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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Hey guys!

    Just popping in to say

    Where do you get the red badge sig thing?

    I've been dinged twice and I wanna a nice red badge.

    Doo ya tink eel be listenin?

    Oooh I might get dinged again now

    I don't really care about rep points as everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when a group of people get singled out by someone who is too narrow minded to accept another point of view, it really gets my goat, and gets me up on my high-horse too!

    One thing about this forum that is great is that everyone is free to make their opinion. There's this thread and the anti shipper thread and the discussion thread. There's no other forum like it!

    And we have the BEST MODS EVER!!!!!!!


    I loved the Lowdown especially all those lovely shippy moments and the Grace kiss.
    I was p****d off that Sam's section focused on Mr Derogatory as Dinger likes to call him. It should have focused on her career ie. her promotion.
    No other complaints. Atlantis looks awesome!!!! (Sheppard - Love him already!)

    Enjoy Uni!!!!

    I'm gonna go and lurk now!!!!!!

    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      Kawalsky is so g0d d@mn cute, in fact the thought of he and Major Davis in the same episode...


      i think Kawalsky and davis are cute to altho my heart lies with jack lol


        Originally posted by samisjacksgal
        i think Kawalsky and davis are cute to altho my heart lies with jack lol
        Well said Carolyn. Well said.
        "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
        "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
        Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
        Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
        "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
        Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
        Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
        (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


          Originally posted by sueKay
          Hey guys!

          Just popping in to say

          Where do you get the red badge sig thing?

          I've been dinged twice and I wanna a nice red badge.

          Doo ya tink eel be listenin?

          Oooh I might get dinged again now

          I don't really care about rep points as everyone is entitled to their opinions, but when a group of people get singled out by someone who is too narrow minded to accept another point of view, it really gets my goat, and gets me up on my high-horse too!

          One thing about this forum that is great is that everyone is free to make their opinion. There's this thread and the anti shipper thread and the discussion thread. There's no other forum like it!

          And we have the BEST MODS EVER!!!!!!!


          I loved the Lowdown especially all those lovely shippy moments and the Grace kiss.
          I was p****d off that Sam's section focused on Mr Derogatory as Dinger likes to call him. It should have focused on her career ie. her promotion.
          No other complaints. Atlantis looks awesome!!!! (Sheppard - Love him already!)

          Enjoy Uni!!!!

          I'm gonna go and lurk now!!!!!!

          Good to see you SueKay...

          Here's something you can post in your sig to get the badge

          [center]************************* [center]


          Put the / back in to get it to work!

          Also check out Mel's live journal about the event! At:

          Funny! I got such a giggle...


            Originally posted by samisjacksgal
            i think Kawalsky and davis are cute to altho my heart lies with jack lol
            What can I say? I'm such a slapper, put a pretty boy my way and I'll forget about the last one

            Beside Jack is for Sam, I can only admire from a distance...


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Mi opin letr to the Lirker who likes givin those read points:

              Pleas keep up teh gud wirk! I luv reeding yur messages. U have given mee many many ours of laffs!

              I meen this in all sinsirity! I am not being dreagatory at all. I wudn't make fun of a bad speeler because than I wud be making fun of lots and lots of peeple on GW and then I wudn't have so many green points... and no frends.

              Do u want to be my frend? how about my spud bud?? PM me, pleez!

              oh, and btw, Potatoehed Peet is no threat to O'Neill!
              verri funi, they kan't spel maibee they kan't reed ether (this is really hard to do)
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                Beside Jack is for Sam, I can only admire from a distance...
                yeh shame really lol only jokin thats what jack clones are for hee hee

                sam gets the real one and we'll have clones to keep us happy.....and occupied

                must remember pg forum lol


                  Originally posted by kiwigater
                  What an interesting theory!
                  I immediately envisioned some sort of Window of opportunity sequences of "flashes" in which we see a multitude of Jack and Sam's from a multitude of AU's at various moments in their lives. Not all of them would need to be shippy, but even if the majority were, wouldn't it give our Sam and Jack a moments pause?.......

                  *reality comes thudding down*
                  well, except for the minor problem of that I doubt the finale would ever be this shippy
                  But a girl can dream (read fanfic, watch vids.....) can't she!
                  I'm thinking something similiar after learning Kawolski is in thefinale.

                  Mobeius (dont ask me to spell please) means infinity. Daniel said that AU's offer infinite possiblities.

                  what if this is something along the lines of 6th Extinction: Amor Fati from the X-files? Or 'its a wonderful life' from the 50s? Basically you're given the chance to live possible outcomes to your life. Mulder went through this, and IMHO its only after that did he smarten up.

                  Maybe this is something similiar for the team? It goes a long way to explaining why Kawolski is back,....


                    Honestly, at this point, I'd be happy just to see them hold hands and smile at each other. After that *scene* in the lab, I could just kick somebody. (mainly the exec producers, but I digress) I'd rather see a timeline thingy that an AU. mainly because, like Teal'c this is the only reality that matters to me.

                    I'm egocentric like that...
                    The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

                    by Nikkirose


                      Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
                      Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
                      That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
                      Anywho - back on topic...
                      I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
                      I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
                      And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)
                      OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!


                        Thankyou Astronomical Chick!!!

                        A quick fic update now

                        THE GENERAL'S HELL IS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        It's not online yet, but I finished it today while sitting in PSE.


                        plugging over

                        gotta go bye bye

                        PS - Thank you to all of the wonderful people who have given me green points!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by jennsatt
                          Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
                          Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
                          That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
                          Anywho - back on topic...
                          I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
                          I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
                          And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)
                          OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!
                          HELLO THERE!! AND WELCOME

                          sam and jack forever lol!
                          I agree with you about RDA the man has so many talents hee hee
                          i didnt think you were rambling but even if you were its okey dokey as we are talkin about the things we love

                          post lots



                            Originally posted by aske
                            Good morning/afternoon/evening:

                            Firstly, I need to make a wee bit of an apology. I think I misspoke about ‘red-point’ person. They have yet to ding me. I guess you actually need to post something, huh? But, non-the-less, two very kindly shippers (I assume) have ‘Graced’ me with green points. Thank you very much!

                            Secondly, RCC is a mere ‘fish’ in the pond of corporate entertainment. Even he has someone to whom he must report. And who knows, maybe ‘The Man’ who holds the rod is a shipper.

                            *raises eyebrow*

                            So, to add my favorite shippy scene to your illustrious montage of shippy splendor: With out doubt – Solitude. Despite the cold, dark, helpless, hopeless, nature of the episode Jack can still make Sam smile. Oh yeah, and we gets lots of touching, hugging, cuddling, covert confessions, serious eye contact, hand holding, hurt/comfort, angst….need I go on?
                            Welcome, Aske!! Solitudes was one of my favs as well! Though the first time I saw it I wasn't necessarily viewing it as a shipper, I thought that when Jack said "please" and called her Sam seemed like there was more to it than just a concerned CO. Not too long after that I saw Into the Fire and became a fullblown shipper!! LOL!

                            Didn't take much since I am a hopeless romantic at heart!!


                              Originally posted by jennsatt
                              Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
                              Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
                              That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
                              Anywho - back on topic...
                              I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
                              I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
                              And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)
                              OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!

                              Grab a seat and a cookie and make yourself at home.

                              PS don't mind me - if a bit odd and I'm going through another lurking phase
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                Your introduction to season 8's got to me better than mine. In less than one weeks time, I got:

                                *Lowdown with pro-Pete and little S/J ship.

                                *Affinity pics released (which kiiiiiilled me).

                                *New Order(s), with Pete and very little S/J ship. With the incredible power of the S7 season finale (Lost City), I was hoping that power would carry over to the season premier... it didn't.

                                *New DDL interview with mention of 'many' eps he'd be in.

                                Let's just say that week sucked. Big time.

                                I can see your introduction to the new season is *much* better!

                                Well, you have to try and be as positive as possible.....
                                I know all the things you have listed are there and are bad but there are still some good points to look forward to. I'm not sure whether you have been reading spoilers or not but i'm looking forward to Gemini and Threads and a few other eps..they sound like they have good opportunities for ship, i'm just hoping that TPTB used those opportunities...

                                I'm not really worried by DDL saying he would be in 'many' episodes, he's been in 2 so far this season and he will most likely be in threads but I don't see any other episodes that he could be in

                                I'm sorry you had a bad week, but try to be positive! Believe in Ship and Trust TPTB!! (I know that last one is hard...)
                                I hope you have a beeter week!!


                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

