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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by auralan
    I think it's pretty clear from Pierre's spoilers about the end of season 8
    that the Sam/Jack end of things isn't something they've changed. They're dealing with it and on screen at that. I'm sure they considered writing it out, but the whole thing got to be such a big story-arc that they probably tied their own hands into finishing it. My personal guess is that the changes involve leaving some of the bad guys defeated, but in a way that allows them to return later to wreak havoc should there be another season. What kind of/how many villians they need to play out one more movie/miniseries/whatever is probably different than how many they think they need for another season. I doubt they'd want to create a whole new threat at this point, so maybe (total spec) they let a few replicators escape and Baal live where before they were going to completely decimate the replicators once and for all and just keep Baal around. That's my current guess, anyhow.
    This is the first batch of spoilers to give me hope in a loooooooonnnnnggg time. I have no idea who Pierre is but the man should get a medal if they're true. Thanks for sharing!
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      I'm going to ignore most of the stuff in your post that bugs / offends / puzzles me for the sake of brevity; but I cannot ignore the bit that is against forum rules about respecting other posters. It's the bit I've bolded.

      It seems you're stating that some anti-ship folk do not really mean the things they say. It seems you're stating that you think some anti-ship folk in the anti-S/J thread are deceitful about their feelings about the show. It's Not On to say stuff like that.

      Everyone deserves respect here, including people who don't post in this thread. You have cast aspersions over other GW posters. You may have intended to say something else. I do hope so.

      Madeline, I'm not trying to offend you or anyone else, but I do have a problem with some of this. GW does not exist in a vacuum. Are we supposed to pretend that we have not seen posts from some of the same people elsewhere, on more homogenous lists and forums, and that their positions there are at variance with the positions they take on a more general forum like GW? I'm not going to get into details on the differences (or name anyone, because that is against GW rules), but we've all seen it.

      Being respectful of other posters is one thing; being required to put on blinders is something else again.

      "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


        Originally posted by marimba26
        This is the first batch of spoilers to give me hope in a loooooooonnnnnggg time. I have no idea who Pierre is but the man should get a medal if they're true. Thanks for sharing!
        He's on the Conan O'Brien show (I think), and does his 'recliner of rage'

        After he commented on the Show (Daniel to be specific) he got invited along to the studios.

        He's the gate tech at the end of Zero Hour.

        He's doing a new Lowdown too!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Regarding 'the great ship divide'

          I think we should DROP IT.

          I've seen Antis insult us and each other (on other forums)

          I've also seen Shippers insult Antis and each other (on other forums)

          I know it's not pleasant to deal with, but I most of these poeple are looking for a response. It's a delicate subject that should IMHO be left alone.

          Why do I get the feeling that i'm gonna gt dinged
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            This is the last time i will post as I am at a loss to understand you all at the moment. I have always found this thread to be supportive careing and happy. It appears that quotes are being taken out of context and you are interpreting things the wrong way. If you read what i was saying I was actually highlighting the things we have in common with the people of the anti S/J shipper thread and praising all of you for your careing attitude and saying what a nice feeling this thread has instead you have hurt and upset me. Once again goodby it has been nice being part of this family which is another quote you would have seen if you read my post properly.I hope you all enjoy your thread I do not hold grudges.

            Thank you
            Jack and Sam forever


              Originally posted by Isis
              This is the last time i will post as I am at a loss to understand you all at the moment. I have always found this thread to be supportive careing and happy. It appears that quotes are being taken out of context and you are interpreting things the wrong way. If you read what i was saying I was actually highlighting the things we have in common with the people of the anti S/J shipper thread and praising all of you for your careing attitude and saying what a nice feeling this thread has instead you have hurt and upset me. Once again goodby it has been nice being part of this family which is another quote you would have seen if you read my post properly.I hope you all enjoy your thread I do not hold grudges.

              Thank you

              Don't go! Things right now are a little sensitive. I can understand your frustration. There has been alot going on the last couple of days, and it doesn't need to be rehashed in public. If you want to know all the details, PM me; and I will do my best to fill you in. OK?

              Token ~


                Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                Madeline, I'm not trying to offend you or anyone else, but I do have a problem with some of this. GW does not exist in a vacuum. Are we supposed to pretend that we have not seen posts from some of the same people elsewhere, on more homogenous lists and forums, and that their positions there are at variance with the positions they take on a more general forum like GW?
                The post I quoted was *specifically* about another GW thread. It mentioned no 'other places' and it was the sort of thing that I would Never let be said about shippers in the anti- thread.

                This discussion shouldn't even be happenning. How things should be is that the shippers do not get dissed in the anti- thread, and the antis do not get dissed in the ship thread. Period.

                No more critique of anti-ship GWers please. If you (general) have a problem with *individual* anti-ship GWer, PM a mod. If you have a problem with anti-shippers as a whole, keep quiet about it.


                Madeleine W



                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  This is the first batch of spoilers to give me hope in a loooooooonnnnnggg time. I have no idea who Pierre is but the man should get a medal if they're true. Thanks for sharing!
                  hey girl-he is a side kick on Connan's show-he does the recliner of rage-he really lambasted the brining back of daniel jackson-felt that the show was fine without him-the show saw it-invited him up-he had a funny bit-was the guy in zero hour that was in the control room when Jack though ba'al had carter, daniel and teal'c.- so he joined morjanna's group on yahoo and has posted on occasion (wish i culd spell)-and he must have been involved in the interviewing or something-but there it is.

                  how is ya?
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda



                    Time to cheer people up!

                    *gathers all the Shippers and Shiplets around the camp fire*

                    Once upon a time, there were two people who were made for each other. But they had a problem with a thing called regulations.

                    *sits for a few hours discussing the ins and outs (not that type!) of the shippy relationship*

                    And so we come to the final page...

                    *Does that boggle eyed thingy*

                    the last page is missing! Ahh!


                    How do we think the story's gonna end?
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Isis, no one has any problem with you saying nice things about the Shipper Thread. You're doing fine, in that respect, really.

                      My point is only that I'd like you to say your nice things about the Shipper Thread without being disrespectful to the Anti-Ship thread or to the posters in it, since they are people too, and since I think you'd expect the same consideration of them.

                      I do see that these things are a little hard to judge sometimes, and I hope I haven't confused you. But if you don't understand what I'm getting at, perhaps it would be best if you PM'd me rather than we keep on with the OT.

                      (TO ALL - For the record, it's only about the third time I've had to come into this thread as a mod or as an anti-shipper and comment on something I think unfair towards 'us'. I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for that; you have spent the past few months being tolerant and friendly and generally very respectful to us anti-shippers.)



                        I feel happy! I feel happy!
                        Sam & Jack together!
                        Makes me happy!

                        It is not easy keeping the groove Mei Mei, get a X-Large shipment of Happy Pills on your next order! We need all the help we can get!

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                          Isis, no one has any problem with you saying nice things about the Shipper Thread. You're doing fine, in that respect, really.

                          My point is only that I'd like you to say your nice things about the Shipper Thread without being disrespectful to the Anti-Shipper thread or to the posters in it, since they are people too, and since I think you'd expect the same consideration of them.

                          I do see that these things are a little hard to judge sometimes, and I hope I haven't confused you. But if you don't understand what I'm getting at, perhaps it would be best if you PM'd me rather than we keep on with the OT.

                          (TO ALL - For the record, it's only about the third time I've had to come into this thread as a mod or as an anti-shipper and comment on something I think unfair towards 'us'. I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for that; you have spent the past few months being tolerant and friendly and generally very respectful to us anti-shippers.)


                          Thank you too!

                          I have no problem with any anti shippers whatsoever.
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                            Well, you know in that scene Sam was saying, "Don't you want me?"

                            And Jack said: "Not like this."

                            I love that scene! Instead a straight out no, we get that answer! VERY telling methinks!
                            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                              Originally posted by Token
                              I feel happy! I feel happy!
                              Sam & Jack together!
                              Makes me happy!

                              It is not easy keeping the groove Mei Mei, get a X-Large shipment of Happy Pills on your next order! We need all the help we can get!
                              lovin the smileys!!!

                              time for a commercial

                              'In it's tests, it has been proven that Mei Mei's special shipper cookies dramatically increase your ship happinees quotient. Buy today from Ship Nana's Bakery, Shipper Town'

                              *grabs a plate while Ship Nana and Mei Mei aren't looking*
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by galaxy
                                Yeah, that would have been great, but I think he couldn't do that, because of the whole causality-thing. That could have changed more than they intended. Sam can explain it better..*LOL*

                                By the way....cute, shippy scene from 2001:

                                JACK: Well, technically, I haven’t sent it yet. If I get a chance again, I’m sure gonna fill it with a lot more detail.

                                SAM: We you were probably trying to limit the causality violation by keeping it simple.

                                JACK: (Looking at her, smiling, rather sarcastically) I wonder whose Idea THAT was. (Grins) (She looks away grinning.)

                                So cute--he assumes they are together that far in the future!
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

