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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Evening, All. Just been lurking to see what was going on......
    Saw some newbies....WELCOME!!
    Great pics with captions!!
    Most of you are off by the time I get on, but I'm glad I have you all to share Sam and Jack with. I also truly enjoy the fanfiction. Heads up, Folks!!!!! We are Family!


      Originally posted by Sir Ruff
      Oh.. Thanks for such a warm welcome! I'll be back to share some of that shippines for sure later on!
      WELCOME SIR RUFF post loads


      avatar and sig by flidget


        Originally posted by Queen_Bee



        avatar and sig by flidget


          Thanks Caty.I have no idea what TPTB are thinking anymore.We all have seen the writing on the wall with
          RDA and we get to the last episode of Season 8 and what do TPTB do? TPTB waste time with silly AU Daniel and Sam instead of giving us as much Jack or as much SG-1 as possible.IMO SG-1 is at it's best in episodes like the Fifth Race and Lost City and at it's worst with Wormhole X-treme and Icon or the Clip Shows.I do not expect to see non stop action or Death in every episodes but I also do not expect all these silly nonsense episodes either.There have been too many episodes the last 2 Years where I have said to myself what did I just watch?TPTB have missed a great chance to end SG-1 after Season 8 with a great episode that would have left Fans wanting more.The more could have been a couple of Movies.


            Good for you Caty.I have not seen one episode of Atlantis and I'am not about to start now.TPTB have to be taugh a lesson.TPTB are going to milk SG-1 dry until the last Penny is made but there not getting any more of my Money.I bought Season 1-6 on DVD but I'am not buying anymore.


              Originally posted by Catysg1
              Thank you for the cookies ShipNana ..I think I'll have lots of them ready for next Tuesday to help me through the dreaded episode

              Hope I 'll feel strong enough to switch on the PC afterwards

              Yep and don't forget the beverage of your choice for shipper cookie dipping.

              And may I suggest that you pick a very STRONG beverage?!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by shipper hannah
                i hope all you shippers have cheered up now...i felt very sad and depressed after yesterday
                What happened yesterday!?
                Uh, I'm in a bit of shock here- i found out today that my little sister's best friend's mum died- iit's so tragic- she was only 26. I'm still in shock i think- it's just crazy!! She had left them when she couldn't cope and has come strait back into their lives recently, and now she's gone??
                What's making me feel even worse which is somewhat trivial copared to the loss of this young mum is that fact that i think they're going to ask me to sing at her funeral and i can't exactly say no- but i really can't handle it- the last funeral i went to was so, so painfl I don't think I can stand there and sing and be okay- not only watching her children fall apart- but trying not to do the same. The last funeral I went to was for my friend who dies of lukemia over a year ago- and that was the hardest thing i've ever gone through in my life- I haven't been to another one since and was trying to avoid going to one ever again(stupid I know) But i can't say no to the family so i'm really dreading it. How much of an insult would it be if i stood there mourning for her when her family have asked me to do something for them? h I'm all in a tizz I odn't really understand it all right now- i guess it has to sink in.


                  SIR RUFF!


                    hey peoples

                    the midday movie just came on
                    and guess who is in it?
                    Teryl Rothery..i knew it as soon as i saw her....
                    its called Echo..unfortunately not the greatest movie!

                    well...have fun people
                    i m outta here

                    toodles and hugs
                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                    sig by RepliCartertje


                      Ship Nana Jack was in the Movie and the First 8 Years and
                      now TPTB want go on without him.I'am sorry but it's one thing to try to go on without a character like Siler or Chevron Guy it another thing to go on without Jack.It also does not make TPTB look good when they kept saying no RDA no new Seasons.


                        I finally saw Moebius!! I loved, very hilarious!! I only wish that we had more ship!!!!
                        Citizen of Braneville


                          Guys- we really need to cheer up!! Seriously- im'm sorry to say this but we're being stupid- yes Jack is going and I'm going to miss him- yes we haven't had anything solid for S/J-ness but come on? Everyon'e getting stressy and moany- yeah me too even, we need to realise other things are going on in life as well? I'm sorry I'm not in a good moood and I'm just- it's silly that we're all getting so Pi*sed off about this? There's no need for the stressy-ness can we please tone it down a bit!?


                            Originally posted by Starfury
                            Nana you must have missed it, there is a NEW SHIPPER COOKIE!!! Made by ÜberSG-1Fan! Check it out:

                            This was in response to my post on the cause of current shipper woes:

                            Can we add this one to the list? Please? 'Cause I'm just so excited that I inspired ÜberSG-1Fan to invent such an awesome, yummy shipper cookie!

                            Introducing the NEWEST SHIPPER COOKIE -

                            It is the BLUE with PURPLE chips and TURQUOISE and INDIGO sprinkles on top SHIPPER COOKIE – This cookie will help get rid of PMS (PostMoebiusSyndrome) and will allow shippers to return to their usual POSITIVE, LOVING BUNCH.
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by Sam fan
                              Guys- we really need to cheer up!! Seriously- im'm sorry to say this but we're being stupid- yes Jack is going and I'm going to miss him- yes we haven't had anything solid for S/J-ness but come on? Everyon'e getting stressy and moany- yeah me too even, we need to realise other things are going on in life as well? I'm sorry I'm not in a good moood and I'm just- it's silly that we're all getting so Pi*sed off about this? There's no need for the stressy-ness can we please tone it down a bit!?
                              I definately agree that people need to be sligtly more happy and less pessamistic.

                              And Sam fan, i'm sorry to hear about whats going on in your life right now, it's so horrible that anything cruel and harsh should happen to anyone in this world.
                              I hope that you make the right decision for *you* don't do anything you're uncomfortable with.

                              (((((((((((((Sam Fan)))))))))))))

                              And i think we should atleast give Mobius a tiny chance before we see it, who honestly knows what TPTB will do?

                              I need a pale green shipper cookie



                                Originally posted by ses110
                                Ship Nana Jack was in the Movie and the First 8 Years and
                                now TPTB want go on without him.I'am sorry but it's one thing to try to go on without a character like Siler or Chevron Guy it another thing to go on without Jack.It also does not make TPTB look good when they kept saying no RDA no new Seasons.

                                Hey, your preaching to the choir here!!

                                I'm with you for sure!!!
                                Ship Nana

