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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
    I'm shocked...its Sunday afternoon and Shipper Town is deserted!
    If I do my calculations correctly its:
    4:20pm in the UK
    11:20am Eastern Time(NY etc)
    08:20am Pacific Time(Vancouver etc)
    and about
    3:20am Monday 20th in Australia (ok so I know why you guys aren't here...)

    ((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))
    Will anyone come join me?? PLease...

    im here im here!!! *waves*

    jack and sam forever


      Originally posted by majorsal
      If Jack retires and Sam doesn't - and they get together - won't that put Jack in the same position of worrying about Sam without being able to do anything? If Jack retires, I'd hope that Sam would consider pulling back from so much gate travel. Like, concentrating on her science more than commanding a mission. Or, commanding another sg team that's pure science. I say this because I don't want to see Jack angsting over Sam's well being all the time. Poor Jack.

      You know, if they went this way in season 9, I think it would be very interesting to see the progression of their relationship under these stressful restraints. Jack worrying about Sam would drive him crazy. I could see Sam making it easier on him by moving around in the organization and moving away from gate travel. Heck, I'm not seeing her going through the gate that much anyways, so it might not be that different.

      Here's a question for discussion... for Sal & all S/J shippers:

      Don't you (*the general you*) think that both S & J would be in serious angst *all* of the time no matter if either one of them (or both) stay at the SGC, no matter in what capacity?

      Even if they both aren't going through the Gate doesn't mean they're not at risk as long as they're physically working at Cheyenne Mountain. (Foothold situations, alien entities going amuck, etc.) One can just as easily be maimed or killed at the base as off-world.

      Me - I can see both of them always having some serious angst until they're both out of the mountain for good.
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Caty: about Endgame
        there is no part 2...the next episode is Promethius Unbound

        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


          Originally posted by samisjacksgal
          im here im here!!! *waves*

          jack and sam forever
          I'm glad i'm not the only one here, I noticed that Bev and Shimmering Star have just got here too

          Does anyone know if there has been any more spoilers anywhere for Threads or Gemini or Moebius yet??
          I want to know more, I want to be sure we'll get a shippy ending!

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
            Here's a question for discussion... for Sal & all S/J shippers:

            Don't you (*the general you*) think that both S & J would be in serious angst *all* of the time no matter if either one of them (or both) stay at the SGC, no matter in what capacity?

            Even if they both aren't going through the Gate doesn't mean they're not at risk as long as they're physically working at Cheyenne Mountain. (Foothold situations, alien entities going amuck, etc.) One can just as easily be maimed or killed at the base as off-world.

            Me - I can see both of them always having some serious angst until they're both out of the mountain for good.
            i can also see there being angst but i believe that could be offset with a lot of fun, flirtacious 'i love you' moments with lots of hugs and kisses hee hee


              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
              I'm glad i'm not the only one here, I noticed that Bev and Shimmering Star have just got here too

              Does anyone know if there has been any more spoilers anywhere for Threads or Gemini or Moebius yet??
              I want to know more, I want to be sure we'll get a shippy ending!

              i wish there were more spoilers my mind is going crazy with all the possibilties
              of things that can happen...i do hav a good feelin tho that it will work out for sam and jack dont no why just a gut instict i guess lol


                Just a thought about Endgame...
                I was writing my little review of Endgame in the spoiler threads and something hit me(not literally)....I was a bit upset that we didn't get to see Jack worry about Sam when she was missing, he just seemed more worried about Daniel mounting a rescue mission on his own, and then he only started worrying when both Sam and Daniel were on the Alkesh. but, I thought that what if Daniel going up there gave him an excuse to worry about Sam... cause as a general he can't really let anyone see him worry about Sam cause that will spark loads of rumours(well more than there is already) and his job might be in jeopardy if someone believes that he is too involved with Sam but when Daniel went up there he could show his emotions cause no-one can really accuse him of breaking frat regs with Daniel now can they
                So he was really worried about Sam but he couldn't show it until both her and Daniel were up there together so no-one would think anything about him and Sam....

                Does that make sense?? I'm just attempting to make this ep a little bit more shippy....I was dissapointed that it wasn't shippier than it actually was especially with it being the mid-season finale

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  Originally posted by samisjacksgal

                  i wish there were more spoilers my mind is going crazy with all the possibilties
                  of things that can happen...i do hav a good feelin tho that it will work out for sam and jack dont no why just a gut instict i guess lol
                  Yeah Same here.

                  I'm not getting too hopeful for a shippy ending but from the few spoilers that are out for Threads and other episodes I think TPTB are using little things in episodes to ultimately lead to a big shippy conclusion in the last 2/3 episdoes, although I hope they do step up the Sam/Jack ship a bit more in the second half especially after Threads because hopefully
                  Pete will be gone and Sam and Jack are free again

                  We all have to be positive and TRUST TPTB! and don't forget that Joe and Paul are writing the first half of the finale! and hopefully the second so I still have hope!!

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    Originally posted by nickatell
                    Spoilers Season 8 Endgame and second part of Season 8
                    .I really thought this episode had its problems. As everyone has stated it was odd having Daniel interrogating, and yes I was waiting for Jack to come in. Up until now I have felt that TPTB have done a good job with placing Jack where he was really needed, but failed miserably in this episode. This episode reminded me more of the first half of season 7, I was always wondering where Jack was. Having said that, I also felt that this was a terrible summer finale. This episode, IMHO was lacking emotion until Jack had to make a decision and of course, there was no ship. If the second half of Season 8 is really going to be the resolution between Jack and Sam, why wouldn't they have given a glimer of it to really ignite the shippers to come back in three months???? The fact that they didn't give us a cliffhanger for the episode is one thing, but not to give us one with the ship, I believe was a big mistake. If I didn't have the spoilers to give me a clue as to what is to come, this episode did not have me sitting on the edge of my seat dying to know what happens in the second season. Which really concerns me because if infact Jack and Sam do get together by the end of Season 8, I don't think it is going to be with the enthusiasm that we are really looking for. To me, if you are going to resolve something over a course of time, you have to have a little of it in every episode so the energy and emotions build, you can't have a little ship in one episode, none in two, a hint of it in one, nothing in three.....then a three month break (aka...another version of our rollercoaster).

                    Not sure if that made any sense but.....
                    Spoilers Season 8 Endgame and second part of Season 8
                    You made perfect sense.

                    Yes, I wondered about Daniel doing the interrogation also. Kept wondering is the SGC severely shortstaffed? Did D's duties change & we the viewers didn't get the memo? What's up? The only thing I can think of at the moment that might be anywhere near plausible is that maybe Jack was trying to limit who the Area 51 guy spoke to because he knows/suspects Trust/NID operatives are planted at the SGC...

                    I know... on the one hand I was happy they didn't keep Sam stranded on the ship (a 2-parter) because that kind of angst we the viewers wouldn't need for the next 3 months... On the other hand... wait a minute... this is too easy. I enjoyed "seeing" nearly everyone in the show, but a little ship would have went a long way.

                    I'll try to be an optimist and put a shippy spin on it... the ep is to build up suspense, so it's ship-lite. It's to build up S/J tension, so it's ship-lite. It's to get Jack to think about all of his ships, especially Sam-ship - so he has to be given opportunities to confront his feelings/emotions by having them literally smack him in the face to force him to *really* think about what is is he does, who he really is, where he wants to go & what kind of personal legacy (not just his professional one) does he want to leave behind.

                    Sam has (IMO) already been doing lots of thinking on this (in comparision to Jack) since hooking up w/Pete. Jack hasn't (or at least we haven't been given opportunity to *see* him struggling with it until now...).

                    If ship-lite is a plot device to move them along to where they can come together at the end in a mature love relationship... I may hate what I see now, but it'll make their coming together all the sweeter in the end. (I'll start praying for the writers right about now.... )
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                      I'm glad i'm not the only one here, I noticed that Bev and Shimmering Star have just got here too

                      Does anyone know if there has been any more spoilers anywhere for Threads or Gemini or Moebius yet??
                      I want to know more, I want to be sure we'll get a shippy ending!
                      I'm here for a wee bit until this I check back this evening... RL is calling me away from the computer & house unfortunately...

                      No, I haven't heard of any other spoilers yet... but I don't expect anything for a month or so... w/the break here in the U.S. & your season just starting & the potential that it may be a series finale instead of just the season finale... w/ all these factors, I suspect there may not be much for a while.... just MHO.

                      Don't worry... you'll make it through!
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        Spoilers Season 8 Endgame and second part of Season 8
                        I'll try to be an optimist and put a shippy spin on it... the ep is to build up suspense, so it's ship-lite. It's to build up S/J tension, so it's ship-lite. It's to get Jack to think about all of his ships, especially Sam-ship - so he has to be given opportunities to confront his feelings/emotions by having them literally smack him in the face to force him to *really* think about what is is he does, who he really is, where he wants to go & what kind of personal legacy (not just his professional one) does he want to leave behind.

                        Sam has (IMO) already been doing lots of thinking on this (in comparision to Jack) since hooking up w/Pete. Jack hasn't (or at least we haven't been given opportunity to *see* him struggling with it until now...).

                        If ship-lite is a plot device to move them along to where they can come together at the end in a mature love relationship... I may hate what I see now, but it'll make their coming together all the sweeter in the end. (I'll start praying for the writers right about now.... )
                        I like that idea I never thought of the Ship-Lightness being the actual build up to the finale where they get together but it is good Maybe not when we are watching the episode but in the long run....

                        I think that TPTB are putting little things into the new episodes that are going to push both Sam and Jack further into thinking about there choices and their lifes e.g in Endgame
                        Jack has to choose whether to blow up the Alkesh or not with Sam and Daniel still on it, i'm sure that would make him think about if he could cope with this, making desicions that could lead to him losing Sam. So that would be a very subtle little point that is leading up to Jack realising that he can't carry on making these desicions and that he can't risk losing Sam to
                        and also from the spoilers for Gemini,
                        the dream sequence thing seems like a good opportunity for ship and Sam and Jack rethinking some things

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          Here's a question for discussion... for Sal & all S/J shippers:

                          Don't you (*the general you*) think that both S & J would be in serious angst *all* of the time no matter if either one of them (or both) stay at the SGC, no matter in what capacity?

                          Even if they both aren't going through the Gate doesn't mean they're not at risk as long as they're physically working at Cheyenne Mountain. (Foothold situations, alien entities going amuck, etc.) One can just as easily be maimed or killed at the base as off-world.

                          Me - I can see both of them always having some serious angst until they're both out of the mountain for good.
                          I agree with you SS. Even if they left the SGC, I'm sure that they would still worry about Daniel and Teal'c, and all the other people they know off world. They strike me as being very caring people, so I think they're destined to be worried all the time! That said, I think it would probably be better for them to stay at the SGC so they can still help out when the situation gets bad.
                          Good question, and I'm still thinking about it. I may change my mind later.


                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                            I'm here for a wee bit until this I check back this evening... RL is calling me away from the computer & house unfortunately...

                            No, I haven't heard of any other spoilers yet... but I don't expect anything for a month or so... w/the break here in the U.S. & your season just starting & the potential that it may be a series finale instead of just the season finale... w/ all these factors, I suspect there may not be much for a while.... just MHO.

                            Don't worry... you'll make it through!
                            You are probably right.....and thinking about it I don't really want to hear much about Moebius...the other episodes are fine but i'm going to set myself the task of staying away from Moebius spoilers as much as possible cause I want to be really shocked when I watch it and not know what is going to happen concerning ship and everything else
                            I remeber the feeling I got whe I first watched WoO and I had no idea the Kiss was in there, that was an amazing feeling and since i've been online reading spoilers I haven't really been that shocked for at least 3 seasons, So for the finale I have to use all my self disipline to keep away from spoilers, I want to have a last chance to be happily shocked by Stargate

                            I seem to be in my long post mood again today

                            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                              i was just thinking if you look at season 7 there wasnt much ship in the first half but lots more in the second

                              1)grace kiss
                              2)heroes hug
                              3)lost city chats as well as sam putting her hand on the ice, with jack looking back sightlessly **sniff** that scene always gets me
                              4)death knell hug

                              so i think season 8 is gonna take the same route, very little ship in the first half and loads more in the second


                                Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                                i was just thinking if you look at season 7 there wasnt much ship in the first half but lots more in the second

                                1)grace kiss
                                2)heroes hug
                                3)lost city chats as well as sam putting her hand on the ice, with jack looking back sightlessly **sniff** that scene always gets me
                                4)death knell hug

                                so i think season 8 is gonna take the same route, very little ship in the first half and loads more in the second
                                I was thinking that too, and I hope it is going to be like that
                                but the second half of Season 8 has to have double the amount of ship that the second half of Season 7 had cause it is the last season and all...we deserve it after suffering with !

                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

