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    Originally posted by shelsfc
    *ponders PB's spoilers*

    He says "The Jack/Carter question is going to be dealt with. Not a tease, on screen, dealt with!"

    He doesn't say how it's going to be dealt with. For all we know they could admit yes, they're both crazily in love with each other, but agree that for the sake of the SGC, the world, the universe, whatever, not to pursue a relationship.
    *Glances at her own sig*
    Optimism, right....
    Yeah, see, that's what worries me too...
    Especially if they were considering a season 9 with no RDA.
    He could die and that could be why we need the tissues. And that would resolve the S/J alright!


      Originally posted by Major Fischer
      I just want to follow Tame's lead and express how profoundly honored I am that y'all have appreciated what i had to say enough to give me enough rep to make my radioactive jello square. It means a great deal to me that I have been so welcomed into your community and allowed to tease you all without any of you getting upset or hurt.

      Viva la shippers!
      Well, you're just so darn polite about it, Major, that we can't seem to think ill of your non-shipperness.

      Congratulations on reaching the radioactive square!
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna

        Congratulations on reaching the radioactive square!
        It's naquadah enhanced!
        I'm such a feeble poster... I don't know how you guys manage to post so *much!*


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Don't despair shelsfc...They 'll loose out to much cash if they upset the majority of fans after so many years . so Take it like it's good for us shippers ..It's got to be ..I'm 99% sure already going that way and don't forget that Jack is talking about
          retiring in Threads to be with Sam
 you see need to worry ..It's all good ..the Sam and Jack ship is sailing the right way ..I don't think TPTB will upset the shippers at the end of the show could mean the end of them ..because the shippers are the majority

          Thank you, I feel better now!!


            Originally posted by Lunar
            Yeah, see, that's what worries me too...
            Especially if they were considering a season 9 with no RDA.
            He could die and that could be why we need the tissues. And that would resolve the S/J alright!

            They won't
            kill him cuz it's bad for the DVD sales ..who would like to get the DVD sales if Jack is dead or Sam for that matter.?????!!!!..would not be funny to watch the early seasons as well. .and it would be a very lazy way to deal with the ship anyway . .All they have to do now is have Jack retired or have him a civilian ..then he gets with sam ..and if there was a really big battle for the movie he could always re-instate a general or whatever in the military ..I don't care cuz by that time he'll be married to sam anyway and also don't forget that Mobius is AU or time travelling they may be dying but it's sci-fi and I think the story may be that too ...They die while on mission and they need to fix something back in time and save Sam and Jack at the same time ,..or something like that ..whatever it is ..I think it's not real like Janet's death's a sci-fi death story.



              Re: PB's message

              What about the fact that he says
              " The Jack/Carter
              question is going to be dealt with. Not a tease, on screen, dealt with! I won't spoil it for anyone though."

              They are all using the words dealt with, and we know how they have dealt with it for 8 years. They havent said it will be "resolved".

              The other thing is he directly relates the major change to SG1 and not the SGC or the show. This could be a bad sign.

              "On a possible sad note. The SG1 will have a major change"

              And we know that RDA is not interested in another season, so the change may be him. I don't think RDA will be back even in a reduced schedual, both his comments and Greenburg's have made that pretty clear. I could deffinitly see them killing him off as the big hero or saver of the planet. Despite what everyone says about him being the franchise, it's been done before!


                Originally posted by Lunar
                It's naquadah enhanced!
                I'm such a feeble poster... I don't know how you guys manage to post so *much!*

                Do you think they might seriously be thinking about that? I couldn't imagine Stargate SG1 without Jack/RDA.
                Although, they could do it, and everybody thinks Jack is permanently gone but somehow (the magic of sci-fi ) he comes back. Could provide great team moments as well as great shippy ones.


                  I just wanted to thank you guys for the hugs and shipper cookies! It did make me feel better.

                  And we just finished season 7 here at Starfury's house. Now I'm going to have to hit up my work buddy for those Atlantis tapes again...since they also have Season 8 on them...and then I'll be caught up with the rest of the world and not have to worry so much about spoilers!

                  So...Lost City!!! That scene felt so know the one I mean, with that stupid panel in between Jack and Sam! Argh! But I like what the commentary said about the original script...that they were
                  supposed to kiss! And then it was going to cut to Teal'c and Bratac, and Teal'c was supposed to say "This ship is going much faster than it is supposed to!"
                  HA! We wish!

                  Poor Sam...with everything that has happened to her, I really can't blame her for holding on to the guy who SHOWS that he worships her...because we know that Jack worships her, but for the most part, he doesn't show it ("national treasure" comment notwithstanding) and they have spent the last 7 years holding each other at arms' length. It's a problem of inertia! Pete is propelling her along and it feels good, and comfortable to keep going...and with Jack she is at a standstill. It's always easier to keep doing what you're doing than it is to change. Sam is an astrophysicist, she should understand this!

                  But I think what the Jacob part of her mind was trying to tell her is that she can't just accept what's comfortable, she can't settle for the status quo. She's got to be willing to risk her heart if she's going to be happy. And you know what? With Pete she is NOT RISKING ANYTHING! Because he worships her, he kisses the ground she walks on, he's in awe of her and he would do whatever it takes to have a chance with her and SHE KNOWS IT!

                  BUT as we all know, the hero is going to get the heroine in the end. I AM CONFIDENT because I still don't know much about Pete but I do know HE'S NO THREAT TO O'NEILL!
                  Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                    Originally posted by shelsfc
                    Do you think they might seriously be thinking about that? I couldn't imagine Stargate SG1 without Jack/RDA.
                    Although, they could do it, and everybody thinks Jack is permanently gone but somehow (the magic of sci-fi ) he comes back. Could provide great team moments as well as great shippy ones.
                    Yeah, I think they would. It's a way of killing off a major charater, which the writters and producers have said has to happen once in awhile to keep the show afloat. Also, if Jack went out in a blaze of glory, sacraficing himself for the plant, he would forever be the big hero, even referred to in later episodes. As far as him coming back, that would set up a great sub-plot, for a movie or mini series. It is the perfect set up for both shippers and non-shippers to have them finally resolve there feelings for each other, but then he gives his life to save her and the planet. As far as DVD sales go, those who love the show for what it is will still buy them and those who love the Sam/Jack ship will buy them to see the resolution between them.


                      Oh boy. All of this speculation is looking more and more true, and it's making me a bit nervous.


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Now Caty we can't have that kind of unprofessional behavior from Sam and Jack. Remember how we felt when she did that, that, I can't say it, with ?

                        So how about this scenerio. The battle is over but there is smoke and dust still in the air. The ground is littered with the dead and dying and we see separate shots of Sam and Jack looking among the people on the ground trying to find each other. Then they see each other (slow motion kicks in here) and start towards each other slowly at first and then running with tears in their eyes until they meet in the middle of the battlefield. Jack takes Sam's face in his hands and then and then.....
                        And then Daniel, flat on his back nearby, suddenly springs up and yells joyously "Hey guys! You're alive!"

                        Sorry Nana!! I couldn't resist it.
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          Already posted but nice reminder Sam fan

                          obviously it 's from
                          Pierre Bernard , the black guy who was in one episode at the beginning we'll see's gonna be sad then ... I just hope we see Sam and Jack kiss after the blow up stuff cuz apparently it will blow up and will be special .....let's bring the dust and have our couple kiss at the end of the battle ...preferably without them dying ala Farscape right at the end . ..or make believe they did even if it's temporary(don't like that )....That would be so cruel and bad for the DVDs sale I reckon ..but hey ..we'll see

                          IMO, it probably wouldn't affect DVD sales that much. If someone likes the show they'll buy so they can have repeat viewing at their leisure. Many shows... Star Trek being a great example... developed their large followings after being in reruns for years. Even some movies bombed at the theater only to go to cable TV to pick up huge fan bases (tries to think of movie to give as example... wasn't the first Terminator like that?)
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                            Is that playdough on top?

                            Is that stuff edible?
                            It's like the filling for vanilla cremes or oreos - just with some psychedelic food coloring!
                            Totally edible.
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                              And then Daniel, flat on his back nearby, suddenly springs up and yells joyously "Hey guys! You're alive!"

                              Sorry Nana!! I couldn't resist it.
                              That was hilarious!


                                Originally posted by Lunar
                                1 in every 5 posts is here!? WOW!! Well, that should let tptb know something about who the noiseist fan-group are...
                                (and send in the penguins...) mwhahaha.
                                You know what's really sad? I can't be bothered to watch the new stargate eps airing on Sky at the moment because there's so little 'team' stuff. And ship. I'm actually watching season 7 on channel 4 in preference with something resembling misty eyes of reminisence!! The early episodes of S7 are that different to S8 (after New Order, which I did enjoy quite a lot...).
                                Y'know it's going to be an interesting Friday night here in the States this week... SciFi channel is playing Divide and Conquer at 8 p.m. & Affinity at 9. From one ship extreme to the other... all in 2 hours!
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

