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    Originally posted by samisjacksgal
    i was just watching 'spirits from season 2 and i love the scene where jacks in bed after being shot in the arm and he says to sam its cool that its her first command etc...theyre both so smiley thats bout as deep as i can go lol my brain has stopped working to due to too much algerbra
    lol Ugh...algebra. I didn't like alg, geometry wasn't much better, and I don't think Trig is going to be so great either. lol
    That part was cool.
    I liked the part in Hero's part 2
    where Sam goes in to Jack's room after he's recovered and says how she's glad he's alright...and she gets choked up. He says, "come here" and hugs her. And the part in The Lost City part 2 where Jack is frozen and she puts her hand up on the glass and says his name. That was really sad.

    Yup those are, some, the parts i liked the best.

    Sam and Jack...Meant to be!!


      Originally posted by majorsal
      spoilers for s8's Reckoning, parts one and two

      The actor's name is Dean Aylesworth. I had a horrible time finding a pic of him, but here's one.

      Go down the page a tiny bit and there's a pic of him.

      Ooooh. He does look a little evil. Cool.


        Originally posted by Blaise
        yea i was thinking that too...only you put it better than i could lol. i wanted him
        to be more enthusiastic about the rescue mission at least- at one point i thought he was going to try and talk daniel out of going. obviously he couldn't jump aboard the prometheus and go after her like i wanted him to, but he could have been at least a little more encouraging about daniel going. again, i guess that can be attriubuted to the lack of Jack screen time- more concern would equal him actually DOING something, and i guess they didn't have enough RDA time for it was easier to make him seem less...into it. but i can cling to the thought that his lack of emotion there was purely for professional reasons...
        i still thought it was shippy at the end tho....but that's just me.
        I thought it was strange of Jack to try to stop Daniel from going, but I guess that could be explained by Jack not wanting both Sam and Daniel tobe stuck on a ship in danger....
        And I'm with you about the RDA screen time, that is probably why Jack didn't do much

        Its not just you, I thought the end was quite shippy too, I liked the ending.

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by hobbitsrul
          lol Ugh...algebra. I didn't like alg, geometry wasn't much better, and I don't think Trig is going to be so great either. lol
          That part was cool.
          I liked the part in Hero's part 2
          where Sam goes in to Jack's room after he's recovered and says how she's glad he's alright...and she gets choked up. He says, "come here" and hugs her. And the part in The Lost City part 2 where Jack is frozen and she puts her hand up on the glass and says his name. That was really sad.

          Yup those are, some, the parts i liked the best.

          I've yet to see Heroes, but I desperately want to! (I can't d/l it cos of something to do with codecs)
          I've only seen Lost City part two once, and I wasn't a bonafide Shipper or Gater at the time, so I didn't pay much attention. I've yet to see part one!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
            I could cry right along with you..........
            I really miss Jack going through the Stargate, actually I am missing anybody actually going through the Stargate! I don't think we've seen SG-1 go through the gate as a team for quite a while Unless i'm forgetting something.

            When I was watching Endgame yesterday I noticed the clip at the very end of the theme tune where all of SG-1 + Jack are walking up the ramp into the gate and I realised that we are never going to see that again

            For me Season 8 hasn't been too bad, there hasn't been much ship and Jack never goes off-world but the episodes have been fun and with the exeption of Endgame, the episodes haven't been as Jack-Lite as Season 7 was.

            So I do credit TPTB for making the whole RDA/Jack situation work out very well and I still believe that they are working up to a shippy ending for us, there are lots of little things happening that are going to lead up to a shippy ending for us...I know it.
            I don't think they made the right choice to have Endgame as the last episode before the 3 month break but as long as the second half is better than the first then I won't complain too much.
            i have to agree and cry with you.I use to love them all going off,jacks little digs at new people and daniel that i miss a hell of a lot.

            i know he is the head of command and i am thankful he is even in this season,but RDA brings a lot of cahracter into the show and the little bits we have had have been snappy at sam,and looking as if he couldn't care less.I know he can't show that he is more worried about sg1 than the other teams but it could show him 1 on 1 to the rest of sg1 of how he really feels.

            i have just watched endgame and
            i think the end part of what jack said 'tough choice' meant the choice he had to make when promethus was asking whether to open fire and jack was agonizing over whether to so i think thats what he meant.
            i have enjoyed most of season 8 but i need more shippy episodes for the rest of the season.




              Originally posted by samisjacksgal

              you can get hours of entertainment from that lol make that days

              i was thinking...(agen yes im on a roll today ) i have no idea why but the episodes which have little spoilers like 'its good to be king' will hav some satisfying shippy moments especially
              if sam and jack are alone together on a ship
              LOL, Yeah i'm having fun watching my brother throw him around

              Actually I am looking forward to quite a few of the second half episodes, Gemini sounds good, Good to be King, Threads, Moebius and i'm curious to see Citizen Joe, I think it has a potential for some ship but i'm not sure TPTB will put any in it

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by hobbitsrul
                lol Ugh...algebra. I didn't like alg, geometry wasn't much better, and I don't think Trig is going to be so great either. lol
                That part was cool.
                I liked the part in Hero's part 2 [spoilers] where Sam goes in to Jack's room after he's recovered and says how she's glad he's alright...and she gets choked up. He says, "come here" and hugs her.

                Yup those are, some, the parts i liked the best.

                i adore the heroes hug epspecially when jack shed a tear in his left eye

                I need to rewatch that one!
                I watched Cold Lazarus last night - I cried again! It was so sad.
                I'm gonna go and watch Window of Opportunity tonight though!

                Your brains fried? So's mine! I just wrote 32 bars of music, and trust me that is a lot for a dunce like me!

                Sam Carter wouldn't be proud of me - I got kicked out of my Physocs class for being too dumb!
                awww im sorry bout your physics class **hug**

                window of opp is also one of me faves...ive gotten to the point of slowing it down and zooming in on my dvd player when the kiss happens lol


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Joe also wrote Endgame

                  That doesn't look promising..........

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                    LOL, Yeah i'm having fun watching my brother throw him around

                    Actually I am looking forward to quite a few of the second half episodes, Gemini sounds good, Good to be King, Threads, Moebius and i'm curious to see Citizen Joe, I think it has a potential for some ship but i'm not sure TPTB will put any in it
                    i must admit im looking forward to citizen joe..i think theres potential for alot of humor and i loved Auralan's post on
                    the sam/jack convo


                      Originally posted by Blaise

                      And as for shippiness...
                      I thought that last scene with Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c was very shippy. I mean, that's just my interpretation, but the way he was looking and talking, I felt like that was a big statement from Jack about his feelings for Sam. In an extremely subtle way! LOL. But I thought it was very shippy. I think he's cranky she's getting hitched. I don't blame him, I am too!!

                      Enjoyable how long of a wait till it comes back?????
                      i thought i saw almost shippiness
                      when daniel was preparing to go, and jack was talking to him, i thought for a second jack was going to offer to go instead. i suppose he remembered that he really couldn't leave the base. i also thought he might say 'bring her back, daniel' or something..but i don't suppose daniel needs to be told that

                      so now, i'm really looking forward to it's good to be king
                      not just for harry, but cos jack goes through the gate with teh teams, like the old days. and sam and jack end up alone togther, fixing a broken ship (double meaning ,perhaps?). i think that'll be the one when we see some lovely, non-angsty ship, when sam and jack finally get to be alone together, off world
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        Okay, I don't know where the "stranded on a ship" thing came from, but these are the spoilers for "It's Good to Be King", as reported on GW:
                        Elsewhere on the planet, Carter is hard at work repairing a "puddle jumper" ship -- the same type of Ancient vessel discovered by the Atlantis team in the Pegasus galaxy (Atlantis: "Rising")! The origin of the ship is unknown, but O'Neill -- who is off-world with the team -- is anxious for Carter to get the ship working again, as they expect the Goa'uld's forces to arrive at any moment.

                        There's nothing about being stranded in that. However, it looks like we could get a taste of Pilot Jack this season.
                        Good to be king [spoilers] Ok, so maybe the Sam/Jack Stranded together is a rumour but Jack is off-world!?!?!?
                        Now i'm really really really happy

                        Colonel Jack is Back!! (for one episode at least )

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          i thought i saw almost shippiness
                          when daniel was preparing to go, and jack was talking to him, i thought for a second jack was going to offer to go instead. i suppose he remembered that he really couldn't leave the base. i also thought he might say 'bring her back, daniel' or something..but i don't suppose daniel needs to be told that

                          so now, i'm really looking forward to it's good to be king
                          not just for harry, but cos jack goes through the gate with teh teams, like the old days. and sam and jack end up alone togther, fixing a broken ship (double meaning ,perhaps?). i think that'll be the one when we see some lovely, non-angsty ship, when sam and jack finally get to be alone together, off world
                          Spoiler Reply....
                          Oooooo! I hadn't read the spoilers on Good to Be King...but I like your double meaning and will be looking foward to it!

                          I also felt that Jack almost wanted to jump in and go instead of Daniel.....


                            Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                            i must admit im looking forward to citizen joe..i think theres potential for alot of humor and i loved Auralan's post on
                            the sam/jack convo
                            Yeah, it does sound like an interesting and quite Unique episode
                            and whats this about a Sam/Jack convo?!?!? Have I missed spoielrs?? Could you tell me the link to Auralans post about it?? or just tell me what was said??


                            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                              where is everybody??????

                              *looks around, under bed, under desk, under couch cushions...finds one of ship nana's cookies.*

                              Sam and Jack...Meant to be!!


                                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                                Yeah, it does sound like an interesting and quite Unique episode
                                and whats this about a Sam/Jack convo?!?!? Have I missed spoielrs?? Could you tell me the link to Auralans post about it?? or just tell me what was said??

                                basically what was said was
                                jack comes home from grocery shopping and is on the phone to sam..she was ringing to schedule a briefing and he starts moaning, sam then changes the subject and asks how he is spending the day , jack replies something like its funny she asked that because he just brought the ingredients to his world famous spanish omolette, then apparently there is some cute banter about sam wanting to find out whats in the omollette , like Auralan sed it sounds like shes looking for an invite and he sounds like he is getting round to giving one, but then the plot starts and joe is in his kitchen pointing a gun at him , nothing solid here but it does sound like there is less angst and a lot more fun
                                if ive left anything out or made any mistakes i appologize

                                ill see if i can find the post
                                Last edited by samisjacksgal; 19 September 2004, 12:50 PM.

