subconscious where IMHO they should have used Jack because I'm all for those two to get it on.

                                Do you think TPTB are just stringing us along to keep the ratings up?

                                IMO- If it had been Jack, she wouldn't have fought fifth as she did. It was necessary for the plot of the story that Sam wouldn't accept any kind of falselife. Besides which, if she had dreamed about Jack, there would have not been anywhere to go with the Pete storyline, which we've seen-TPTB's really want to push. Basically, I think Sam is in denial to herself about what she wants. Maybe this is one way to show that she's in denial about what she truly wants and that the FarmerPete! lifestyle is one way of expressing it. Sam would never leave SG. of that I'm absolutely sure. By writing it the way they did- you knew from the get-go it was totally crap.

                                I'm not sure I made sense. Oh, well, early hours yet.
                                The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

                                by Nikkirose

