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    Originally posted by misstweedledee
    Hey there critter

    this should get you there

    Have fun

    Thanks sueKay and Leanne.....Shop till I drop....
    Desperate Thunker


      Originally posted by Ship Nana
      Works well for me!!!! But then you are always good at writing these scenerios!!!!!!

      Oh thank you ShipNana ..I hope we'll see some more running in
      slow motion in season 8 only this time ( remember the last one ..heroes...2 when Jack got shot and Sam runs to him. )....they 'll both be running towards each other ...and when they reach each other , both their faces will be quite dirty and black with dust but nothing else will matter around and they'll just kiss..and kiss and kiss.. .until they suddenly realise they are still getting shot at ...They'll run away ..finish the battle and later ..wohooooo another passionate kiss on the couch when back on Earth

      Last edited by Catysg1; 23 October 2004, 01:48 PM.


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Oh thank you ShipNana ..I hope we'll see some more running in
        slow motion in season 8 only this time ( remember the last one ..heroe...2 when Jack got shot and Sam runs to him. )....they 'll both be running towards each other ...and when they reach other both their faces will be quite dirty and black with dust but nothing else will matter around and they'll just kiss..and kiss and kiss.. .until they suddenly realise they are still getting shot at ...They'll run away ..finish the battle and later ..wohooooo another passionate kiss on the couch when back on Earth

        I have one thing to say to this ;

        Yer Baby


        United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
        honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


          Can somebody tell me, when exactly the next new episode ( Prometheus Unbound) airs? In January?
          I want to know how long exactly I have to wait (and hope ), until the second half of the season starts.
          And where? US or UK???
          I'm a bit confused
          I hate to wait. That drives me crazy.


            Originally posted by sueKay
            Okay folks...

            Suekay also for every 5 posts, 1 is to the Shipper Thread


              Originally posted by galaxy
              Can somebody tell me, when exactly the next new episode ( Prometheus Unbound) airs? In January?
              I want to know how long exactly I have to wait (and hope ), until the second half of the season starts.
              And where? US or UK???
              I'm a bit confused
              I hate to wait. That drives me crazy.
              Galaxy the new episodes start in January in the US. They have started the new ones in the UK and Ireland 3 weeks ago. Also about the time of Christmas the UK will have overtaken the US.


                Originally posted by Starfury
                (Snipping away again)*Starfury needs a hug*


                And here's a EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE which will erase your memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that are depressing and replaces them with only positive Sam/Jack memories. Hope this makes you feel better!!!

                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by galaxy
                  Can somebody tell me, when exactly the next new episode ( Prometheus Unbound) airs? In January?
                  I want to know how long exactly I have to wait (and hope ), until the second half of the season starts.
                  And where? US or UK???
                  I'm a bit confused
                  I hate to wait. That drives me crazy.
                  I dunno when exactly. It will be aired first in UK in mid December. Then the next ep after that it will be aired in January (I´m talking about UK too).
                  Attached Files
                  Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

                  ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
                  By the way, do you know his address??


                    Okay people here i have some very special news- I don't knwo if it's been piosted alreay I'm soo lazy today and can't possibly go through all the pages I've missed but this was emailed to me today by a friend of mine- i haven't been able to talk to her yet to find out where she got it from or anything but i can't wait a second longer- all those who are prone to fainting grab a chair.

                    "Stargate, The Secrets Behind the Gate"

                    This time it will focus more on the behind the scenes activities of the actors
                    and the production crew and others who are involved in producing the show.
                    Part of the program will involve talking to the cast of both Stargate SG1 and
                    Questions were asked of different cast members, many of which were asked
                    the name of the questioners from a group called SG1-Spoilergate.

                    There's your basic info- but this is the faint worthy bit-

                    *DON"T MISS A SINGLE EPISODE in the remaining coming second half! *
                    *Because of the unknown season 9, *
                    *a lot and I mean A LOT of lose ends are going to be tied-up. The Jack/Carter *
                    *question is going to be dealt *
                    *with. Not a tease, on screen, dealt with! I won't spoil it for anyone though *

                    Breath people cus then we get to this bit...


                    *On a possible sad note. *
                    *"The SG1 will have a major change" *
                    *What do I mean by that, keep tissues on hand.

                    Okay hopefully this hasn't been poted b4 cause i will look like a big dork, lol. Again I don't wknow where this is from, anyway enjoy and for those who faint make sure its loud enough for other people to hear so they can come and jump on u or throw water over u- which ever you prefer.


                      Originally posted by Sam fan
                      Okay people here i have some very special news- I don't knwo if it's been piosted alreay I'm soo lazy today and can't possibly go through all the pages I've missed but this was emailed to me today by a friend of mine- i haven't been able to talk to her yet to find out where she got it from or anything but i can't wait a second longer- all those who are prone to fainting grab a chair.

                      "Stargate, The Secrets Behind the Gate"

                      This time it will focus more on the behind the scenes activities of the actors
                      and the production crew and others who are involved in producing the show.
                      Part of the program will involve talking to the cast of both Stargate SG1 and
                      Questions were asked of different cast members, many of which were asked
                      the name of the questioners from a group called SG1-Spoilergate.

                      There's your basic info- but this is the faint worthy bit-

                      *DON"T MISS A SINGLE EPISODE in the remaining coming second half! *
                      *Because of the unknown season 9, *
                      *a lot and I mean A LOT of lose ends are going to be tied-up. The Jack/Carter *
                      *question is going to be dealt *
                      *with. Not a tease, on screen, dealt with! I won't spoil it for anyone though *

                      Breath people cus then we get to this bit...


                      *On a possible sad note. *
                      *"The SG1 will have a major change" *
                      *What do I mean by that, keep tissues on hand.

                      Okay hopefully this hasn't been poted b4 cause i will look like a big dork, lol. Again I don't wknow where this is from, anyway enjoy and for those who faint make sure its loud enough for other people to hear so they can come and jump on u or throw water over u- which ever you prefer.
                      Wow!! So it seems TPTB have ears ...... [HIGHLIGHT BELLOW TO READ]

                      At least the S/J thing is going to be that means we´re going to have a resolution???
                      Now I wonder, what will be that major change??? I´m afraid it could be very good or.... very bad.
                      Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

                      ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
                      By the way, do you know his address??


                        Originally posted by Sam fan
                        Okay people here i have some very special
                        BTW, thanks for the info.
                        Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

                        ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
                        By the way, do you know his address??


                          Originally posted by Sam fan
                          Okay people here i have some very special news- I don't knwo if it's been piosted alreay I'm soo lazy today and can't possibly go through all the pages I've missed but this was emailed to me today by a friend of mine- i haven't been able to talk to her yet to find out where she got it from or anything but i can't wait a second longer- all those who are prone to fainting grab a chair.

                          "Stargate, The Secrets Behind the Gate"

                          This time it will focus more on the behind the scenes activities of the actors
                          and the production crew and others who are involved in producing the show.
                          Part of the program will involve talking to the cast of both Stargate SG1 and
                          Questions were asked of different cast members, many of which were asked
                          the name of the questioners from a group called SG1-Spoilergate.

                          There's your basic info- but this is the faint worthy bit-

                          *DON"T MISS A SINGLE EPISODE in the remaining coming second half! *
                          *Because of the unknown season 9, *
                          *a lot and I mean A LOT of lose ends are going to be tied-up. The Jack/Carter *
                          *question is going to be dealt *
                          *with. Not a tease, on screen, dealt with! I won't spoil it for anyone though *

                          Breath people cus then we get to this bit...


                          *On a possible sad note. *
                          *"The SG1 will have a major change" *
                          *What do I mean by that, keep tissues on hand.

                          Okay hopefully this hasn't been poted b4 cause i will look like a big dork, lol. Again I don't wknow where this is from, anyway enjoy and for those who faint make sure its loud enough for other people to hear so they can come and jump on u or throw water over u- which ever you prefer.

                          Already posted but nice reminder Sam fan

                          obviously it 's from
                          Pierre Bernard , the black guy who was in one episode at the beginning we'll see's gonna be sad then ... I just hope we see Sam and Jack kiss after the blow up stuff cuz apparently it will blow up and will be special .....let's bring the dust and have our couple kiss at the end of the battle ...preferably without them dying ala Farscape right at the end . ..or make believe they did even if it's temporary(don't like that )....That would be so cruel and bad for the DVDs sale I reckon ..but hey ..we'll see



                            Originally posted by Watters87
                            Galaxy the new episodes start in January in the US. They have started the new ones in the UK and Ireland 3 weeks ago. Also about the time of Christmas the UK will have overtaken the US.

                            Originally posted by Pallas
                            I dunno when exactly. It will be aired first in UK in mid December. Then the next ep after that it will be aired in January (I´m talking about UK too).

                            Ah. Okay.

                            Thanks Watters87 and Pallas!!!

                            I promise I'll try to be more patient now...


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              Oh thank you ShipNana ..I hope we'll see some more running in
                              slow motion in season 8 only this time ( remember the last one ..heroes...2 when Jack got shot and Sam runs to him. )....they 'll both be running towards each other ...and when they reach each other , both their faces will be quite dirty and black with dust but nothing else will matter around and they'll just kiss..and kiss and kiss.. .until they suddenly realise they are still getting shot at ...They'll run away ..finish the battle and later ..wohooooo another passionate kiss on the couch when back on Earth

                              Now Caty we can't have that kind of unprofessional behavior from Sam and Jack. Remember how we felt when she did that, that, I can't say it, with ?

                              So how about this scenerio. The battle is over but there is smoke and dust still in the air. The ground is littered with the dead and dying and we see separate shots of Sam and Jack looking among the people on the ground trying to find each other. Then they see each other (slow motion kicks in here) and start towards each other slowly at first and then running with tears in their eyes until they meet in the middle of the battlefield. Jack takes Sam's face in his hands and then and then.....
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                Already posted but nice reminder Sam fan
                                See that's what i get for being lazy, lol.

