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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Critter
    I am so happy it is a birthday day....Tame your special day is just lighting up this thread! Pick a page and skim down really quick and all the colors and dancing doo-hickies look so festive. I LOVE it and it's not even my birthday!

    Thanks to all who have expressed their opinions about our Off Topic moments on this thread. I do believe that is what makes this thread so fun. We really care about eachother even when we get in trouble. We try to make it a warm fuzzy place. RL is a bit overwhelming from time to time and for some reason coming here helps take the edge off. We come here to vent, rant, snit and then to laugh. And the laughter is the best. Keep it coming ladies and gents. Our ship is coming in....I can feel it now that I am finally over my "snit".
    Ahh Critter

    That is what this Thread is all about PULLING TOGETHER!!!!!! and YES OUR SHIP IS COMING IN!!!!!!

    Glad to hear the Snit is finally letting you go
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz

      I found this cake and thought of you...well I thought about your stand-in. Yes, this is in honour of that hussy, Tamebarbie.

      Well I must say I had forgotten that it IS Tamebarbie's Birthday as well
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by Critter
        I am so happy it is a birthday day....Tame your special day is just lighting up this thread! Pick a page and skim down really quick and all the colors and dancing doo-hickies look so festive. I LOVE it and it's not even my birthday!

        Thanks to all who have expressed their opinions about our Off Topic moments on this thread. I do believe that is what makes this thread so fun. We really care about eachother even when we get in trouble. We try to make it a warm fuzzy place. RL is a bit overwhelming from time to time and for some reason coming here helps take the edge off. We come here to vent, rant, snit and then to laugh. And the laughter is the best. Keep it coming ladies and gents. Our ship is coming in....I can feel it now that I am finally over my "snit".
        hoo ya !!!!!!! ( what yahoo was taken???)

        critter your right all these colourful posts really make the place look homely

        and OT debate has left the thread kinda regimental, thought the cozy factor is still here

        i kno shippy cookies for every one!!!!!!!!! (tame take an extra handful if you want)

        any one know how exactly to contact our ship so it sails smoothly into shipper town harbour ( we got any mediums out there lol)????

        we'll need to arrage a big party for the ship finally arriving home!!!!!!

        (who's getting the cake?)


          Originally posted by Zoser
          I find you pix definitely on topic and a source of inspiration to shippers - please continue
          and know too that your insights are appreciated.
          Thanks Zoser. I appreciate your reply!


            Unfortunately, I don't have the creative talent of some people in the shipper family but in honour of Tame's birthday, I thought I'd give it a go anyway! Hope you like!!

            And this is something for the gutter girl in you!



              Originally posted by shelsfc
              Unfortunately, I don't have the creative talent of some people in the shipper family but in honour of Tame's birthday, I thought I'd give it a go anyway! Hope you like!!

              And this is something for the gutter girl in you!

              shel i'm tingling with shippyness tame is soo lucky


                Originally posted by Critter
                I am so happy it is a birthday day....Tame your special day is just lighting up this thread! Pick a page and skim down really quick and all the colors and dancing doo-hickies look so festive. I LOVE it and it's not even my birthday!

                Thanks to all who have expressed their opinions about our Off Topic moments on this thread. I do believe that is what makes this thread so fun. We really care about eachother even when we get in trouble. We try to make it a warm fuzzy place. RL is a bit overwhelming from time to time and for some reason coming here helps take the edge off. We come here to vent, rant, snit and then to laugh. And the laughter is the best. Keep it coming ladies and gents. Our ship is coming in....I can feel it now that I am finally over my "snit".
                You know, if it weren't for Tame's birthday today, I most likely wouldn't have come back today. Maybe I'd have come back next week to discuss tonight's episode or share my screencaps, but I'm not really sure. Part of the attractiveness of this place for me, is its silliness. Some OT chatter can be fun/funny. Too much can be annoying. And everyone does it once in a while.

                But is only staying on topic so much better? Should we only put up messages that are about Sam and Jack? If I want to post a pic of Jack without Sam is that a no-no? (hey, I THUNK, THEREFORE I AM! ) I'm already getting tired of reading posts starting with "Sorry if I'm off topic"... and forced references to ship - just to bring the post back OT.... I guess I just don't like walking on eggshells (it hurts my feet! )...

                P.S. I think that in the future if people here disagree with what another person is posting, then have a mod handle it or PM the person.


                  I thought long and hard about what to get you for your birthday. Something just right to show you how much we love and appreciate you. I thought about Jack, and of course Sam, and of cake and of TameBarbie. But then I thought, what can I give you that is uniquely me?
                  So, here it is........

                  This is your official invitation to come and visit me in New Zealand (well, while I am there too of course ). I promise to be your devoted tour guide and to show you all the cool places I go and other tourists do not
                  Happy Birthday!

                  Last edited by kiwigater; 17 September 2004, 11:55 AM.


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    You know, if it weren't for Tame's birthday today, I most likely wouldn't have come back today. Maybe I'd have come back next week to discuss tonight's episode or share my screencaps, but I'm not really sure. Part of the attractiveness of this place for me, is its silliness. Some OT chatter can be fun/funny. Too much can be annoying. And everyone does it once in a while.

                    But is only staying on topic so much better? Should we only put up messages that are about Sam and Jack? If I want to post a pic of Jack without Sam is that a no-no? (hey, I THUNK, THEREFORE I AM! ) I'm already getting tired of reading posts starting with "Sorry if I'm off topic"... and forced references to ship - just to bring the post back OT.... I guess I just don't like walking on eggshells (it hurts my feet! )...

                    P.S. I think that in the future if people here disagree with what another person is posting, then have a mod handle it or PM the person.
                    ((((((((((Mala))))))))) You HAVE to come back. (hey, I THUNK too and THEREFORE I AM too!) What would I do without your laughs...why, I'd just die that's what. I'd just die. I'd die from boredom and snippiness and you wouldn't want that would you? Could you live with yourself if you were responsible for my demise? OK so that's a bit over-dramatic. But you must not leave all us lowly shippers to amuse ourselves. It just wouldn't be right.
                    Desperate Thunker


                      Just a warning, but I have a totally OT present for Tame that I'm going to give to her here in this thread (yes, in addition to the ones that I just already gave to her on the THUNKERS THREAD!). It's OT, because it's not about Sam and Jack... it's all about Tame! But first here's the card and then I'll post some pix... (I am a tease!)

                      TO GW'S ULTIMATE SHIPPER/THUNKER!!!

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAME!!!!



                        Hi GUYS ....A BIT MORE FUN FOR TODAY .

                        Here is my first Sam bashing video ...but it's very cute and funny.Sam is a naughty girl to mess around with Jack and he is not happy.

                        VIDEO 72 "Your Game" Will Young.

                        I 'll be delighted if you could report on that one please ....

                        PS ....Sorry guys I don't know what the Barbie cake is doing in my post ..!!!!!I didn't put the link in there but I suppose Tame' s gifts seem to find a magical way to stick anywhere ..Oh well never mind

                        Last edited by Catysg1; 17 September 2004, 12:39 PM.


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          You know, if it weren't for Tame's birthday today, I most likely wouldn't have come back today. Maybe I'd have come back next week to discuss tonight's episode or share my screencaps, but I'm not really sure. Part of the attractiveness of this place for me, is its silliness. Some OT chatter can be fun/funny. Too much can be annoying. And everyone does it once in a while.
                          But is only staying on topic so much better? Should we only put up messages that are about Sam and Jack? If I want to post a pic of Jack without Sam is that a no-no? (hey, I THUNK, THEREFORE I AM! ) I'm already getting tired of reading posts starting with "Sorry if I'm off topic"... and forced references to ship - just to bring the post back OT.... I guess I just don't like walking on eggshells (it hurts my feet! )...

                          P.S. I think that in the future if people here disagree with what another person is posting, then have a mod handle it or PM the person.
                          I agree with you Mala, I love coming here because there is such a 'family' feeling... there's always going to be ship discussion going on here, but some OT chatter every now and then is fun!!


                            Hi guys


                            I don't think I'm going to be on GW for the next fews days. I've just had some bad news and I don't feel up to posting. I'll lurk and keep up with ship happenings though.

                            Speak to you all in a wee while.


                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Kiwigater, can I come for my birthday too???

                              Token ~


                                In honor of Tame's bday I thought I'd post some pix of Sam and Jack from episodes that aren't usually considered really 'shippy'. Some of these are just nice looks or smiles, but as we all know, we Shipper's can spot ship anywhere!

                                OK, first is from The Crystal Skull, simply because we were talking about it yesterday.


