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    Originally posted by majorsal
    spoilers for multiple eps and multiple seasons (up to s8)


    Off the top of my head, here's what I wish had been dealt with in some way:

    a - Daniel's ascension and return.

    b - Janet's passing.

    c - Cassie dealing.

    d - D & C's true impact.

    e - Beneath the Surfaces' true impact.

    f - Sam's feelings of betrayal (from friends/co-workers and her own government) in s5's Ascension.

    g - Sam's aftermath from s4's Entity and s5's Desperate Measures.

    h - Jack's aftermath in s6's Abyss.

    i - Why did Teal'c 'suddenly' want to have hair and an apartment (s8's Affinity)?

    j - Mini Jack from s7's Fragile Balance.

    That's enough thinking.

    I'll take over on the thinking thing for a minute.
    • Tealc's reaction to being forced to live back in his concrete box after having a taste of a real life.
    • Whatever happened with Sarah after Osiris was removed?
    • Lost City's impact. That sure was a fizzle after a ton of emotion at the end of season 7.
    • The emotional impact on Sam of basically losing Jacob again when the Tok'ra cut off contact.
    • MiniJack and high school. No way that's not a form of hell on earth to an adult. (it's so big it had to be said again)
    • Teal'c's mixed feelings at the rebel jaffa clearly needing leadership now that a significant number are free, but not actually going to help them. Why is he still one arth and not with his people now that he's freed some of them? And especially when earth won't even let him live outside the mountain. He doesn't strike me as the locked up indoors type.
    • How Jack's really handling his promotion and the corresponding responsibility -- and I don't mean one vague throwaway line at the end of a tough episode.

    I'm sure there are plenty more, but these are the ones bugging me before my morning coffee.
    *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


      Has anyone read the interview with MS?
      It refers to Threads as being
      the start of a 3 episode arc

      And also Reckoning as being
      more like a season finale

      Potentially for shippiness, anyone reckon??


        Vague Affinity spoilers behind the spoiler tags.

        Originally posted by aske
        There was an interview last year about this time with JM. He said something to the effect that they were gonna send Sam on an emotional roller coaster ride. I didn't realize that they were gonna continue into season eight.
        I really wouldn't mind so much if it all made sense. It just hasn't. Sam's a lot of things, but I never considered her unprofessional in the past seven seasons and it's really hard for me to buy that recent events have changed that about her.
        Still, her actions in Affinity screamed unprofessionalism at a level that caused me to lose all suspension of disbelief. I was pulled straight out of the story and that wasn't the only thing in that episode that lacked an organic feel -- it was, however, the most jarring.
        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          She's not one to feel guilty; In Past Present and in Red Sky she seemed to be acting out of a sense of Natural Justice than guilt, and in PL, I don't see any guilt - the closest she gets is feeling pretty inadequate. I see Sam as someone who's confident that her morals and ethics are sound and would probably take a pretty analytical view of whether things could have gone differently - and if she concluded that only hindsight could have allowed her to make a different choice then her misery would run along channels that might perhaps allow regret but wouldn't involve guilt.

          I'm with you on this characterization of Sam for the most part. I don't see her as the carrying around guilt type, either. She has self-doubts. She beats herself up heavily when she doesn't live up to her own insanely-high standards. She certainly grieves and sometimes gets angry with herself over percieved failures. I haven't seen a lot of guilt with her. I think she lets the initial emotions out through anger, rationalizes things away, and then practices denial until enough time passes that it's not such an emotional issue anymore. Not the healthiest method, but it lets her get the job done more often than not.
          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


            Originally posted by Critter
            A few comments about Sally's question on guilt for Jack and Sam in Entity (Jack having to shoot Sam) and in Frozen (Sam talking Jack into the symbiote).

            I don't think that guilt played any part in this even if things hadn't turned out the way they did. These two love eachother beyond measure. When Jack shot Sam I felt that he knew she wouldn't want to live that way. That he was actually helping her because she couldn't help herself.

            In Frozen, Sam knows that Jack would never give up and in this case he couldn't help himself so she helped him. Their love is ever present as is the respect these two have for each other.

            As for Abyss...I guess I could equate this to the time travel talk I've been reading here. Certain events cause certain events and can't be helped. Sam would have no reason to feel guilty about what Jack went through in Abyss because he was alive to be able to do them. If she hadn't talked him into the symbiote he would be dead anyway.
            Interesting discussion. I'm not sure why Sally posed this question, but I put these two episode caps together a while ago on purpose, because I see a relationship between them, too: #2232 .

            I agree with you, Critter. Sam and Jack are bound by duty and bound by their love, which is the crux of their problem. But I think that they both understand this about each other and why they're drawn to each other. That's about as much speculation I can do about their personalities... Everything else I've ever heard about them feeling guilty for their actions has been in fanfic.

            TPTB don't seem to be able to follow up on the emotional fallout for most of the situations they get their characters in - which is a big problem I have with the show.


              Originally posted by Lunar
              Has anyone read the interview with MS?
              It refers to Threads as being
              the start of a 3 episode arc

              And also Reckoning as being
              more like a season finale

              Potentially for shippiness, anyone reckon??
              Keep in mind this is an interview with MS. He has a tendancy to focus on his own character's stories, so it may be that's the big Daniel arc for the end of the season. The way things film these days, he may only even be all that familiar with his own character's major plots. I wouldn't take much of anything he says as being related to storylines other than his own.

              Threads spoilers:
              And based on what's going on with Daniel in threads, I can very easily see how that's the start of a big Daniel story-arc that continues into the next two episodes. Something big has to come out of that whole Oma and chance to turn back into a glo-worm thing beyond the initial choice.
              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                Originally posted by eye of botox

                I just finished watching the end of the Farscape mini. The ending they had was exactly the ending I want for Stargate. It had a ton of angst and suffering and just about the most fabulous last 40 seconds ever. It just needed a little more snark. But hey, I'll take a mushy, romantic ending everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.

                I dare TPTBs to do as well as Farscape. I dare ya!

                (basically what I'm saying is, if J/A get mushy, so should S/J!)
                Oh, yeah, I just have to post to say I agree! I love J/A's kicka$$ relationship. Great show with lots of angst, action and ship!


                  Originally posted by Lunar
                  Has anyone read the interview with MS?
                  It refers to Threads as being
                  the start of a 3 episode arc

                  And also Reckoning as being
                  more like a season finale

                  Potentially for shippiness, anyone reckon??
                  Sounds interesting...Thanks for the information, Lunar!
                  I keep my fingers crossed for a lot of ship....
                  But I don't want to wait anymore....I need a time machine.


                    Hey, I just noticed another birthday today...
                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sclairef99!!

                    OK, Here's a couple more episode caps...and yes, there is reason why I'm pairing these two...

                    Divide and Conquer



                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      Hey, I just noticed another birthday today...
                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sclairef99!!

                      OK, Here's a couple more episode caps...and yes, there is reason why I'm pairing these two...

                      Divide and Conquer


                      awww. Wonderful pics.


                      Happy Birthday sclairef99!!!

                      I hope you have a great day (with cake )!!!


                        Originally posted by auralan
                        Keep in mind this is an interview with MS. He has a tendancy to focus on his own character's stories, so it may be that's the big Daniel arc for the end of the season. The way things film these days, he may only even be all that familiar with his own character's major plots. I wouldn't take much of anything he says as being related to storylines other than his own.

                        Threads spoilers:
                        And based on what's going on with Daniel in threads, I can very easily see how that's the start of a big Daniel story-arc that continues into the next two episodes. Something big has to come out of that whole Oma and chance to turn back into a glo-worm thing beyond the initial choice.
                        Oh, I quite agree. But a
                        three epsiode arc *does* mean there is a lot of time also to devote to the beta plot-lines
                        ... which I am hoping against hope is S/J ship! Just speculation (and hope!) but it cheered me slightly. It could make time for some resolution, and in my head that made the spoilers (which I believe you reported!) for the
                        citizen joe conversation between S/J that was a more relaxed (dare we even think flirty?) than we've seen previously this season
                        seem out of the blue?? Less unexpected, a plot device that does not sit at odds with previous episodes? (sounds like a description of !)


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          Hey, I just noticed another birthday today...
                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sclairef99!!

                          OK, Here's a couple more episode caps...and yes, there is reason why I'm pairing these two...

                          Divide and Conquer

                          Doesn't Mala have the best way of wishing Happy Birthday? As I have said before, I love birthdays here because we all get to share in the love. BTW---what is your reason for pairing these two episodes? Besides the obvious Jack and Sam....

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCLAIREF99!!!
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Happy Birthday SCLAIREF99!


                              You know, I just need to come in here and say this. I've been working on some music videos and was re-watching various S/J ship - S/J angst scenes. Feel free to ignore all this, but I need to make the point and this is the only place I can really do it and be On Topic (rather than On My Own, Talking To Myself!)
                              The overwhelming feeling I get is that there is no... 'omph' with Pete. I was watching A$$inity and her acceptance, and yes there is warmth and affection there. There is a 'kind' of passion in their kiss and clinch. But it's pale in comparison to the kiss from Grace. The fact that they hug first also is uncomfortable to watch. Surely, upon accepting a proposal the first reaction is to snog the face off your fiance!? Not to hug him, as you would a brother? For a moment I could kid myself their hug was between Sam and Daniel! It was so... platonic... She smiles and seems happy with Pete but there is this slighty haunted element to her, I find (maybe I'm just projecting!). It's like: 'Yeah, I'm happy. But I'm not ecstatic.' Whereas scenes with Jack are so much more *alive* There's a lot more ANGER (which to me implies passion; you can only argue like Jack and Sam sometimes do if there's a deep feeling, be it hate or love, under the surface, and I think it's fair to say with these two it sure isn't hate!) there's more DESPAIR to use Teal'c word at the thought of losing one another. Not like Sam's 'It's hard knowing you might never see them again' in New Order. Sam and Pete are ho-hum. Sam and Jack, on the other hand are electric to watch; their chemistry crackles and bangs.

                              Here endeth my deranged deluge of Sam/ bashing.


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Calm down now, Astronomicalchick.... *Mei Mei hands her a happy pill and a glass of water*

                                It's just speculation! From the vehemence of your protest, Mei Mei figures that although you ship for Jack and Sam, you thunk for cutie pie Major Paul!!

                                Big bad ole Michelle didn't mean to scare you! It's just speculation!

                                *Mei Mei rolls eyes at Michelle behind Astronomicalchick's back!*
                                *whispers, "Didn't think she would take it so bad...."*
                                yeah, maybe i should post a warning next time i'm going to upset people..or just assume all my posts are dangerous. that's probably best. have mei mei follow me around giving happy pills to anyone who reads one of my speculations. next time, i'll just whisper it and maybe she won't hear me..
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

