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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by michelleb
    i know, they are so flirting in that. something to look at while we go through the horrors of.....INSANITY!!!!!!!!!! <insert vincent price laugh here>
    Chill Michelle. Keep the faith. Get your pencil sharpened and write some angsty fic tho...


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      I think you meant Threads here.....Affinity is 807 not 817....I REALLY hope that Threads is sooner than 817
      Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Sorry about that. I'm a bit dyslexic and tend swap things around -- especially when I get tired.
      *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


        Okay that's it!

        By my reckoning I should now be a jaffa warrior!

        Which means I can seriously kick some a$$!

        So come on PTB! Bring it on! I ain't scared of little ol' Pete!!!


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          Just some humble offerings...
          Jacks_Sam_o_Neill? (is there a limit to the # of characters?)

          BTW - you might have skimmed past my post a few days ago where I asked if you were the Sam o Neill that RCC answered the question of on the rdanderson website? Are you the one & the same?
          Thanks for the suggestions I like the top one best and I think it might just work...there is a maximum of 16 charaters and if i've counted right that is 16

          I'm sorry I missed your post beofre I've had to skip quite a few pages cause there were too many for me to catch up with before. I'm not actually sure if it is me or not I can't remember if I sent in a question to ask him...i'll have to go and read what the question is then i'll know if it was me or not (If you don;t know by now I have a very,very bad memory )

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by Zoser
            I also would like to see his reaction. I think in public he'll take it like a man, after all he is Jack O'Neill, but the hurt in private should be telling. It would be the beginnings of him letting go. I'm making myself miserable.
            I wish he would tell her how he feels and end our torment.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Originally posted by getcarter
              Hey everyone!!! I'm back and clean and we have POWER!!!!!! I have never been so glad to wash laundry in my life. We got power back around 10:00 this morning. What a relief.

              Well, I have missed SOOOOOO much that I think I will just start over from here. I'm so glad to have power that I'm even looking forward to Affinity. How sad is that???

              Have I mentioned how much I missed you guys?????
              Hi Get Carter!! we all missed you too!
              Glad your power is back on and everything is better for you

              Its great to hear from you again.

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Happy Birthday Bev!!!!
                Wish we had a shippier ep for you tonight

                Woohoo! I'm back on GW, and up to date in the Shipper Thread now for the rest of the forum.....*eyes mountain of posts*


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  OK, I'm ready! Anything else to add?

                  I WAS going to suggest throat drops, to ease the sore throats from yelling a the TV and groaning... and THEN I realised the wine would work just as well *slaps forehead at denseness* tee hee


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    OK, I'm ready! Anything else to add?

                    Thats great Mala!! Can I just ask for you to put 'One large potato to stab at every annoying Pete moment' I need something to take my anger out on...I don't want to break my computer screen

                    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                      Originally posted by sacme
                      Can everyone with a $5 coupon to (if you haven't already) make yourself known and collect 5 email addresses, so if you buy any shipper gear you can send out coupons to your fellow shippers.


                      gift shop girl
                      (aka ship sistah)
                      I believe I have one (Thank you Tasha!!) *digs thru mountain of emails* it's in here SOMEWHERE!! honest
                      I am really looking forward to seeing, and buying on of these t-shirts Ship Sistah!

                      So, email me if you want me to give your name to Cafe Press for $5 off.


                        Originally posted by sacme
                        Can everyone with a $5 coupon to (if you haven't already) make yourself known and collect 5 email addresses, so if you buy any shipper gear you can send out coupons to your fellow shippers.


                        gift shop girl
                        (aka ship sistah)
                        Ship Sistah has spoken....
                        I've got a $5 coupon...i'm not sure when I will get around to buying any shipper gear, I doubt it will be within the next month or so but I am adamant that I will by something eventually!

                        So if anyone would like a $5 coupon and doesn't mind waiting a while then feel free to e-mail or PM me your e-mail address

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          OK, I'm ready! Anything else to add?

                          How about a potato peeler to go along with the potato.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                            Okay that's it!

                            By my reckoning I should now be a jaffa warrior!

                            Which means I can seriously kick some a$$!

                            So come on PTB! Bring it on! I ain't scared of little ol' Pete!!!
                            YOU GO GIRL!!!!
                            Desperate Thunker


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              Happy Birthday, (dipsofjazz) Bev!

                              I know I already left you a message on the Thunker's thread, but thought for the Shipper's here, I'd send you another pic. Sorry it's just a link, but it's a nice one of our favorite couple!

                              NEW ORDER SPOILER PIC


                              Great pic, thanks. Will print it. But I'm confoos-ed. Isn't that from "Zero Hour?"


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                yep, that's mine. ever since i've seen the pictures it's been like 'what is she wearing?'. doesn't suit her at all. like she's wearing that to remind herself that when she's with , she has to be a girly girl, all impractical heels, and pastel colours. of course, if he really loved her, she could be covered in mud, and kicking several arses, and he's still love her..but of course, he ash no idea about that side of her
                                Thats just how I see it......Jack is the only one who knows and loves the REAL Sam Carter

                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

