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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    g'day damn you guys r confusin (no offense) um r you guys like 2 seasons ahead? and r there any chat rooms for sg-1 fans ?
    n there is somthing called sg-atlantis????? n ur at the end os the season????? i need yankee pat-tv c'mon gimme a chat room there isnt any sg-1 fans here plz,plz,plz,plz,

    oh and yea go sam n jack woot woot woot


      Originally posted by Jamaica03
      Hi everyone.
      I just finished watching Lost City
      and can't believe that all the Sam/Jack stuff from there was completely ignored in season 8. Even on the commentaries they pointed out the relationship and all these big moments. What happened? They just pretended like it never happened! She even called him Jack for cryin out loud!!

      Sorry about that, I had to get it out. It really was a great episode though. The moment at the end where she says, "Jack please", was so great.
      Well now you know why we are all standing around scratching our collective heads ...

      TPTB seem to be really good at pretending that things NEVER happen
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
        Wooo hooo! 350... have I been promoted???
        Congrats!!! now you can just fly over TPTB and drop *dive bomber penguins*
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by tpe78
          Hello Shipper Family..

          I had to share.. This morning my 4 y.o. daughter was running around with her Mr Potatohead saying "Stinky Pete, Stinky Pete". I had a mouth full of coffee at the time. Now my darn floor tiles need washing again. Dang... My little shipper in the making.

          Tame congrats on the 6 squares.
          YAY!!! Start that Shipper training early!!!!! that is just too cute

          and thank you very much..
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by Andy867
            Aufmerksamkeit Mitverlader. Die Zeit ist angekommen, daß wir oben zusammen stehen und die Ungläubigen zerquetschen: Die Anti-J/S Verlader und die Pro-Peter Verlader. Wir müssen Arme und Glauben aufnehmen und in Richtung zu den Colorado Springs marschieren. Als ich sah, was Wille wir die Anti-Verlader antun, sagen Sie, daß wir die faulen kleinen Anti-Verlader zerquetschen.

            INTENDED Translation: Attention fellow shippers. The Time has arrived that we stand up together and crush the infidels: The Anti-J/S Shippers and the Pro-Pete Shippers. We Must take up arms and faith and march towards Colorado Springs. When I say What will we do to the anti-shippers, you say We will crush the rotten little anti-shippers.

            (little shout-out to the South Park Episode: Passion of the Jew (but in a different manner)
            Andy ...please tell everyone you are joking before you get hate mail
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              I did *hence the shout-out to South park (a comical show).
              Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

              Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

              Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                Originally posted by Andy867
                You know what i just LOVE?!? When someone leaves me a red rep point without a friggin explanation. (Cowards)

                Apparently.. a certain individual must not have a sense of humor because they didnt get the humor behind my german-translated thread (they are probably the same people who won't like Team America either)

                Oh No. Don't tell me the red Digger is on the loose again. Just who let him/her out anyway.???


                  Originally posted by ses110
                  Lunar your 100% right.Everyone has a right to there own opinion but I was wondering if anyone else got a laugh out of Greenburg's article.
                  TPTB keeps saying they have plenty of stories to tell so how come we got lousy episodes in Season 8.TPTB idea for a great story was Affinity.Has Greenberg even watched Season 8.I also think his comments about Stargate being able to survive without RDA are laughable.Stagate is still doing Big numbers because RDA is still around.Jack is not part of Atlantis so Atlantis Fans cannot miss seeing him on the Show.I do not want Season 9 if we get the same episodes like Season 8.It would be an insult to sit through more lousy episodes.I still do not know how I managed to watch the first part of Season 8 without selling my TV. If there is a Season 9 it should be called the search for more Money.I will not return for Season 9 unless Sam and Jack are together and RDA is in Season 9.That's the end of my rant.
                  ((ses110)))) first I have to say you make VERY VALID POINTS!!!!

                  Comparing SG Atlantis to SG1 is like comparing apples and oranges...they are two different shows... PERIOD!!! and it is frustrating that TPTB keep doing it. If we as fans of Jack, Sam Daniel and Teal'c JUST wanted to watch Star Gate .....well we would have turned off SG1 this season...why??? well because we HAVE'T SEEN THE STAR GATE!!! We are watching Sg1 for THE CHARACTERS and RDA is a HUGE factor in that.

                  I won't go so far as to say this season has been lousy because I have found something in every episode that I can like....BUT please PTB don't tell me this is *The Best Season* you have ever done.... I have eyes and I have intelligence....this is NOT the best

                  SGA has a whole new cast of characters for the most part so it is new and shiny. One of the reasons it IS doing so well is BECAUSE it has ACTION and EXCITMENT....things that are missing from SG1 this season so far....

                  But to compare the shows and say that since SGA is doing so well THAT proves that Star Gate can get on without RDA as the star of SG1 well... I just can't agree... We have lost to many characters from SG1 already and to lose RDA would be the final nail in the coffin IMHO... you can't keep picking away at the cast and keep saying it is the same show..... if you change out the cast...guess what have a different show why?? because you have new characters and new storylines...... hey you have Star Gate Atlantis

                  TPTB may have a bunch of stories...well then I have to ask them ...why aren't you telling them??? Because if these are they.. you guys keep forgetting that *other* BIG character....the RST (see Major Fischer for clarification).

                  So while I will reserve judgement on season 8 until I see ALL of season 8. I will say I am not as blown away this year. There are characters that I truly don't like and I feel they are a waste of screen time. There is not enough action for the *Team* and running around earth is not my idea of a Sci-Fi show and last but not least Sam & Jack have been dragged out long enough ...get them TOGETHER ALREADY!!!!!!
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by Andy867
                    I did *hence the shout-out to South park (a comical show).
                    well I got that.. ...but I figured that some people wouldn't and they might take offense...

                    ANDY IS JUST KIDDING EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

                    Trying to protect the shiplets....
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      It's from all those Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies that Tame's been eating.
                      Ship Nana....were those cookies supposed to STOP me from ranting?? or just to make my ranting more intelligent ???
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Well, anyways, I was going through my list of music videos and came across a few that I should recommend to those who havent seen my videos yet

                        Heart - Alone
                        Definitely a shipper video for S/J.

                        Josh Groban- My December
                        Another S/J Shipper that was done to the song originally performed by Linkin park.

                        Celine Dion - MY Heart Will Go On
                        A definite S/J Shipper video

                        Don't Say Goodbye Sam and Jack not wanting to end things... They would rather let a part of them die then say goodbye.

                        How Can I (Not Love You)
                        A Jack/Sam video request that deals with Sam coping with not being able to love Jack, despite the emotions, feelings, and memories that they share together.

                        Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There

                        Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up
                        Sam/Jack Shipper video with a very sad ending as some have described.

                        I would also recommend CatySG1's When You Say You Love Me, and I Love You as well as her other amazing videos.
                        Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                        Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                        Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                          That is the FUNNIEST thing I've ever heard in my life. Seriously. I can see it now:

                          Rogue's Kids: Mom! When are we getting Season Seven on DVD?

                          Rogue: When Hell freezes over, or when MGM recalls all DVD Boxed Sets with "Chimera," and replaces them with "C'Mere: The Lost Shippy Episode," whichever comes first.
                          So is there a mailing list for this that I can get on
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                            We know! That's been one of our major gripes about S8....(general S8 spoilers)...
                            They engage Sam off to Pete in a poorly written ep and don't give us any backstory to show how Sam dealt with all the Jackfeelings that came rushing back to the surface (that she'd been suppressing for so long) after her wakeup call w/Jack being frozen.

                            And look how she was when the Replicator Ship took off leaving her there on the ground.... "Oh hi guys, wonderful day isn't it?" ignoring what all Jack had gone through & how long he'd been frozen and even the torture she'd just been receiving immediately before being plopped out of the ship!
                            I am not even sure what I want to add to I will just say RIGHTO SISTER!!!!!!!
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                              *nudge* *nudge*
                              you forgot the other thing that needs to fear you occasionally...

                              A JackClone...
                              Left all alone...
                              by the light of a shimmery blue gate...........

                              Edited to add: Now it is Jack's b-day today.... go easy on him Tame!
                     shouldn't have <need a very evil big honkin grin here>

                              If you don't see me for a while..........don't come looking
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                                Maybe at 5K? Guess Tame will be our test subject?
                                Yes...thats me...out there taking point for the Shipper family
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

