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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by eye of botox
    please don't misunderstand. I would do the snoopy dance if we got a lip smacking kiss. I would have to run through the apartment squeei-ng. I would have to... I'd have to do the sexy dance even to celebrate. I only said what I said because I've had other of my ships sink (like the Titanic and Edmund Fitzgerald in one horrific cataclysm) and as result have set my expectations rediculously low to prevent, you know, the need for Prozac and Xanax and copious amounts of Kitkats and Jif peanut butter.

    Y'know, I think they really ought to look into the phsychological healing properties of Kitkats and peanut butter. Works wonders for me..
    Effexor works well... And liberal doses of vodka... Keeps my optimism up! LOL! I refuse to believe that this ship will sail without Jack on Sam... I mean, without Jack and Sam on it.

    Mei Mei is ship addicted with an NC17 mind in a PG gutter.
    Last edited by Guest; 30 September 2004, 04:42 PM.


      Originally posted by jennsatt
      Fabulous ideas Caty!!! (BTW - LOVE your videos!)
      It really would be wonderful if
      they were able to go back in time and "fix" some things. NAMELY - Janet's death! Man that was a tough episode, but also my favorite.
      ***but that's a topic for later***
      And as long as they do the "I love yous" and the KISS, I think it would be absolutely perfect if it wrapped up with them fishing together. However, I do sort of think that it really should end with the team all together - like your idea of them coming back through the gate to a mostly deserted facility.

      I really have NO idea, but I am thrilled at the prospects!!!

      On another note - do you guys think that they will leave it open ended for a movie???
      I think there are some interesting points here. Playing with time travel is risky, I prefer the AU scenario myself.

      As for the movie question, my own (totally useless!) personal opinion, is that the finale will be as open ended as possible to leave room for another season, or movie (of some description). I just can't see them closing off options at this point, SG-1 is still clearly a viable franchise!


        Originally posted by kiwigater
        As for the movie question, my own (totally useless!) personal opinion, is that the finale will be as open ended as possible to leave room for another season, or movie (of some description). I just can't see them closing off options at this point, SG-1 is still clearly a viable franchise!
        I think you are right....we are seeing RDA doubting a S9, but no official mention of a SERIES finally....So, I'm thinking they will resolve the ship but leave the show very open ended for another season, the movie and perhaps more movies, if we all go see the first one or buy the first one!



          Just a drive-by post to say how much I love and miss my shipper family!!! RL keeping me sooo busy.

          Also, I just got an email from CafePress. They're having a $2 off sale for mousepads, white tees and mugs until October 11th. You'll be proud to know that we shippers have spent over $500 celebrating our shipdom.

          Sam and Jack Forever!

          ship sistah

          Sally, I love your new sig! Hilarious, as always.

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            I think there are some interesting points here. Playing with time travel is risky, I prefer the AU scenario myself.

            As for the movie question, my own (totally useless!) personal opinion, is that the finale will be as open ended as possible to leave room for another season, or movie (of some description). I just can't see them closing off options at this point, SG-1 is still clearly a viable franchise!

            Do you mean even for the
            Sam and Jack ship?!!!! I really do think enough is enough ..UST for 8 years is too long's not believable any more .

            Even Mulder and scullly ended up together by the end of season really RST should be next ..either season 9 or movie .

            Then TPTB don't have to bother giving the shippers too much cuz we'll know they are togehter (it would be a lot better for everybody shippers and anti-shippers) and Sam and Jack can give each other a little kiss or face stroke a ala Mulder and Scully from time to time's cute and not cheesy.....ect ...

            ...but I agree they need a cliffhanger for the mythology but certainly not one for Sam and Jack .

            If they were doing that ..I don't even think I'll bother going to the theatre to see the movie or even buy the DVD ..cuz I know it would be the same old stale story in there except for the mytholgy and If I want to watch some mythology with the Go'aoulds only then I'll watch season 1 to 6.



              Originally posted by meimei
              That should be *hint, hint Tame*! She has the new one to beta! But I won't ask her how it's going! I can't rush genius!!

              but maybe you can......
              Tame is almost done ...she has had a migraine for the last two days that has decided if and when she can stare at the computer screen long enough to ensure that any errors are caught.

              Now while I am sorry that you are having to wait...I really don't want to throw up on my keyboard....eewwww that just made me go ick

              I have however been trying to work through it little by little so it can be done ASAP..... I do apologize for the delay !!
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by sclairef99
                LOL!! Yes, *Modifier SG*....we know it's definately the undercover name of shipping while working.....

                Too...Hubs and I finally figured out that we are SG4 this year....Sara and Gary....married 4 years.... Every year we venture away to Alaska with a pair of friends....and we get really silly and give away awards each night before dinner (this is a camping thing - so it's like we are all away at camp) So, this year, as I am the award queen - I decided to give the awards in the form of Italian Charm Bracelets - so the started out blank with just the initials - ours being SG4, which flew over the heads of our friends. And then on our bracelets....since I didn't think I could go a week w/out SG and S/J - I made a Sam and Jack charm for the bracelet....of course they all asked what that one was...and the week went on - all of the awards that were given to me and hubs for our stupendous feets of impossible camping things ...well, there was a SG picture or quote on each of the award cards that went with the charm on the, in addition to the couple of SG mags I took along to read - they were quite tired of SG by the time we got back!

                Oh...and did I mention there was no electricity there, but we had taken a dvd player which had enough power to play one ep of SG....and so, when we took our "bath" and had our alone day - we cleaned up and watched S/J in Emancipation...I think that's the one....anyway the one where she has to get in a dress and all the guys - especially Jack fall all over themselves telling her how nice she looks!

                OK...well, that was long.....

                Off to TKD class....

                What a wonderful story!!!!!!! How cool is that!!! you made me laugh and think how sweet that you and hubs can incorporate your enjoyment of the show AND camping AND friends all together!!!!!

                Thank you so much for writing such a long post and sharing such a fun story!!!
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Oh, I forgot to mention: use the coupon code 5ANNVRYSAL to get the discount.

                  ship sistah

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    Tame is almost done ...she has had a migraine for the last two days that has decided if and when she can stare at the computer screen long enough to ensure that any errors are caught.

                    Now while I am sorry that you are having to wait...I really don't want to throw up on my keyboard....eewwww that just made me go ick

                    I have however been trying to work through it little by little so it can be done ASAP..... I do apologize for the delay !!

                    You have forgotten about the migraine clause in our contract!! I know you want to add to the ship by being Mei Mei's most wonderful beta but you are not supposed to work with migraines!! Your health comes first!!


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Welcome Jennsat to the shipper family a lot and eat some of ShipNana's cookies

                      Speaking of Shipper Cookies I think that due to all the newbies it is time to repost the Shipper Cookie Selection.

                      Oh and welcome to all the shippers who have delurked!!!

                      SHIPPER COOKIES:

                      There are:

                      Pale Green Shipper Cookie - used for medicinal purposes only by sick shippers - this cookie is full of Shipper Love and Ship Nana's chicken soup

                      Pink Shipper Cookies - Increases Creativity and Brain Power for Shipping

                      Green Shipper Cookies - Stops Pit-ranting and rant withdrawal and redirects focus to Ship

                      Red Shipper Cookies - Makes ship lurkers into ship posters
                      (take the red pill, Neo-shippers)

                      Blue Shipper Cookies - Dreamy Shipper Bliss

                      Purple Shipper Cookies - Warm and Fuzzy Shipping

                      Orange Shipper Cookies - Disoriented Shipping

                      Chocolate Shipper Cookies - Rich and Luscious Shipping (especially when served warm - good for when nothing else will do) Also, for stocking up while on extended absenses from S/J Thread.

                      Gray Shipper Cookies - Snarkiness Shipper Cookie

                      Lime Shipper Cookies - gives the illusion of Shipper Greatness. They allow the Shipper to dream really BIG!!!!!!

                      Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies – If you have to eat these Shipper Cookies you are so desperate that you probably won't care what they are for.
                      P.S. - Disclaimer - Since these Shipper Cookies are probably radioactive please take the appropriate precautions when handling.

                      Rosy Shipper Cookies - wipes out the memories of bad spoilers and desolves the desire to read spoilers

                      SUBLIMINAL Shipper Cookies – Makes TPTB believe that Ship was their idea

                      Turquoise Shipper Cookies - which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies

                      Motion Sickeness Shipper Cookies - when eaten prevents motion sickness from TPTB shipper rollercoaster ride.
                      Dark Red Shipper Cookies - These will stop Kinsey ranting and any feelings of queasiness related to any thoughts about Kinsey, such as a Kinsey-in-love-with-Sam thought

                      Indigo Shipper Cookies - helps us all remain blissfully ignorant of anything negative to our ship

                      Margarita shipper cookie. It works on drowning your sorrows, or celebrating your shipper glee.

                      EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE - which erases shipper memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that depress shippers and replaces them with positive Sam/Jack memories. This shipper cookie was created in Honor of the 2nd ANNUAL CELEBRATION! ITS SHIP DAY JULY 28TH, 2004. It is guaranteed to keep all shippers in only the best shipper mood.

                      and the all time favorite:

                      YELLOW SHIPPER COOKIES – (HWMS)
                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by meimei

                        You have forgotten about the migraine clause in our contract!! I know you want to add to the ship by being Mei Mei's most wonderful beta but you are not supposed to work with migraines!! Your health comes first!!
                        It is being done in moderation ...TRUST ME... I am working as we speak
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by Ship Nana
                          Speaking of Shipper Cookies I think that due to all the newbies it is time to repost the Shipper Cookie Selection.

                          Oh and welcome to all the shippers who have delurked!!!

                          SHIPPER COOKIES:

                          There are:

                          Pale Green Shipper Cookie - used for medicinal purposes only by sick shippers - this cookie is full of Shipper Love and Ship Nana's chicken soup

                          Pink Shipper Cookies - Increases Creativity and Brain Power for Shipping

                          Green Shipper Cookies - Stops Pit-ranting and rant withdrawal and redirects focus to Ship

                          Red Shipper Cookies - Makes ship lurkers into ship posters
                          (take the red pill, Neo-shippers)

                          Blue Shipper Cookies - Dreamy Shipper Bliss

                          Purple Shipper Cookies - Warm and Fuzzy Shipping

                          Orange Shipper Cookies - Disoriented Shipping

                          Chocolate Shipper Cookies - Rich and Luscious Shipping (especially when served warm - good for when nothing else will do) Also, for stocking up while on extended absenses from S/J Thread.

                          Gray Shipper Cookies - Snarkiness Shipper Cookie

                          Lime Shipper Cookies - gives the illusion of Shipper Greatness. They allow the Shipper to dream really BIG!!!!!!

                          Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies – If you have to eat these Shipper Cookies you are so desperate that you probably won't care what they are for.
                          P.S. - Disclaimer - Since these Shipper Cookies are probably radioactive please take the appropriate precautions when handling.

                          Rosy Shipper Cookies - wipes out the memories of bad spoilers and desolves the desire to read spoilers

                          SUBLIMINAL Shipper Cookies – Makes TPTB believe that Ship was their idea

                          Turquoise Shipper Cookies - which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies

                          Motion Sickeness Shipper Cookies - when eaten prevents motion sickness from TPTB shipper rollercoaster ride.
                          Dark Red Shipper Cookies - These will stop Kinsey ranting and any feelings of queasiness related to any thoughts about Kinsey, such as a Kinsey-in-love-with-Sam thought

                          Indigo Shipper Cookies - helps us all remain blissfully ignorant of anything negative to our ship

                          Margarita shipper cookie. It works on drowning your sorrows, or celebrating your shipper glee.

                          EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE - which erases shipper memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that depress shippers and replaces them with positive Sam/Jack memories. This shipper cookie was created in Honor of the 2nd ANNUAL CELEBRATION! ITS SHIP DAY JULY 28TH, 2004. It is guaranteed to keep all shippers in only the best shipper mood.

                          and the all time favorite:

                          YELLOW SHIPPER COOKIES – (HWMS)
                          SHIP NANA'S COOKIE LIST!! Yeah!! I have it on my most wonderful coffee mug thanks to Ship Nana and Sacme!!

                          I will have to order the travel mug now though cause my mug doesn't fit in my cup holder in the car!!

                          Spread the Ship!! Spread the Ship!!


                            Okay just a quick post due to tired of getting dinged!

                            WELCOME eye of botox (have you been here before your s/n is familiar), jennsatt, SecretArt(glad Michelle talked you into joining), *RA!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you posts lots, eat tons of Shipper Cookies and most important HAVE FUN!!! This is the best,funniest,most talented,and nicest family to be apart of!
                            Yes we are a bit obssessed with S/J, but arent we all?!

                            Btw, Kliggie... LOVE your newst sig! *drools*


                            McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                            TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                            McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                            MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                              Originally posted by sacme
                              Just a drive-by post to say how much I love and miss my shipper family!!! RL keeping me sooo busy.

                              Also, I just got an email from CafePress. They're having a $2 off sale for mousepads, white tees and mugs until October 11th. You'll be proud to know that we shippers have spent over $500 celebrating our shipdom.

                              Sam and Jack Forever!

                              ship sistah

                              Sally, I love your new sig! Hilarious, as always.
                              *............ carry the one.......*
                              So, there are 20-30 odd shipper t-shirts floating around out there?! (of which I currently own two!). Go shippers!


                                Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                                The dinger has now had their rep artificially lowered to the point where any rep they try to give should fail to affect people's points totals. I think it makes them into greys.

                                That's as far as we can take the action, really. We can't stop them from being able to give greys and attendant comments.

                                I hope that answer satisfies. If not, tough, it's the only answer you're getting But seriously, I think it's apparrent that more reps have gone *up* than down in this thread, so hopefully No Harm Done.
                                Thanks, Madeleine. I don't really understand the artificially lowered stuff, but if it works, yay.



