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    Originally posted by majorsal
    spoilers for s7 and s8 (pete character discussed)


    You brought up something that I was talking about with some shippers friends. Here's a question I'd like to ask a power that be: why did Sam and PS get engaged? How in the heck is Sam going to get out of this without looking like a b*tch for dumping PS? Or if PS ends up a jerk or bad, how is this going to look for Sam? She's either the victim or the victimizer...

    Spoilers for Pete and Sam breaking up



    I don't think she 's gonna dump him ..It will be done for her when they go back in time and may think they'll never return ...and by the time they return .....Pete will be long gone from Sam's mind ..cuz she would have then started a relationship with Jack ...You can't be faithful to someone that you may think is lost forever (specially if she does not really love the one left behind)hey....or in that case her ...if she thinks they are stranded back in 1997 and I doubt she wants to meet Pete in his early 20's in 1997(he may still be playing with his little plastic soldiers)!!! First they probably want to hide from their selves and other normal people they know ..They may go and see Janet though!!!!

    Don't you think it's the easy way out ????on the other r hand ....would be bad for Pete and his future Atlantis role because he wouldn't have had the chance to let her go with the one she truly loves ..because he won't know about her feelings for Jack ..unless someone else tells him ..and he says" Well at least , she is with the one she loves " smiles and goes .He may re-deem his character then ....I'd love to see a smart Pete so that he can go and play in Atlantis if he wants to and DD would have a good job then

    Last edited by Catysg1; 09 October 2004, 04:46 AM.


      Mr. Lemonhead? I dunno, sounds kinda tangy....


        Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
        I hope no-one minds me de-lurking at last (Got the Red Cookie....for once,I didn't scoff everything,lol ! ) Tame,Caty,Bev,and quite a few others among your family,can vouch for me as a fully paid-up "Forum-Friendshipper".

        Recently,I read all the probs you've been having,from certain quarters of the forum.
        Obviously,that's now been dealt with,and there's been enough discussion,and Modding,already,but as a result,you can count me in,now,openly,as a Ship-Supporter and Shipper-Defender.

        You all deserve the right to happy,and fair Posting. Not harrassment on this,and other threads,or the implication that your cause is somehow "wrong". Big there's space for us all.Just different rooms,IMO !

        The correct way for anyone who feels the need to dispute your POV's is through discussion in the Ship discussion thread,Anti-J/S thread,Anti-Ship thread ,or other threads appropriate to their personal feelings.

        I never trample the positivity I've read here,and while I was on the prev forum ,I was known as Footholder.Nuff said.If you don't remember that name,it really doesn't matter....I have no ego !

        I used to think a Ship solution wasn't possible,due to the AF regs,but I have a very Shippy Gatelet daughter,and some very warm feelings for all of you.
        We regularly watch Caty's vids and read some of the PG Ship fics.
        To stamp on Gatelet's feelings,and those of my Shipper friends just isn't in me .

        Now to Sam and Jack.It's all in the writing.That's the key,as the PTB have built this Ship,so should they sail in it ,IMO !

        I really want a happy ending for Sam and Jack.(Not forgetting the rest of the team...I love Daniel,Teal'c,and also Jonas too.) I won't curl up and die,if resolution of J/S doesn't happen,but I will feel cheated.Badly !

        I have to admit,I don't actually hate Pete,but I do agree with a lot of people who feel he's a plot-device,rather than a way forward.Also the way Sam's behaviour has been changed,is really not very consistent with her prev behaviour of honesty,integrity,and decorum,IMO.

        No offense intended at all,to Amanda Tapping.She's fantastic,and I really admire her. I just wish the PTB would think harder,and realise their mistakes .I hope by the time S8 ends we'll all be a bit happier !

        To be honest,I rather like DDL,and actually sent him a message via David's package a while back....I bear DDL no ill-will of any kind !

        I wasn't impressed by a lot of S7 eps,and I'm not really too overjoyed by the prospect of "Affinity" and certain other eps ahead in S8,but I'll deal with these little snags,when I come to them.....

        I'll close with this : I'm "Slippin' into Shippin'",so bear with me please,while I learn the ropes !

        ((((((((((((((((((F.H,BAGPUSS))))))))))))))) Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

        Have you been watching too many shippy videos lately?!!

        I'm glad you de-lurked ..You told me you would and here you are with the shipper family right now ...and yes you said it ..Shame that Pete was used as a plot device ...real shame ....
        I know your daughter is a shipper ...and she's a real believer in Sam and Jack being together at the end ....and I hope it will happen ..After all what Sam and jack have been through during all those years of keeping their feelings inside ..but still caring supporting each other when they were even scared to hold each other because of the regs ...I feel really sorry for them ...they live a hard life ..their story is very sad ...but beautiful . They really need to find a way to talk and get their feelings up front for the sake of the both of them and their future happiness

        I'm so glad you posted today F.H.BAGPUSS

        You'll be so welcome over here ..

        Welcome to....... us ...and don't forget to post a lot We'd like to hear more about what you have to say

        Last edited by Catysg1; 09 October 2004, 05:09 AM.


          Originally posted by CoffeeGirl

          Welcome, sinner and F.H.Bagpuss, to the Shipper Family!

          Thanks CoffeeGirl ! (((((((CG))))))) I don't intend to abandon-Ship at any stage, but I need to see more episodes of Season 8 before I can really opine on what's going on currently in the show....

          Judging from reading the ep guides and stuff,though,there could still be a lot of goodies left for us to enjoy.Unless the PTB mess it all up,or prolong the agony too long...

          Enough doubt from me anyway....let's keep this thread up-beat.
          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


            Originally posted by TameFarrar

            Finally saw *Thriller*...what FUN VIDEO!!!!!
            EXCELLENT!!! I loved how you did the transitions and all of the ghouls and goblins That was just a fantastic video!!!!!

            Great Job!!!!

            Thank you , thank you , thank you ((((((((((((((((((Tame))))))))))))))*Bow* a la Teal'c raising eyebrow

            Thriller is GREAT



              Originally posted by marimba26
              Okay, I'm breathing (I think)... But why couldn't Sam just get a nice sports car like everyone else (or a boat or a house on the french riviera--take your pick)?

              She may be doing just that ...once she gets jack or may be get him a bike so that they could ride together side by side I wouldn't mind Jack to share her bike with her for a while too ...just seing him wrapp his arms around her waist will be shipy enough for me for a scene or 2



                Originally posted by majorsal
                spoilers for s7 and s8


                Yes, I think it's one of the main reasons too. I also think it was to break the STUPID and UNDERSERVED black widow curse.

                *raises hand*


                But seriously, I'd find it interesting to hear a conversation like that between them, just because we've never seen them have to handle things like that, let alone together.

                Sam - "Jack, you left the toilet seat up 'again'."

                Jack - "Sam, you left the tools out 'again'."

                *stare at one another*

                Sam - "Even?"

                Jack - "Even."

                *share smile*


                And that reminds me of Mulder and scully in the episode "Arcadia" when they had to go on an x-files mission to a lovely estate and had to pose as a married couple and they shared the same house obviously.... It was too funny ..She was arguing with him about the toilet seat and the toothpaste tube left open .... Ah Men ...they really do that ..yu know



                  WELCOME F.H.BAGPUSS!!


                  enjoy a plate of Ship Nana's cookies or a drink from MG's bar lol

                  JACK AND SAM FOREVER!!


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    Thanks, I like this much better. You know I was just pulling your leg. I always count on you to be so positive.

                    oh yeah ..I like to be postive but I'm always thinking about the worst case scenarios too . but I don't think TPTB will go that way ..They'll upset the majority of fans and you certainly can't do such a thing unless you don't care .........don't care about money too ...Hehehehehe..cuz no one will buy their DVD's and watch other shows of them if they go this way ...not the majority anyway

                    Sam and Jack forever together



                      Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                      I hope no-one minds me de-lurking at last (Got the Red Cookie....for once,I didn't scoff everything,lol ! ) Tame,Caty,Bev,and quite a few others among your family,can vouch for me as a fully paid-up "Forum-Friendshipper".

                      Recently,I read all the probs you've been having,from certain quarters of the forum.
                      Obviously,that's now been dealt with,and there's been enough discussion,and Modding,already,but as a result,you can count me in,now,openly,as a Ship-Supporter and Shipper-Defender.

                      You all deserve the right to happy,and fair Posting. Not harrassment on this,and other threads,or the implication that your cause is somehow "wrong". Big there's space for us all.Just different rooms,IMO !

                      The correct way for anyone who feels the need to dispute your POV's is through discussion in the Ship discussion thread,Anti-J/S thread,Anti-Ship thread ,or other threads appropriate to their personal feelings.

                      I never trample the positivity I've read here,and while I was on the prev forum ,I was known as Footholder.Nuff said.If you don't remember that name,it really doesn't matter....I have no ego !

                      I used to think a Ship solution wasn't possible,due to the AF regs,but I have a very Shippy Gatelet daughter,and some very warm feelings for all of you.
                      We regularly watch Caty's vids and read some of the PG Ship fics.
                      To stamp on Gatelet's feelings,and those of my Shipper friends just isn't in me .

                      Now to Sam and Jack.It's all in the writing.That's the key,as the PTB have built this Ship,so should they sail in it ,IMO !

                      I really want a happy ending for Sam and Jack.(Not forgetting the rest of the team...I love Daniel,Teal'c,and also Jonas too.) I won't curl up and die,if resolution of J/S doesn't happen,but I will feel cheated.Badly !

                      I have to admit,I don't actually hate Pete,but I do agree with a lot of people who feel he's a plot-device,rather than a way forward.Also the way Sam's behaviour has been changed,is really not very consistent with her prev behaviour of honesty,integrity,and decorum,IMO.

                      No offense intended at all,to Amanda Tapping.She's fantastic,and I really admire her. I just wish the PTB would think harder,and realise their mistakes .I hope by the time S8 ends we'll all be a bit happier !

                      To be honest,I rather like DDL,and actually sent him a message via David's package a while back....I bear DDL no ill-will of any kind !

                      I wasn't impressed by a lot of S7 eps,and I'm not really too overjoyed by the prospect of "Affinity" and certain other eps ahead in S8,but I'll deal with these little snags,when I come to them.....

                      I'll close with this : I'm "Slippin' into Shippin'",so bear with me please,while I learn the ropes !
                      (((((FHB)))))) Welcome to the shipper thread old friend (and I mean that in the nicest possible way ). Your little gatelet is doing a good job if she's making you de-lurk here! You know we serve the best food and drink in the forum, so I know you'll like it here. I hope you realise that after you've eaten a few more cookies, you'll be seeing ship EVERYWHERE! Nice to have you here, and thanks for your kind words re the red dinger et al.


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        ((((((((((((((((((F.H,BAGPUSS))))))))))))))) Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

                        Have you been watching too many shippy videos lately?!!

                        I'm glad you de-lurked ..You told me you would and here you are with the shipper family right now ...and yes you said it ..Shame that Pete was used as a plot device ...real shame ....
                        I know your daughter is a shipper ...and she's a real believer in Sam and Jack being together at the end ....and I hope it will happen ..After all what Sam and jack have been through during all those years of keeping feeling inside ..but still caring supporting each other when they were even scared to hold each other because of the regs ...I feel really sorry for them ...they live a hard life ..their story is very sad ...but beautiful . They really need to find a way to talk and get their feelings up front the sake of the both of them and their future happiness

                        I'm so glad you posted today F.H.BAGPUSS

                        You'll be so welcome over here ..

                        Aw,thanks Caty ! I really feel welcome already.
                        I wish I'd come in sooner,really,but I'm a notorious on-looker and tend towards tardiness in jumping into established threads.
                        Ok,I admit it ...I'm not the most passionate Poster around,as I keep coming over all Pollyanna.Everywhere !

                        Right to topic (I can do this ! )

                        I know the real AF won't allow too much rule-breaking,but I just want Sam and Jack to TALK to each other,and clear the air for progress,....I know all about the need for dramatic tension,the need now to consider Pete,and how to write him out with dignity for all concerned,and all that jazz.

                        I freely admit that I'd plonk them down in nice comfy chairs and mediate if they were real people.It's "what I do" in RL....seriously !

                        Like you said,they've both been through so much.Jack lost his son and Sara.
                        Sam lost her Mother at a critical age.
                        The military has a whole lot to do with both their attitudes,as they're both career Officers with presumably plenty "distasteful things" to cloud their perspectives.
                        The Military life is not a soft career option in the first place,as there are life and death issues at stake in times of conflict,and a great deal of non-disclosure involved at all times.
                        There must have been many times,in his marriage to Sara,when Jack kept schtum,and many times when Jacob would have kept quiet to Sam about his AF career.
                        When Sam decided to folow in Jacob's footsteps,she also signed up for the "Don't ask,don't tell" policy.
                        All the backstory leads to two people who are afraid to be open and honest...even (or especially !)with each other.

                        The Stargate program is the biggest secret they have in common,as officers,and it's going to be their biggest obstacle too,if they want to move on from the friendship stage......

                        For Sam and Jack,there's so much silence born of habit,I think they need a jolt of some kind,to make them realise they need to make a change and live their lives.Together !

                        Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                        WELCOME F.H.BAGPUSS!!

                        AND ANY OTHER NEWBIES IVE MISSED!!!

                        enjoy a plate of Ship Nana's cookies or a drink from MG's bar lol

                        JACK AND SAM FOREVER!!
                        Sounds very nice indeed ! ((((((((((samisjacksgal)))))))))

                        *Sends VR Choccies * Thanks for the welcome !
                        Last edited by Bagpuss; 09 October 2004, 05:49 AM.
                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          Originally posted by majorsal

                          Wow, that is *so* clean! And a lovely pic I may add... *mind slips into gutter that all Sam would have to do is let her hand slip down... * .... *slaps mind*

                          Thanks Sally, for appreciating the effort....It's what I DO. (amongst other shooting flaming penguins into space )...

                          But really, I do put a lot of work into my pix - I make screencaps into photos mainly for my own enjoyment, but if you're ever looking for a particular scene or pic, let me know.

                          I've been know to grant wishes for the Gutter Gals and RDA (that's why they call me the Gutter Fairy ). And Tame calls me the Shipper Fairy here - I suppose I can grant wishes here, if folks can't find what they're looking for.


                            Hi chums. here's my shippy pic of the day....

                            It's not particularily shippy per say, but looking through my pics, they are ALWAYS standing next to each other...and that's shippy in my book!


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              (((((FHB)))))) Welcome to the shipper thread old friend (and I mean that in the nicest possible way ). Your little gatelet is doing a good job if she's making you de-lurk here! You know we serve the best food and drink in the forum, so I know you'll like it here. I hope you realise that after you've eaten a few more cookies, you'll be seeing ship EVERYWHERE! Nice to have you here, and thanks for your kind words re the red dinger et al.

                              Wan' shome Guinnesh wif zat ?

                              Serious mode: Thanks Bev. I really dislike hostility in general,and I always try to be considerate to other Posters,whatever their persuasions,but there sometimes comes a time to stand up and be open about how I feel, and this is one of those occasions !

                              My Gatelet isn't even 13 yet,but she asked me why I'd never posted here, the other day.(We were watching "P.O.V" sue us,Shipper-Haters ! )
                              I told her that I like to be considerate,and that I didn't want to butt in and look stupid,after all this time as a "neutral".
                              Her answer : "Mum,you'll look even more stupid if you don't !"

                              Kinda said it all,didn't she ? !

                              Edit : drat my lack of skill typing/multi-quoting,lol !
                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              It's not particularily shippy per say, but looking through my pics, they are ALWAYS standing next to each other...and that's shippy in my book!
                              Good enough for me too. (Shippy director,maybe ? )
                              Last edited by Bagpuss; 09 October 2004, 06:16 AM.
                              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                                I FIXED MY COMPUTER!!
                                IT WILL LET ME ON GATEWORLD AGAIN!! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

                                *was shipper family deprived, cept for the chat room*

                                I updated Fast Forward:

                                Chapter Four

                                And I also updated SGC Elementary but I don't have a link!!

                                OMG I CANNOT WAIT FOR MOEBIUS!!
                                I wanna know why the hell they're in the FIRST EP! OMG! And Sam says "Please, you have to help us. The whole reason we came back was to help you."

                                I wanna know who, why, where, what!! AAAAAAAAAAH!
                                *dies of curiosity*

                                Can't wait!!

