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    To Marimba here is my little review on your latest videos

    Mortal Kombat: Very entertaining ..I love to see the Stargate ..and like the ring thingie all through out the vid fast moving and very good clips

    Gloria: I like the Grace scenes all through out the video ...She got really conked on that day!!! You were very brave to do a vid with so much Pete in it ...Did you feel sick when you had to capture the clips? oh and I like the broken glass transition to get rid of Pete's face Hehehehehe

    ordinary world: I liked the way you moved from one character to another with Jack still being the main one . Nice to see a glimpse of Jonas and I wish Sam could kiss Jack like Ishta kisses Teal'c Not fair ..and the end was of course very shippy and *tears, tears.tears *pouring down my face

    You did a fab job Marimba with your team vids

    Last edited by Catysg1; 09 October 2004, 06:55 AM.


      Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1

      *was shipper family deprived, cept for the chat room*

      I updated Fast Forward:

      Chapter Four

      And I also updated SGC Elementary but I don't have a link!!

      I wanna know why the hell they're in the FIRST EP! OMG! And Sam says "Please, you have to help us. The whole reason we came back was to help you."

      I wanna know who, why, where, what!! AAAAAAAAAAH!
      *dies of curiosity*

      Can't wait!!

      Where did you read that Angel of Fire? the spoiler I mean !!!! can you direct me please ?? sounds good



        Originally posted by michelleb
        yes, they're still not allowed on the front line in UK either..i think there's still this perception of all women as fragile little creatures who need to be protected, and shouldn't be exposed to something as horrific as the front line..a perception that's all wrong. when i read opinions like 'how would women cope with having periods on the frontline', i just get very very angry (same way we cope any other time!)
        oh, for crying out loud! Men really need to get over that issue! Yes, I'm a woman and I get a period every I really think men would be easier to deal with if they could somehow experience our little monthly visitor a couple times...

        Originally posted by michelleb
        i know, she became a total hero of mine. there she was, on the front line, doing exactly the same job as the men, better in many cases, and she wasn't preaching about it, just doing it. a fine role model for many young women
        yes, exactly...there was no need to look and point, or be surprised: she was just Carter and she was doing her thing. The fact that she was a woman was NOT the point.

        Originally posted by michelleb
        yes. if sam had been male, would there even have been a moment's doubt that this life made her happy? not for a second. and if i had her life, i'd be ecstatic, man or no man. the writers of the show seemed to have searched for an insight into a woman's mind, decided to read Bridget Jones, and thought 'oh, ok, they're all like that'. next thing you know, sam will be counting how many calories she eats and writing V.bad in her diary next to her weight.
        no, if Sam had been male she would have a wife and 2.5 kids. Just look at the one episode wonder male characters home lives. In Heroes we have
        Janet and Sam basically saying they have no personal life, while two male team members are talking about their wives and families

        Talk about a skewed perception...the men can have a family, but not the women?

        [QUOTE=michelleb] umm...the point..oh yes....the writers don't seem to understand..some women don't need a man to be happy (poor men, sorry, guys...), and their's different between being with your one true love, and being with any man just for the sake of being a man [/QOUTE]

        EXACTLY...and by having her with Pit, they're having her be with a man just for the sake of being with a man

        Originally posted by michelleb
        enjoy their lives..without a man..and when they do get do get a partner, it's becasue they're in love, not because they feel they must, and getting the love doesn't make them softer or sweeter or domestic, but makes them stronger.
        Agreed...if you're in love with someone, they should love you for why on Earth should you be changing?

        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          The keyword being almost?
          yup...that catsuit bugged me...why the heck did they feel the need to sex her up?!?

          as for Moebius speculation
          they can't erase everything....remember TPTB's new cash cow Atlantis?

          ((((Mala))) I think the pengiuns are funny...

          oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Blueiris!

          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


            Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
            Aw,thanks Caty ! I really feel welcome already.
            I wish I'd come in sooner,really,but I'm a notorious on-looker and tend towards tardiness in jumping into established threads.
            Ok,I admit it ...I'm not the most passionate Poster around,as I keep coming over all Pollyanna.Everywhere !

            Right to topic (I can do this ! )

            I know the real AF won't allow too much rule-breaking,but I just want Sam and Jack to TALK to each other,and clear the air for progress,....I know all about the need for dramatic tension,the need now to consider Pete,and how to write him out with dignity for all concerned,and all that jazz.

            I freely admit that I'd plonk them down in nice comfy chairs and mediate if they were real people.It's "what I do" in RL....seriously !

            Like you said,they've both been through so much.Jack lost his son and Sara.
            Sam lost her Mother at a critical age.
            The military has a whole lot to do with both their attitudes,as they're both career Officers with presumably plenty "distasteful things" to cloud their perspectives.
            The Military life is not a soft career option in the first place,as there are life and death issues at stake in times of conflict,and a great deal of non-disclosure involved at all times.
            There must have been many times,in his marriage to Sara,when Jack kept schtum,and many times when Jacob would have kept quiet to Sam about his AF career.
            When Sam decided to folow in Jacob's footsteps,she also signed up for the "Don't ask,don't tell" policy.
            All the backstory leads to two people who are afraid to be open and honest...even (or especially !)with each other.

            The Stargate program is the biggest secret they have in common,as officers,and it's going to be their biggest obstacle too,if they want to move on from the friendship stage......

            For Sam and Jack,there's so much silence born of habit,I think they need a jolt of some kind,to make them realise they need to make a change and live their lives.Together !

            The Stargate program is the biggest secret they have in common,as officers,and it's going to be their biggest obstacle too,if they want to move on from the friendship stage...... QUOTE FROM B.H BAGPUSS

            I highlighted the main point......yes this is the biggest obstacle ever and should have stayed that way . No need to bring another problem on screen ...would have been fine with the b/f off screen myself specially when not Stargate related.



              Originally posted by sinner
              Hi all,
              Totally new here, I can't really keep up with the thread but, as season 8 is only just starting over here in the UK I couldn't resist a sneaky peek at what's coming up. What can I say? I'm a spoiler junkie! I've only been a Stargate fan for just over a year but I've been a Sam and Jack Shipper for every single second. The first episode I ever saw was beneath the surface, and as anewbie to the show thought Sam and Jack were already an established couple. I still can't get over the fact that they aren't.

              Anyway, Just wanted to say Hi, and to ask one quick question if i can? while I've been reading through some of the threads I saw the Profile Pic of Tamefarrar, can someone tell me which episode that comes from? I've seen most of the earlier series but not all, and for the life of me I can't think what Ep that comes from.

              BTW, Great site, the best I've come across.
              Enjoy your stay in Shipper Town!
              I hope you find all the spoilers you want to quench your Shipper thirst!

              Token ~


                Originally posted by LtLisa
                yup...that catsuit bugged me...why the heck did they feel the need to sex her up?!?

                May be it's to tell us she dresses like that for Jack ..May be he saw her dressed like that ....and got a bit hot .
                That 's why he's saying
                "Tough choice"



                  F.H. BAGPUSS
                  Better Late than never!
                  Ship Nana makes the BEST red Shipper cookies! Her recipe is one of Shipper Town's most guarded secrets! That and what is on the 8th floor of the Shipper Rehab!

                  Token ~


                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    The Stargate program is the biggest secret they have in common,as officers,and it's going to be their biggest obstacle too,if they want to move on from the friendship stage...... QUOTE FROM B.H BAGPUSS

                    I highlighted the main point......yes this is the biggest obstacle ever and should have stayed that way . No need to bring another problem on screen ...would have been fine with the b/f off screen myself specially when not Stargate related.

                    I think you're right about that...and I haven't even seen Affinity yet !
                    I blame ye olde what I've read recently,that episode satisfied very few people ,whether they were "Pro" or "Anti" J/S.

                    Like you say though,"off-screen" is a good place to put distractions.

                    Of course I have the trusty fast forward button to rely on too !
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                      I think you're right about that...and I haven't even seen Affinity yet !
                      We call the episode " A$$inity over here hehehehehe



                        Originally posted by Token[center
                        Ship Nana makes the BEST red Shipper cookies! Her recipe is one of Shipper Town's most guarded secrets! That and what is on the 8th floor of the Shipper Rehab! [/center]

                        Wowser ! Cool flashing light banner (You can tell I'm no computer expert,can't you ! )


                        Er,I filched a red cookie already (delicious ! )..Tame didn't dub me "Foodholder" elsewhere,for nothing,Token !

                        Secret recipes,eh ? Intriguing !!!! (Not sure I'm in need of rehab,but I'll make sure I stay cheerful... RL Anti-histamines have the desired effect if I get too low !)

                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        We call the episode " A$$inity over here hehehehehe

                        Noted ,Caty !
                        ( must be as bad as I feared then....the episode,I mean ! )
                        Last edited by Bagpuss; 09 October 2004, 07:33 AM.
                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          Welcome to Siner and post a lot.



                            I thought it was time to review for all the newbies and new lurkers what Joe Mallozzi posted in Shipper Thread VIII on July 12, 2004. Joe Mallozzi is a Stargate SG-1 Executive Producer. He posted this during a Shipper meltdown from which the JM Shipper Rehabilitation Commune and Shipper Town was built. To quote myself, "Through vagueness, we persevere!"

                            Originally posted by JMallozzi
                            All I have to say is don't jump to conclusions. Or, more precisely, jump to small conclusions - but don't assume that they'll necessarily lead to a big conclusion. Or, better yet - watch all of season 8 before you start consider giving away all your wordly possessions and moving into a commune in Southern California. Its going to be a rollercoaster year for our gang.

                            BTW...."Uncle" Joe has 11 green jello squares of love! And he "reigns as System Lord. Kneel before your god!"

                            Token ~


                              AFFINITY spoiler

                              Originally posted by marimba26
                              This is the big problem I have with Sam right now. I don't feel like she has chosen this path with Pete at all.

                              Originally posted by Major Fischer
                              I don't feel like she's chosen it, I don't even feel like she's settled for it. Affinity gave me the sense that she felt like she was being shoved into it, and that she had to make the decision... which makes me wonder what else is coming ...
                              Interesting distinctions: choosing a path, settling or being shoved into a decision... The first two being a product of 'free' will, how do you think that she's been 'shoved'? Unless you're alluding to the earlier discussion here about society, women and relationships, and biological clocks... That Sam wasn't just settling, but she felt she HAD to settle. It's one thing to settle for P. as a b/f because she couldn't have Jack (as Hallucination Jacob said: "You deserve to love someone and be loved in return"), but getting engaged takes it a step further and makes it seem that she felt she HAD to settle now, if she eventually wanted a family.

                              But given Sally's reaction,
                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              Ooh, I just got the hair standing on the back of my neck feeling...

                              when you said "she had to make the decision... which makes me wonder what else is coming ..." did you mean something more insidious?

                              PS - Just want to 're-plug' Ruralstar's latest fanfic - very well written and compelling take on AFFINITY, btw. She posted about it here: #446).


                                Thanks for reposting JM's message,Token !
                                You're right about the rollercoaster,but if I down a motion-sickness tab,I'll be ok...

                                ::Back to reading the Shipper Town info:: *Happy sigh*

                                (I can't get the 2nd link in your sig to load ,but I'll persevere.It's usually to do with my settings ,so no worries really.)
                                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:

