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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    Just wanted to say...

    ~ I my shipper family! ~

    we love you too Aunt Sally ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) is ALWAYS Pete's fault whatever went wrong
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Hey guys!

      I'm off to New Zealand for two weeks!! So I'm coming to say goodbye to the shipper family and i'm gonna cross my fingers for more ship spoilers by the time I get back

      If anytihng major happens can u please PM me!? Cos I'm NEVER gonna catch up with the thread LOL!

      (((((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))))))

      I'll update all my fan fics the day after I come back!

      Cya guys!

      ~ Angel of Fire SG1


        Originally posted by Buc252
        I really thought that
        Daniel was playing "good cop" and any minute, Jack would come in and be "bad cop," scaring the bejeesus out of the guy and getting the information by being a loose cannon. I waited and waiting, and Jack never came. Having Daniel do it alone took all credibility from the scene, IMO.
        I thought so too.
        I was watching that scene and I was waiting for Jack to barge through the door and have a go at the guy for putting Sam in danger. I would of really liked that! That is the only thing that I would of liked to see added to the episode. I did want more feeling from Jack when he knew Sam was missing, he only seemed to worry when it was Sam and Daniel on the ship but I think it was kinda sorted at the end. IMO.
        I'm a bit shocked that this isn't a Two-Parter even thought I hate it when they leave us with a cliffhanger for 3 months, its better than leaving us with a boring NID episode....

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by sacme
          God, I want this back so bad I could cry.

          Adventures, off-world, ship, commanding Jack, military Sam.

          Who do I have to shtup to get my Stargate back!!!!!! please say RDA and not RCC!

          ship sistah
          I could cry right along with you..........
          I really miss Jack going through the Stargate, actually I am missing anybody actually going through the Stargate! I don't think we've seen SG-1 go through the gate as a team for quite a while Unless i'm forgetting something.

          When I was watching Endgame yesterday I noticed the clip at the very end of the theme tune where all of SG-1 + Jack are walking up the ramp into the gate and I realised that we are never going to see that again

          For me Season 8 hasn't been too bad, there hasn't been much ship and Jack never goes off-world but the episodes have been fun and with the exeption of Endgame, the episodes haven't been as Jack-Lite as Season 7 was.

          So I do credit TPTB for making the whole RDA/Jack situation work out very well and I still believe that they are working up to a shippy ending for us, there are lots of little things happening that are going to lead up to a shippy ending for us...I know it.
          I don't think they made the right choice to have Endgame as the last episode before the 3 month break but as long as the second half is better than the first then I won't complain too much.

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
            Hey guys!

            I'm off to New Zealand for two weeks!! So I'm coming to say goodbye to the shipper family and i'm gonna cross my fingers for more ship spoilers by the time I get back

            If anytihng major happens can u please PM me!? Cos I'm NEVER gonna catch up with the thread LOL!

            (((((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))))))

            I'll update all my fan fics the day after I come back!

            Cya guys!

            ~ Angel of Fire SG1
            Hope you have a great time!!!

            ((((((((((((((((Angel of Fire SG1))))))))))))))

            I'm hoping for some more shippy spoilers soon too! If anything major comes out i'll try to remember to PM you

            Bye Bye

            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
              Hope you have a great time!!!

              ((((((((((((((((Angel of Fire SG1))))))))))))))

              I'm hoping for some more shippy spoilers soon too! If anything major comes out i'll try to remember to PM you

              Bye Bye
              THanks Sam_o_Neill!



                Originally posted by sacme

                How about if an episode gets 5 stars we call it a
                ship sistah
                Ooh! I like that!

                (Hurries off to bravenet to update episode pages)
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Good morning campers!

                  A fly by post before I go to shipper town station to go to work.

                  I WANT STARGATE TO BE STARGATE AGAIN!!!! and


                  Carry on...

                  See you later!

                  Suekay the shipdunce who folds towels for a living

                  PS: Thank you for all the well wishing! I'm a lot better now!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                    THanks Sam_o_Neill!

                    Have fun Angel of Fire!!!!!!
                    Bring back lots of nice piccies!

                    Sam - have you read The General's Hell yet? (You'd never tell I'm desperate for new reviews!)

                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      Have fun Angel of Fire!!!!!!
                      Bring back lots of nice piccies!

                      Sam - have you read The General's Hell yet? (You'd never tell I'm desperate for new reviews!)

                      Not yet! But I will before the end of today!! I promise!

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        I notice some of ya sometimes asking for fic reccomendations, soooo here's my recommendation:


                        I dont read a lot of Sam and Jack fic, but I just love Venoms writing style and great writing twists. Love it! lol.

                        ~~Close To Crazy~~
                        Psychotic Kitten
                        'we can all read between the lines'


                          Originally posted by sacme
                          Endgame and Grace
                          When Sam woke up from being zatted and we got that similar camera shot of her waking up sideways like in Grace (IIRC), I thought, "Oh wonderful she's been hit in the head again! Maybe she'll go back to being the way she used to be." But then she didn't look at herself and say, "what the hell am I doing in a cat suit!" so my hopes were dashed.

                          ship sistah
                          I liked
                          the cat suit!! I thought it was HOT. I was like where's Jack? He's gotta see this number lol. I want a jacket like that now. Why's everyone down on the cat suit? lol.

                          As for the rest of just seemed
                          very quiet. Does that make sense? Just very laid back for the midseason finale, I was hoping for more of a bang than that. I liked seeing a bit more of Walter, cause I think he's funny, but I was wishing we could of seen just a little bit more of Jack in the show. Like, I was expecting him to be on Promethius for some reason, maybe because Sam was missing...but I guess that couldn't really happen. I have to agree with whoever it was that said 'I want my startgate back to stargate', cause this season thus far has been very un-Stargate, like there is a very crucial element missing, some of the energy, and I'm just gonna have a guess at what that might be...just a little stab in the dark. Could it be Jack, perhaps?! LOL. I miss my Jack

                          And as for shippiness...
                          I thought that last scene with Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c was very shippy. I mean, that's just my interpretation, but the way he was looking and talking, I felt like that was a big statement from Jack about his feelings for Sam. In an extremely subtle way! LOL. But I thought it was very shippy. I think he's cranky she's getting hitched. I don't blame him, I am too!!

                          Enjoyable how long of a wait till it comes back?????
                          Last edited by Blaise; 19 September 2004, 06:38 AM.

                          ~~Close To Crazy~~
                          Psychotic Kitten
                          'we can all read between the lines'


                            I'm shocked...its Sunday afternoon and Shipper Town is deserted!
                            If I do my calculations correctly its:
                            4:20pm in the UK
                            11:20am Eastern Time(NY etc)
                            08:20am Pacific Time(Vancouver etc)
                            and about
                            3:20am Monday 20th in Australia (ok so I know why you guys aren't here...)

                            ((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))
                            Will anyone come join me?? PLease...

                            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                              Originally posted by sacme
                              shimmering star your sig made me guffaw. I'm taking it as far as the gutter will allow-- which is pretty far.

                              ship sistah

                              I love this group!
                              Thanks Ship Sistah....
                              I was just a wee little *innocent* bystander that particular evening in the AIM Shipper Therapy Chat Room....

                              BTW... I think you're following the right gutter track!
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                Just wanted to say...

                                ~ I my shipper family! ~

                                And we love you too.

                                ((((((((((((((( SALLY )))))))))))))

