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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Jamaica03
    Very nice Melyanna.

    Has anyone else listened to the audio commentary from Chimera? I know how everyone feels about this episode, but I was suprised to hear what they said about it.
    Chimera commentary spoilers..

    They repetedly talked about how Pete really did stalk Carter. They even question the chemistry between them, one of them saying there was great chimistry between them and the other two respond "what does that mean" and "it's really the dress", "yeah, the dress has chemistry" (in refrence to Carters low cut sun dress). I was just suprised to hear them think the same thing as the shippers.

    Originally posted by Zoser
    I didn't even like the dress.
    Me either. It seemed just a bit too frilly for her, but apparently it was AT's dress, a Betsy Johnson. I think AT(and by extension, Sam) looks better in lean, simple lines. But, there's no accounting for taste, and she did look hot.



      I was chatting with my hubby before he went to work this morning and he said his boss was moaning and groaning yesterday because today will be the last Stargate until Jan.
      I asked him if the boss liked Atlantis.
      Not really cause there is no O'Neill and definitely no Carter.
      What do you guys like about Carter (aside from the obvious)?
      He said and I quote "She has this virginal thing going on."
      "Say what?"
      "You know everyone wants her,no one gets her."
      "What does he (the boss) thinks about Pete"
      "Really, really hate him. Boil him in oil!"
      It seems the whole Math and Comp. Sci dept. are shippers

      Tame - Have a very Happy Birthday hope the is a gift of ship tonight
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


        Originally posted by shelsfc
        Just a quick post to say

        Happy Birthday Tame!!!

        I LOVE cake!!!! Thank you

        Sam & Jack must see the error of their ways after all this love !!!!
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
          Ok, before I go back and try to catch up I have to say....

          Happy Birthday Tame!!!!

          Hope you have a great day!!

          I will Thank you!!!!!

          I am looking forward to tonights episode...Sam in
          leather and hopefully Jack will see her and be all *hot & bothered* ..
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1

            Yeah I'm all with the positivity today...get me in a few hours when I roll out of bed and I may not feel the same! But i'm sharing it while i have it!
            YES!!!!! this is the perfect wish for the *Summer Hiatus* and the Start of the UK Schedule.

            I am looking for ward to all of the feelings you guys have after seeing the shows for yourselves over there
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by Zoser
              I was chatting with my hubby before he went to work this morning and he said his boss was moaning and groaning yesterday because today will be the last Stargate until Jan.
              I asked him if the boss liked Atlantis.
              Not really cause there is no O'Neill and definitely no Carter.
              What do you guys like about Carter (aside from the obvious)?
              He said and I quote "She has this virginal thing going on."
              "Say what?"
              "You know everyone wants her,no one gets her."
              "What does he (the boss) thinks about Pete"
              "Really, really hate him. Boil him in oil!"
              It seems the whole Math and Comp. Sci dept. are shippers

              Tame - Have a very Happy Birthday hope the is a gift of ship tonight
              that sounds like one hell of a conversation!!!!!!!!

              and you can't have Sam without Jack in there some where it just wouldn't work

              my friends (guys) just stick to the obvious about Sam!!! lol they can't think very deep when all they think with is ... (insert imagination)

              i've got a modern studies teacher who is a gater but as yet i've still to figure out wiether he is a shipper !!!! update on that topic will be available on monday

              so for us folks over here in the UK when do we find out (ie updates from US shippers) if there is definately any ship in Endgame (that's almost 19.00 over here) ??????????????????? Please some one end my endless plight for ship?? (TPTB ARE YPU LISTENING?)lol


                Originally posted by sueKay
                now blow out the candles!!!
                candles out

                made my it is all up to TPTB

                Thank you Sue Kay
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Thank you for you warm and wonderful Birthday wishes
                  Misstweedledee -Thank you

                  Sgt SIler - Hey you...bring that Jackclone back here

                  Mishy Mo - thank you for your thoughts

                  ra-hanna- Thank you for your kindwords as well as birthday wishes

                  Lunar glad you came back for me

                  Zoser - Thanks

                  My fondest wish is for the WHOLE Shipper Family to have what they want

                  SAM & JACK together on one of the BEST Sci-Fi shows we all love
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    I posted this a while back, but nobody responded.

                    What if Moebius doesn't mean Mobius? It could be the name of an alien or anything! I don't think speculation will do us much good until the first spoilers trickle through.
                    I have a really good happy go lucky feeling about Moebius though. I just seem to think that there's gonna be a MASSIVE ship development in it!

                    Just the ramblings of a mad woman.
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      I posted this a while back, but nobody responded.

                      What if Moebius doesn't mean Mobius? It could be the name of an alien or anything! I don't think speculation will do us much good until the first spoilers trickle through.
                      I have a really good happy go lucky feeling about Moebius though. I just seem to think that there's gonna be a MASSIVE ship development in it!

                      Just the ramblings of a mad woman.
                      sorry suz never seen it first time round

                      i think your right thought we can't really speculate on anything that much until we get anymore of those desperately wanted/needed details (no matter how small) before we can come to any conclusions

                      not sure if this next bit is a spoiler but it's sooo scary i thought i'd hide it anyway

                      i think we're all praying for ship at the end of this season since the entire future of stargate after it is still hanging in the balance NOOOO no stargate and no ship how would we surrvive!!!!

                      DVD's are our salvation!!!!! not to mention truck laods of cookies

                      bring in the ship!!!!! (searches desperately on internet for the flag signals/ morse code/ sign language and every known language translations for last statement)


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        I posted this a while back, but nobody responded.

                        What if Moebius doesn't mean Mobius? It could be the name of an alien or anything! I don't think speculation will do us much good until the first spoilers trickle through.
                        I have a really good happy go lucky feeling about Moebius though. I just seem to think that there's gonna be a MASSIVE ship development in it!

                        Just the ramblings of a mad woman.
                        I need more info

                        before I can form a opinion of Moebius. Since it is the last ep of season 8(maybe series) I hope we get what we want, Jack and Sam together. I started to get real paranoid about all this talk of time travel, but I realized that from the other spoilers, the story line is leaning toward a happy ending.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAME

                          I found this cake and thought of you...well I thought about your stand-in. Yes, this is in honour of that hussy, Tamebarbie.



                            Happy Birthday Tame.I wish I could use the fansy Graphics.


                              I am so happy it is a birthday day....Tame your special day is just lighting up this thread! Pick a page and skim down really quick and all the colors and dancing doo-hickies look so festive. I LOVE it and it's not even my birthday!

                              Thanks to all who have expressed their opinions about our Off Topic moments on this thread. I do believe that is what makes this thread so fun. We really care about eachother even when we get in trouble. We try to make it a warm fuzzy place. RL is a bit overwhelming from time to time and for some reason coming here helps take the edge off. We come here to vent, rant, snit and then to laugh. And the laughter is the best. Keep it coming ladies and gents. Our ship is coming in....I can feel it now that I am finally over my "snit".
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by ses110
                                Happy Birthday Tame.I wish I could use the fansy Graphics.
                                ((((((((((((SES110))))))))))) just you being here was Fancy enough!!!!!

                                Thank you for the Birthday wish!!

                                Our SHip will be coming in don't you worry!!!!
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

