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    Originally posted by galaxy
    As paradoxical as it might seem, but I think it's their love for each other, that is holding them back.
    Yes. I'll agree whole-heartedly there. It's the premise all of my post-Affinity healing fanfics were based on! I think (Chimera spoilers)
    I've said this before but, the lab scene in Chimera, where Jack asks how Pete is... I love it cos there's just a twonge of jealousy in his voice. He has to know, he wants her to be happy but... I bet he was relieved when she said they'd kind of... sort of.. had a tiff and split up. Well that's how I interpreted her 'I think he could' speech. And then my little shipper heart was broken anew by the last scene...


      Originally posted by _Anubis
      I'm sure you would like I would dtand in line for kissing Carter
      Comon people vote vote vote

      I voted. Now where is the RDA liplock line?
      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


        Originally posted by auralan
        Affinity spoilers:

        And she was so excited about her decision to settle that she waited a couple days then blurted it out while on duty. Yeah, that's it. That's exactly what a woman holding back from the relationship she really wants because of professionalism concerns would do. It makes perfect sense now.

        Why, yes! I have seen the sarcasm fairy today. However did you guess?
        Affinity Spoilers
        I think it was a bad moment too. But the writers had to put it in *somewhere* and hey, there's this scene, Pete doesn't look to shabby in it... let's have her say yes here! And I'll agree that Sam isn't a very spontaneous person but I think this decision was kind of spontaneous. Like she's been mulling it over for days and here he is before her and y'know he's not been such a bad guy over the course of this episode and Jack didn't stop me so maybe I should just....
        'I mean yes.'

        *Shaking head* I don't like it anymore than you do, but it happened, we can complain about it (and I think we *should* complain!) but it's still going to stay happened so we've got to put a little S/J spin on it to stay sane. Well, I have at any rate...


          Speculations and Spoilers For Season 8.(Threads)
          .I hope that when Sam does go and see Jacob, that they do have a discussion about Pete and her lack of love for him. Jacob is her father and by his own admission an absentee father and this would be a good time for him to show that him being a host for Selmac has changed him, balanced him maybe. He has always ruled his household by following rules and regulations and by showing no emotion; which left his relationship with Sam very cold. Since Selmac, his relationship with Sam has changed, he now shows his emotions openly with hugs and kisses. I really feel to bring Jacob full circle it would be necessary for him to tell her to follow her heart even if it means changing careers, which in the past she would have never thought her father would have said. In Grace we saw how Sam imagined her relationship with her father should be with their conversation, now all Jacob has to do is show her that she was right with the relationship but wrong with how she interpreted it. He needs to tell her that if she is lucky enough to have found love, true love with Jack, than she should do whatever it takes to be with him because to settle for anyone other than Jack would only be denying herself a life filled with meaning and purpose. Something or someone needs to take Sam and snap her out of this cloud that she has been in and what better person than Jacob, her father, who loves her the most.


            Originally posted by blueiris
            And then one night she wakes up, slaps herself on the forehead and says:

            wait a minute, "he wouldn't be here", "he'd retire!." "That's it! I've gotta get rid of Pete!'


            That's too funny, blueiris!!!

            But seriously!
            They both have a healthy mouth and healthy vocal cords and a healthy brain.....What is their problem?
            Speak to each other!!! Or kiss! Or make HWMS!!!
            And I promise all doubts and uncertainty will be gone. (and Pete, too )


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              This all makes me think of a quote at the bottom of an e-mail I recently received....

              "You don't marry someone you can live with...
              You marry the person you cannot live without."

              Now... if only the TPTB could understand that....
     true! Hopefully TPTB will get the hint!


                Originally posted by marimba26
                Well said! I absolutely agree! I know we've been getting all excited about (Moebius possible spoilers and spoilers for various S7 and 8 eps)
                a possible kiss between Jack and Sam but poor Jack has loved her so deeply for so long and to only have them kiss would just not be enough. I need to see their love come to fruition. I really want to hear "I've loved you for so long now" or "I love you" or something to acknowledge how deep their feelings run. Jack would DIE for her FCOL!! How much deeper does it get than that? He is even willing to let her go if it would make her happy! How many men could stand there and listen to her go on about marrying ANOTHER MAN? He loves her so much that he won't stand in her way.
                Gosh! I think I've worked myself into a frustrated lather lol
                Season 8 spoilers through Moebius:

                Okay, one thing we seem to be losing sight of here, these supposed spoilers for Moebius aren't even remotely complete info for the last few episodes. They say there's a big kiss in Moebius. They don't say this is the big resolution to the S/J ship and all we're ever getting. They don't say it's the only kiss. They don't say it's all of the relationship we're ever going to see. All it says is that there's a big kiss. Last I checked, that was good news. What else surrounds that kiss in the way of ship is almost entirely undefined. It could be all we get. It could be one kiss of many shippy relationship moments we see throughout the last few episodes. We don't actually know. There's no reason to have the one-kiss-is-all-we're-getting-ever-and-it's-totally-unfair panic attacks based on what we know now.

                Here's we do have:
                • Threads has shippy elements, retirement mentions, regs solutions and whatnot.
                • Citizen Joe looked flirty and shippy to me.
                • Pierre's spoilers said we were getting the S/J bit resolved on screen
                • Moebius is alleged to contain a big S/J kiss

                Not really all that much and there are a lot of gaps. All the flirty/shippy bits in Citizen Joe were in the teaser. That's a lot of episode left I don't know much about that could have more. Moebius is two episodes and all we know is one big kiss. There could be kisses (or more) before that big one. There could be more after it. There could even be more to the kiss itself than we know. We really don't know much of anything -- but the general direction of these last few look pretty good from here. I'm going to wait and see before getting upset over what basically amounts to a lack of context for the good information we have.
                *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                  Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                  This all makes me think of a quote at the bottom of an e-mail I recently received....

                  "You don't marry someone you can live with...
                  You marry the person you cannot live without."

                  Now... if only the TPTB could understand that....
                  See, this is why I think Sam and Jack HAVE to be together.
                  Jack would RATHER DIE than lose her. He's said that to a subconcious lie detector machine. Hence, he'd rather not live at all than live without her. And I think it's taken as read Sam feels the same.
                  Would she rather die than live without Pete?
                  I don't think so. If she felt that strongly, it sure as heck wouldn't have taken her (spoilers for Affinity)
                  2 weeks to say yes to him!


                    Anybody see the AT interview (In this Forum Stargate News section). If they are coming back for a season 9 she says that aren't going to use her pregnancy in the story line because she thinks it probably be Pete's if they included it.

                    Threads and Moebius
                    My thoughts on this are that Pete is gone at the end of the season and it would be a bit awkward explaining how Sam gave birth so soon after getting together with Jack.
                    Last edited by Watters87; 01 November 2004, 11:03 AM.


                      Originally posted by _Anubis
                      Loosing my sanity now that I have become a shipper Was there a contract
                      Hmmm! You must have missed the memo!


                        Originally posted by Watters87
                        Anybody see the AT interview (In this Forum Stargate News section). If they are coming back for a season 9 she says that aren't going to use her pregnacy in the story line because she thinks it probably be Pete's if they included it.

                        Threads and Moebius
                        My thoughts on this are that Pete is gone at the end of the season and it would be a bit awkward explaining how Sam gave birth so soon after getting together with Jack.
                        Thanks for mentioning that here. I hadn't seen that, but it makes perfect sense.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          Hmmm! You must have missed the memo!
                          There was a memo? We have desks?
                          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                            silly me I haven't even voted I would go for picture nr 3 If you watch the scene again you see when Jack kisses Sam she enjoys it.You can see it when she put her arm around him
                            Lord Zedd


                              Originally posted by Watters87
                              Anybody see the AT interview (In this Forum Stargate News section). If they are coming back for a season 9 she says that aren't going to use her pregnacy in the story line because she thinks it probably be Pete's if they included it.

                              Threads and Moebius
                              My thoughts on this are that Pete is gone at the end of the season and it would be a bit awkward explaining how Sam gave birth so soon after getting together with Jack.
                              Oh, I just read it. That doesn't sound good...
                              (S8 speculation)
                              If it 'would be Pete's baby' then obviously there's no S/J resolution to the level that we could expect it to be Jack's...

                              I like your theory better than mine!!


                                Originally posted by nickatell
                                Speculations and Spoilers For Season 8.(Threads)
                                .I hope that when Sam does go and see Jacob, that they do have a discussion about Pete and her lack of love for him. Jacob is her father and by his own admission an absentee father and this would be a good time for him to show that him being a host for Selmac has changed him, balanced him maybe. He has always ruled his household by following rules and regulations and by showing no emotion; which left his relationship with Sam very cold. Since Selmac, his relationship with Sam has changed, he now shows his emotions openly with hugs and kisses. I really feel to bring Jacob full circle it would be necessary for him to tell her to follow her heart even if it means changing careers, which in the past she would have never thought her father would have said. In Grace we saw how Sam imagined her relationship with her father should be with their conversation, now all Jacob has to do is show her that she was right with the relationship but wrong with how she interpreted it. He needs to tell her that if she is lucky enough to have found love, true love with Jack, than she should do whatever it takes to be with him because to settle for anyone other than Jack would only be denying herself a life filled with meaning and purpose. Something or someone needs to take Sam and snap her out of this cloud that she has been in and what better person than Jacob, her father, who loves her the most.
                                Again Nickatell, you hit it right on the money! I highlighted the one line that I believe really says it all.

