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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by jennsatt
    Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
    Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
    That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
    Anywho - back on topic...
    I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
    I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
    And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)
    OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!
    Delighted to have you delurk and come join in the fun! LOL, yes, we have been having some fun with the random dinger haven't we *giggles*
    If you need something to up your ship levels, I highly recommend any of our fabulously talented family member's vids If those don't perk you right up, nothing bar a finale with nothing but ship will *hint hint PTB*


      Originally posted by Kliggins
      You are going to be cranky tomorrow if you don't go to bed soon and stop hanging around the forum.

      Ok I know this is the wrong thread but, OMG Kliggins, your sig is....WOAH!
      I think i'm going to have to make more time to hang out in the thunk thread, just so I can see that picture everyday!

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Originally posted by samisjacksgal
        ive been thinking about moebius and i think
        that it is gonna be an alternative universe story but not just 1 alternate universe maybe like 2 or 3 so we can see different outcomes, for example from the s/j ship point of view we could see sam die in jacks arms in 1 AU, jack die in sams arms in another, jack and sam married with kids in a third etc. then maybe at the end someone i dunno like thor or kawalsky asks "what would you do if you knew all the possible outcomes?" and then sam and jack would just look at each other smile and give each other a whopping great big kiss
        just a thought

        I've had the same kind of thoughts about exploring the AU's...but didn't come to the same conclusion of now that you know the possible outcomes, what do you want.....I really like that outcome, I think that would be a good shippy resolution....taking that fishing offer or my hope...going a step further....



          Originally posted by jennsatt
          Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
          Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
          That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
          Anywho - back on topic...
          I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
          I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
          And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)
          OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!
          Welcome, Jennsatt! For not knowing what you are doing, you are doing it as well as the rest of us!!

          LOL! I just figured out how to put a sig pic in yesterday and I have been posting for months!!

          And as far as rambling! Is there any other way to post??

          I love Jack and Sam together too! They have had enough angst, let's get on with the resolution! I want my ship!!!

          Keep posting, Jennsatt! The more the merrier!!


            Originally posted by jennsatt
            Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
            Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
            That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
            Anywho - back on topic...
            I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
            I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
            And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)
            OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!
            Glad you finally de-lurked!!! There is nothing like this Shipper Family! Jensatt, you seem to be a shipper with the right priorities....shipping and thunking....keep up the good work!



              [QUOTE=CoffeeGirl]Oh yes! And that's why I just had this vision, courtesy of Shipper Withdrawal Induced Daydreams About Possible Season Finales Which Are In No Way Realistic:

              We see all those alternate realities as flashes (and SG-1 sees them too) and after a multitude of them, Kawalsky gives that little smirk of his and goes, "So, how come you're together in every damn universe execpt this one?"


              THAT IS AN AWESOME LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TPTB....LOOK SEE, WE HAVE SUCH TALENT...USE US!



                Originally posted by kiwigater
                Delighted to have you delurk and come join in the fun! LOL, yes, we have been having some fun with the random dinger haven't we *giggles*
                If you need something to up your ship levels, I highly recommend any of our fabulously talented family member's vids If those don't perk you right up, nothing bar a finale with nothing but ship will *hint hint PTB*
                Mei Mei is rolling in the floor exhibiting difficulty breathing!!

                Every time I see the word "dinger" I lose it! It has a rather special meaning to my four year old niece and I can't help but think it is appropriate to our rather special Bad Rep Point Fairy! LOL!!

                If anything, s/he/it has livened up the hiatus so far! We have to come up with something to do for the rest of the long wait for our ship to come in!! LOL!

                Other than making sure all shippers have two green thingys!!
                (Mei Mei notices that there are a whole lot of shippers with two green. She wonders if her head will really explode if she gets three?)


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  RDA and AT seemed to be getting each other in the UK lowdown ..screencaps coming soon

                  I can't wait for the screen caps!!!! Did anyone find a place to download the live UK Lowdown?!

                  What fun to be an actor/actress and getting to work with all the beautiful people....OH to be AT, happily married and still gets to run around and kiss RDA!! It's all for the *acting* right?! What a job!!



                    Hey Shippers!
                    Thank you so very much to everyone that green repped me after my little rant... My rep is higher than it was before, so I'm gushing gratitude.
                    Has anyone else received their Sky Mag? It apparently confirms that we WILL be seeing Atlantis, it will air after SG-1 as it did in the US. There was also an article on the new series, and interview with MS and CJ. I was slightly worried at the fact that Jack's name was only mentioned once in the entire magazine... but then at least wasn't mentioned at all... I was a little disappointed about the article actually, it seemed quite poorly researched. It seemed to infer that the Jaffa and Tok'ra were enemies rather than uneasy allies and contained lots of 'betcha-didn't-know' snippets that were... um... probably extremely well known to anyone who's watched the show for more than a season or two. Ho hum.


                      Originally posted by meimei
                      Welcome, Aske!! Solitudes was one of my favs as well! Though the first time I saw it I wasn't necessarily viewing it as a shipper, I thought that when Jack said "please" and called her Sam seemed like there was more to it than just a concerned CO. Not too long after that I saw Into the Fire and became a fullblown shipper!! LOL!

                      Didn't take much since I am a hopeless romantic at heart!!
                      Oh yes, the never-ending HUG to end all hugs. Well, almost.

                      I didn't get to see Into the Fire because of 'life issues' until after I'd seen season four and part of five. By the time I'd watch The Entity, I was so hooked that I finally purchased every ep on DVD via region 2 just so I could get caught up. I'm not obsessed, really I'm not. What the heck was wrong with MGM in waiting sooooo long to release in region one, anyway?

                      Oh, and I'm a 'hopeful' romantic. I think it has to do with the extensive 'chemistry' classes I take every week.


                        I come bearing bad news shippers- well for me anyway- When I went to buy my season 3 boxset- there were none left- none at all!!!! I have to wait until they get more in next month!!!
                        *sob* I'll be strong though- I promice.


                          Originally posted by aske
                          Oh yes, the never-ending HUG to end all hugs. Well, almost.

                          I didn't get to see Into the Fire because of 'life issues' until after I'd seen season four and part of five. By the time I'd watch The Entity, I was so hooked that I finally purchased every ep on DVD via region 2 just so I could get caught up. I'm not obsessed, really I'm not. What the heck was wrong with MGM in waiting sooooo long to release in region one, anyway?

                          Oh, and I'm a 'hopeful' romantic. I think it has to do with the extensive 'chemistry' classes I take every week.
                          Obsessed? Isn't that a shipper requirement?

                          (Mei Mei thinks about the shelf in her bookcase that contains six seasons of SG1 and the fact that only 20 more days until her pre-ordered season seven ships....)

                          I'm not obsessed!


                            Ahem..Shipper family, i'd like to introduce a friend of mine..SecretArt (come on out honey). she's a shipper, part of Jack and Sam's Pad, and a cracking writer (there's a fic of her over in teh fic section called spuds, showers and strangled cats.). she's a bit new, and for some reason, is a bit nervous about me introducing her..doesn't trust me or some such rubbish. anyway..SA..

                            come in, tell us your favourite sam and jack moment, and why you think they'll be togeterh in the end.
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              A quick fic update now
                              THE GENERAL'S HELL IS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              It's not online yet, but I finished it today while sitting in PSE.
                              plugging over
                              gotta go bye bye
                              Is this what we call a PLUGGERnugget? (I know it's pugglenugget but I couldn't help myself.!) I get my happies where I can.
                              "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                              "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                              Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                              Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                              "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                              Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                              Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                              (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                Ahem..Shipper family, i'd like to introduce a friend of mine..SecretArt (come on out honey). she's a shipper, part of Jack and Sam's Pad, and a cracking writer (there's a fic of her over in teh fic section called spuds, showers and strangled cats.). she's a bit new, and for some reason, is a bit nervous about me introducing her..doesn't trust me or some such rubbish. anyway..SA..

                                come in, tell us your favourite sam and jack moment, and why you think they'll be togeterh in the end.
                                *Waves* Hello, Michelle has said such nice things about this place that i had to come and see for myself.
                                As she mentioned i've posted a fic (there are lots more, but i thought i'd try out one for now..most of the others are angst anyway)

                                i can't pick a favourite Sam/Jack moment, last time i tried i had to give up when i couldn't even manage a top ten for each season...But off the top of my head i'll go for all the times they have kissed.

                                And what do you mean why they'll be together in the end..aren't they togther now (or is that just in my head?)
                                My FanFic

