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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally Posted by galaxy
    Yeah, that would have been great, but I think he couldn't do that, because of the whole causality-thing. That could have changed more than they intended. Sam can explain it better..*LOL*

    By the way....cute, shippy scene from 2001:

    JACK: Well, technically, I haven’t sent it yet. If I get a chance again, I’m sure gonna fill it with a lot more detail.

    SAM: We you were probably trying to limit the causality violation by keeping it simple.

    JACK: (Looking at her, smiling, rather sarcastically) I wonder whose Idea THAT was. (Grins) (She looks away grinning.)

    Originally posted by marimba26
    So cute--he assumes they are together that far in the future!
    Excuse my continued picture interruption, but I'm learning my new Paint Shop program.
    This is the scene in picture...

    Token ~


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      It's the return of Martouf Marty!

      I didn't mean to kill you yesterday, I was just so pleased to see you... how have you bin?

      I agree, Jack is probably one of those really silent, intense types.
      Oh, I'm fine. Tired. My brain is fried from 'smart' subjects at school.

      Didn't have time to say anything this morning when I was trying to catch up on this thread. I swear at least 15 pages! I only had... about 15 minutes this morning to try to catch up. So I did alot of skimming lol.

      And when I got back from school about an hour ago, there were 11 more pages!

      What was with all the hugging yesterday? lol. I got pushed into a sarcophagus so it's all good lol.

      Yeah, that Jack does alot of thinking in his head though he pretends not to understand anything. I think he likes it when Sam talks dirty--I mean, technical...

      Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
      Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        New video " Everything" lifehouse ..Smallville theme soundtrack

        Right click and Save target as.


        Love the vid, Caty! I saw another vid to the song. I didn't know it was this song, and I don't even remember what vid it was.

        *looks in folder*

        Haven't a clue lol.

        Loved it! And now I feel inspired to make my own vid to the song. Not meaning to copy your idea or anything, but I feel inspired.

        *looks at hand*

        Ack. I already had plans tonight for a new vid to start...

        DOES ANYONE HAVE THE SONG "WHERE EVER YOU GO" BY THE CALLING? Think you could send it to me?

        Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
        Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


          Just thought I'd mention it before the thread got too far ahead of me...

          Posted my new vid a little while ago--

          "The Letter" Music from the soundtrack to Fellowship of the Ring

          The letter was originally written by Ludwig Van Beethoven and was found in his papers after his death--it is not known to this day who it was meant for. If you've seen the movie "Immortal Beloved", then you've seen a fictionalized story based on the real letter (btw a GREAT movie for those who like romantic movies!). I thought the letter was perfect for Jack--he loves Sam so much! Anyway, it's not another sad one, I promise!

          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by marimba26
            Just thought I'd mention it before the thread got too far ahead of me...

            Posted my new vid a little while ago--

            "The Letter" Music from the soundtrack to Fellowship of the Ring

            The letter was originally written by Ludwig Van Beethoven and was found in his papers after his death--it is not known to this day who it was meant for. If you've seen the movie "Immortal Beloved", then you've seen a fictionalized story based on the real letter (btw a GREAT movie for those who like romantic movies!). I thought the letter was perfect for Jack--he loves Sam so much! Anyway, it's not another sad one, I promise!

            "My Dear Sam, you cannot always be torn in two..."

            Oh... wait... Wrong Sam...

            Wrong fandom!

            Lovely vid. I keep thinking of Frodo and Sam not Jack and Sam lol.

            Very nice vid

            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


              Originally posted by MartoufMarty
              Love the vid, Caty! I saw another vid to the song. I didn't know it was this song, and I don't even remember what vid it was.

              *looks in folder*

              Haven't a clue lol.

              Loved it! And now I feel inspired to make my own vid to the song. Not meaning to copy your idea or anything, but I feel inspired.

              *looks at hand*

              Ack. I already had plans tonight for a new vid to start...

              DOES ANYONE HAVE THE SONG "WHERE EVER YOU GO" BY THE CALLING? Think you could send it to me?

              Thank you Marty

              How are you replicators videos doing?!!! Finished yet ...!!!!

              Well Galaxy will be pleased with "Everything" Lifehouse ...She likes Smallville too



                Originally posted by sueKay

                Time to cheer people up!

                *gathers all the Shippers and Shiplets around the camp fire*

                Once upon a time, there were two people who were made for each other. But they had a problem with a thing called regulations.

                *sits for a few hours discussing the ins and outs (not that type!) of the shippy relationship*

                And so we come to the final page...

                *Does that boggle eyed thingy*

                the last page is missing! Ahh!


                How do we think the story's gonna end?
                Well, I started to reply to this earlier, but then my browser was being dumb. Sooooooooooo Take II.

                Based on "Threads" spoilers, massive end-of-season speculation:
                I have a feeling that either Jacob or Daniel is going to ascend in "Threads". However, for the sake of argument I'm going to say that Daniel does it in order to kick butt with Anubis, this time with the backing of some of the other ascended beings. But back at the SGC, no one has any idea that he ascended, because none of them were around to see it. So they assume he's missing/dead.

                This, on top of Jacob's serious illness and the confrontation with Pete, causes Sam to reevaluate what she's doing — sure, she's taking steps to be happy, but it's not the happiness that she needs. It's the happiness that she feels society is pushing at her. So in the wake of Daniel's disappearance, Sam and Jack seek each other out, and we get another major comfort hug, maybe even in public this time. After all, Daniel's been like a brother to them both.

                After that, Sam realizes that she can't let anything drive a wedge between herself and the people she's loved for so long. So, she ends it with Pete. Meanwhile, Jack sent his resignation from the Air Force to General Hammond before news of Daniel's disappearance came. And the rest, I leave up to your imagination, because I may have to write this one in fic form.

                I don't normally speculate in that level of detail, but... what can I say. I'm not expecting it to turn out this way, but it's something to chew on.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  Just thought I'd mention it before the thread got too far ahead of me...

                  Posted my new vid a little while ago--

                  "The Letter" Music from the soundtrack to Fellowship of the Ring

                  The letter was originally written by Ludwig Van Beethoven and was found in his papers after his death--it is not known to this day who it was meant for. If you've seen the movie "Immortal Beloved", then you've seen a fictionalized story based on the real letter (btw a GREAT movie for those who like romantic movies!). I thought the letter was perfect for Jack--he loves Sam so much! Anyway, it's not another sad one, I promise!


                  It mus have been very far cuz I didn't see it in the thread ..and I was catching up from page 30 .

                  Thank you for reposting Marimba I think I have a few of your videos to catch up with and I'll review them all at once ..I like to do that

                  Isn't that great to keep the shipper family's little heart..contented and joyfull with all the shippy videos and fics and fanarts during the hiatus

                  PS: What's BWC?!!!



                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                    Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day....

                    Bev, I do love this little series of yours!!! Please continue!! Seeing these every day really reminds me how much I love them together--such wonderful chemistry!
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      PS: What's BWC?!!!

                      Caty I think it means 'Black Widow Curse'


                        Originally posted by Watters87
                        Caty I think it means 'Black Widow Curse'

                        LOL ..ok Thank you Watters87 ...I need to re-read the post then with that in mind now

                        Yeah ..we don't want anymore
                        death associated to any of Sam's male relationships ...
                        do we!!!!which means
                        no Jack dying
                        of course.



                          Originally posted by marimba26
                          Bev, I do love this little series of yours!!! Please continue!! Seeing these every day really reminds me how much I love them together--such wonderful chemistry!
                          Yeah Bev....what she said. I could say it every day but I think you'd get tired of it...oh wait. I do say it (almost) every day!!!! (((((Bev)))))
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Originally posted by Critter
                            Yeah Bev....what she said. I could say it every day but I think you'd get tired of it...oh wait. I do say it (almost) every day!!!! (((((Bev)))))
                            Thanks chums ((((((((shippers)))))))


                              Originally posted by Token
                              I feel happy! I feel happy!
                              Sam & Jack together!
                              Makes me happy!

                              It is not easy keeping the groove Mei Mei, get a X-Large shipment of Happy Pills on your next order! We need all the help we can get!
                              This is so cute and spunky Token. Kind of lifts the spirits and makes us think shippy thoughts. Thanks...
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                Thanks chums ((((((((shippers)))))))
                                I also want to add my appreciation, oh Queen of Scottish Shippers


