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    To Sam_o_Neill

    Video "Someone like me " Atomic Kitten...................includes spoilers UK lowdown RDA & AT. 5.28MB

    Enjoy This will conclude my UK lowdown project



      Originally posted by Catysg1
      To Sam_o_Neill

      Video "Someone like me " Atomic Kitten...................includes spoilers UK lowdown RDA & AT. 5.28MB

      Enjoy This will conclude my UK lowdown project


      Thank You Caty

      That was lovely! the song was really nice and you kept the best clip till last

      BTW, I love your new sig So sweet, i really hope we see something like that between Sam and Jack!

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Hey guys *waves*

        (((((((((((((((((((( shipper family ))))))))))))))))))))

        I love all these Sam / Jack endings your all coming out with at the mo they're great.
        And i agree, wot would RST be like without Daniel coming at the wrong just wouldn't be the same now would it
        so keep those ideas coming out now


        United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
        honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


          Originally posted by Buc252
          I wonder if they changed the Lowdown after it aired in the US due to all the negative reactions to the PoS stuff and lack of ship. It aired much later than ours did, did it not? Enough time for them to have revamped it?

          Just a thought.
          I think you're right on target here, Buc. Add to the negative response a drop in ratings throughout the first half of the season, and you've got Trouble, Trouble, My Friend, with a Capital T that rhymes with Pete....just heard my kids humming a tune from the Music Man



            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
            I never thought i'd have to say this but it sounds like you should thank SDJ for making you a shipper! If it wasn't for them and there nasty comments you may never of thought about Sam and Jack.....although I really don't see how anyone can miss the chemistry between the two, its so obvious!!
            I've never really understood the SDJ or the anit's for that matter. What's the point? Are they so delusional to think that if they send a few hate letters and put the shippers down because they love Sam/Jack they'll be listened to? I think not! The PTB are a great deal more intelligent than that.

            I think what's really made the difference for me in Sam/Jack ship is all the fan fiction. Fanfiction made their relationship real to me. It makes the whole experience just It's kinda fun to read some of the Gen (supposed anti's) writing too. There are several who write ship and they don't even realize. Heeheee....


              Originally posted by michelleb
              hopefully, this should be my thousandth post (the little counter thingy has been missing off some psots, some i'm wary). i'd hoped to come up with something witty and coherent and insightful, something at least one tenth as spectacular as mala's thousandth (see rda thunk thread for further details) but it's 4am, and i have to get up early to and see sky captain tomorrow (we're going to yell 'you stole our theme tune!) so i'll just say

              sam and jack are meant to be!

              WAY TO GO MICHELLE!!!!


                Originally posted by aske
                I've never really understood the SDJ or the anit's for that matter. What's the point? Are they so delusional to think that if they send a few hate letters and put the shippers down because they love Sam/Jack they'll be listened to? I think not! The PTB are a great deal more intelligent than that.

                I think what's really made the difference for me in Sam/Jack ship is all the fan fiction. Fanfiction made their relationship real to me. It makes the whole experience just It's kinda fun to read some of the Gen (supposed anti's) writing too. There are several who write ship and they don't even realize. Heeheee....
                Exactly, TPTB have been shipper since the start! They knew what they were starting when they put the kiss in Broca Divide, I don't see how the Anti's can even think they would change TPTB's mind about whether or not to carry on with Sam and Jack.....

                And Fan Fic has been a big help to me over the few years of being a shipper, whenever I was feeling down about Sam and Jack or even RL for that matter whenever I read fic it always cheered me up
                I don't think I would of been able to stick with ship this long if it hadn't of been for Fan fic. Especially before when i wasn't part of my Shipper Family!

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  Originally posted by abydosorphan
                  I totally agree here. Something has to be done to get the two of them alone where the only option left to them is to be bluntly honest with each other or not get out - of course one could hope that if they were totally honest with each other, maybe they wouldn't want to come out for a little while.

                  I agree that they're both at fault, but can also see their reasons for not coming forward and saying something. Though, if spoilers for certain seaon 8 episodes hold true I do believe that Sam will have her feelings slap her across the face and possibly make a move in the right direction (like dropping the spudboy).

                  I think we've forgotten about "It's Good to Be King" ...
                  didn't we read somewhere that Jack and Sam will be working together ALONE in this one? Or has my alcohol-soaked brain finally lost any grip on reality/spoilers?
                  Perhaps THAT'S when they finally have the conversation(s) any preschooler could have shown demonstrated for them.



                    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                    lol! I have always imagined Daniel and Teal'c walking in on an important S/J moment, Daniel is so funny when he walks in on things he shouldn't (e.g. the Sam/Narim thing in Enigma)

                    I don't want Daniel to interrupt anymore on Sam and Jack moments ...He's done it too often ..In fact ..I don't want ANYBODY to interrupt on their private moments

                    If someone else does that ..I'll be forced to do a very bad video for that person



                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      I don't want Daniel to interrupt anymore on Sam and Jack moments ...He's done it too often ..In fact ..I don't want ANYBODY to interrupt on their private moments

                      If someone else does that ..I'll be forced to do a very bad video for that person

                      I know what you mean, I don't want Daniel (or anyone)to interrupt a major Sam/Jack moment like their first 'Real Talk' or their first Real Kiss but something fun like the two scenes before would be ok

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        Originally posted by misstweedledee
                        Hey guys *waves*

                        (((((((((((((((((((( shipper family ))))))))))))))))))))

                        I love all these Sam / Jack endings your all coming out with at the mo they're great.
                        And i agree, wot would RST be like without Daniel coming at the wrong just wouldn't be the same now would it
                        so keep those ideas coming out now


                        I'm liking the S/J endings too! Especially the suggestive bedroom ones....but I think Daniel and T running into them at the wrong time will be priceless...but it definately has to be AFTER they have gotten the words out!!!!

                        So, can we start a "betting" pool on who makes the first move toward sailing this ship and then who actually makes the move toward the kiss and perhaps in what fashion.... We'll have to see what the prize is...but we have a pretty creative group around here...I'm sure we could come up w/something!!

                        So - I think that of course - Sam has to make the opening move by trashing , but I think that it will be Jack that keeps it sailing and starts with the Kiss to end all Kisses.....I'm going to speculate that it's a kiss that he catches her off guard on...where instead of answering with verbal feelings, he answers w/the kiss....

                        Ok...well, that's my opinion for the day....


                          Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                          I never thought i'd have to say this but it sounds like you should thank SDJ for making you a shipper! If it wasn't for them and there nasty comments you may never of thought about Sam and Jack.....although I really don't see how anyone can miss the chemistry between the two, its so obvious!!
                          The beginning of S7 was quite ship deprived so I thought( and remember I had not seen any other seasons) , unless you are an anti-shipper. At a push I could see that Jack might have a litle crush on Sam but not the other way round.
                          In fact, without the previous seasons knoledge, I was quite fond of D/S for a while. Of course once you see D&C , WoO, BtS and BD there is no doubt that Sam and Jack belong together. In fact now, I can see the atraction in the first episode.
                          So I can proudly say they were the ones who showed me the way
                          Thank you anti-shippers


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            To Sam_o_Neill

                            Video "Someone like me " Atomic Kitten...................includes spoilers UK lowdown RDA & AT. 5.28MB

                            Enjoy This will conclude my UK lowdown project

                            Lovely vid Caty!!


                              CATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been watching your videos again! The Lowdown - Someone like me is wonderful...great song...I've never heard it before...I'll be adding that to my music collection....

                              Then I watched Give me one reason to stay here and the picked a wonderful ending.....The S/J movements fit sooooooooooooooooooooo well with the words at that time!!!!!!!!!!

                              WTG and Thank you!!!



                                Originally posted by sclairef99
                                CATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been watching your videos again! The Lowdown - Someone like me is wonderful...great song...I've never heard it before...I'll be adding that to my music collection....

                                Then I watched Give me one reason to stay here and the picked a wonderful ending.....The S/J movements fit sooooooooooooooooooooo well with the words at that time!!!!!!!!!!

                                WTG and Thank you!!!


                                Thank you sclairef99 ..the Scorpions videos are brilliant too .. the 3 of them different..but with great themes ...I think lonely night is very powerful and extremely sad ...and still loving you is a great story.

                                Give me one reason was great to do because of all the Sam walking into Jack in the video was fun to do ..can't remember the ending ..will have to see what you mean .

                                I always try to make each video special by something I think of .

                                For the lowdown video ..well I wanted something short and sweet that I could introduce the RDA and AT clips ..This songs fitted perfect ...It's nothing special ..just a little token to the US Sam and Jack shipper fans.

                                Sam and Jack forever together


